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  • Tags: friendship
My gran
Boon, Debbie
A little girl has a very special grandmother. When Gran visits, they make things, eat different foods, and spend fun time together.

Good-bye, charles lindbergh
Borden, Louise
Gil is on his way to get the laundry for his mom when he sees it. Up in the sky is the shiny orange biplane trying to land in a neighboring field. After the plane lands, Gil discovers the pilot is Colonel Lindbergh. Gil has so many questions to ask him, but he doesn't get the chance.

A. lincoln and me
Borden, Louise
A young boy discovers that he shares a birthday on the same day as Abraham Lincoln's. Learn how many other common characteristics a boy shares with a past president.

Little gorilla
Bornstein, Ruth
A little gorilla's family and friends try to help him overcome his special growing pains.

Fat chance
Borton, Lady
Marty Louise has to stay home the rest of the school year because she has rheumatic fever. Feeling alone, she finds a friend in a dying stray cat that she nurses back to health. Her mother hates cats. Will she let Marty keep him?

Junk pile!
Borton, Lady
When Jamie Kay helps her dad in their magical junk yard, Robert Haines and other kids make fun of her. Jamie Kay has to find a way to show the kids that her junkyard is magical. But most of all, Jamie has to find a way to make a friend.

Mean maxine
Bottner, Barbara
Ralph is tired of being picked on by Maxine, who calls him names. He fantasizes about a showdown with Maxine in which he stands up to her. In the end, he tells Maxine not to mess with him. Finally they reach a mutual understanding and go off to play.

Bootsie barber bites
Bottner, Barbara
A little girl's mother and Bootsie Barber's mother are best friends. Bootsie is a very mean child. Bootsie is mean to the little girl and her pet salamander. Finally, the little girl cannot take Bootsie's meanness any more, so she decides to get back at Bootsie.

Bon appetit, mr. rabbit!
Boujon, Claude
Mr. Rabbit does not like carrots, so he investigates what his other animal friends eat. Based on his findings, Mr. Rabbit decides carrots are not so bad after all!

Franklin has a sleepover
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin and Bear are excited for their first sleepover at Franklin's house. It's fun to play games, have a campfire, and campout in the livingroom with your friend. However, when it's time to go to bed, Bear and Franklin realize how scary sleepovers can be.

Gathering a northwoods counting book
Bowen, Betsy
Starting in May, the winter countdown begins. Preparation activities are described using the numbers one through thirteen. For example, winter countdown includes five blueberries and six bags of rice.

The good tiger
Bowen, Elizabeth
Sara and Bob want to invite their tiger friend over for tea. When Sara fails to tell her mother that she invited a tiger, chaos occurs. The tiger leaves, but Sara and Bob find him in the forest where they have the best party ever.

How the amazon queen fought the prince of Egypt
Bower, Tamara
The land of Khor was a peaceful place free of men, in which woman could live side by side in harmony. One day, Pedikhous, of Egpyt decides to test the strength of the women through various attacks. To his surprise the women are stronger and more determined than he ever imagined. Instead of fighting against them, de decides to live in peace and love beside them.

Nice new neighbors
Brandenberg, Franz
The Fieldmouse children struggle to gain friends and acceptance when they move into their new home. Father encourages them to go play with each new family, but they are rejected each time.

Wilby's fitness book
Branner, Toni Tickel
Learn to exercise, stretch, eat well, and feel good about yourself with Wilby. He instructs you on how to be healthy through rhymes.

The goat lady
Bregoli, Jane
Two young children new to Lucy Little Road, help us reveal the simple yet important life of the goat lady; a life that many people in the town despise. Through the children's time spent helping the goat lady, they learn of her vast life experiences. It isn't until after the children's mother takes portraits of the goat lady, that the rest of the town see waht a truly wonderful person the goat lady is.

Clifford the big red dog
Bridwell, Norman
Emily Elizabeth owns the biggest, reddest dog in the neighborhood. She talks about all the things they do together and how much she loves him. Even though he's big and red, she would never give him up for the world.

Clifford's christmas
Bridwell, Norman
Emily and Clifford prepare for Christmas. Clifford helps Santa save Christmas after he drops all of the presents in his waterbowl.

Jim and the beanstalk
Briggs, Raymond
As a sequel to Jack and the Beanstalk, Jim visits the giant who has poor eyesight, no hair and no teeth. Jim eventually takes the giant glasses, false teeth, wig, and gold coins. In the end, they become good friends.

The snowman
Briggs, Raymond
A boy builds a snowman which comes alive in the middle of the night. The boy and the snowman spend all night together. When the boy wakes up in the morning, his friend has melted.

The man
Briggs, Raymond
After Johnny meets a tiny man, he takes the man in and cares for him. There are many explosive encounters between Johnny and the man, including arguments over food and money.

Miss pattie
Bright, Robert
An amazing cat named Miss Pattie is a barn cat, but suddenly moves in with Miss Williams. Miss Pattie begins doing chores for Miss Williams, begins reading, knitting, and doing other amazing things. Finally she has her own family of kittens and moves back to the barn.

Georgie and the robbers
Bright, Robert
A small ghost named Georgie lives in the Whittkaker house. When the house is threatened by robbers, the friendly ghost and his animal friends work together to scare the robbers away.

I like red
Bright, Robert
Jenny likes red, which is the color of her hair as well as many things in the world. One day she meets Tony, also a redhead, and they enjoy the world of red together.

