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  • Tags: moon
The leaf man
Joyce, William
When the Old Lady is too sick to take care of the garden, the brave bugs realized that they must summon the Leaf Men to save the garden from the destruction made by the evil Spider Queen. The Leaf Men save the garden and the Old Lady's heart returns so she can once again grow her garden.

The tightrope walker
Gervais, Benadette//Pittau, Francisco
Phil dreams of walking on a tightrope. He practices on the edge of his bed and on the clothesline. Phil walks a tightrope that takes him over fields, past Louises's house, past the city, out to the sea, into the mountains, and back home just in time for bed.

Can't sleep
Raschka, Christopher
A moon stays awake for a restless dog, comforting and watching over him throughout the night. The dog does the same for the moon during the day.

The puddle pail
Kleven, Elisa
Ernst and Sol, two crocodile brothers, set out for the beach one morning. Sol suggests that they should start collecting various items along the beach. To Sol's disapproval, Ernst decides he wants to collect puddles. By the end of his tale, Ernst finds a creative use for his puddle collection.

Witch hazel
Schertle, Alice
A boy makes a scarecrow out of a witch hazel branch. The scarecrow, Hazel, has special powers only the boy knows of. Hazel saves a pumpkin to make a large harvest moon with it.

Who owns the moon?
Levitin, Sonia
Abel, Nagel and Zeke are farming friends who argue about everything, including who owns the moon. The farmers go to a teacher in the city to settle their argument about the moon. The teacher tells the three men that they each own the moon two nights a week and the remaining nights they are to share it.

Barrels to the moon
Berson, Harold
People in a town in France want to try to bring the moon closer by hooking it to a church steeple so they can always look at it. No matter how hard they try, they do not succeed.

Jacob and the robbers
Reidel, Marlene
Jacob waits until everyone goes to sleep to come to life. He is a moon walker who protects the community from intruders.

One lighthouse, one moon
Lobel, Anita
Nini the cat takes an exciting journey in which he discovers the concepts of color, days of the week, months of the year, and numbers. Nini sees a different colored pair of shoes each day of the week, explores a variety of activities during each month of the year, and counting the sights that surround the sea where he finally comes to one hundred stars and one moon lighting up the sky around the lighthouse.

Inspector hopper
Cushman, Doug
Inspector Hopper and his partner McBugg work as a team to solve several mysterious case. Join them as they look for Mrs. Ladybug who strangely disappears. Find out what happens to the officer's boat. And discover how they catch a thief with additional help.

The nightgown of the sullen moon
Willard, Nancy
The moon wants a nightgown and a cozy bed to sleep in. The moon finds a nightgown and decides not to come out one night. All the people in the world are sad, so the sun makes the moon promise to take the nightgown back.

The moon was at a fiesta
Gollub, Matthew
The moon over Oaxaca, Mexico is jealous of the sun. She plans for a fiesta one night so she can have fun like the sun. Afterwards though, she realizes that this causes imbalance in nature, so she never does it again.

Drawer in a drawer
Christiana, David
Fud is an drawer (one who draws) who sleeps in a drawer. He draws a box and the moon gets caught in it. He eventually sets the moon free.

The very hungry caterpillar
Carle, Eric
A caterpillar hatches from it's egg and is very hungry. It eats a variety of food for seven days. After it is full, the caterpillar builds a cocoon and becomes a butterfly.

Look at the moon
Garelick, May
A boy looks at the moon and how bright it is. He wonders whether the same moon shines everywhere.

Boat ride with lillian two blossom
Polacco, Patricia
Mabel and Will go on an adventure with Lillian Two Blossom. She answers many of their questions about the world and nature on a magical boat ride.

The island-below-the-star
Rumford, James
Five brothers decide to go on an adventure to discover the Island-below-the-Star. They each have a love for something in nature. By using their talents and working together, the brothers overcome obstacles on their journey to the island.

Moon glows
Ver Dorn, Bethea
This book is about all of the things that are happening outside while children are trying to fall asleep.

Putting the world to sleep
Thomas, Shelley Moore
As nighttime falls, bedtime is right around the corner. A soothing lullaby sets the mood for sleep, through a warm stanza repetition. A glowing fireplace, shining stars, and yawning baby signal a farewell to daylight.

How much is a million?
Schwartz, David M.
Marvelosissimo the Mathematical Magician and the kids explore what the number million means. Just exactly how much is a million?If you wanted to count from one to one million, it would take about 23 days!Marvelosissimo looks at different ways of seeing big numbers in the context of ordinary things.

Moon man
Ungerer, Tom
The moon man wants to know what Earth was like so he grabs the tail of the comet and falls to the surface. But because he is unknown on Earth, the police lock him up. He escapes and meets a scientist who sends him back to his home.

Thaler, Mike
Monkey falls in love with the moon and will do anything to get to the moon. Monkey's friends try to help him reach the moon, but in the end, Monkey decides that he belongs with the jungle animals.

Under the moon
French, Vivian
Three classic fairytales are retold. An old lady cleans the cobwebs from the sky. A young boy is tricked by a Mother Wolf, and a log produces an Apple Child with magical abilities.

Harold and the purple crayon
Johnson, Crockett
A little boy creates his own adventure by drawing with purple crayon. He explores forests, oceans and cities by drawing pictures and putting himself in those pictures. After all the adventures, he finally follows the moon back home.

Goodnight moon
Brown, Margaret Wise
In a big green room, a little bunny is tucked away in bed. He says goodnight to all of the familiar things in his room before falling to sleep. Finally, he says good night to the noises everywhere and drifts off to sleep.

