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  • Tags: walking
Rocks! Rocks! Rocks!
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
Buddy likes looking at and collecting rocks so Mama suggests they visit the local nature center. They hike the Blue Diamond Trail to five learning centers where they meet Roxie, a Rock Ridge Ranger. Buddy learns about bedrock, erosion, and how three types of rocks are formed. He finds out many surprising things about rocks, rocks, rocks!

The birthday pet
Javernick, Ellen
Danny can have a pet for his birthday and he knows exactly what he wants. The other members of his family think differently.

My rows and piles of coins
Mollel, Tololwa M.
What would you buy if your mother gave you some money? Saruni wants a bicycle- a bicycle of his very own! Saruni saves his coins and works hard to help his mother. Unfortunately, Saruni is disappointed because he does not have enough to buy his very own bicycle. Where there is a will, there is a way, so Saruni finally gets a bicycle to help his mother to the Tanzanian market.

One child, one seed: A south african counting book
Cave, Kathryn
Play a simple counting game. Watch a pumpkin grow. Follow young Nothando and discover the rhythms of her daily life in her South African village.

In my momma's kitchen
Nolen, Jerdine
A young girl's fondest memories happen in her momma's kitchen. Achievements, family, stories, cooking and love are all celebrated in the kitchen. Great-Aunt Caroline, corn-pudding time and nighttime serenades are a few of the special moments in this loving family.

Lyle, lyle crocodile
Waber, Bernard
A crocodile named Lyle has a big impact on those he meets in his community. One day, a member of his family loses his job. In the end this bad event is turned around into a job well done by everyone.

The twelve circus rings
Chwast, Seymour
Numbers are shown as characters in the circus. At first there is a dare devil, then a dare devil and two elephants, and then a dare devil, two elephants, and three monkeys.

Snow pumpkin
Schaefer, Carole Lexa
Lily and Gram can't believe how much snow has fallen in October. Lily and her friend, Jesse, have a wonderful time rolling around in the snow and building a snowman. When they run out of snow for the snowman's head, Lily and Jesse go to Gram's vegetable patch and find a snow pumpkin with a face. The snowman eventually melts, but the pumpkin remains smiling on Gram and Jesse's window sill.

I can take a walk
Watanabe, S.
A bear takes a walk by himself near his home. He imagines that he is climbing over high bridges and tall mountains. He later walks with his father who teaches him the proper way to cross the street.

Newcome, Zita
Join Maddy, Alphonse, Georgia, and other toddlers as they have fun exercising and discovering new moves while doing toddlerobics.

Jiggle wiggle prance
Noll, Sally
Animals act out action words such as jiggle, wiggle, and prance in a rhyming pattern. For example, the animals jump, run, race and climb, slide, fall.

Rain talk
Serfozo, Mary
A girl listens to the sounds of the rain. She hears it hit on the pond, her umbrella, and the roof while she travels around her community.

Penguin day
Winteringham, Victoria
Penguins are portrayed as being very similar to human beings. The penguins get up, play, laugh, make friends, eat, exercise, and sleep.

Beach days
Robbins, Ken
There are many reasons why people go to the beach. Some include riding the waves, eating hot dogs and ice cream, playing in the sand, or just sitting and watching the sunset.

The old pirate of central park
Priest, Robert
An old pirate who lives in New York City takes a walk in Central Park and spends time with other old pirates. One day, when he brings his ship to sail on the pond, he meets the retired Queen. A battle ensues between vessels. Chaos reigns until a truce is called. Now the Old Pirate and the Old Queen spend time together at the pond every day as Retirates.

The storytellers
Lewin, Ted
Abdul and his grandfather travel the streets of Fez, Morocco on the way to work. After passing merchants, carpenters and other citizens hard at work, grandfather spreads out a carpet to begin his job, telling stories to a crowd.

Shoes, shoes, shoes
Morris, Ann
A rhyme about shoes from all over the world ranges from new shoes to work shoes, game shoes to fun shoes.

Meeting trees
Sanders, Scott Russel
A father takes his son on an educational walk through the woods stopping to look at all of nature's details. They identify different trees and leaves and see several animals along the way.

The foolish tortoise
Buckley, Richard//Carle, Eric
A tortoise leaves his shell because he is tired of being slow. Without his shell, he is less protected from other animals and the environment. The tortoise decides that his shell is part of who he is.

Tiger watch
Wahl, Jan
When a tiger in the village causes trouble, Azad and his father are sent out to search for it. When Azad comes face to face with the tiger, it changes his outlook on hunting.

Low, William
Chinatown is a city that is home to street cobblers, herbalists, tai chi masters, kung fu students, fish markets, and restaurants. And best of all, the celebration of the Chinese New Year which has a parade and lion dance! A Chinese-American boy walks throughout Chinatown, New York with his grandmother as they enjoy the culture and activities native to China.

Lester's dog
Hesse, Karen
Two boys are afraid to go by the house where the fierce dog, Lester, hides under the porch. On their adventure they cross busy streets then find a baby kitten. They try to save the kitten and find an excellent home for it.

Matt's grandfather
Lundgren, Max
Matt and his family go to visit Matt's grandfather in a retirement home for his eighty-fifth birthday. Matt's grandfather is old and he forgets a lot. At first, Matt is afraid of his grandfather, but when they go for a walk in the park, he learns that older people are not so scary.

Let's go home, little bear
Waddell, Martin
Big bear and little bear walk home through the woods in the snow. When little bear is frightened by noises he hears during the walk, big bear reassures him about how the sounds are made.

