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  • Tags: family
Erika's story
Vander Zee, Ruth
After being thrown from a train as a baby during the Holocaust, Erika finds safety, love, and peace in the family that saves her.

Meet guguze
Vangheli, Spiridon
Through a collection of eight short stories, young Guguze and his family enjoy adventures from season to season.

Amanda pig, schoolgirl
VanLeeuwen, J. Amanda
Amanda is very excited for her first day of school. She makes many new friends and tries to help a girl smile in her class. Amanda plays with toys, goes outside for recess, and realizes how much fun school really is.

My big sister takes drugs
Vigna, Judith
This is a story about a boy name Paul and how his older sister, Tina, begins to take drugs to deal with the pressure when their family moves. Tina ends up getting arrested and has to go to a drug hospital. Paul learns how bad drugs are and realizes that Tina's friends were not true friends by giving her drugs.

Mommy and me by ourselves again!
Vigna, Judith
Disappointed when her mother's ex-boyfriend forgets her birthday, Amy is comforted by her family when they give her a surprise birthday party and a special gift.

When eric's mom fought cancer
Vigna, Judith
A young boy copes with his mother's cancer. Going through a range of emotions, he finally comes to more of an understanding about her illness.

Saying goodbye to daddy
Vigna, Judith
A young girl copes with the death of her father. Her mother and grandfather help her through the painful grieving after the car accident.

She's not my real mother
Vigna, Judith
A little boy, Miles, has a hard time when his parents divorce. He does not like his stepmother and is mean to her because she is not his real mother. After they spend the day together, however, they become friends and he realizes that he can be nice to her and his mother will not mind.

My two uncles
Vigna, Judith
Homosexuality is a topic that is very difficult for most people to accept. This book examines how to deal with differences.

I live with daddy
Vigna, Judith
Olivia lives with her father since her parents have divorced. For a school assignment she writes a book about her mother, but dedicates it to her father to show that she loves them both.

Breakfast time, ernest and celestine
Vincent, Gabrielle
When Celestine, a mouse, breaks a cup, her bear friend Ernest offers to help her clean up the mess. But Celestine thinks that is is her responsibility.

I'll fix Anthony
Viorst, Judith
Anthony is tired of being picked on by his brother. He decides that as soon as he turns six, he is going to be taller, smarter, and faster, and he will also fix his brother.

Viorst, Judith
A young girl's mom and dad will not let her get her ears pierced. She is determined about getting them pierced and she gives many persuasive reasons why she should be allowed.

Alexander, who's not (do you hear me?I mean it!) going to move
Viorst, Judith
Alexander loves his home, friends, and his life the way it is. Faced with a move to another town, Alexander becomes agitated and upset. In time he finds a way to adjust.

Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
Viorst, Judith
Alexander has what everyone has experienced at least one time -- a bad day. Nothing goes right the entire day for Alexander. He gets gum in his hair in the morning and has to eat lima beans for dinner. His mom tells him that there are good days and bad days.

The good-bye book
Viorst, Judith
A little boy is angry when he finds out that his parents are going to a French restaurant without him. He tries to convince his parents to either stay home or take him along. The little boy finally says good bye to his parents when his favorite babysitter arrives.

The good-bye book
Viorst, Judith
A boy doesn't want his parents to go to a restaurant and leave him with a sitter. He begs and pleads with them and won't say good-bye. When he realizes the sitter is nice and fun, he says good-bye.

My mama says there aren't any zombies, ghosts, vampires, creatures, demons, monsters, fiends, goblins, or things
Viorst, Judith
A little boy dreams of and is sure he sees monsters, vampires, ghost, zombies, demons, and goblins at night. His mom always tells him that there are not any of those things that really exist. He does not know if can always believe his mom, because sometimes his mom is wrong and makes mistakes. Although, his mom does not make a mistake this time.

Vischer, Frans
Fuddles is not an ordinary house cat. His family pampers and spoils him but he lacks adventure. Even though he is not allowed to go outside, he finds a way to get laughed at, chased, and put in my difficult situations before he realizes that he really misses his family. In the deep darkness of the night, he hears his family calling him. What a relief!

Stories about rosie
Voigt, Cynthia
Rosie's four adventures are quite eventful for a dog that loves chaos.

The boy who would not say his name
Vreeken, Elizabeth
Bobby Brown liked to pretend he was other characters in a story, so he always used a character's name when someone asked him his name. One day he got lost and people could not find his family, so finally he said his real name.

An anteater named arthur
Waber, Bernard
An anteater named Arthur learns that he can overcome certain problems with the help of his mother. Arthur learns to eat right, clean, and become a responsible anteater.

Lyle finds his mother
Waber, Bernard
Lyle left his home with the Primm's in search of his mother. He did shows with Hector Primm to raise money to help find her. The last place they looked, Lyle found his mother and they all returned to the Primm's house.

Lyle, lyle crocodile
Waber, Bernard
A crocodile named Lyle has a big impact on those he meets in his community. One day, a member of his family loses his job. In the end this bad event is turned around into a job well done by everyone.

