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  • Tags: teamwork
My doctor, my friend
Hallinan, P.K.
Explore the sights, sounds, and care that kids experience at the doctor's office. After explaining why they go to the doctor for a medical check-up, the children describe the different tests that are performed at every appointment to diagnose their illness. Afterwards, the children are much less afraid about going to the doctor. Kids want to feel better so they like going to their check-ups to see their doctor.

My dentist, my friend
Hallinan, P.K.
Take a tour through the sights, sounds, and care of the friendly dentist's office! After spending time in the waiting room and visiting with the oral hygienist, the children are seen by the dentist. Some of their teeth may need to get some x-ray scans during the dental checkup. After a successful appointment, the children are given the knowledge and tools to practice oral health behaviors at home.

Heine, Helme
Three friends go off on many adventures together. They stick together and look out for each other, especially when disaster strikes.

Barn savers
High, Linda Oatman
A young boy gets out of bed early to head to work with his father. They work all day long restoring an old barn to keep it from being torn down. They are the barn savers.

Arthur's birthday party
Hoban, Lilliam
Arthur's determination to have the best birthday party and be the best all-around gymnast causes him to be inconsiderate of the feelings of his sister and friends. When Arthur forgets to be fair and have fun at the competition, his younger sister is quick to point out that each chimpanzee has his or her own special skill to be honored with a medal at the birthday competition.

Arthur's prize reader
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur loses the Super Chimp Club contest. But because he helped her learn to read, Arthur's sister wins the first grade reading contest and a prize for both of them.

Arthur's funny money
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to earn enough money to buy a t-shirt and matching cap so he decides, with the help of his sister, to have a bike wash. He must use his math skills to figure out when he has reached his goal. However, he must first decide how to overcome a few obstacles.

Arthur's christmas cookies
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur decides to bake some cookies for his parents for their Christmas presents. Even though they turn out badly, Arthur finds another way to make wonderful presents out of his cookies.

Mrs. brice's mice
Hoff, Syd
Mrs. Brice has twenty-five mice. The mice do everything that Mrs. Brice does. There is one very small mouse that will not work. However he saves all the mice from a vicious cat.

Angelina and alice
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina and Alice were very good friends and they did everything together. One day when Angelina tried to do a handstand on the playground and fell, everyone laughed including Alice. Angelina was very mad at Alice for laughing. But when Angelina needed a partner in gymnastics class, Alice volunteered and they had a great performance.

Angelina's birthday surprise
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina breaks her bicycle while riding with Alice. She works hard to earn money for a new bike. She gets a bike for her birthday because of her hard work.

An evening at alfie's
Hughes, Shirley
A babysitter encounters a crisis situation when a water pipe bursts. She solves the problem by enlisting aid from others.

The big concrete lorry
Hughes, Shirley
The Patterson's house is too small for them, but they cannot afford a larger home. Mr. Patterson decides to build an extension onto the house himself. When the concrete lorry delivers the concrete before it was expected, the neighborhood joins together to build the room.

Alligator smiling in the sawgrass
Ironmonger, Ira
An alligator in a swamp has a smile that makes other animals feel like his world is the best. A bad dry season hits and the alligator digs down to a water hole. The other animals outwit him and get drinks from the water hole and decide that their world is good too.

I know about sports
Jaeggi, Chris
There are many different kinds of sports. Sports are games which have rules to follow. Some sports are played alone and others are played with friends. You can enjoy sports by playing or by watching sports.

The drums of Noto Hanto
James, J. Alison
This true story tells the tale of a Japanese village defeating their enemy samurai. The villagers use their minds instead of weapons to scare the samurai. Wearing wild masks, setting fires on the beach, and playing the drums of Noto Hanto, kept the village safe.

Hammers and mops, pencils and pots: A first book of tools and gadgets we use around the house
Kelley, True
There are many tools used for different tasks in different places. For example, there are names and pictures of each tool used in a garden, including a picture of a garden where many of the tools are being used.

My great-grandmother's gourd
Kessler, Cristina
Residents of a Sudanese village rejoice when a traditional water storage method is replaced by modern technology, but Fatima's grandmother knows there is no substitute for the reliability of the baobab tree.

Grandpa's hammer
Kidd, Ronald
Grandpa always say that it take two things to make dreams come true: faith and a hammer. After Grandma passes away, Grandpa sets aside his hammer and nearly loses his faith. His granddaughter tries everything she can think of to bring back his faith but nothing seems to work. One day, Grandpa visits a Habitat for Humanity worksite with a neighbor and realizes that he can made dreams come true for others.

The chanukkah tree
Kimmel, Eric A.
The citizens of Chelm are tricked by a salesman selling Christmas trees. All the citzens of Chelm are Jewish and celebrate Hanukkah. The salesman tells them that Hanukkah trees are the latest trend in America. They believe him, buy the tree, and find out they were tricked. The citizens make the best of it by continuing the Hanukkah tree for the birds to enjoy.

We found a hat
Klassen, Jon
Two turtles find a hat that looks good on both of them, but with fairness in mind, they decide to leave it be - until night falls and one of the turtles changes its mind.

Simon's soup
Komoda, Beverly
Simon, the cat, prepares soup for dinner for his monkey friends, but he keeps getting interrupted during his preparations.

Chicago and the cat
Koontz, Robin Michal
A pushy cat takes over the home of Chicago the rabbit, and then, the two become friends. The story illustrates the need to cooperate and communicate in order to resolve conflict.

Pizza for breakfast
Kovalski, Maryann
Frank and Zeldo own a pizza place. When business gets slow, a strange man appears and grants them wishes. The pizza place is soon booming and is too much for them to handle. They decide to try something new so they move to the beach and set up a pizza stand.

