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  • Tags: birds
Names for snow
Beach, Judi K.
A rabbit asks his mother what is snow? and she responds with several different descriptions of snow and the many names there are for it.

Swamp song
Ketteman, Helen
Down in the swamp where the cypress grows, Old Man Gator starts tappin' his toes...Pretty soon, all the swamp animals are movin' and swaggin' to Gator's beat. Sing along with the river otter, bullfrog, dragonfly, and many other swamp animals as their music swells into the natural chorus of croaking, whirring, and buzzing, all brought to life by Ponder Goembel's colored ink and acrylic-wash-paint illustrations.

The adventures of Marco Flamingo under the sea/ Las aventuras submarinas de Marco Flamenco
Jarkins, Sheila
The comical Adventures of Marco continue as your favorite flamingo explores the wonders of ocean life to find unlikely friends.

Paws, claws, hands, and feet
Hutmacher, Kimberly
We run, jump, hop and rest, just like the critters and creatures featured in Paws, Claws, Hands, and Feet. Go along on the exciting dream journey from morning to night, playing alongside squirrels, monkeys, kangaroos, and penguins. Finally, as the sun sets, snuggle beneath the covers and snooze, with recollections of animals at play.

Beautiful moon/ Bella luna
Jeffers, Dawn
What if days went on forever and nighttime never came? Find out what a girl does to fill her days and fulfill her dreams.

Cinnamon and the April shower
Crane Johnson, Amy
An April shower frightens Cinnamon Bear, her new cub, and their woodland friends. Solomon Raven explains the importance of rain for animal and forest survival.

Saturn for my birthday
McGranaghan, John
Jeffrey wants Saturn for his birthday, and he wants the moons too- all 47 of them! But he's not selfish: he'll share the rings with some of his friends at school and with his teacher, Mrs. Cassini. Facts about Saturn are woven seamlessly throughout this funny story as Jeffrey explains just what he'll do with his present and how he'll take care of it.

A day in the salt marsh
Kurtz, Kevin
Watch the animals that have adapted to this ever-changing environment as they hunt for food or play in the sun. Learn how the marsh grass survives even though it is covered by salt water twice a day.

Happy birthday to whooo? A baby animal riddle book
Fisher, Doris
Babies come in all different sizes and shapes. Some babies have fur and some have feathers. Some may be the only baby born or some might be born with 100 brothers and sisters! Some babies are big (23 feet) and some are little (the size of a jelly-bean)! Babies have their own special families too! Some have a mom and a dad; some have a mom or a dad; and some even live with their mom, aunts, and grandmothers!

The wide-mouthed frog
Faulkner, Keith
One day, a wide-mouthed frog ventures around his pond asking all the animals he meets what they like to eat. He's having a wonderful time until he meets a alligator who likes to eat wide mouthed frogs! Thinking quickly, the wide-mouthed frog makes his mouth as small as possible and makes a quick escape before the alligator can eat him.

On Meadowview Street
Coles, Henry
Caroline and her family move into a new house on Meadowview street. Much to Caroline's dismay, there is no meadow on Meadowview Street. After Caroline's hard work to create a wild life preserve in her own backyard, there is now a meadow on Meadowview Street, a new home to many.

Henry the impatient heron
Love, Donna
Henry the heron can't stand still. He is always moving, and it drives everyone crazy. All herons have to stand still to catch their food, so how will Henry ever be able to eat on his own? Henry learns a valuable lesson from the King of Camouflage, which teaches the importance of just being still.

The magician and McTree
Coombs, Patricia
An old magician accidentally creates a potion that makes his cat, McTree, talk. Although he is supposed to keep his new talent a secret, McTree ends up a famous attraction at the palace. But when McTree loses his appeal, the King and Queen order the old magician to be kidnapped so he can make all of the castle pets to talk. McTree must use his sense to outwit the royal party and save his old companion.

Mystery bottle
Balouch, Kristen
A little boy receives a package in the mail. In the package he finds a great bottle that, when opened, blows out a great wind that casts him all the way to Iran and into his Baba Bozorg's arms where he learns a great lesson about love and family.

The Umbrella
Brett, Jan
Carlos embarks on an adventure to the cloud forest where he leaves his umbrella at the base of a fig tree so he can climb it in search of rainforest animals. While he is up in the tree, through all of the animals he is searching for climb into the umbrella until it sinks in the water and they all run away...just before Carlos returns.

