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The star counters
Luttrell, Ida
A king thinks that the stars in the sky are made of gold. He believes they all belong to him. He counts them every night to make sure that none are missing. When he gets tired of this, he tries to find an animal to count them for him.

The smallest cow in the world
Paterson, Katherine
A very mean cow named Rosie is sold by her owners. Five-year-old Marvin gets extremely upset when his parents move.

The shopping basket
Burningham, John
Steve is sent to the store with a list. On his way home, he is approached by many animals demanding his food. He tricks the animals and goes home with all of his groceries.

The secret in the matchbox
Willis, Val
Dragons and secrets are two things every child loves to read about. Bobby wants someone with whom to share his secret. When his secret is finally let is the dragon.

The secret box mystery
Nixon, Joan Lowery
Michael John brings in a secret science project that makes wierd noises. It gets loose and a new classmate helps him catch the mystery animal. The new boy gains acceptance by the students.

The santa clauses
Broger, Achim
The newspaper publishes an article that states that there is no Santa Claus.

The rooster crows
Petersham, Maud//Petersham, Miska
This book is a collection of nursery rhymes.

The rich man and the shoemaker
La Fontaine
A poor, old, but happy shoemaker sings all day long to keep his rich neighbor from sleeping. A rich man gives the shoemaker a bag of gold to keep quiet. The gold causes him to worry constantly and the shoemaker loses all his friends. The shoemaker realizes he is unhappy, returns the gold, and decides to go back to making shoes and friends.

The red piano
Leblanc-Barroux, Andre
A young pianist is sent to a re-education camp in China. She lives for her secretive two hours of music after a long day's work. Her parents managed to send a piano to Mother Han's house and she manages to smuggle music in notebooks. One night the pianist is caught at the piano, forcing her to live through an extended-re-education while her love and talent for music are challenged.

The real hole
Cleary, Beverly
Jimmy decides he wants to dig a hole. After he digs the hole, he doesn't know what to do with it. His father brings him a tree and he plants the tree in the hole, so Jimmy can take care of it.

The queen always wanted to dance
Mayer, Mercer
A queen who likes to dance is forbidden by the king. She then begins to sing and is forbidden to do that as well. Finally, the king realizes he is wrong and allows the whole kingdom to sing and dance.

The puppy who wanted a boy
Thayer, Jane
Petey, the puppy, wants to find a boy for Christmas, but he has a hard time because there is a shortage of boys without dogs. However, right before Christmas, he finds a boys orphanage who wants him.

The princess on the nut
Nikly, Michelle
A prince searches to find the perfect bride and finds a princess on a nut.

The prince and the pink blanket
Brenner, Barbara
The prince carries an old pink blanket around with him at all times. It makes the prince feel safe, brave, and happy to carry the blanket. The king decides no kids are allowed to carry blankets. The king is shown a film of when he was a kid and that he too carried a blanket. Finally, the king allows the children to have their blankets back.

The patchwork path: A quilt map to freedom
Stroud, Bettye
Hannah and her father are slaves who decide to escape to freedom. They use the patterns in the quilt made by her mother, who passed away, to follow the Underground Railroad.

The painted pig
Morrow, Elizabeth
A little Mexican boy, Pedro, wants a piggy bank just like Pita's. After trying to buy one, he decides to make his own.

The nightgown of the sullen moon
Willard, Nancy
The moon wants a nightgown and a cozy bed to sleep in. The moon finds a nightgown and decides not to come out one night. All the people in the world are sad, so the sun makes the moon promise to take the nightgown back.

The mystery of eatum hall
Kelly, John//Ticknell, Cathy
Dr. Hunter invites Horace and Glenda Pork-fowler over to his house, Eatum Hall, for a weekend of gourmet food. They come over and realize Dr. Hunter won't be joining them until Sunday, so they eat and eat all weekend. In their cluelessness, they don't realize Dr. Hunter is a wolf.

The mud family
James, Betsy
Susi and her family are in desperate need of rain to save their corn and land. If it does not rain soon Susi and her family will have to move to a different place. Susi runs away to a secluded place and prays to her mud family to bring rain to the canyon. Eventually, the rain does come bringing Susi back to the family that needs her most of all.

The meanest squirrel i ever met
Zion, Gene
Nibble, a squirrel, plans his Thanksgiving dinner of acorns, but a mean squirrel comes up and cons the food from Nibble. Through a series of strange circumstances, Nibble is able to get his family's acorns back and even get back at the mean squirrel.

