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Antonia's surprise
Gunthorp, Karen
Antonia has a big surprise for the picnic, but she needs her boat to get there quickly, and it is filled with holes. Will she get there before it is too late?!

Ants don't get sunday off
Pollock, Penny
Anya is a hardworking ant. She longs for an adventure outside her nest or at least a day off. When a heavy rainstorm comes, Anya gets the adventure of a life time.

Appelemando's dreams
Polacco, Patricia
Appelemando's dreams color the town. The adults do not appreciate the significance of his dreams until he uses his power to save the children.

Apple tree christmas
Noble, Trinka Hakes
A horrible snowstorm takes down a family's apple tree. Katrina misses her favorite climbing tree where she used to draw. For Christmas, her father makes her a drawing table out of the branches of the apple tree.

Apples and pumpkins
Rockwell, Anne
A little girl goes with her parents to a farm where they pick apples and choose the best pumpkin for carving. At home, the family prepares for Halloween by carving the jack-o-lantern, dressing up, and going trick-or-treating.

Apples to oregon
Hopkinson, Deborah
Loosely based on a true pioneer story, this tale describes the trip of apples across the country. When Papa decides to travel the Oregon Trail, he refuses to leave his beloved fruits, especially the apples. Building a wagon to carry his trees, the family forges rivers, endures hailstorms and droughts, and deals with nasty Jack Frost. Papa has the help of his children (and their clothing) to save his trees.

April's kittens
Newberry, Clare Turlay
April owns a cat who gives birth to three kittens. There is not room for all four of them, so April must give away three. She gives away two kittens and her family decides to keep the other two.

Are you my mother?(Eres tu mi mama?)
Eastman, P.D.
A baby bird hatched out of the egg and found no mother in the nest. The bird went out searching for his mother. After asking various animals, the bird returns to the nest where his mother is waiting to give him a worm. Written in Spanish and English.

Armadilly chili
Ketteman, Helen
Billie decides to make armadilly chili. She asks her friends to help her but they are all busy and do not want to help. After Billie makes the chili, all of her friends knock on her door. Billie will not let them eat because they wouldn't help. She soon realizes her chili is missing something: her friends!

Armien's fishing trip
Stock, Catherine
A boy struggles to find his own place among the hard working people of Kalk Bay in Southern Africa.

Boedoe, Geefwee
In the town of Arrowville disagreement and frenzy is a way of life, but a young girl named Barb wants to agree and get along. She gets in trouble for this and runs away. At the same time the Targets make a wrong turn and end up in Arrowville. The Arrows think they are invaders. It is Barb who helps the Arrows and Targets come together and understand each other.

Arthur meets the president
Brown, Marc
Arthur wins a contest about how to make America great. He and his classmates are flown to the White House so that Arthur may recite his speech to the President. Arthur worries that he will forget the speech, but everything goes well.

Arthur's birthday
Brown, Marc
Arthur is having a birthday party and invites all his friends. He discovers that Muffy is having a party the exact same day. All their friends do not know which party to go to. Arthur writes new invitations and creates a surprise party for Muffy at his house.

Arthur's birthday party
Hoban, Lilliam
Arthur's determination to have the best birthday party and be the best all-around gymnast causes him to be inconsiderate of the feelings of his sister and friends. When Arthur forgets to be fair and have fun at the competition, his younger sister is quick to point out that each chimpanzee has his or her own special skill to be honored with a medal at the birthday competition.

Arthur's christmas
Brown, Marc
Arthur worries about what to get Santa for Christmas. He searches everywhere for the perfect gift. Finally, he sees Santa eating at several different places and decides to make Santa's favorite foods.

Arthur's christmas wish
Wooding, S.
Arthur, a fat mouse, is granted one Christmas wish from his fairy Godfather. Godfather says his wish has to make someone happy. His wish, playing beautiful music on the piano, is granted.

Arthur's eyes
Brown, Marc
Arthur's friends tease him when he gets glasses. Soon other children get glasses, and Arthur learns to wear his glasses with pride.

Arthur's funny money
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to earn enough money to buy a t-shirt and matching cap so he decides, with the help of his sister, to have a bike wash. He must use his math skills to figure out when he has reached his goal. However, he must first decide how to overcome a few obstacles.

Arthur's honey bear
Hoban, Lillian
A boy and his sister decide to have a garage sale. He decides to sell his old bear and his sister buys it. After he sees her buy it, he is sad and wants it back. Then he realizes that even if the bear is not his now, the bear will be his nephew forever.

Arthur's loose tooth
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur, the chimp, is worried about losing his tooth because he is afraid of the sight of blood. His sister proves that she is brave by conquering her fear of the dark. Arthur pulls out his tooth to prove he is brave, too.

Arthur's pet business
Brown, Marc
Arthur's parents say he may have a puppy if he proves that he is responsible. Arthur decides to get a job pet sitting a neighbor's dog and eventually many pets. Finally when the neighbor comes home, she finds her dog and new puppies. She pays Arthur ten dollars and gives him one of the new puppies to care for himself.

Artists' helpers enjoy the evenings
Goffstein, M.B.
Five artist helpers are shades of color. They work as well as enjoy the masquerade ball.

As right as right can be
Rose, Anne
Ron Ronson's shoestrings break. He decides that once he has new shoelaces that his whole outfit should match the new shoelaces and that leaves him broke.

