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  • Tags: neighbors
The ridiculous story of gammer gurton's needle
Lloyd, David
Gammer Gurton's servant loses her needle while sewing Gammer's pants. One of Gammer's friends accuses the neighbor of stealing the needle. After duking it out with the neighbor, Gammer realizes his friend is lying and insists on his punishment.

Freedom school, yes!
Littlesugar, Amy
Jolie shows courage in her community by protecting the school that will educate her and others. Jolie is afraid others will burn down the school. Jolie never gives up hope, and learns about famous African Americans who were brave and made a difference in their community, just like Jolie.

Emma's magic winter
Little, Jean
When a new neighbor named Sally moves in, Emma learns to overcome her shyness and her fear of reading out loud to her schoolmates. Early readers can explore their friendships and activities during winter then spring.

It's not my job!
Lish, Ted
Things start to smell in this family's new house when their trash cans fill up with garbage. Will someone take out the trash? No one will take on this responsibility. By the end of the fifth week, trash fills up the yard around the house. It looks like it's going to take a lot of teamwork and cleaning to get their house back to normal.

There's a cow in the road!
Lindbergh, Reeve
As this girl gets ready for school, a cow and many other animals show up outside of her house. When the bus finally comes, there is chaos with people, cars, and animals in the neighborhood.

The ugly vegetables
Lin, Grace
A young Chinese girl helps her mom plant Chinese vegetables. She initially compares her mom's "ugly" garden to those of her neighbor's garden. The two use lots of gardening tools to plant the seeds for vegetables. Her mom then cooks the vegetables and invites the other neighbors in to share the nutritious meal.

Jake and rosie
Lillie, Patricia
Jake is upset to find that his very best friend and neighbor is not at home. He worries that she will not ever return and he will not have anyone to play with. However, Rosie soon comes home and shows Jake a fun surprise.

The key from Spain: Flory Jagoda and her music
Levy, Debbie
Just as her ancestors were forced to leave Spain during the Inquisition, Flory flees Europe for a new life in the United States, bringing with her a precious harmonica and a passion for Ladino music.

Pearl moscowitz's last stand
Levine, Arthur A.
Pearl Moscowite has seen many changes on Gingko Street, but cutting down the last gingko tree was too much. Pearl decides that the last tree is going to stay so she takes action to ensure that the electric company will not cut it down.

A very special friend
Levi, Dorothy Hoffman
Frannie is lonely without friends her age in her neighborhood. When Laura moves in down the street, Frannie is excited but then sad because Laura is hearing impaired and cannot talk. The girls soon learn to communicate through sign language and become close friends.

Over the shop
Lawson, Jon Arno
A little girl and her grandparent show the apartment over their store to a couple looking for a fixer-upper place to stay. Little by little the place and the neighborhood take on a fresh new life and love (A Wordless Book).

Perfect crane
Laurin, Anne
A lonely magician makes a paper crane come to life. He is surrounded by many friends. When winter comes, the crane must leave, but his new friends still come over.

I am utterly unique: Celebrating the strengths of children with Asperger Syndrome and high-functioning autism
Larson, Elaine Marie
Explore this alphabetical enumeration of individual traits that make children and others from the autism spectrum rich with unique features, talents, and abilities.

Don't forget
Lakin, Patricia
Sarah shares secrets with her neighbors, the Singers, who are Holocaust survivors. She talks with them while out shopping for ingredients for her mother's birthday cake. An orange, cake flour, baking powder, sugar, and eggs are part of the birthday surprise.

The rich man and the shoemaker
La Fontaine
A poor, old, but happy shoemaker sings all day long to keep his rich neighbor from sleeping. A rich man gives the shoemaker a bag of gold to keep quiet. The gold causes him to worry constantly and the shoemaker loses all his friends. The shoemaker realizes he is unhappy, returns the gold, and decides to go back to making shoes and friends.

Zelda and ivy and the boy next door
Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
A new boy named Eugene has moved in next door to Zelda and Ivy. the three quickly become friends. A romance blooms, they play imaginary games, and go camping. Like all friends, they don't always get along, but they work out their differences.

