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  • Tags: refusal skills
I hate goodbyes
Szaj, Kathleen
Katie hates goodbyes!She would rather sing at the top of her lungs, yell at her teddy bear or wiggle her loose teeth than tell her loved ones goodbye. Her family helps her cope with goodbyes, then very soon she will be saying hellos.

Smoking stinks
Gosselin, Kim
Maddie and Alex get the facts about smoking!They learn the truth by interviewing Maddie's grandpa, Norman. His mistakes intrigue their class's journey to stay healthy and live smoke-free.

No jumping on the bed
Arnold, Ted
Walter always wanted to jump on his bed. One night he dreamed that he fell through the floor. When he awoke, he never wanted to jump on his bed again.

Hunter and his dog
Wildsmith, Brian
A dog is raised by a hunting dog, but refuses to bring back the wounded birds. Instead he brings back sticks. The hunting dog is ashamed at first, but then begins to help the wounded birds fly away to safety.

May I bring a friend?
de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk
A boy is invited to go to the King and Queen's house. Everyday he brings a friend along. They invite him to come once again, but he says that he wants them to visit his friends in the zoo.

The prince and the pink blanket
Brenner, Barbara
The prince carries an old pink blanket around with him at all times. It makes the prince feel safe, brave, and happy to carry the blanket. The king decides no kids are allowed to carry blankets. The king is shown a film of when he was a kid and that he too carried a blanket. Finally, the king allows the children to have their blankets back.

The princess on the nut
Nikly, Michelle
A prince searches to find the perfect bride and finds a princess on a nut.

My dad is really something
Osborn, Lois
Harry and his friend Ron compare their fathers. Harry becomes upset because Ron's father seems to be so much better than his father. As is turns out, Ron is making everything up because his dad had died a few years ago.

Curious George rides a bike (Georges fait du velo)
Rey, H.A.
Curious George, a monkey from Africa, receives a new bicycle from a man who wears a yellow hat. He has many interesting adventures on his new bike, including riding into a rock when he watches boats travel down the river.

The rooster crows
Petersham, Maud//Petersham, Miska
This book is a collection of nursery rhymes.

The meanest squirrel i ever met
Zion, Gene
Nibble, a squirrel, plans his Thanksgiving dinner of acorns, but a mean squirrel comes up and cons the food from Nibble. Through a series of strange circumstances, Nibble is able to get his family's acorns back and even get back at the mean squirrel.

The wild washer-women
Yeoman, J.
Seven washerwomen get fed up, run wild, and meet seven woodsmen. They all get married.

Morris's disappearing bag: A christmas story
Wells, Rosemary
On Christmas morning, Morris and his two sisters and brother all get their gifts. Morris's sisters and brother will not share their gifts with him. When they see the gift Morris receives, they want to use it. While they are playing with his gift, Morris finally gets to play with all of their toys.

Ida and betty and the secret eggs
Chorao, Kay
Ida and Betty are summer friends. When playing, the girls find a bird's nest with eggs in it. A new girl moves into the neighborhood, and Betty makes friends with her. Ida becomes jealous of their friendship. The nest and eggs restore the original friendship when Betty's new friend shows her real personality.

The real hole
Cleary, Beverly
Jimmy decides he wants to dig a hole. After he digs the hole, he doesn't know what to do with it. His father brings him a tree and he plants the tree in the hole, so Jimmy can take care of it.

Move over, twerp
Alexander, Martha
A little boy gets on the school bus and gets bullied out of his seat. He tries to build muscles, but that does not work. He cleverly calls himself Supertwerp and all the big kids love it and no one ever asks him to move again.

If you give a mouse a cookie
Numeroff, Laura
This book is about a little boy who meets a mouse and gives him a cookie but that's not enough fo rthe mouse. He wants more and more from the little boy and they become friends.

The little old lady who was not afraid of anything
Williams, L.
A little old lady, who isn't afraid of anything, takes a walk in the woods at night. A pumpkin head, a tall black hat, a pair of pants, a shirt, two gloves and two shoes try to scare her.

Luka's quilt
Guback, Gloria
Luka and Tutu are best friends. Tutu decides to make a quilt for Luka but she doesn't like it. For a while they aren't friends anymore, but then they are again.

Don't you remember?
Clifton, Lucille
A four-year old girl asks if she can go to work with her dad, buy a cake from the bakery, see where her mom works, and drink coffee with her brothers. One day on her birthday, she gets everything she's been asking for.

Moving is hard
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl is sad that she has to move from her house. She must leave her friends, her school, and all of her favorite things, like playing baseball and running in the fields with her dog. She soon makes new friends, though, and learns her new apartment is not much different from her old neighborhood and begins to like it.

Maggie and the monster
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Every night a monster comes into Maggie's room and messes it up. Maggie asks the monster what she wants and the monster tells Maggie that she is looking for her mother. Maggie helps the monster find her mother in the hall closet.

The wishing hat
Fuchshuber, Annegert
A person's main intention in life should not be for money. Magic makes it fun though.

Heckedy peg
Wood, Audrey
A mother goes to market. While she is gone, a witch persuades her children to let her in the house. The witch turns the children into her supper, but the mother arrives home in time to save her children and chase the witch away.

