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  • Tags: cat
Tortillas and lullabies: Tortillas y cancioncitas
Reiser, Lynn
The relationship between mother and daughter is seen in one girl's family. Each generation of women in the family makes tortillas, picks flowers, washes clothes, and sings lullabies. The little girl does these same things for her doll. This story is told in both English and Spanish.

Grandaddy's stars
Griffith, Helen V.
Janetta is excited about the upcoming visit from her Grandaddy. She makes a list of everything she wants to show him. Grandaddy shows Janetta that they share the same stars. Now when Janetta looks at the stars she realizes that Grandaddy isn't that far away after all.

Grandaddy and Janetta
Giffith, Helen V.
Janetta is going to her grandfather's house for the first time in a year. She is worried that her mother will be lonely and that her grandfather will not recognize her.

What if?
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Two kittens are thrown out of the house because they climbed up the Christmas tree and destroyed it. They begin to think What if... they had their own Christmas tree to play in.

Christmas in catland
Goyder, Alice
Two sister cats and their family celebrate the holidays.

Rotten ralph's rotten christmas
Gantos, Jack
Ralph, a really rotten cat, is upstaged on Christmas by a really nice cat that his friend Sarah takes in.

Mrs. mcgarrity's peppermint sweater
Holl, Adelaide
The sweater Mrs. McGarrity makes is too big for any animal. So they decide to use her sweater for a circus tent.

Teacher's pet
Miles, Miska
Lottie is embarrassed as she begins her new school because her clothes are different, and her cat continues to follow her to class. She tries to fit in with the other children but is unsuccessful. Her cat has kittens in the school which helps her win the friendship of Gertrude. Gertrude helps Lottie to realize that uniqueness is special, not bad.

Pegas the horse
Kaufman, Angelika
A horse that is really a dog imagines he can fly. He falls asleep in the clouds and dreams of words in different languages.

Cat's colors
Cabrera, Jane
What is cat's favorite color? Cat visits the ten most popular colors to try and decide which color is his favorite. In the end the decision is easy. Cat's favorite color is orange, which is the color of his mom!

Cat up a tree
Hassett, John//Hassett, Ann
Nana Quimby saves the day when she executes a creative plan to rescue stranded cats from a tree outside her window. The old woman called the firehouse, police station, library, and zoo for help but no one was willing to lend a hand.

Chicago and the cat
Koontz, Robin Michal
A pushy cat takes over the home of Chicago the rabbit, and then, the two become friends. The story illustrates the need to cooperate and communicate in order to resolve conflict.

Smoky night
Bunting, Eve
A riot breaks out in a young boys neighborhood which leads to his apartment building catching on fire. This tragedy brings together people from different backgrounds when they share in the trauma of both losing their cats and having their homes taken over by fire.

Whose cat is that?
Kahl, Virginia
A white cat curiously roams one house after another and every house names the cat who visits. When a committee comes to town to make sure every household has a cat, the children change the cats to look different in order to fool the committee.

The tale of the pie and the patty pan
Potter, Peter
Duchess the Dog is scared that Ribby the Cat will feed her mouse pie. Unknowingl, Dog eats the mouse pie and mass confusion occurs.

Dog in, cat out
Rubinstein, Gillian
With limited words and large illustrations, this story describes of a family with both a cat and a dog. When the cat is in the house, the dog is out and vice versa.

Uproar on hollercat hill
Marzollo, Jean
The cat family is getting along great, playing games and building things. Suddenly everything goes wrong and everyone is mad at each other. Finally, they work it out and all is well again.

Simmonds, Posy
The night that Sophie and Nick bury their beloved cat, they find all of his cat friends outside. They find out their cat was famous and the other cats wanted to have a party to say goodbye.

The very busy spider
Carle, Eric
A spider is busy working on its web. As the day goes by different animals come and visit but the spider doesn't have time to talk. By the end of the day, the spider feasts on a fly and has a good night's rest after a hard day's work.

The book that jack wrote
Scieszka, Jon
Jack writes about a series of events that occur in his book such as a cat eating a rat and a cow jumping over the moon.

The wee little woman
Barton, Byron
A wee little woman milks her wee little cow and leaves the wee little bowl of milk on her wee little table. Later, her wee little cat sneaks in and drinks all the milk. The wee little woman is sad when the cat runs away after she yells at it.

The cat in the hat
Seuss, Dr.
It was too wet to play outside, so Sally and her brother just sat inside. Along came the Cat in the Hat with a bunch of silly tricks that made a huge mess. Right before their mother returns, they clean everything up.

The church mice adrift
Oakley, Graham
The church mice lose their home to the rats. Together with the cat, they make a plan to gain their home back.

The snow cat
Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
Elsie, who lives alone in a snow-covered house on the edge of the woods, makes a friend when a huge snow cat comes to play with her.