The camel who took a walk
Tworkov, Jack
In this book, the forest is waking up and the sun is slowly rising. A camel takes a walk through the forest and approaches other animals who have come up with a plan. However, the camel turns around before he reaches the other animals and their plan falls through.

Marshall, James
Emily, the pig, decides she needs to lose weight. She takes a walk then eats everything in sight. Eugene Turtle suggests that walking is a good way for losing weight.

Tale of a tail
Bodnar, Judit Z.
A fox catches fish for his dinner. WHen his friend, the bear, finds out he wants to know where the fox got all his fish. The bear takes his friend's advice and spends all night trying to catch fish. At dawn, he does not think he has caught any, but then he realizes he has caught a lot of fish on the way home.

Sportsercise: A school story about exercise-induced asthma
Gosselin, Kim
This book looks at exercise and how it can induce asthma. It explains that some children may have this problem, but encourages them to participate in physical activities.

The tie man's miracle: A chanukah tale
Schnur, Steven
On the last day of Chanukah, an old man stops by Seth's house to sell ties. After talking with the old man for awhile, Seth learns how the man lost his whole family in the Holocaust. Seth makes a wish for the old man as the menorah candles burn out.

Virgie goes to school with us boys
Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald
After President Lincoln frees the slaves a man opens up a school for African Americans. All boys attend the school. Five boys that go to this school have a little sister that badly wants to go also. They tell her the hourney is too treacherous. After asking to go all summer, her parents finally allow her to go to school with her brothers.

Looking for the easy life
Myers, Walter Dean
Oswego Pete, a monkey living on Monkey Island, is tired of working for his good life. He wants to find the easy life so he challenges Uh-Huh Freddie, the Chief Monkey, for his position. The two of them, along with other monkeys go off in search for the Easy Life. While exploring, they run into challenges and they realize that work is good if you have a good life.

More than anything else
Bradby, Marie
Booker and all the other African Americans have been set free. Money is tight and food is scarce, but the one thing that Booker cares most about is learning to read. His mother gives him an alphabet book, so he seeks the help of a man who knows how to read.

The baby dances
Henderson, Kathy
A baby is born and as she grows she learns to do many new things. As her brother watches her grow during her first year, he shares his observations. She sits, walks, runs, and finally dances as her brother looks on.

Welcome with love
Overend, Jenni
The special day has arrived. A new baby has many siblings who are all very excited for the new addition to the family. Jack, his sisters Janie and Bea, Aunt Meg, Dad, and Anna the midwife are awaiting the home birth of mother's new baby. The family experiences a wonderful miracle as Mum delivers her new baby at home.

Once there were giants
Waddell, Martin//Dale, Penny
People look like giants to infants. A young girl grows up and experiences a lot through life. Now she is a mother and a giant herself.

Home place
Dragonwagon, Crescent
A family on a hike discovers an old house that is deserted. Looking through remains, they learn about who once lived there.

Lost!A story in string
Fleischman, Paul
A grandmother tells the story of a mountain girl who is lost in a blizzard. As she tells this story to her granddaughter, she uses string to illustrate it. Even you can learn how to make the string pictures!

White socks only
Coleman, Evelyn
A young African American girl walks into town and is faced with prejudice. The community proudly stands up for her and the rights of all African Americans.

Apple juice tea
Weston, Martha
When Gran first comes to visit, Polly wishes she would leave so her life could get back to normal. One night, Gran babysits and they have a tea party. After that, there are many more tea parties and special times.

On our vacation
Rockwell, Anne
The bear family takes a vacation to an island. They pack their things and hit the road. They see many water activities from the deck of the boat. After pitching their tent they begin a busy two weeks of swimming, fishing, and many other fun activities.

Brian's secret errand
Lonergan, Joy
A little boy named Brian always watches his father get a newspaper every morning. One morning his father is sick and cannot get the paper, so Brian goes into the big city and brings back a newspaper.

Down the road
Schertle, Alice
Hetty has the chance to prove she is a big girl when her parents send her to Mr. Birdie's store to buy a dozen eggs. Hetty is very careful not to break the eggs until she reaches the apple tree.

The dancer
Burstein, Fred
A little girl is on her way to ballet class with her father when they encounter various people and things through the city. Descriptive words about the city are written in three languages: Spanish, English, and Japanese.

Nature walk
Florian, Douglas
Two children and a guide walk along a nature trail and see a cottontail, a bluejay, a hidden lake, some pinecones, a bullfrog, plus some other things.

The big yellow balloon
Fenton, Edward
A little boy takes a walk with his big yellow balloon. A cat follows him because he believes the balloon is the sun. Suddenly a dog follows the cat and a dogcatcher follows the dog. Soon there is a long parade of people and animals following one another. The balloon is finally broken, but the boy is given a hero badge to replace the balloon since the parade he created helped a policeman catch a thief.

The city country a b c
Walters, M.
A child locates items alphabetically in a city and country as he takes a walk.

Williams, Jay
Getting what you want isn't always easy. This is the lesson that Petronella, once known as Peter, learns. Petronella battles off animals and people to get the man she loves. In doing so, she also realizes that the richest people aren't always the best people.

It's school time
Oechsli, Kelly
A boy runs to school, participates in the day, and then walks home (A Wordless book).

Mirette on the highwire
McCully, Emily Arnold
Mirette learns to walk a tightrope from Bellini, the world famous tightrope walker, who has quit because of fear. Mirette encourages Bellini and they walk the high wire together.

I went walking
Williams, Sue
A young child goes out for a walk. By the end of the story he is being followed by a cat, a horse, a cow, a duck, a pig, and a dog.