If I could/ Si yo pudiera
Sweetland, Nancy
A world full of beautiful, fanciful and comical possibilities where you explore what life would be like if you could be anything you wanted to be, if you only could.

Shoo, fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
Fly guy comes home to find that Buzz is on a picnic with his parents. Fly guy is hungry, so he decides to find his family's picnic location by searching for his favorite brown, oozy, lumpy, smelly food. After coming across many food thatfit part of the decription, he finally find his favorite food and the picnic.

The gruffalo
Donaldson, Julia
A cunning mouse is able to deceive a fox, owl, and a snake into thinking he has a gruffalo as a friend. Things look bad for the mouse when the gruffalo actually appears and wants him for a meal. Using his wits, the mouse is able to convince the gruffalo that he, the mouse, is the scariest creature in the woods.

Mzimba and the crowned cranes
Mashiri, Pascal
Chief Mzimba was very old, but he still had magical powers. He used his magic on the animals. Sometimes it helped the animals, sometimes it didn’t. What does Mzimba have to learn about giving gifts?

What Eddie can do
Gebhard, Wilfried
Eddie goes on many adventures but ignores his momメs advice on shoe tying lessons. After discovering his friend Clara, who needs to be rescued by a double tailed monster, Eddie takes time out and learns to tie knots, and succeeds in saving his friend.

Carnival of the animals
Lithgow, John
A young boy sneaks off from a school field trip. He is left in the history museum overnight where he discovers his classmates, family, and acquaintances take on new forms.

The lighthouse cat
Stainton, Sue
In an old lighthouse, the keeper strives to keep the twenty-four candles burning, by tending to them every half hour. He was lonely until the day he was nose to nose with a cat. They both tended to the lighthouse together. On a dark and stormy night, the rapid wind blew the candles out. The cat called for other cats to help light the lighthouse with their yellow bright eyes.

Clink Clank Clunk
Aroner, Miriam
Rabbit is taking a trip into town and is kind enough to pick up nine friends along the way. Much to his dismay, Rabbit's car begins to fall apart more and more with each friend that gets in! With a little teamwork and persistence though, the ten make it safely to town where Rabbit buys a new car.

I saw your face
Dawes, Kwame
A poem and child portraits illustrate the shared beauty and heritage of African people living throughout the world.

Our nest
Lindbergh, Reeve
When you get into your bed at night, there are many other creatures also getting into their beds called nests. Enjoy learning about the world we all share.

Cluck's clock
Gray, Kes
Day begins on the farm at 4 o'clock in the morning. The chickens stretch and begin breakfast followed by laying their eggs from 6 to 8 oメclock. At 2 o'clock, they play a game of hide-and-seek, and then visit the horses before dinner. As the sun sets, the chickens return to the coop and await the fox. When the fox arrives, a chicken lures him to a hole in the door then dirt is thrown on him to scare him away. At midnight, the chickens say good night.

Not norman:  A goldfish story
Bennett, Kelly
When a boy gets Norman, a goldfish, for his birthday he is disappointed. He wants an energetic pet with which to run and play. He makes a plan to take Norman back to the pet store and get another pet. After show and tell at school, he decides to keep him. Norman likes his music and makes him laugh; besides any other pet just wouldnメt be the same, they would not be Norman.

John Philip Duck
Polacco, Patricia
Edward and his father work at a hotel and return home on the weekends. One weekend, Edward finds a motherless duckling near the pond. Edward is permitted by his father to take the duck to work, only if he keeps it out of the hotel managerメs sight. When the manager discovers the duck, Edward saves the day by showing the manager how he has trained the duck to march to music by John Philip Sousa. Edward trains many more ducks to live in the hotel fountain.

Food for thought:  The complete book of concepts for growing minds
Freymann, Saxton
Fruits and vegetables are strategically carved to emulate people and animals in order to teach shapes, colors, numbers, letters, and opposites. Readers can learn these skills while being entertained by the creative use of healthy foods.

My pal, Victor
Bertrand, Diane Gonzales
Dominic and Victor have a special friendship in spite of Dominicメs disability. They laugh, tell jokes, and do many fun things together on the baseball field, at the amusement park, and during sleepovers.

La La Rose
Ichikawa, Satomi
La La Rose and her girl, Clementine, are the best of friends. The do everything together! One day, their afternoon at the Luxembourg Gardens goes awry when La La Rose mistakenly gets left behind. She is forced to face the world alone and can only hope to be reunited with Clementine.

