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  • Tags: bear
Paddy underwater
Goodall, John S.
Paddy takes a dip in the ocean. Paddy has many escapades and encounters with deep sea monsters, but also finds a treasure.

Paddy goes traveling
Goodall, John S.
Paddy leaves on a trip to the beach. While trying to help a young boy, Paddy ends up in the mountains.

Out of the nursery, into the night
Hague, Kathleen//Hague, Michael
Children are told by their parents that dreaming is a good way to fall asleep. They dream wonderful dreams with their teddy bears.

Oregon's journey
A dwarf, Duke, listens to a bear, Oregon, and releases him into the forest. They have a long journey there together but eventually make it.

One small place in a tree
Brenner, Barbara
A bear scratches the bark of a tree; beetles form small openings; a woodpecker eats the beetles; bacteria takes over the tree and a small hole is formed. Although the tree is dying, this small hole is still a home for many animals. Both living and dying trees are important as shelter and home to living organisms.

One saturday morning
Baker, Barbara
A large family is made up of unique members. They work together as a unit.

One fine day
Bang, Molly
From morning until bedtime, a child plays with toys to experience one fine day of activities.

Once upon a time
Prater, John
A boy, his cat, and his mother observe what happens around them. The boy tells the story of what he sees and does throughout the day.

On our vacation
Rockwell, Anne
The bear family takes a vacation to an island. They pack their things and hit the road. They see many water activities from the deck of the boat. After pitching their tent they begin a busy two weeks of swimming, fishing, and many other fun activities.

Old bear
Hissey, Jane
Old Bear was put in the attic. His friends began to miss him so they tried to think of a way to get him down. Eventually, they flew a plane up to the attic and rescued him.

Nobiah's well: A modern African folktale
Guthrie, Donna
Nobiah is an African American boy who is very generous. One day he fetches water for his mother, but by the time he gets home, his water is all gone. His generosity pays off when his friends build him a well in return.

No dinner! The story of the old woman and the pumpkin
Souhami, Jessica
An old woman is on her way to her granddaughter's house for dinner, but meets many animals on her way. In order to escape the animals, she promises to come back all fat and fed. The animals are outwitted when the old woman is disguised as a pumpkin.

Night tree
Bunting, Eve
Nina and her brother go with the family to Luke's forest to decorate a Christmas tree. They sing songs, drink hot chocolate, and decorate the tree all night long.

Never spit on your shoes
Cazet, Denys
Arnie comes home from his first day of school in the first grade. His mother makes him a snack and sits down to talk about his day. Arnie tells his mother about all the activities that took place at school. Arnie has a field trip the next Friday, and he begins to get ready for it. Arnie really enjoys school.

Nessa's fish
Luenn, Nancy
Nessa and her grandmother catch enough fish to feed the whole camp. However, during the night, Nessa's grandmother becomes sick and Nessa must protect her and the fish from wild animals.

My special family
McCully, Emily Arnold
Little Sarah, the bear, feels her family doesn't care for her anymore especially with the adoption of Blanche. Sarah decides to runaway and find her real family.

My many colored days
Suess, Dr.
Dr. Suess uses bright colors, fun rhymes, and active animals to discuss the different moods a person feels. Some days you feel yellow, like a buzzy bee, while other days you feel brown, low, low down. Despite all the different moods you feel, you're still you!

My five senses
How do you taste your favorite food or see an airplane in the sky?Your five senses let you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. You may use one sense or several at one time. Wherever you go and whatever you do, your senses are always working for you.

My daddy
Paradis, Susan
A little boy observes his father crossing the street, running outside in the rain, mowing the grass, riding his bike and diving into the ocean. The boy has great admiration for his father and everything his father does seems extraordinary to him. When the boy's father hugs him and throws him in the air, the boy feels very special and loved.

My brown bear barney
Butler, Dorothy
Brown bear Barney goes with his owner, a little girl, everywhere. The little girl's mother told her that bears do not go to school. The little girl does not listen and takes the bear to school.

Mr. bear's chair
Graham, Thomas
Mr. Bear makes another chair for Mrs. Bear after it breaks at breakfast. Mr. Bear spends the whole day making a new chair for her. Then his chair breaks at dinnertime.

Asch, Frank
Bear and Little Bird play a game of hide-and-seek. Later in the evening, Bear plays a game with the moon.

Moonbear's pet
Asch, Frank
Bear and Little Bird are thrilled with their new friend Splash, who is really a tadpole. When Splash begins to change, Bear and Little Bird get into an argument about which kind of animal Splash is. They come to realize that every kind of animal is valuable and special.

Moon bear
Asch, Frank
A bear becomes upset because the moon grows smaller and he thinks it might disappear. He tries to feed the moon honey to make it bigger. A bird finally tells him that the birds eat the honey and the moon gets bigger and smaller on it's own.

Milo's hat trick
Agee, Jon
Milo the magician had one more chance to pull a rabbit out of his hat or else he would be fired. While searching for a rabbit, he finds a bear. The bear is able to pretend his bones are made of rubber and agrees to jump out of Milo's hat. The show is a huge success until the bear becomes tired. Milo wonders what he will do until he realizes that he too can pretend his bones are made of rubber.