When the teddy bears came
Waddell, Martin
After Tom's mother brings her new baby home, friends and family bring over lots of teddy bears for the new baby. Soon there are so many teddy bears that there is no room left for Tom to sit with mom and the baby. Tom's mother reassures Tom that there is always a place for Tom.

Owl babies (Bebes chouettes)
Waddell, Martin
Three young owls become aware of the horror of being alone and learns to cope with the problem differently.

Can't you sleep little bear?
Waddell, Martin
When bedtime comes, Little Bear is afraid of the dark until Big Bear brings him light and love.

The tough princess
Waddell, Martin
This book is about a princess who is forced by her parents to find a prince the traditional way -- going under a spell -- so she can be rescued by a prince. She does not like this idea, so she finds her own way to meet a prince.

Going west
Waddell, Martin
A little girl experiences one of the most dramatic changes in her life. While going west to build a new home, she learns to cope with many different things. She regains hopes and dreams for her new home.

Once there were giants
Waddell, Martin//Dale, Penny
People look like giants to infants. A young girl grows up and experiences a lot through life. Now she is a mother and a giant herself.

Humphrey's bear
Wahl, Jan
Humphrey sails with his stuffed bear on some very scary adventures. He eventually finds his lost security and gets reassurance from his parents.

The rabbit club
Wahl, Jan
A young boy named Fritz spends a summer at his grandparents' farm. Fritz finds some exciting new playmates too. See how he spends his adventurous summer.

The pipkins go camping
Wahl, Jan
Cabin fever strikes the Pipkins and sends them on a journey through the wilderness. Lack of foresight, planning, and common sense is comical throughout the story.

The little blind goat
Wahl, Jan
Casimiro, the hero, overcomes his disability in this tale of perserverance. The world is not always kind to our disabled friends, but with a little hard work anything can be overcome.

Tiger watch
Wahl, Jan
When a tiger in the village causes trouble, Azad and his father are sent out to search for it. When Azad comes face to face with the tiger, it changes his outlook on hunting.

Rickety rackety rooster
Wahl, Jan
Farmer Puckle owns a rooster who crows constantly. They try everything to get him to stop and finally discover a treasure to solve the problem.

Waldherr, Kris
A young girl anxiously awaits the harvest. She prepares for the harvest by painting and gardening. She stores the food in a variety of ways. She and her mom cook, bake, and preserve the food. A harvest moon completes the day.

The never-ending greenness
Waldman, Neil
A young boy plants trees to cope with the separation and loss he feels from his father who is at war. In doing this he single handedly turns a gloomy countryside destroyed by war back into the beautiful, alive place it once was. He also starts a holiday known today as Tu b'Shvat.

Stories from the big chair
Wallace-Brodeur, R.
Molly is tired of her younger sister, Susan. She tells stories about Susan for one week and realizes she's not so bad afterall.

Goodbye, Mitch
Wallace-Brodeur, Ruth
Mitch has been Michael's pet for 15 years. He is an important part of the family, and Michael loves him very much. When Mitch becomes ill, Michael has a difficult time dealing with the fact that Mitch is dying.

Recycle every day!
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
Through a poster contest at school, Minna and her family discover many ways they can recycle. Many of the other contestants' posters demonstrate ways to recycle, however Minna ultimately wins the contest through her poster that reminds everyone to re-re-remember, re-re-recycle every day.

Pumpkin day!
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
A rabbit goes to a farm to learn about pumpkins. The parents teach their children how they grow, how to carve them, and how to cook multiple recipes with this great vegetable.

Sergio and the hurricane
Wallner, Alexandra
A young boyメs family prepares for a hurricane in San Juan, Puerto Rico. At first, Sergio is excited, but after a whole day of getting ready for the storm, he falls asleep exhausted. The hurricane hits in the middle of the night so Sergio joins his parents in their bed, Papa tells him a story to ease his fears. For many weeks after the storm, the San Juan community clears the damage left by the wind and flooding. When school resumes, Sergioメs teacher gives a science lesson on hurricanes.

My mama needs me
Walter, M.P.
Jason's mother just had a new baby girl and he wants to be of help. Instead of going out to play, he stays at home and tries to help his mother. She doesn't seem to need his help, but in the end he realizes that by being there, it is enough.

Wangerin, Walter Jr.
There is trouble when a family of potato farmers gets attacked by a fierce potato. Thistle proves that intangible skills are just as important as tangible ones.

Pamela's first musical
Wasserstein, Wendy
It is Pamela's birthday, and her Aunt Louise is taking her to her first musical. Along the way, they stop at the Russian Tea Room for lunch. The musical captures Pamela's imagination, and she gets to meet everyone associated with the musical. At home, Pamela sets up her dolls and recreates the play.

I can take a walk
Watanabe, S.
A bear takes a walk by himself near his home. He imagines that he is climbing over high bridges and tall mountains. He later walks with his father who teaches him the proper way to cross the street.

Let's go swimming
Watanabe, Shigeo
Bear asks his father to take him to the swimming pool on a hot day. At first Bear is frightened but then he realizes that swimming is fun.