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  • Tags: poverty
The long way to a new land
Sandin, Joan
A starving Swedish family decides to move to America. The journey is long, but the family finally arrives.

The magician
Shulevitz, Uri
A magician, who is actually the prophet Elijah, comes to town. He gives an old, poor couple dinner and a soft place to sit during the Passover celebration. The reason the couple is chosen is because they are unselfish and they do not think that they are that bad off, since they have each other.

The promise quilt
Ransom, Candice
A little girl, living in the mountaintops of Virginia, wants to go to school. Her father promises to send her when she is old enough, but he goes off to fight in the civil war. During the war the school and books are burned. Find a special way to build a new school.

The rag coat
Mills, Lauren
Minna wants to go to school but she has no coat. Her mother and friends make her a coat out of clothing scraps. Minna wears it to school and the kids make fun of her until she tells them the stories behind each of the clothing scraps.

The red bird
Lindgren, Astrid
A brother and sister who live a very poor and hard life find a secret doorway to a モperfect worldヤ. The children leave it to go back to their lives after being told if they shut the door they can never return. But, one cold hard day they entered the モroomヤ again and face the decision, モDo we shut the door?ヤ.

The rich man and the shoemaker
La Fontaine
A poor, old, but happy shoemaker sings all day long to keep his rich neighbor from sleeping. A rich man gives the shoemaker a bag of gold to keep quiet. The gold causes him to worry constantly and the shoemaker loses all his friends. The shoemaker realizes he is unhappy, returns the gold, and decides to go back to making shoes and friends.

The runaway wok
Compestine, Ying Chang
Ming lives in a poor family. He goes to the market to trade and receive food so he and his neighbors can share a Chinese new year feast. Instead of buying food, Ming chooses a magical wok. The wok rounds up the food and prized possessions of the rich to bring food to Ming's family and poor neighbors. Ming celebrates a wonderful new year, and he sells more woks to help other poor families.

The secret of the stones
San Souci, Robert D.
John and Clara work very hard all day, but they have no children to love. One night Clara finds two little white stones and brings them home with her. When they came home the next night all of the chores had been done, and John and Clara must find out who their helpers are and how to help them!

The shaking bag
Battle-Lavert, Gwendolyn
Though Miss Annie Mae doesn't always have much food for herself or her dog Effie Lucille, she faithfully feeds the birds in the lawn. One day a stranger comes to visit. He shakes many special surprises for her out of the old seed bag to reward her for all her generosity.

The table where rich people sit
Baylor, Byrd
A young girl feels that her family is so poor that rich people wouldn't even sit at her family's table. She holds a meeting with her family to discuss the money her family has. During the meeting she discovers how rich her family really is. She also learns the important things in life such as, family is more valuable than money itself.

The tailor of gloucester
Potter, Beatrix
When the tailor of Glouchester falls ill, he worries that he will not get the mayor's waistcoat finished and not make any money to use for food. But some helpful mice come to the rescue and surprise the tailor on Christmas morning.

The tale of ginger and pickles
Potter, Beatrix
Ginger and Pickles have to close their store when they run out of money, but Henny Penny opens it back up for business.

The truffle pig
Bishop, Clair Huchet//Wiese, Kurt
Pierre and his family are very poor. They work together and save their money to buy a piglet, Marcel. Pierre and Marcel become good friends and when it comes time to kill Marcel, they run away together. Marcel discovers truffles, an expensive food, and becomes The Truffle Pig. No longer is the family poor or hungry.

The two uncles of pablo
Behn, Harry
A young boy, named Pablo, is in search of getting an education and making money for his poor family. In this pursuit, Pablo unites two uncles who have been feuding.

Three names of me
Cummings, Mary
Ada is a Chinese American girl. Ada shares her experiences of being adopted and moving to a new country. She collects new names that melt into one compelling identity for her.

Tight times
Hazen, Barbara Shook
A young boy does not understand why in tight times he cannot get a dog.

Trouble at the mines
Rappaport, Doreen
With the help of Mother Jones, a famous leader, the miners go on strike to fight for better working conditions and wages. Rosie's family struggles to survive the eight-month strike. The persistant women and miners force the owners to give in, and the strike ends with victory.

Uncle james
Harshman, Marc
Jimmy's family needs all the help they can get and Uncle James is promising them that help. When Uncle James arrives and brings nothing with him, Jimmy is very disappointed. He realizes that Uncle James needs help in becoming a hero.

Uncle willie and the soup kitchen
DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne
A little boy has an Uncle Willie who works at a soup kitchen during the day. The little boy doesn't understand what a soup kitchen is so Uncle Willie takes him to work. They prepare and serve a meal to the poor people of the community.

Vejeigantes masquerade
Delacre, Lulu
Ramon wanted to be a vejigante masqueradae and dance in the carnival. He didn't have enough money to buy a new costume, so he made one. He worked in a mask store so he could have a new mask too.