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  • Tags: holidays
Kevin's grandma
Williams, Barbara
A young boy tells tales about visits with his grandma.

Christmas in the stable
Lindgren, Astrid
In this traditional story of the birth of Jesus, a child's imagination creates more modern images of the events.

Why, Charlie Brown, Why?A story about what happens when a friend is very ill
Schulz, Charles M.
Linus becomes friends with Janice, a young girl who is diagnosed with leukemia. Despite all of the rumors and jokes, Linus learns that friendship is a very important part of Janice's recovery. He learns how to stand up for himself as well as others.

Tiger watch
Wahl, Jan
When a tiger in the village causes trouble, Azad and his father are sent out to search for it. When Azad comes face to face with the tiger, it changes his outlook on hunting.

Somebody loves you, Mr. Hatch
Spinelli, Eileen
Mr. Hatch is a lonely man. He does the same thing every day. On Valentine's Day he receives a box of candy and a note that says, Somebody loves you. He begins to talk with his neighbors and finds out that many people love him.

An edwardian holiday
Goodall, John S.
A family takes a trip away from home to a variety of places.

A creepy countdown
Huck, Charlotte
Using ten scary Halloween things readers count from one to ten and then back down again. Each page has illustrations that sequentially correspond to a number, featuring bats, ghosts, skeletons and other Halloween symbols.

A thanksgiving wish
Rosen, Michael
A family overcomes the loss of their grandmother and run into obstacles when cooking Thanksgiving dinner. All their Thanksgiving wishes come true with a kind, helping hand from their new neighbors.

Sometimes it's turkey; Sometimes it's feathers
Balian, Lorna
An old woman finds an egg, takes it home to let it hatch, and a turkey is born. She plans to eat the turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.

Santaberry and the snard
Schick, Alice//Schick, Joel
Santa and his elves are getting ready for Christmas, until Santa accidently gets eaten by a snard looking for strawberries. Santa is able to get out of the snard, and the elves, Santa, and the snard race to complete Christmas on time.

The parade book
Emberley, Ed
Different types of parades are discussed, including all the preparation needed for a parade.

A kitten's year
Day, Nancy Raines
A kitten explores her environment during her first year of life. She uses her senses to absorb the surroundings and playfully interacts with the world around her. Month after month the kitten grows and develops into a cat.

Lionel in the fall
Krensky, Stephen
Lionel returns to school, meets his new teacher, rakes leaves with a friend, and goes trick-or-treating on Halloween. During these adventures, Lionel learns some new things about himself.

Halloween pie
O'Malley, Kevin//O'Tunnell, Michael
An old witch makes Halloween pie and puts a spell on it so she is protected when she flies on her broom. Several graveyard creatures smell her pie and eat it-- only to have the spell cast upon them.

John pig's halloween
Waldron, Jan L.
John Pig was afraid of Halloween and did not go trick-or-treating with his friends. But then, just when he was feeling scared and alone, a witch and a cat bring Halloween to him. They have a party and make lots of treats. John learns that Halloween is a fun holiday.

Scary, scary halloween
Bunting, Eve
There are many scary things that come out on Halloween. Things like devils, ghosts, goblins, skeletons, werewolves, vampires and witches may come out to trick or treat.

Low, William
Chinatown is a city that is home to street cobblers, herbalists, tai chi masters, kung fu students, fish markets, and restaurants. And best of all, the celebration of the Chinese New Year which has a parade and lion dance! A Chinese-American boy walks throughout Chinatown, New York with his grandmother as they enjoy the culture and activities native to China.

Georgie's halloween
Bright, Robert
Herman the cat and Miss Oliver the owl try to convince Georgie to enter the Halloween costume contest, but he is just too shy. His mice friends give him a ribbon for winning their own costume contest.

Anno's counting book
Anno, Mitsumasa
Daily activities in a countryside village are shown through the numbers 0 through 12

Irene jennie and the christmas masquerade: The johnkankus
Smalls, Irene
Irene Jennie, a young girl living on a plantation, is sad when she can't spend Christmas with her parents. She prays for things to change and a Christmas parade cheers her up. As she watches the parade with her godmother, she receives a nice surprise.

Welcome comfort
Polacco, Patricia
Welcome Comfort is the new kid in school and his peers tease him. Quintin Hamp, the school custodian, befriends him and teaches him to believe in himself and Christmas. Welcome is visited by Santa and starts to believe. After graduating from high school, Welcome joins Quintin as the school custodian and their Christmas experiences continue on a whole new level of love.

Nine days to christmas: A story of Mexico
Ets, Marie Hall
Christmas is soon coming, and Ceci will get to experience her first pasada. She is very excited that she gets to have a pinata at her pasada, but she doesn't want anyone to hit and break it. When the pinata does break, Ceci finds out she added a star to the sky.

Auntie claus
Primavera, Elise
Sophie, a spoiled child, is very excited to get lots of presents on Christmas even though she has everything. She follows her Auntie Claus on a business trip and finds out she is Santa's sister. Sophie learns from this experience that giving is better than receiving.

The christmas donkey
McClure, Gillian
When news arrives that everyone has to return to the place where they were born to pay tax, a local donkey dealer sells all of his donkeys, including Arrod, a wild and proud donkey. Arrod believes only a king is good enough to have him, but he leads the way to Bethlehem when Joseph, a poor carpenter, and his pregnant wife, Mary, buys him.

Lyle at christmas
Waber, Bernard
Lyle the Crocodile is ready for Christmas, but his neighbor Mr. Grumps is having the blahs - enough blahs to make his cat Loretta run away. Lyle and the rest of his neighbors set out on a searching adventure where much excitement follows.

