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  • Tags: teamwork
Papa small
Lenski, Lois
The small family work together to get the housework completed. They also eat together, go to the supermarket together, and go to church together.

O'Kelly, Mattie Lou
A farm family anticipates a day at the circus. The story describes the work to be done first, the trip to the circus, and finally the excitement of the circus.

Forri the baker
Myers, Edward
An unpopular baker named Forri comes up with a plan to use bread to save the village of Ettai from its invading neighbors and becomes a hero.

Georgie and the magician
Briggs, Robert
The town is putting on a benefit for Mr. Whittaker, because his barn burned down. Georgie, a ghost, helps Mr. Whittaker be a magician for the benefit.

Texas star
Cole, Barbara Hancock
Cold winter weather is coming, so Mama decides to have a quilting party even though Papa does not think another quilt is needed. When the snow comes and the family cuddles under the quilt, Papa admits maybe another quilt was needed.

Snail saves the day
Stadler, John
Snail oversleeps and his football team may lose the game if he cannot get there in time.

Mine's the best
Bonsall, Crosby
At the beach, two little boys argue over whose balloon is better, even though they are essentially the same. In the end, their balloons are completely deflated because of the abuse they have taken from the two little boys. When a girl teases them with her ballon, they pull together in defense of each other.

The terrible thing that happened at our house
Blaine, Marge
When a mother goes back to work, things in the house get out of control. The kids feel left out and start to get upset. Finally, with a little compromising, things work out for the best.

Tackle 22
Foley, Louise Munro
A local pee-wee football team's quarterback gets the mumps the week of the big playoff game. The team gets a younger brother to take the open spot. The new player helps the team win the playoff game. A great book for boys who like football.

Topsy-turvies: More pictures to stretch the imagination
Anno, Mitsumasa
Each page of this book stretches the imagination and gives the reader something to think about. Some of the things seen are upside down while others are right side up. (A Wordless Book)

Dancin' in the kitchen
Gelsanliter, Wendy//Christian, Frank
Dinner at Grandma's house begins with dancing in the kitchen. Each family member has their own job and makes dinner preparation a celebration. Clean up starts as they dance their empty plates to the kitchen.

The mushroom center disaster
Bodecker, N.M.
A beetle finds a home in a community of insects and small woodland creatures and makes many friends. One day the discarded remnants of a human's picnic makes a mess of their mushroom house neighborhood. Through a series of town meetings, the creatures come up with creative ways to use the rubbish to make a park.

An evening at alfie's
Hughes, Shirley
A babysitter encounters a crisis situation when a water pipe bursts. She solves the problem by enlisting aid from others.

Rosie and the rustlers
Gerrard, Roy
When a group of outlaws try to take Rosie's cattle, Rosie and her friends team up. They come up with a plan to capture the villians.

Kiki's play
Steiner, Charlotte
Kiki and her friends build a playhouse and a garden. Throughout every season, they play in their playhouse.

The knight and the dragon
dePaola, Tomie
A not-so-mean dragon and an inexperienced knight both learn how to fight one another and, then, decide to battle it out. Who will be defeated?Be ready for a surprise ending.

Come a tide
Lyon, George Ella
Snow and rain come together and cause a flood. This story explains how one family overcomes the flood.

The big concrete lorry
Hughes, Shirley
The Patterson's house is too small for them, but they cannot afford a larger home. Mr. Patterson decides to build an extension onto the house himself. When the concrete lorry delivers the concrete before it was expected, the neighborhood joins together to build the room.

Tillie and mert
Luttrell, Ida
Tillie and Mert are best friends. They do everything together. After going to a garage sale and buying many things, the friends decide to open their own store. Because they both cooperate and do what they are best at, they have the best store in town, even though they do not make much money.

Our snowman
Goffstein, M.B.
A boy and his sister build a snowman. At night, they notice the snowman looks lonely. The girl and her father build a snowwoman to keep him company.

Barrels to the moon
Berson, Harold
People in a town in France want to try to bring the moon closer by hooking it to a church steeple so they can always look at it. No matter how hard they try, they do not succeed.

Snow day
Maestro, Betsy
Today is a snow day!Since the roads are covered with snow, school is cancelled. City workers and people in their homes must clear away the snow.

Bunny rabbit rebus
Adler, David A.
A little rabbit is hungry, but his mom does not have any food in their cupboards. So, little rabbit and his mom go to a neighbor to get some food. In return for the food, they must do many favors.

Katy and the big snow
Burton, Virginia Lee
Katy is a steam shovel, which is a bull dozer and a snow plow combined. One winter the town has a big storm. It is all up to Katy to clear the roads so that people can be rescued.

Pelle's new suit
Beskow, Elsa
One day Pelle takes his shears and trims some wool from his sheep. Then he goes to various people to ask favors in helping him make a new suit. In return for their help, he also does favors for them. In the end, Pelle has a handsome new blue suit.

Sarah and simon and no red paint
Ardizzone, Edward
Two children and their family are rather poor. Their father is a painter and he needs a tube of red paint to finish a painting, but he has no money left. The children try to help him get the red paint.

The little airplane
Lenski, Lois
Pilot Small with the cooperation of a mechanic readies his airplane for flight. He then takes off , enjoys the landscape, runs into trouble, fixes the clogged fuel line and return to the airport.

Working cotton
Williams, Sherley Ann
Shelan tells of working the cotton fields as a little girl. She tells the different accomplishments of each person in her family in the field. Shelan wishes she could pick cotton as fast as her parents and sisters.