The man who called the crocodiles
Mashiri, Pascal
Gyiii-eee! This is the sound that calls a crocodile. In this land, the wealthy king takes Lulaba as his new wife. She eventually has Gobango as her only son. She tells Gobango of stories about her father calling crocodiles. Eventually Gobango has to flee from his mom or the dead kingï¾’s enemies will kill him. He flees to meet Lulabaï¾’s father, his grandfather. He goes on a fishing trip and meets one of the fishermanï¾’s beautiful daughters, Nanjobe. Gobango asks her father if he can marry her. He says no because he isnï¾’t rich enough to take care of his daughter. Therefore, he works to raise money for her. Six months later, Nanjobe is to marry an old man. Gobango and Nanjobe both hate this idea and flee to Gobangoï¾’s boat. Nanjobeï¾’s father sends people after the two, so Gobango calls the crocodiles, Gyiii-eee. Crocodiles surround their boat. The rest of the people search for the lovers and assuming they are dead, take their boats back to the village.

The lorax
Seuss, Dr.
Trees are being destroyed in a small town and the lorax tries to stop the business that uses the trees to make clothes. Finally, all the trees are gone and the animals are dying, so a young boy decides to plant trees all over town.

The long way westward
Sandin, Joan
Carl Erik and his family arrive in America off of an immigrant boat from Sweden. They have an adventurous, yet hard, journey westward to Minnesota.

The little red hen
Galdone, Paul
The little red hen lived with a cat, dog, and mouse, but was the only one who ever did any work. She planted wheat, took it to the mill to ground into flour, and made a cake. Even though she asked for help, no one helped her with anything. But once the cake was made, they all wanted a piece. After the hen finished the cake herself, she had three eager helpers whenever there was work to be done.

The little old lady who was not afraid of anything
Williams, L.
A little old lady, who isn't afraid of anything, takes a walk in the woods at night. A pumpkin head, a tall black hat, a pair of pants, a shirt, two gloves and two shoes try to scare her.

The land of no
Anderson, Jill
Tiffany always hates to be told no, so she dreams up a place called the Land of No. Here, everyone always answers with the word no. Tiffany learns how to word her requests in order to het her way. When she awakes from her dream, her mother answers yes.

The hundred penny box
Mathis, Sharon B.
Michael greatly admires his great-great Aunt Dew. He likes to sit with her while she sleeps or sings her long song. She dances with him and helps him count her hundred pennies in a special box. When Michael's mother attempts to take the special box and other belongings of Aunt Drew, Michael takes a stand and defends his aging Aunt.

The house on east 88th street
Waber, Bernard
The Primms moved into their new house only to find Lyle, the crocodile, in their bathtub. They were afraid at first, but eventually they became good friends with Lyle.

The heartaches of a french cat
McClintock, Barbara
A cat falls in love and escapes her old life. She marries, but soon the marriage falls apart. Her husband falls in love with another cat. She leaves him, writes a book which makes her famous, and is courted by her former husband's lawyer.

The grey lady and the strawberry snatcher
Bang, Molly
A man with a passion for strawberries gives an old lady some strawberries to take home. On her way home, the strawberry snatcher tries to steal her strawberries. After failed attempts, the strawberry snatcher settles on eating blackberries from a nearby bush. (Wordless book)

The greatest potatoes
Stowell, Penelope
Cornelius Vanderbilt sets out on a mission to find the best potato dish ever. He travels around and finds none that are good enough. Vanderbilt goes to Cary Moon's Restaurant, where George Crum is the head chef. Crum makes many dishes that Vanderbilt does not like. Crum decides to make the potatoes so crispy and salty, so he will not like them. Vanderbilt loves them and that is how the potato chip is invented.

The golden goose
Brooke, L. Leslie
A man's son, Simpleton, goes into the forest to cut wood. In the woods, he runs into a little man who gives him a golden goose with several wishes. Simpleton uses his new luck to benefit himself and lives happily ever after.

The girl who loved the wind
Yolen, Jane
Danina's father does not want her to experience life's harshnesses or sorrows. She is surrounded only by beauty. Then, the wind comes and tells her of another world. She accepts it's challenge by setting out to discover the real world and broadening her sheltered life.