Lucy's christmas
Hall, Donald
Lucy is a very creative girl who begins making Christmas presents for her family in August. She thinks of new things to make throughout the year and helps her younger sister too. Her family gets a new stove and celebrates a traditional Christmas.

Lights on the river
Thomas, Jane Resh
Teresa and her family are migrant farm workers whose home is wherever there is work. With no permanent home, Teresa carries with her a wooden box containing a single candle from her grandmother that reminds her of the place she considers home.

The gingerbread doll
Tews, Susan
Rebecca lived during the Depression when times were hard, so when she gets a gingerbread doll instead of the porcelain doll she has always wanted, she understands and loves the doll. When times get better, Rebecca eventually gets a porcelain doll, but remembers the love she had for her gingerbread doll.

Dinosaurs' christmas
Donnelly, Liza
Rex and his dog decide to go sledding. While sledding, they end up in the North Pole and meet up with a dinosaur who takes them to Santa's workshop. Rex tells the elves that they're making the toy dinosaurs wrong, helps them fix their mistake, and ends up saving Christmas.

Six by seuss
Seuss, Dr.
A compilation of six stories by Dr. Seuss including And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street, The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, Horton Hatches the Egg, Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and The Lorax. Each story includes rhyme which makes it fun and easy to read.

The oldest elf
Stevenson, James
Elwyn, Santa's oldest elf, enjoys making toys for all the little girls and boys. Unfortunately, this year Elwyn is too late in finishing his toys, and Santa has already left for the North Pole. Luckily, Blitzen, the oldest reindeer, takes Elwyn and his toys and delivers them.

The christmas day kitten
Herriot, James
A kitten is left on Christmas Day for Mrs. Pickering by a stray cat who dies. Buster, the kitten, changes the lifestyle of Mrs. Pickering.

Never poke a squid
Cazet, Denys
Arnie and Raymond come home from a Halloween celebration at school. Arnie's mother asks them all about the adventures of the day. They tell her about decorating the classroom, playing games, and marching in a parade. After their story, they go off to trick-or-treat.

Pumpkin eye
Fleming, Denise
A dark night of Halloween fright brings you colors, sounds, and sensory sights.

A village full of valentines
Stevenson, James
Every animal living in various villages celebrates Valentine's Day in a different way. All the animals learn how to appreciate the many ways to celebrate this fun holiday.

A christmas story
Wildsmith, Brian
The traditional Christmas story is told through the eyes of a young girl and her donkey. They try to find Mary and Joseph and follow their trip to Bethlehelm.

Yankee doodle
Kellogg, Steven
A young boy accompanies Yankee Doodle on travels through the battle fields of the Revolutionary War. Sing through the verses of Yankee Doodle as you journey with them.

Happy birthday
Gibbons, Gail
This book explains the significance of birthdays. It depicts the past history of birthday events and why that day is so special.

Over and over
Zolotow, C.
A little girl begins to learn about months, seasons, and holidays. When she wakes up, it's a different season or holiday. On the last day, it is her birthday. She wishes for it to all happen again.

A candle for christmas
Speare, Jean
Thomas's parents need to help his uncle, so they leave Thomas with a friend one week before Christmas. Thomas is afraid that his parents won't make it home. They show up late Christmas Eve and Thomas is happy.

Harvey slumfenburger's christmas present
Burningham, John
Santa Claus has just delivered his presents when he realizes that he forgot to deliver a present to Harvey Slumfenburger. Santa doesn't want to wake the reindeer to take the sleigh, so people with cars help him get to Harvey's house.

Arthur's halloween
Brown, Marc
Arthur is scared of Halloween. He finally makes it through his day at school when he has to take his sister trick-or-treating. His sister wanders into the scariest house, and Arthur has to go in and get her.

Which witch is which?
Hutchins, Pat
Ella and Emily, a pair of identical twins, dress up as witches for a Halloween party. No one can tell which witch is which. Eventually, their choice of food, games, and colors help to tell them apart.

The little fir tree
Brown, Margaret Wise
A fir tree is cut down to be used as a Christmas tree for a boy with a handicap. After the holidays, the tree is replanted in the forest. Every year, the boy's father digs up the tree to be decorated. One year, the boy goes to the forest by himself to decorate a tree.

The house of boo
Lewis, J. Patrick
On a Halloween night three children dressed as ghosts get a scare when they visit the haunted house of Boo Scoggins. Spooky sounds frighten them as they try to discover who this mysterious man is up on Humpback Hill.

Come to my party
Richardson, Judith Benet
All the animals of the jungle are sleeping when a loud roar comes from a leopard who is having a birthday party. As a team, the animals of the jungle work together to create a present to bring to the party.

The magician
Shulevitz, Uri
A magician, who is actually the prophet Elijah, comes to town. He gives an old, poor couple dinner and a soft place to sit during the Passover celebration. The reason the couple is chosen is because they are unselfish and they do not think that they are that bad off, since they have each other.

Flower garden
Bunting, Eve
A young girl and her father buy flowers at the grocery and prepare a flower box for her mother's birthday.

Pumpkin circle: The story of a garden
Levenson, George
Did you ever wonder how pumpkins grew? From seeds to plants to flowers to pumpkins, the color of this vegetable changes three times. Beautiful photographs show the life cycle of the pumpkin.

Roger loses his marbles!
Gretz, Susanna
Roger's aunt comes for a birthday party and stays in his room. He cannot find his marbles and gets angry at his aunt, who later finds them. They play after everyone is asleep.