In the small, small night
Kurtz, Jane
A young boy moves to America from Ghana. He is worried about forgetting his past. Thanks to his mother, he is able to go back to the world he once knew.

Sun mother wakes the world: An Australian creation story
Wolkstein, Diane
The indigenous people of Australia believe their ancestors created the world through the sun shining on all living things to wake them up, bringing them to life. Sun Mother then creates the Morning Sun and the Moon to watch over ther children living on Earth in this spiritual, emotional, and multicultural story of creation.

Ramirez, Antonio
Napi and her Mazateca Indian family live in a village on the bank of a river. As Napi relaxes in the garden and listens to her grandfatherʼs stories, she notices the vibrant colors in the trees, village, river, and animals around her. Napi dreams of being a heron, flying softly above her world.

Marsupial Sue
Lithgow, John
Marsupial Sue is not a happy kangaroo. She does not enjoy the things kangaroos do. Marsupial Sue decides to go explore and find the place where she belongs. She tries to fit in with many other groups of animals. She finally discovers the place where she is happiest.

The red bird
Lindgren, Astrid
A brother and sister who live a very poor and hard life find a secret doorway to a モperfect worldヤ. The children leave it to go back to their lives after being told if they shut the door they can never return. But, one cold hard day they entered the モroomヤ again and face the decision, モDo we shut the door?ヤ.

Days with frog and toad
Lobel, Arnold
Frog and his friend, Toad, go through many adventures. On these adventures, Toad learns many valuable lessons from Frog.

Through tsavo: A story of an east African savanna
Bull, Schuyla
Follows a herd of elephants, including a playful young calf, as it slowly makes its way to Tsavo National Park in Kenya to the Mzima River during a long, dry season.

Cool time song
Schaefer, Carole Lexa
After a hot day on the African savannah, the animals begin to move and make sounds in the cool air of evening.

Brown, Marcia
The village storytellers and shamans of African expound on the important, mysterious, haunted, and enchanted life of shadows.

Bintou's braids
Diouf, Sylviane
When Bintou, a little girl living in West Africa, finally gets her wish for braids, she discovers that what she dreamed for has been hers all along.

Turtle summer: A journal for my daughter
Monroe, Mary A.
A young mother writes a journal for her daughter. This scrapbook-journal explains the nesting cycle of loggerhead sea turtles and the natural life along the southeastern coast, including local shore birds, shells, and a sea turtle hospital.

Tudley didn't know
Himmelman, John
A painted turtle, Dudley, adopts other animalsメ behaviors ヨsimply because he doesnメt know he canメt! Tudley flies like a bird, sings like a katydid, hops like a frog, and glows like a firefly. He uses all his special behaviors to help other animals. Will Tudley's friends help him when he needs help?

The wisdom bird: A tale of Solomon and Sheba
Oberman, Sheldon
Queen of Sheba, the wisest woman in the world, travels to Jerusalem after hearing about King Solomon, the wisest man in the world. She hopes to learn something new, but after asking for a palace made out of bird beaks, they both learn something important. This folktale is derived from Jewish, African and Biblical tales.

Earth mother
Jackson, Ellen
The day begins by Mother Earth tending to her plants and animals. As the day progresses, Mother Earth comes upon a man, a frog, and a mosquito. Each tell Mother Earth what can be changed in their life.

I lost my tooth in africa
Diakite, Penda
Amina and her parents take a trip to Mali to visit family. On the way, Amina realizes that her tooth is loose! While visiting her father's family, Amina loses the tooth and places it under a calabash tree. She receives a hen and a rooster from the African Tooth Fairy.

The most important gift of all
Conway, David
Ama wants to honor her newborn baby brother with a special gift, as is the custom of the people in her village. When Grandma Sisi suggests the gift of love Ama sets off in search of this important present, but how will she know when she has found it? This story celebrates a young girl's discovery of the most important gift of all.

Christmas eve blizzard
Vlahakis, Andrea
A beautiful cardinal is trapped in the snow until a young boy rescues him. Nicholas places more importance on caring for the injured bird than in decorating the Christmas tree or opening his gifts on Christmas morning. The cardinal sweetly and unexpectedly rewards the boy, his grandfather, and their entire village with a lifetime of Christmas cheer.