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  • Tags: spider
This is the hat
Van Laan, Nancy
Cumulative verses describe an old man's hat as it becomes a home for a spider, a mouse and many other creatures. The hat eventually returns to the old man.

Tomorrow on rocky pond
Reiser, Lynn
A child can't wait to go fishing on Rocky Pond so she can see animals and have picnics. It's a day full of adventure and fun.

What do you see?
Domanska, Janina
Different animals discover that the world is not just wet, dry, green, and dark. A bird flying overhead sees that the environment is different for everyone.

What if?
Collins, Ross//Thomas, Frances
A bad dream causes Little Monster to imagine several scary events that might occur when he wakes up. To reassure his fears, Little Monster's mother creates a different twist on the fun and exciting events that might occur instead of his bad dream. Mother Monster's comforting suggestions calm Little Monster's fears.

What would you do if you lived at the zoo?
Carlstrom, Nancy White
What would you do if you lived at the zoo?Would you stay with the lions and tigers or would you hang with the monkeys?How would you talk to the animals at the zoo?Take a trip to this zoo and find out just exactly what you would do if you live at a zoo.

Granstrom, Brita & Manning, Mick
Yuck! shows us some of the animal world's most interesting babies, along with what they love to eat for supper! Let's look at what human babies eat!