Asher and the capmakers: A hanukkah story
Kimmel, Eric A.
Asher, a Jewish boy, wonders into the night to borrow an egg for his mother. Along the way he gets lost and discovers a house with three old women inside knitting caps. Asher finds out that these caps are magical and he, the women, and the fairies fly off to Jeruselum for a Hanukkah party. He returns home some time later to discover his family thought he was not coming back.

Ask mr. bear
Flack, Marjorie
Danny asked severl animals what he could give his mother for a gift. The animals did not know, but told him to find Mr. Bear and he would know. Mr. Bear had the perfect gift - a hug!

At the mall
Loomis, Christine
Three children and their mother find new and fun things at the mall. As they walk and shop, they notice the candy store, white mice, teens gathering and more. They eventually find the perfect gift to complete their trip.

Audrey and barbara
Lawson, Janet
Audrey has big ideas for herself and her cat, Barbara. She wants to cross the ocean in her bathtub sailboat to visit the Taj-Mahal and ride on an elephant. But will her imagination take her all the way to India?

Aunt flossie's hat (and crab cakes later)
Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Susan and Sarah spend a Sunday afternoon with their Aunt. As they try on her old hats, Aunt Flossie tells a story associated with each one. Afterwards, they celebrate with their favorite food - crab cakes.

Aunt harriet's underground railroad in the sky
Ringgold, Faith
Cassie take a ride on the Underground Railroad with Harriet Tubman as her guide. She learns what steps slaves had to go through in order to reach freedom in the North.

Aunt lulu
Pinkwater, Daniel
Aunt Lulu, the librarian, grows tired of living in Alaska. So she moves to New Jersey and takes her fourteen sled dogs with her.

Aurora means dawn
Sanders, Scott Russell
New settlers in Ohio get stuck in a rain storm. Villagers come to take the new settlers to their land.

Babar and father christmas
Brunhoff, Jean de
Babar, the elephant, is off to help Santa with Christmas. He gets to explore the North Pole and Santa's Workshop. Throughout the story, we get to see the true meaning of Christmas.

Babar and zephir
Brunhoff, Jean de
Zephir the monkey goes home to visit his family. While he is there, someone kidnaps princess Isabelle and Zephir goes to find her.

Babar the king
Brunhoff, Jean de
Babar, now king, decides to build a beautiful city. With the help of a teacher, he is able to bring things back from his honeymoon to build the city with. All the elephants make the city and the rest of the animals are confused by all the commotion.

Babushka baba yaga
Polacco, Patricia
Because the villagers are afraid of her, the legendary Baba Yaga disguises herself so she can become a loving grandmother.

Baby sea otter
Tatham, Betty
A baby sea otter and her mother spend their days searching for food and playing. They spend time in a raft with a group of otters and escaping predators. Soon the baby grows up and ventures out on her own. All of the life lessons she learned will be used when she becomes a mother herself.

Baby, come out!
Manushkin, Fran
Mrs. Tracy is pregnant and the baby does not want to come out. Everyone tries to tell the baby why she should come out. The baby does not want to come out until her Daddy says just the right thing.

Walsh, J. P.
Three children walk along an old viaduct and leaving their slum neighborhoods by using their imaginations. Dulcie is sad because she's always lived in England and can't share memories with the other two.

Bacteria Joe
Adler, Sigal
One night, a boy does not brush his teeth and eats chocolate before going to bed. Bacteria Joe comes along and begins eating away at any remaining sugars and sweets in the boy's mouth. After causing cracks to form in the boy's teeth, Bacteria Joe is finally washed away, and the boy promises his Mom that he will always brush his teeth twice a day in order to maintain a healthy smile and prevent tooth decay!

Bad day at riverbend
Allsburg, Chris Van
The small town of Riverbend is under siege by omnipresent forces in this wonderful tale.

Badger's parting gifts
Varley, Susan
When Badger dies, the rest of the animals are very sad. It is not until they remember all of the good times with Badger that they get over their sadness.

Balian, Lorna
A young girl and her slightly older brother have a little feud. Is Santa Claus real or not?They make a bet and wait for Santa on Christmas Eve.

Balarin's goat
Berson, Harold
A husband treats his goat better than his own wife. However, the wife gets angry and decides to act like a goat. This begins to worry the husband who starts having nightmares. As a result, he realizes who is more important and begins to fix his mistakes.

Bang bang you're dead
Fitzhugh, Louise
A group of kids like to play fake war on a hill. Another group of kids come to the hill to play too. Both groups have a real war, and some of them get hurt. They eventually decide to share the hill.

Barn cat: A counting book
Saul, Carol P.
Barn Cat is looking for something out of the red barn door. She is noticing all the beautiful animals surrounding the barn. The nature activities of butterflies, leaping pups, and buzzing bees give Barn Cat quite an eventful day.

Barney bipples magic dandelions
Chapman, Carol
Barney Bipple is given a dandelion to make wishes with. But he makes his wishes too complicated. He must wish away the complicated wishes and wish only for simple things.

Barnyard song
Greene, Rhonda Gowler
When some barnyard animals catch the flu, it is up to the farmer to nurse them back to health and restore the barnyard song to its usual splendor.

Baron brady's boots
Hughes, Peter
Baron Brady spends each day angrily collecting taxes from his poor tenants. A lesson from a new shoe maker teaches the Baron that it is fun to be good tempered, rather than always be angry.

Barrels to the moon
Berson, Harold
People in a town in France want to try to bring the moon closer by hooking it to a church steeple so they can always look at it. No matter how hard they try, they do not succeed.