Henry and mudge under the yellow moon
Rylant, Cynthia
Together, Henry and his dog, Mudge, watch the leaves turn colors, listen to Halloween stories and eat Thanksgiving dinner.

Beneath the ghost moon
Yolen, Jane
A colony of mice take revenge on the creepy-crawlers who tear up their Halloween costumes. They scare these mean creatures out of the farmyard so that they can live together in peace.

How the rabbit stole the moon
Moeri, Louise
All of the animals in the forest were sad because at night they could not see. All of the animals tried to get the sun to give them a little bit of light for the night. The rabbit stole some sun and created the moon and stars.

Batwings and the curtain of night
Davol, Marguerrite W.
In the beginning, there was nothing. Then the mother of all things created day, night, and the animals. The animals discover that there is a problem with the night curtain because it is too dark at night. How can the animals work together to solve the problem?

The bear on the moon
Ryder, Joanne
A polar bear wonders about the deep sea and the lights in the sky. Her curiosity leads her to explore the mystery of the moon, and bring some of it back to her friends which helps explain why the polar bears came to live on ice and snow.

The cinder-eyed cats
Rohmann, Eric
A boy makes a journey to an island in the middle of the ocean by way of a flying boat. When night falls on the island, cinder-eyed cats come out to play. The creatures of the sea come out of the water to dance and interact with the boy and the cats until the night is over. When it is morning, the creatures all leave and the boy goes home too, until it is night again.

The church mice and the moon
Oakley, Graham
Two church mice are kidnapped for use as astronauts. As they are about to be launched to the moon, their caretaking cat rescues them.

The bird, the monkey, and the snake in the jungle: a rebus book
Banks, Kate
The bird, the monkey, and the snake all share a tree for a home in the jungle. They don't always get along, but when their tree falls over, they must go in search of a new home. Just when it seems like every home is already taken, they meet the frog who offers to share his home. Now that there are four in the tree, they must all get along.

Squawk to the moon, little goose
Preston, Edna Mitchell
A little goose thought the moon disappeared. While watching the moon, a fox grabbed her, but she tricked him and ran home.

Little rabbit goes to sleep
Johnston, Tony
A little rabbit can't fall asleep because he is afraid of the dark. But his grandfather helps him get over his fear by appreciating the moon, stars, and crickets of the night. He is no longer afraid.

You're a genius, blackboard bear
Alexander, Martha
Anthony wants to go to the moon. His only problem is that he does not know how to build a spaceship. When Anthony goes to sleep, his friend blackboard bear builds a spaceship. Together they pack the spaceship for their trip. Anthony begins to get worried about the trip and decides he will stay safely at home while blackboard bear goes to the moon himself.

As the crow flies: A first book of maps
Hartman, Gail
The eagle has its favorite place to go, just like the rabbit, crow, horse, and seagull. All the animals do different things during their daily routines, but live in harmony under the same sky.

Cat heaven
Rylant, Cynthia
Past the stars, the moon, and the sun is where cat heaven is, and every cat knows the way there. With trees to climb, toys to play with, angel laps to purr in, and food to eat, all cats love going to cat heaven and God loves having them there too!

Rooster's off to see the world
Carle, Eric
Rooster wants to take a trip around the world. Two cats, three frogs, four turtles and five fish join him along the way. It gets dark, and everyone begins to worry about where they will sleep and what they will eat. Rooster decides he did not plan his trip very well. Everyone decides to go home. Rooster goes home also. He falls asleep and dreams about his trip around the world.

Grandpa takes me to the moon
Gaffney, Timothy R.
A young boy's grandfather sparks his imagination by telling him bedtime stories about what it is like to be an astronaut and travel to the moon.

Alfie's abc
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie takes you on a search for the things and people in his life that match the letters of the alphabet. Alfie's family and friends are drawn with detail and bright colors that make you excited to see what is next. His sister, Annie Rose, also enjoys Alfie and his things. She is shown quite frequently along with him.

Always my dad
Wyeth, Sharon
A girl does not get to see her father often and she misses him very much. One summer at her grandparents' farm, she and her three brothers spend some very nice moments with their father. She realizes that no matter where he is, he will always be her father and loves her.

One round moon and a star for me
Mennen, Ingrid
A young boy looks at the stars and the sun as it warms his father's land. His mother has a new baby and his father explains that he is his papa too. Then he shows the boy his own moon and star.

Lobo and the rabbit stew (El lobo y el caldo de conejo)
Schwartz, Marcia
Lobo is a wolf who must eat a succulent rabbit stew while the moon is full or he will go cuckoo. He tries a variety of temptations to entice a bunny out of his burrow. The little rabbit uses his wits to escape becoming an entree.

On halloween night
Wolff, Ferida
An adventurous travel through Halloween night which uses thirteen holiday objects such as crows, witches, and bats describe the scary evening.

It's spring
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Pit and Pat are very excited because it is spring. These cats use all their energy to jump over various things.

No moon, no milk!
Babcock, Chris
Martha, a cow, will not give any more milk until she walks on the moon like the cowsmonauts.

Astro bunnies
Loomis, Christine
Zip!Zoom!Join these astro bunnies as they explore outer space. Help the bunnies get to outer space. What will they find there?Whether it's shooting starts or bunnies from other places, astro bunnies always come home.

Moon jump
Matura, Mustapha
Cayal loves jumping. He jumps everywhere. One day, he jumps to the moon where he meets a moon man and has tea with him. When he is tired, he jumps home.