The true francine
Brown, Marc
Francine and all of her friends, including the new girl, Muffy, get the meanest teacher for third grade. Francine gets in trouble for cheating when it was really Muffy who cheats. Francine is kept from playing in the big softball game until at the last minute Muffy tells the truth.

Tell me a mitzi
Segal, Lore
Mitzi tells stories of when she gets into trouble but does not get caught.

Chicken sunday
Polacco, Patricia
Three children want to thank Miss Eula for her chicken dinners she makes each Sunday. They decide to sell Easter eggs. They make enough money to buy her an Easter hat.

A promise is a promise
Munsch, Robert//Kusugak, Michael
A little girl wants to go fishing in the icy cracks of the ocean but her parents tell her it is too dangerous. She promises that she will not go, but what happens when she breaks her promise?

I know about sports
Jaeggi, Chris
There are many different kinds of sports. Sports are games which have rules to follow. Some sports are played alone and others are played with friends. You can enjoy sports by playing or by watching sports.

Our little league
Solomon, Chuck
At 3:15 PM on Thursday, the Little Mets meet in the park to practice for their upcoming baseball game against the Bombers. They practice running, sliding, hitting, and fielding. Against the Bombers, the Little Mets fall behind early but rally to make the game exciting.

Soccer game!
Maccarone, Grace
Two teams of young children play a game of soccer which consists of dribbling, passing, falling, slipping on the grass, and, finally, one of the teams scoring.

It's not my job!
Lish, Ted
Things start to smell in this family's new house when their trash cans fill up with garbage. Will someone take out the trash? No one will take on this responsibility. By the end of the fifth week, trash fills up the yard around the house. It looks like it's going to take a lot of teamwork and cleaning to get their house back to normal.

Happy father's day
Kroll, Steven
Six children and their mother all pitch in to make Father's Day special for their father. They finish his chores for him, give him homemade gifts, and take him to see his favorite baseball team.

The chalk doll
Pomerantz, Charlotte
Rosie is sick and asks her mother to tell her stories about when her mom was young. Her mother remininses about the clothes she used to wear, the toys she played with, and the foods she ate when she was little. At the end of the day, Rosie is feeling better so they make a paper doll together.

The truffle pig
Bishop, Clair Huchet//Wiese, Kurt
Pierre and his family are very poor. They work together and save their money to buy a piglet, Marcel. Pierre and Marcel become good friends and when it comes time to kill Marcel, they run away together. Marcel discovers truffles, an expensive food, and becomes The Truffle Pig. No longer is the family poor or hungry.

The secret box mystery
Nixon, Joan Lowery
Michael John brings in a secret science project that makes wierd noises. It gets loose and a new classmate helps him catch the mystery animal. The new boy gains acceptance by the students.

Waiting for the evening star
Wells, Rosemary
As Berty grows up, life on the farm is full of simplicity, hardwork, and tradition. Berty's older brother, Luke, has aspirations of traveling to see the world. This makes life a little more complicated for Berty so he wishes upon an evening star.

Welcome with love
Overend, Jenni
The special day has arrived. A new baby has many siblings who are all very excited for the new addition to the family. Jack, his sisters Janie and Bea, Aunt Meg, Dad, and Anna the midwife are awaiting the home birth of mother's new baby. The family experiences a wonderful miracle as Mum delivers her new baby at home.

Looking for the easy life
Myers, Walter Dean
Oswego Pete, a monkey living on Monkey Island, is tired of working for his good life. He wants to find the easy life so he challenges Uh-Huh Freddie, the Chief Monkey, for his position. The two of them, along with other monkeys go off in search for the Easy Life. While exploring, they run into challenges and they realize that work is good if you have a good life.

Beni's family treasury: Stories for the jewish holidays
Zalben, Breskin Jane
Beni is so excited because he's finally old enough to really understand his Jewish heritage and the traditions of his faith. In his quest for understanding, he encounters a number of situations, from learning the beauty of togetherness after reconciling with his feuding cousin, Max, to recreating the Pukim in a play with his friends and cousins. Through all of this, Beni truly begins to see the magical feeling of togetherness and heritage that his religion encompasses.

The three little javelinas
Lowell, Susan
Cousins of pigs (known as javelinas) attempt a daring rescue from the hungry coyote. The angry coyote huffs and puffs to blow the house down of the first and second javelinas--but not the third!The hungry coyote has a sizzling surprise in the adobe house where the three little javelinas live happily ever after.

Arthur's funny money
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to earn enough money to buy a t-shirt and matching cap so he decides, with the help of his sister, to have a bike wash. He must use his math skills to figure out when he has reached his goal. However, he must first decide how to overcome a few obstacles.

Aunt ceecee, aunt belle, and mama's surprise
Quattlebaum, Mary
Mama's birthday is coming soon and even though she says she doesn't want a big fuss, her daughter knows better. With her aunts' help, she plans a birthday surprise. Planning was the easy part though, actually getting the party ready on time will be difficult, especially if no one does their part. In the end, only a take-charge kind of person will be able to surprise Mama.

Ma nda la
Adoff, Arnold
This is a picture book with only the words Ra, Ma, La and Ha. The pictures tell the story of a boy and his parents who have a crop which they are planting. The pictures depicts the growth of the crops.

Papa's lemonade and other stories
Rice, Eve
There are several short stories in this book to depict a variety of family experiences.

The haunted churchbell
Byfield, Barbara Ninde
A small town has a mystery to solve. The town's churchbell is haunted. With teamwork, the town solves the mystery and make a sad, lost hermit very happy.