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The pipkins go camping
Wahl, Jan
Cabin fever strikes the Pipkins and sends them on a journey through the wilderness. Lack of foresight, planning, and common sense is comical throughout the story.

The pumpkin patch
King, Elizabeth
The growth of a pumpkin starts as a seed and the farmer cares for them until they are plump, orange, and ready to be picked. The logistics and details of a pumpkin patch are outlined.

The tale of timmy tiptoes
Potter, Beatrix
Timmy Tiptoes is a squirrel who has a wife named Goody. When it is time to pick nuts to be stored for the winter, the other squirrels think Timmy stole their nuts so they push him into a hole. Timmy stays stuck there so Goody does not know where he is. Finally they find each other with the help of a chipmunk.

The tale of Willie Monroe
Schroeder, Alan
Willie isn't a smart man, but he sure is strong. He decides to enter a contest to prove it. However, Delilah and her granny have to get him in shape first. Now Willie's reputation and Delilah's love depend on his winning the contest. Do you think he can do it?

Three days on a river in a red canoe
Williams, Vera B
A boy and his brother Sam take a canoe trip with their mother and aunt and engage in a variety of adventurous activities along the way.

Thunder cake
Polacco, Patricia
A little girl visits her grandma in Michigan and experiences a storm while she is there. The grandma has her help make a cake while the thunder is sounding which helps her to overcome her fear of thunder.

Crum, Shutta
A family is sitting outside on the farm trying to cool off in the summer heat, when storm clouds roll in. They quickly prepare for the storm. They pick up laundry, roundup chickens and run inside only to realize one chicken is left outside. The father runs out and rescues the chicken, who is especially grumpy. After the storm, the children return to the barn and they find that the chicken is protecting a lost kitten.

Today i'm going fishing with my dad
Sharp, N.L.
A young boy is preparing to go fishing with his dad. Preparations include cleaning Dad's tackle box, digging for worms, and preparing lunch. However, as they approach the lake, the boy reveals that he really hates to go fishing because of the mosquitoes, the heat, he has to be quiet all the time, and he has to go to the bathroom in the trees. But because he likes to spend time with his dad, he goes fishing with him.

Twas the day before zoo day
Ipcizade, Catherine
A zoo prepares for Zoo Day. But things do not go according to plan. The llamas won't quit spitting; the giraffes are drooling; and the zebras aren't happy at all with their stripes! Meanwhile, the zookeepers scurry this way and that, clean up poop, ring mealtime bells, and try to get the animals bathed. Will the zookeeper end up spending the night at the zoo? Will Zoo Day go off without a hitch, or will the dancing monkeys take over? This fun story is an adaptation of the classic, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.

Vegetable dreams
Jeffers, Dawn
Erin dreams about having a garden. Her parents allow her to share a garden with her neighbor, Mr. Martinez. Erin cares for her garden everyday and enjoys eating and canning the fresh food with her family. She learns that she loves learning and the friendship developed with Mr. Martinez more than the vegetables themselves.

Vejeigantes masquerade
Delacre, Lulu
Ramon wanted to be a vejigante masqueradae and dance in the carnival. He didn't have enough money to buy a new costume, so he made one. He worked in a mask store so he could have a new mask too.

Watch out for the chicken feet in your soup
dePaola, Tomie
Joey and Eugene go to visit Joey's grandma. She feeds them a lot of food and they bake together.

What a scare, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
For Jesse, Halloween is an exciting time to carve pumpkins, trick or treat, and scare others. With confidence, Jesse trick or treats but soon gets frightened by all the many costumes. With his own mask he overcomes his fear and scares everyone else. What a scare, Jesse Bear!

What!Cried granny: An almost bedtime story
Lum, Kate
It is Patrick's first time to sleep over at Granny's house. When it is time for him to go to bed, Patrick tells his Granny that he does not have a bed, so Granny chops down some trees for wood and makes him a bed. Patrick then tells his Granny that he did not have a pillow at her house, so Granny collected feathers from her chickens and made him a pillow. Granny also has to make Patrick a blanket and teddy bear, but by the time she is finished, it is morning.

You're a genius, blackboard bear
Alexander, Martha
Anthony wants to go to the moon. His only problem is that he does not know how to build a spaceship. When Anthony goes to sleep, his friend blackboard bear builds a spaceship. Together they pack the spaceship for their trip. Anthony begins to get worried about the trip and decides he will stay safely at home while blackboard bear goes to the moon himself.