The girl who loved caterpillars
Merrill, Jean
Izumi loves caterpillars and studies them carefully. Everyone in the town thinks she is strange, but Izumi does not pay any attention to them.

The fox and the hen
Battut, Eric
Henrietta Hen lays her first egg, but she doesn't know what it is. Red Fox comes along and asks to trade her egg for a nice juicy work and she agrees. The other animals help Henrietta realize her mistake, so they each try to offer something valuable to trade for Red Fox's egg. When the animals solve the problem with one final idea, Henrietta goes home to find a little yellow chick. Coming out of her original egg.

The evil spell
McCully, Emily Arnold
Little Edwin bear has his first major role in a play. Edwin's struggles with stagefright and remembering his lines.

The dwarf giant
Lobel, Anita
A Japenese prince and princess come upon a dwarf who enchants the prince and makes him do foolish things. The prince finds a clever way of disenchanting the prince.

The duchess of whimsy: An absolutely delicious fairytale
de Seve, Randall
The Duchess of Whimsy is very well known to be extravagant, through her celebrations, clothing, and conversation. The Earl of Norm is quite the opposite; in fact the Duchess thinks he is rather ordinary. However her father tells her, their two kingdoms have to be friends. The Earl of Norm loves the Duchess of Whimsy and goes to extraordinary lengths to try to impress her, but none of them impress her. One night at supper the cook becomes sick, so all the Duchess' guests try to impress her with their cooking. However the one food that impresses her is the one ordinary food. Cooked by whom?

The duchess bakes a cake
Kahl, Virginia
The Dutchess of Vingdom with many children is tired of her daily duties, so she bakes a cake. As she pushs the cook out of the kitchen saying she needs no help, disaster strikes. After making a mess and starting a fire the dutchess decides to stick to her usual routine

The doubtful guest
Gorey, Edward
A guest becomes unwelcome in his hosts' home by doing silly and strange things. The hosts learn to accept him and to enjoy their company.

The conversation club
Stanley, Diane
Peter the field mouse moves into a new house and is invited to be a member in the local Conversation Club. When he attends, he finds that everyone is speaking at once and nothing can be understood. With that, Peter decides to organize his own club - the Listening Club.

The chocolate-covered-cookie tantrum
Blumenthal, Deborah
As Sophie walks home from the park with her mother, she sees another little girl eating a chocolate-covered-cookie. Sophie's mother does not have any cookies to give her and will not allow Sophie to eat cookies so close to supper time. Sophie is outraged and throws a temper tantrum! Sophie learns that not eating a cookie before supper isn't so bad after all.

The cat in the hat comes back
Seuss, Dr.
The Cat in the Hat returns to visit Salley and her brother's house while their mother is gone. The children shovel the sidewalk, causing mischief and a big mess. Then, the Cat in the Hat brings out his helpers, Cats A-Z, to help clean up.

The cat in the hat
Seuss, Dr.
It was too wet to play outside, so Sally and her brother just sat inside. Along came the Cat in the Hat with a bunch of silly tricks that made a huge mess. Right before their mother returns, they clean everything up.

The cantankerous crow
Hellsing, Lennart//Strayer, Paul
The crow disobeys and flies into a farmer's yard to eat berries. The farmer catches him and sells the bird because he is so bad. The baker buys him and becomes frustrated too, so he sets the bird free. The crow goes back home to his family who missed him.

The busy world of Richard Scarry: A big operation
Scarry, Richard
After contracting his third sore throat of the year, Huckle is told that his tonsils need to be taken out. Afraid of the hospital and the word operation, Huckle tries to sneak out. His friend, Lowly, takes Huckle around the hopital to show how others are brave. Huckle decides that he too is brave and will go through with the operation.

The boy who wouldn't talk
Bouchard, Lois Kalb
Carlos, a Puerto Rican boy, lives in America and is frustrated with learning the English language. He decides not to talk at all and just nod and draw pictures. He meets a blind boy who cannot see his pictures or nods, so Carlos must talk. Carlos is so happy to meet this boy that he begins to talk again.

The boy who would not say his name
Vreeken, Elizabeth
Bobby Brown liked to pretend he was other characters in a story, so he always used a character's name when someone asked him his name. One day he got lost and people could not find his family, so finally he said his real name.

The boy in the drawer
Munsch, Robert
Shelly's room is a mess but it is not her fault. A little boy that is living in her sock drawer is causing all the problems. How can she get others to believe her?