Pink paper swans
Kroll, Virginia
An eight-year-old girl learns how to make things out of paper by using the ancient Japanese art of origami. She eventually helps her elderly neighbor with this project during the summers.

Faraway drums
Kroll, Virginia
Jamila has the important responsibility of watching her little sister when their mom goes to work. While trying to ignore unfamiliar creepy sounds, Jamila comforts her sister and herself by recalling their grandmother's stories about their native homeland, Africa.

My perfect neighborhood
Komaiko, Leah
A young girl goes out into her neighborhood and finds many extraordinary things. What do you think about grown ups lining up for recess and poodles getting married?

Mr. and mrs. thief
Kojima, Naomi
A boy and his friend, Old Chief, watch their neighbors. The boy assumes they are thieves because Old Chief tells him so.

Timothy Cox will not change his socks
Kinerk, Robert
A young boy, Timothy Cox, decides to go without changing his socks for a month. As the smell from his socks begins to grow, the entire community gets involved in trying to get him to change his socks. Timothy creatively avoids getting caught for the whole month. He aviods the fire fighters with their hoses and even a scout troop! When the month has come to an end, he keeps the socks in a cabinet as a trophy in his determination to stick to his word and not change his socks.

The mystery of the flying pumpkin
Kellogg, Steven
A group of children plant a pumpkin for Halloween in a neighbor's garden. All summer they care for the pumpkin, but certain events happen which prevents them from making it into a jack-o-lantern. How will the children solve the pumpkin problem?

Railway passage
Keeping, Charles
The people who live in the old run down railway passage win a football pool. They now have money to fix the railway passage up and follow their dreams.

Apt. 3
Keats, Ezra Jack
Sam searches for the blind harmonica player in his apartment complex. They eventually get acquainted and take a walk together through the neighborhood.

Pet show
Keats, Ezra Jack
The neighborhood is having a pet show but Archie can't find his cat. He searches diligently for the cat but can't find it. When the judges are passing out awards, an old woman arrives with the cat while Archie arrives with another pet and also gets a prize.

Over the moon
Katz, Karen
A couple wait for a phone call that will tell them that their soon-to-be-adopted daughter is born. When they receive the call, they race to the airport to get the newborn child. The new family of mom, dad, and baby girl go to their loving home to get acquainted.

Kindle me a riddle: A pioneer story
Karm, Roberta
Jack, Constance, Mama, and Papa play a riddling game which helps them understand life on the frontier. Their riddles are about their log cabin, food, icehouse, candles, and baskets.

Kantrowitz, Mildred
Maxie wakes up each day and goes through the same routine. One day Maxie feels unloved and lonely, so she decides to stay in bed. Maxie doesn't realize how much others depend on her until her living room is full of worried neighbors. Maxie realizes how many people need and rely on her daily routine.

Chicken soup, boots
Kalman, Maira
Do you want to be a writer, an architect, a barber, a fireman, a photographer, an astronomer, a doctor, a doorman, a musician, or a short-order cook when you grow up?Someday you will know just what you want to be.

The perfect pancake
Kahl, Virginia
A Good Wife makes only one perfect pancake for each person in town until one day a beggar comes along and tricks her into cooking enough until everyone was satisfied.

Whose cat is that?
Kahl, Virginia
A white cat curiously roams one house after another and every house names the cat who visits. When a committee comes to town to make sure every household has a cat, the children change the cats to look different in order to fool the committee.

Grandpa's soup
Kadono, Eiko
Grandpa is lonely after Grandma dies. He wants to make meatball soup just like his wife use to make. Each day after Grandpa makes the soup, friends come and eat it with him. Grandpa finds that eating the soup with friends helps to ease his loneliness.

Better with two
Joosse, Barbara M.
An old lady, and her dog have a regular routine everyday. And when Laura, the girl next door sees Mrs. Brady alone instead of with Max she wonders why. When Laura finds out Max died, she finds comfort in her mom and then consoles Mrs. Brady, because two is better than one.