The gondolier of venice
Kraus, Robert
Gregory the mouse wants to help save Venice because it is sinking. Gregory rounds up his other gondelier friends and they put floats under the city. Then they tie it down to keep Venice afloat and still.

How santa got his job
Krensky, Stephen
Santa was not always the lovable gift giver we know him as today. He tried out many jobs starting when he was a young man including chimney sweep, postal worker, cook, zookeeper, and circus performer before he found the job that was right for him. He only became the Santa we know and love after meeting the elves at the circus and going to their homes where he suggested they work together to give gifts to people around the world on one special night a year.

Happy father's day
Kroll, Steven
Six children and their mother all pitch in to make Father's Day special for their father. They finish his chores for him, give him homemade gifts, and take him to see his favorite baseball team.

Zelda and ivy one christmas
Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
Two sisters, Zelda and Ivy, can't wait for Christmas morning. Zelda hopes to get a lovely velvet evening gown while Ivy wishes for a princess Mimi doll with all the ballet accessories. The two sisters make a beautiful bracelet for their lovely elderly neighbor. The neighbor receives her christmas wish, but will Zelda and Ivy get their Christmas wish too?

Moose and friends
Latimer, Jim
Moose and his friends confront many situations and must decide what to do about them. Together, as a group, they solve their problems.

Audrey and barbara
Lawson, Janet
Audrey has big ideas for herself and her cat, Barbara. She wants to cross the ocean in her bathtub sailboat to visit the Taj-Mahal and ride on an elephant. But will her imagination take her all the way to India?

Fire and stone
Le Guin, Ursula K.
A dragon terrorizes a city. Min and Polo discover what the dragon wants and saves their city in the process.

The great trash bash
Leedy, Loreen
The mayor of Beaston tries to find out what is wrong with his city. He discovers that there is too much litter and trash. The community gets together and figures out ways to solve the problem.

Papa small
Lenski, Lois
The small family work together to get the housework completed. They also eat together, go to the supermarket together, and go to church together.

The little airplane
Lenski, Lois
Pilot Small with the cooperation of a mechanic readies his airplane for flight. He then takes off , enjoys the landscape, runs into trouble, fixes the clogged fuel line and return to the airport.

Something queer is going on
Levy, Elizabeth
Jill's dog Fletcher is not on the front steps when Jill arrives home from school, so Jill and her friend Gwen search the neighborhood for Fletcher. They believe Mr. Fernbach has Fletcher and convince Jill's mother to follow Mr. Fernbach to his studios. Fletcher is found in the studios where he is being used in a dog food commercial.

Something queer at the ball park
Levy, Elizabeth
When Jill's lucky baseball bat is stolen at practice, her best friend Gwen uses her detective skills to help her recover the bat.

Flicka, ricka, dicka: The big red hen
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka offer to care for their Aunt's hens while she is away. One of the hens disappear and the girls find her and a great surprise!

Snipp, snapp, snurr and the reindeer
Lindman, Maj
Snipp, Snap and Snurr vacation with their parents in Sweden. They meet a family from Lapland who come to their rescue accompanied by their pet reindeer.

Geraldine, the music mouse
Lionni, Leo
Geraldine the mouse finds a large chunk of cheese. She gnaws the cheese into a statue that plays music. She then learns that she has music in her too.

Swimmy (Nnadarin)
Lionni, Leo
Swimmy was the fastest fish in his school. When all the other fish in his school get eaten by a new big fish, he explores by himself until he finds a new school of fish. He then teaches his new school how to swim close together so that they look like the biggest fish of all and will scare away the other big fish.

The alphabet tree
Lionni, Leo
The alphabet tree is full of letters. After the storm, all the letters grouped together because they were afraid. A bug and a caterpillar teach teamwork so the letters can say something important.

It's not my job!
Lish, Ted
Things start to smell in this family's new house when their trash cans fill up with garbage. Will someone take out the trash? No one will take on this responsibility. By the end of the fifth week, trash fills up the yard around the house. It looks like it's going to take a lot of teamwork and cleaning to get their house back to normal.

A weekend in the country
Lorenz, Lee
A bunch of farm animals take a weekend trip form the city to the country to learn about country life.

The three little javelinas
Lowell, Susan
Cousins of pigs (known as javelinas) attempt a daring rescue from the hungry coyote. The angry coyote huffs and puffs to blow the house down of the first and second javelinas--but not the third!The hungry coyote has a sizzling surprise in the adobe house where the three little javelinas live happily ever after.

Tillie and mert
Luttrell, Ida
Tillie and Mert are best friends. They do everything together. After going to a garage sale and buying many things, the friends decide to open their own store. Because they both cooperate and do what they are best at, they have the best store in town, even though they do not make much money.

Come a tide
Lyon, George Ella
Snow and rain come together and cause a flood. This story explains how one family overcomes the flood.

You and me and home sweet home
Lyon, George Ella
A young girl helps her family build a new home. The family celebrates the new milestone by sharing a meal together. The family then adjusts to the new house together.

Macauley, David
A man is repairing when he comes upon an injured pigeon. He nurses the pigeon back to health and a friendship fast emerges. The pigeon helps the man fulfill his lifelong dream and is surprised to find an addition to the building.

Soccer game!
Maccarone, Grace
Two teams of young children play a game of soccer which consists of dribbling, passing, falling, slipping on the grass, and, finally, one of the teams scoring.

Pizza party!
Maccarone, Grace
A group of children gather to make a pizza. They go through the steps of making a pizza with each child having their own job. When the pizza is done, they all eat the wonderful pizza they had fun making.