Big mama
Crunk, Tony
Billy Boyd's grandmother is the best according to the neighborhood kids. She allows them to use their imaginations when she works and plays with them. Their journey to the ice cream shop is full of neighborhood excitement, but the trip back home is the most important part.

The curious little kitten
Cook, Bernadine
A curious little kitten and a turtle move closer and closer to meeting one another. When the turtle hides inside his shell, the curious kitten becomes scared and never comes so close again.

Nellie: A cat on her own
Babbitt, Natalie
Nellie is a cat marionette, and she belongs to an old woman. When the old woman dies, she becomes friends with Big Tom, a real cat. Big Tom takes her out of the house and into a new home.

Seen any cats?
Modell, Frank
Marvin and Milton want to go to the circus but they do not have enough money. They decide to make a circus of their own and make cats the entertainment. They cannot train cats, but they devise a way to earn money.

The case of the cat's meow
Bonsall, Crosby
A group of friends lose of their cat, Mildred. To find her, they form a private eye detective club. Little do they know that when they find Mildred, they will find new kittens, also!

Like likes like
Raschka, Chris
Like is lonely. Like wonders around seeing flowers and seas. Like finds a friend. Like likes Like.

Nobody's cat
Miles, Miska
An alley cat goes on an adventure to different places. He has a few fights, finds some food and then goes home again.

The heartaches of a french cat
McClintock, Barbara
A cat falls in love and escapes her old life. She marries, but soon the marriage falls apart. Her husband falls in love with another cat. She leaves him, writes a book which makes her famous, and is courted by her former husband's lawyer.

Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

What's alive
Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner
Understand the simple distinctions between living and nonliving things. Experience the living things through plants and animals. Experience the nonliving things through objects such as a rock. The cycles of life and materials for living are explained as well.

The rain came down
Shannon, David
The rain creates unexpected chaos one Saturday morning. The endless arguments in houses and on the street turn into disaster, until the rain finally stops.

The christmas tree tangle
Mahy, Margaret
A litte kitten climbs to the top of a Christmas tree and gets stuck -all the others try to help, and end with a animal decorated tree.

The howling dog
Pearson, Tracey Campbell
A howling dog howls and barks all night until the entire town is awake. The howling dog is no longer lonely, so she stops howling and barking. The town goes back to sleep and so does the howling dog.

Pet show
Keats, Ezra Jack
The neighborhood is having a pet show but Archie can't find his cat. He searches diligently for the cat but can't find it. When the judges are passing out awards, an old woman arrives with the cat while Archie arrives with another pet and also gets a prize.

Wild and tame animals
Ipcar, Dahlov
Wild animals are tamed by humans to be used as pets and for work purposes in different parts of the world.

High-wire henry
Calhoun, Mary
Henry, the cat, is jealous of all the attention his family pays to the new puppy. He learns how to walk a high-wire. In the end, Henry rescues the puppy from disaster. He finally gets the attention he's been craving for so much.

How the witch got alf
Annett, Cora
Alf is a donkey that feels unappreciated, so he hides on the roof and pretends to run away. His two owners miss him very much. Alf learns how appreciated he really is.

Look look look
Hoban, Tana
Animals, flowers, food, and instruments have different textures. A small part of each object is seen first then the whole picture comes into view when you turn the page. (A Wordless Book)

Henry and mudge and the happy cat
Rylant, Cynthia
A lost cat finds a home with Henry and Mudge. After Henry and Mudge help the cat find his owner, everyone is sad when the cat finally leaves.

Joey and the birthday present
Kumin, Maxine W.//Sexton, Anne
Joey is a mouse who lives on a farm. He meets a city mouse who is a boy's pet, and they become good friends. They play and do things together until the city mouse has to leave.

Bub or the very best thing
Babbitt, Natalie
The king and queen, wanting only the best for Bub, start asking everyone what they think is the best thing for Bub. Finally, the cook's daughter suggests that the king and queen ask Bub what is best.

Arthur's halloween costume
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to be a ghost for Halloween. When he realizes that he won't be the only ghost, Arthur creates an original costume that stands out from everyone.

Timid timothy: The kitten who learned to be brave
Williams, G.
Timothy is a cat who is afraid of everyting. His mom teaches him how to be mighty. Eventually, Timothy scares a dog which builds his self-esteem.

Mr. hacker
Stevenson, James
Mr. Hacker decides to leave his home in the city for a country house. At first he is lonely, but eventually he becomes friends with a cat he calls Ellis, and a dog he names Jarvis.

Latkes and applesauce
Manushkin, Fran
A snowstorm limits the supply of apples and potatoes during Hanukkah. A family gives shelter to a hungry kitten and a puppy, which deepens the meaning of the holiday.

Hi, cat!
Keats, Ezra Jack
Archie says Hi to a cat, and it follows him the rest of the day. Archie and Peter try to put on a show but the cat messes it all up. In the end, Archie realizes that the cat likes him.