Mice squeak, we speak
dePaola, Arnold L.
Everyone knows that people communicate through talking. What about animals? How do animals communicate? Looking at different animals we can see that each kind of animal communicates in its own unique way using different sounds.

Merry christmas, ernest and celestine
Vincent, Gabrielle
It is Christmas time and Ernest promises Celestine that they could throw a party. Now Ernest doesn't think it is possible because they don't have any money. But Celestine persists and they make all the decorations and presents by hand. The party is a hit based on love and friendship.

Meet the marching smithereens
Hayes, Ann
Join the parade as the drum major leads the rest of the marching smithereens down the street towards the cheering crowd. Each animal plays a different instrument to make a sound the crowd loves.

Major: The story of a black bear
McClung, Robert M.
A bear cub discovers the dangers and delights of the forest. The cub learns to hunt, fish, hibernate, and eventually chooses a mate.

Maggie's whopper
Alexander, Sally
Maggie dreams of catching a whopper sized fish to compete with her older brother. With the help of her aging uncle, Maggie catches her fish and confronts an old bear in the mountains.

Love, your bear pete
Sheldon, Dyan
Brenda loses her teddy bear, Pete, on a bus. She thinks he's gone forever, but soon starts to receive postcards from him. Pete is traveling all over the world and having many adventures. He soon realizes he misses Brenda too much and returns home.

Louanne pig in the talent show
Carlson, Nancy
Louanne's school is putting on a talent show. There's only one problem though: Louanne doesn't have a talent. When an unexpected turn of events causes Louanne to step up to the plate, she discovers her hidden talent: saving the day!

McPhail, David
A boy and a lost bear have many adventures as they try to find the bear's home.

Little tricker the squirrel meets big double the bear
Kesey, Ken
It is autumn, and Big Double the Bear is eating everything in sight to prepare for hibernation. Little Tricker the squirrel must save his friends and his home from the very hungry bear.

Little swan
London, Jonathan
Ko-hoh cracks through his eggshell to find his parents towering over him. His trumpeter swan family stays close together as Ko-hoh and other cygnets learn how to feed themselves, to honk when predators are nearby, and to develop flight feathers. Little swan grows up and learns to migrate with his family.

Little mouse's painting
Wolkstein, D.
Little mouse paints a picture and her friends Bear, Squirrel, and Porcupine all see their images in it. Mouse tells them that they are seeing things, but when she takes the painting home she sees it from a new perspective.

Little fur family
Brown, Margaret Wise
A father bear goes to work, and the younger bear goes exploring. He comes across many animals different from him. He comes home for dinner and bed.

Little bear's visit (Los amigos de osito)
Minarik, Else Holmelund
After being told not to tire out his grandparents, Little Bear spends his visit with them playing and listening to their stories. At the end of the day, it is Little Bear who is fast asleep.

Little bear's trousers
Hissey, Jane
Little Bear loses his trousers and goes all around the house asking his friends if they have them. Eventually he finds them and they all have a party.

Little bear's pancake party
Brustlein, Janice
A small bear is searching for pancakes. He goes for a walk and encounters all of his animal friends who try and help. Finally, the bear throws a party for his friends and they make pancakes.

Little bear's friend
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Little Bear made a new friend named Emily one summer. They play with each other until Emily has to go back to school in the fall. Little Bear is sad to lose his friend.

Little bear
Minarik, Else Holmelund
A collection of four short stories about Little Bear who goes on imaginary adventures that his mother tells him about.

Let's go swimming
Watanabe, Shigeo
Bear asks his father to take him to the swimming pool on a hot day. At first Bear is frightened but then he realizes that swimming is fun.

Let's go home, little bear
Waddell, Martin
Big bear and little bear walk home through the woods in the snow. When little bear is frightened by noises he hears during the walk, big bear reassures him about how the sounds are made.

Let's count it out, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Join Jesse Bear on his trip to an amusement park. Jesse Bear counts everything from his shoes to the bumper cars to the stars in the sky.

Kiss good night
Hest, Amy
On a dark and stormy night, Sam's mother puts him to bed in their cozy little house. After a bedtime story and a glass of warm milk, Sam needs a kiss goodnight.

Just one tooth
Nerlove, Miriam
Ruth loses her only tooth. She is afraid that it isn't going to grow back. Finally, it grows back and she is happy.

Just like daddy
Asch, Frank
A very young bear describes all the activities he does during the day that are just like his daddy's.

Just dessert
Powell, Polly
The apple family finish their dinner and desert, but Pasty wasn't quite full yet. Pasty wants that last piece of cake. Her mom tells her that she can not eat it. That piece of cake is on Pasty's mind all night long. After everyone was asleep, Pasty goes downstairs to get the cake. Pasty's journey to the cake provides her with obstacles of the mind.

Johnny crow's party
Brooke, L. Leslie
Johnny crow has a bunch of animals that gather in his garden. They have many rhyming adventures.