Treed by a pride of irate lions
Zimelman, Nathan
An animal likes his Mother but not his Father -- so off he goes to Africa where he hopes to find some loving animals. In the end, the Dad returns home, telling his family that no animal will ever be like him. Dad is happy that his family still loves him.

Wind says goodnight
Rydell, Katy
A child is having a hard time going to sleep. The wind must convince all of the night creatures to go to sleep. The moon is loud and eventually stops glowing. It begins to rain and finally it is time to rest.

Shy charles (Charles le timide)
Wells, Rosemary
Charles is a very shy mouse who does not like to talk to anyone. He likes to play alone, and he hates talking on the phone. One day, his babysitter gets hurt and Charles becomes her hero.

The boston coffee party
Rappaport, Doreen
During the Revolutionary War, a group of women boycott a local merchant's store and get all the coffee in the warehouse.

Children of the forest
Beskow, Elsa
Four forest children learn about nature and their surroundings. Their days revolve around the light and the weather. The children also are taught lessons throughout their childhood.

Murgatroyd's garden
Zavos, J.//Drahos, Z.
Murgatroyd screams whenever his parents wash his hair so they stop washing it and a huge garden -- complete with animals -- grows on his head. When Murgatroyd can no longer stand up under his garden, he realizes that hairwashing really isn't so bad!

One hungry monster
O'Keefe, Susan Heyboer
A group of hungry monsters tear up a boy's house looking for food. When they finally get the food, they make an even bigger mess. The boy gets so upset that he orders them all to get out of his house so he can have some peace.

Super dooper jezebel
Ross, Tony
Jezebel is a little girl who is perfect in every way. She never does anything wrong or anything she is not supposed to do. Jezebel is in for a surprise when her perfectness brings her face-to-face with a hungry alligator.

Donna jeans disaster
Williams, Barbara
Some of Donna Jean's family members are so sure she will fail in reciting a poem at a school program that they almost convince her that she cannot do it. Luckily, her uncle believes in her and helps her.

Arthur's halloween
Brown, Marc
Arthur is scared of Halloween. He finally makes it through his day at school when he has to take his sister trick-or-treating. His sister wanders into the scariest house, and Arthur has to go in and get her.

Ethan's favorite teacher
Colman, Hila
A boy hates school because it is boring and the teachers never answer his questions. He would prefer to spend his time ate the zoo playing tic tac toe with an ape. Doing this, he works hard to learn how to beat the ape because he's having fun. He overcomes the doubts of his peers and teacher.

Tsugele's broom
Carey, Valerie Scho
A young girl is pressured by her parents to get married but she wants to find a man who is as reliable as her broom. Her broom turns into the man of her dreams and she marries him.

Henkes, Kevin
Owen just loves his yellow blanket named Fuzzy, which he takes everywhere. Owen's parents decide Owen is getting too old to carry around a blanket. Owen is terribly upset and isn't happy again until Fuzzy is cut up into small pieces for Owen to carry around.

Yolen, Jane
A Taino boy tells his view of Columbus' landing. He doesn't like the pale men and how the islanders are treated. He speaks out against this but no one listens because he is young.

Lyle at the office
Waber, Bernard
Lyle, the crocodile, possesses incredible people skills. Sometime this gift can cause problems.

Frog and toad together
Lobel, Arnold
Frog and Toad are two friends that have many adventures together, including after baking cookies, trying not to eat the whole batch.

Green eggs and ham
Seuss, Dr.
Sam-I-Am follows another person around trying to get him to eat green eggs and ham, but the person insists he would never eat green eggs and ham. Eventually he agrees to try them and decides he does like green eggs and ham and thanks his new friend, Sam-I-Am.

Marshall, James
Emily, the pig, decides she needs to lose weight. She takes a walk then eats everything in sight. Eugene Turtle suggests that walking is a good way for losing weight.

Horton hatches the egg
Seuss, Dr.
Horton the elephant is asked to sit on Mayzie's egg while she takes a break. He ends up sitting on it for a long time. After several seasons the egg hatches into an elephant bird. Horton takes the baby home with him.

William's shadow
Austin, Margot
William the woodchuck wakes up after hibernation and is starving. William's friends bring him his meals in bed one day because they do not want him to see his shadow.

The shopping basket
Burningham, John
Steve is sent to the store with a list. On his way home, he is approached by many animals demanding his food. He tricks the animals and goes home with all of his groceries.



D'Aulaire, Ingri//D'Aulaire, Edgar
A story about a boy, his travels, and his adventures through Norway.

Elfwyn's saga
Wisniewski, David
A blind girl is born in the northern valley. Because she cannot see, she is blind to the curse in a great crystal. She destroys the crystal and restores her village from the curse.

Death of the iron horse
Goble, Paul
Native American legends guide their people. The story of an iron horse proved to come true when the Native Americans witnessed a train crash. In an attempt to keep the white men from stealing more land, the Native Americans burned the objects from the train.

The two uncles of pablo
Behn, Harry
A young boy, named Pablo, is in search of getting an education and making money for his poor family. In this pursuit, Pablo unites two uncles who have been feuding.

Tale of a tail
Bodnar, Judit Z.
A fox catches fish for his dinner. WHen his friend, the bear, finds out he wants to know where the fox got all his fish. The bear takes his friend's advice and spends all night trying to catch fish. At dawn, he does not think he has caught any, but then he realizes he has caught a lot of fish on the way home.