Sunday week
Johnson, Dinah
A community describes each day of their weekly routine. The community is constantly looking forward to their Sunday traditions. Sunday is rich with family time, the Lord, and storytelling.

The leaving morning
Johnson, Angela
There are many emotions that involve moving. It is hard saying goodbye to old friends and finally leaving your old home.

Busy body nora
Hurwitz, Johanna
Nora is a curious child that wants to meet everyone in her apartment building. This makes everyone think that she is a pest. She even invites everyone to a giant birthday party for her dad.

The black dog who went into the woods
Hurd, Edith Thacher
When Black Dog doesn't come home, his family searches the nearby woods and calls their neighbors looking for him. That night, each of the family members dreams about Black Dog. The next morning they realize it was Black Dogs way of saying good-bye to them as he died.

Fox in a box
Hurd, Edith Thacher
Joe decides to go hunting for a fox because he wants a pet. He catches one with the help of a lion. When Joe brings the fox home in a box, the fox isn't very happy. Joe returns him to the woods where the lion and the fox help him find an owl who will happily be his pet.

My parents won't stop talking
Hunsinger, Emma & Walden, Tillie
Waiting is hard, and every kid knows it's not fun. Molly wants to go the park but her parents have started talking with the neighbors for a very long time.

Rhymes for annie rose
Hughes, Shirley
More than twenty rhymes tell about the daily life and activities of a young girl named Annie Rose. The playful poems cover several topics including animals, people, seasons, routines and adventures that children love.

Hughes, Shirley
A young girl likes to talk. She chats with everyone. She even describes her experiences watching other people chatting.

The big concrete lorry
Hughes, Shirley
The Patterson's house is too small for them, but they cannot afford a larger home. Mr. Patterson decides to build an extension onto the house himself. When the concrete lorry delivers the concrete before it was expected, the neighborhood joins together to build the room.

The snow lady
Hughes, Shirley
Sam and Barney build a snow lady that resembles their elderly neighbor, mean Mrs. Dean. Sam decides that it would only be polite to invite lonely Mrs. Dean to Christmas dinner.

Alfie's abc
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie takes you on a search for the things and people in his life that match the letters of the alphabet. Alfie's family and friends are drawn with detail and bright colors that make you excited to see what is next. His sister, Annie Rose, also enjoys Alfie and his things. She is shown quite frequently along with him.

The magic moonberry jump ropes
Hru, Dakari
April and Erica love to Double Dutch, but they have no friends to Double Dutch with. When their Uncle Zambezi returns from a trip to Tanzania, he gives the girls a jump rope that will grant wishes because it is made from magic moonberries. The girls Double Dutch and wish for two new friends to arrive. Suddenly, a moving van pulls up, and a family with a boy and girl moves in across the street.

Danny and the dinosaur
Hoff, Syd
Danny visits a museum one day and comes across a dinosaur who begins to speak with Danny. The two spend the day together playing and having fun. By the end of the day it is time for the dinosaur to go back and Danny, although sad, admits he had a wonderful day.

Mrs. switch
Hoff, Syd
Mrs. Switch is a witch who moves to a suburb. All of the neighbors love her until they discover that she is a witch. However, in a crisis, the neighbors realize that they need her help and soon they all like her again.

And to think that we thought we'd never be friends
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Arguments erupt everywhere. For a brother and sister, conflicts end as quickly as they begin. When a fight almost starts with their neighbors next door, music erupts until the whole town marches into the ocean. Even the whales join in the rhythmic fun!

Arthur's prize reader
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur loses the Super Chimp Club contest. But because he helped her learn to read, Arthur's sister wins the first grade reading contest and a prize for both of them.

Arthur's birthday party
Hoban, Lilliam
Arthur's determination to have the best birthday party and be the best all-around gymnast causes him to be inconsiderate of the feelings of his sister and friends. When Arthur forgets to be fair and have fun at the competition, his younger sister is quick to point out that each chimpanzee has his or her own special skill to be honored with a medal at the birthday competition.