George to the rescue
Bright, Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker decide to take a visit to the city. George, the ghost, Herman, the cat, and Miss Oliver, the owl, decide to go along. They have many great adventures in the city, but are happy when it is time to return home.

Georgie's halloween
Bright, Robert
Herman the cat and Miss Oliver the owl try to convince Georgie to enter the Halloween costume contest, but he is just too shy. His mice friends give him a ribbon for winning their own costume contest.

The summer my father was ten
Brisson, Pat
A father and his daughter plant a garden every year, and every year she hears the story of how the ritual started. When her father was ten, he and some friends destroyed a neighbor's garden. In the father's guilt, he makes amends with the neighbor and gains a friend.

Princess jessica rescues a prince
Brooks, Jennifer
A young princess with a pure heart plays with three gnomes who are handicapped. She is kind and accepting to her new friends. In turn, she gains another friend.

Arthur's tv trouble
Brown, Marc
Trouble for Arthur begins while he is watching TV. He sees a commercial for Treat Timer and just has to buy one for his dog, Pal. Arthur works hard to save and collect the money, but Treat Timer does not turn out to be all that Arthur had imagined.

Arthur's birthday
Brown, Marc
Arthur is having a birthday party and invites all his friends. He discovers that Muffy is having a party the exact same day. All their friends do not know which party to go to. Arthur writes new invitations and creates a surprise party for Muffy at his house.

The true francine
Brown, Marc
Francine and all of her friends, including the new girl, Muffy, get the meanest teacher for third grade. Francine gets in trouble for cheating when it was really Muffy who cheats. Francine is kept from playing in the big softball game until at the last minute Muffy tells the truth.

Arthur's eyes
Brown, Marc
Arthur's friends tease him when he gets glasses. Soon other children get glasses, and Arthur learns to wear his glasses with pride.

Brown, Palmer
There is a family of mice that live in an old grandfather's clock. One of the mice named Hickory decides that he wants to move out into the field. Hickory lives out there and makes friends with a grasshopper named Hop.

Our puppy's vacation
Brown, Ruth
It is puppy's first vacation and everything is new and full of adventure. Puppy meets some challenges and makes unexpected friends.

Willy the champ
Browne, Anthony
Willy is a monkey that tries to succeed at many different things. Everytime Willy tries something, he is made fun of. Willy accidentally beats up the bully and becomes the champ.

Willy and hugh
Browne, Anthony
Willy the monkey is alone. One day, Willy becomes friends with Hugh. They do things together like go to the zoo.

Voices in the park
Browne, Anthony
A typical day's walk through the park is seen through the eyes of a grouchy woman, an unhappy man, a lonely boy, and a happy young girl. An intriguing look at how friendships are made and torn apart.

Browne, Anthony
Neglected by a busy father, a young girl receives a gorilla stuffed animal from her father. Gorillas are her favorite animal and soon she and her gorilla are off on a magical trip.

Food and festivals: West Africa
Brownlie, Alison
Describes the West African culture of food, including the kinds of food grown and eaten, and various feast days like Ramadan, Easter, naming ceremonies, and yam festivals.

Le couronnement de babar
Brunhoff, Jean de
The story is about the famous elephant Babar and his adventures in getting married. It illustrates how he introduces his bride to family and friends, the wedding ceremony, and the celebration afterwards. This book was entirely in French and the pictures tell the story.

The story of babar the little elephant
Brunhoff, Jean de
Babar is an elephant who has a wonderful adventure. After his mother died tragically from a hunter, Babar goes into the city, where he lives with a little old lady. Upon returning to the forest, Babar is elected king and is married to Celeste, another young elephant. The two set off for their honeymoon.

Babar's anniversary album
Brunhoff, Jean de//Brunhoff, Laurent de
Maurice Sendak pays homage to Jean and Laurent de Brunhoff. This anniversary album consists of his six favorite stories about Babar and his adventures.

Babar comes to america
Brunhoff, Laurent de
Babar, the elephant, visits America. Babar and other elephants visit their old friends, meet new friends, and sight see throughout America. Although Babar is sad to leave, he will always treasure the memories.

Little bear's pancake party
Brustlein, Janice
A small bear is searching for pancakes. He goes for a walk and encounters all of his animal friends who try and help. Finally, the bear throws a party for his friends and they make pancakes.

The cat's purr
Bryan, Ashley
A cat and a rat are friends. However, the rat tricks the cat and plays the special cat drum which only cats play. The cat seeks revenge on the rat and ends up swallowing the drum, and that's how the cat first started to purr.

The collector of moments
Buchholz, Quint
A violin player becomes quick friends with an artist, Max, who moves into the apartment above her family's. She is curious about the secrets that were held in his imaginative paintings. When Max does share his paintings with her, she is amazed at what she sees.

The christmas ghost
Buck, Pearl S.
A small boy shares the spirit of Christmas with his family and neighborhood. One of the older neighbors tells him about a ghost who walks each Christmas Eve. In turn, the boy learns about friendship, believing, and remembering.

Butterfly house
Bunting, Eve
A young girl and her grandfather save a caterpillar and keep it while it goes through its changes. They build it a beautiful house and care for it until it turns into a butterfly. Although it was hard for her to let it go, she has mysterious visitors surprise her every spring, even when she grows up to be a grandmother herself.