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  • Tags: neighbors
Arthur's tv trouble
Brown, Marc
Trouble for Arthur begins while he is watching TV. He sees a commercial for Treat Timer and just has to buy one for his dog, Pal. Arthur works hard to save and collect the money, but Treat Timer does not turn out to be all that Arthur had imagined.

Old mother hubbard and her wonderful dog
Marshall, James
Old Mother Hubbard goes to the cupboard, the baker, the undertaker, the butcher, and other places to find something to please her dog.

You silly goon
Walsh, Ellen Stoll
When her gosslings hatch, Emily's friend comes to visit. When she mistakes a mouse for a fox, the real fox sets her straight when he arrives.

The christmas party
Adams, Adrienne
The Abbott's are Easter egg painters. Their son, Orson, is talked into having a Christmas party for all the neighboring young rabbits. Everyone pitches in to help and the party is a huge success.

The tale of peter rabbit
Potter, Beatrix
Peter is a little rabbit who does not listen when his mother tells him to stay away from Mr. McGregor's garden. He goes to the garden and eats some vegetables until Mr. McGregor sees him and tries to catch him. Peter finally finds his way out, but then spends the evening in bed.

Miss penny and mr. grubbs
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Mr. Grubbs is tired of Miss Penny winning first prize for her vegetables. This year will be different though. This year, Mr. Grubbs plans on sabotoging Miss Penny's garden with hungry rabbits. So instead of winning first prize for her vegetables, she wins first prize for her rabbits.

Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
On the first day of winter, Lucy and Miss Mamie decide to bring a little spring into the house by planting a paperwhite bulb in a big glass jar. The winter days grow longer and lighter while Lucy and Miss Mamie keep themselves busy by making cookies, playing the piano, and stringing beads. Meanwhile, the bulb grows and grows into a bunch of sweet, white flowers. Lucy and Miss Mamie have created spring!

Deveaux, Alexis
Na-ni waits all day with much excitement for the mailman to bring his mom's welfare check. He is going to get a bike!But, his plans fall through when a thief breaks into his mailbox and steals it.

Noisy nancy norris
Gaeddert, Lou Ann
The Norris family is instructed by their landlady to quiet their noisy daughter Nancy, or else be evicted from the neighborhood.

Good-bye, charles lindbergh
Borden, Louise
Gil is on his way to get the laundry for his mom when he sees it. Up in the sky is the shiny orange biplane trying to land in a neighboring field. After the plane lands, Gil discovers the pilot is Colonel Lindbergh. Gil has so many questions to ask him, but he doesn't get the chance.

You're mean, Lily Jean
Wishinsky, Frieda
Sandy always plays with her little sister Carly, but when Lily Jean moves in next door, she has a new friend. Lily Jean never wants to include Carly and bosses her around. When Sandy stands up for her little sister, the three girls learn to play together nicely.

Little cliff and the porch people
Taulbert, Clifton
As Cliff grows up, he is entrusted more and more to do things on his own. Cliff's great-grandmother has him run an errand for her and along the way Cliff continually gets stopped by neighbors. Each of the neighbors assists Cliff in accomplishing his errand.

Sweet dream pie
Wood, Audrey//Teague, Mark
Mouths on Willobee Street start to water when the aroma of the Brindle's Sweet Dream Pie fills the air. But does Sweet Dream Pie really create sweet dreams?

The lost and found house
Cadnum, Michael
A moving truck and moving men load items from a boy's house until the house is empty. The boy and his parents feel differently as they leave and travel to their new house. The boy meets two children and hopes someday they will be his friends!

The red comb
Pico, Fernando
Vitita discovers a runaway slave under her porch. Vitita is determined to save the slave woman from the slave catcher. Vitita and sina Rosa furnish the woman with supplies through a mango tree. Vitita and sina Rosa come up with a plan to get the slave catcher out of town. After the slave catcher leaves, Vitita and sina Rosa introduce their new friend to the neighbors.

Railway passage
Keeping, Charles
The people who live in the old run down railway passage win a football pool. They now have money to fix the railway passage up and follow their dreams.

Perfect crane
Laurin, Anne
A lonely magician makes a paper crane come to life. He is surrounded by many friends. When winter comes, the crane must leave, but his new friends still come over.

Pierino and the bell
Cassedy, Sylvia
Pierino, the son of a church warden in a small village in Tuscany, claims the bell is what brings all the pigeons. On San Colombino Day, Pierino finds a silver egg. The silver egg hatches into a beautiful silver pigeon. Pierino says the bird is his and does not share it with the village. One day, Pierino sets the bird free. Some time later, the village is full of silver eggs for everyone.

Fox in a box
Hurd, Edith Thacher
Joe decides to go hunting for a fox because he wants a pet. He catches one with the help of a lion. When Joe brings the fox home in a box, the fox isn't very happy. Joe returns him to the woods where the lion and the fox help him find an owl who will happily be his pet.

Arthur's pet business
Brown, Marc
Arthur's parents say he may have a puppy if he proves that he is responsible. Arthur decides to get a job pet sitting a neighbor's dog and eventually many pets. Finally when the neighbor comes home, she finds her dog and new puppies. She pays Arthur ten dollars and gives him one of the new puppies to care for himself.

Busy body nora
Hurwitz, Johanna
Nora is a curious child that wants to meet everyone in her apartment building. This makes everyone think that she is a pest. She even invites everyone to a giant birthday party for her dad.

Stella louella's runaway book
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Stella Louella cannot seem to find her library book that is due at 5:00 All day, she tracks down its whereabouts along with others in the community who have seen the book along its trip. Find out where the book ends up.

Mama talks too much
Russo, Marisabina
It's Saturday morning, which means Celeste and her Mama make a trip to the market!As they walk through their urban neighborhood, Celeste and her Mama stop every few minutes. Mama always stops to talk, talk, talk with her friends. Will they ever make it to the market?

Nothing ever happens on my block
Raskin, Ellen
Chester Filbert sits on the curb outside his house and thinkds about how boring his block is. He imagines the kinds of exciting things that he would like to happen on his block. While he sits and dreams, the neighbors on his block are busy catching burglars, putting out fires and much more.

The cut-ups (Los bromistas)
Marshall, James
Spud Jenkins and Joe Turner are a couple of boys who have wild imaginations, create chaos through their neighborhood, help a girl get some toys and start off on the wrong foot with the assistant principal.

The rich man and the shoemaker
La Fontaine
A poor, old, but happy shoemaker sings all day long to keep his rich neighbor from sleeping. A rich man gives the shoemaker a bag of gold to keep quiet. The gold causes him to worry constantly and the shoemaker loses all his friends. The shoemaker realizes he is unhappy, returns the gold, and decides to go back to making shoes and friends.

The enormous potato
Davis, Aubrey
A farmer plants a potato eye to grow a potato. It grows so enormous that the whole family has to work together to pull the potato from the ground. They then cook the potato for the whole town to eat it.

Everybody cooks rice
Dooley, Norah
Carrie's mom sends her out looking for her little brother at dinner time. While she is looking, she stops at many of her neighbors' houses and tries their cultural dinners made with rice

The block book
Couture, Susan Arkin
Betsy and Ben are blocks who save all their junk. Then one day, it comes in handy when their neighbor's house burns down. They build a new one for their friend out of junk.

The big orange splot
Pinkwater, Daniel
Mr. Plumbean and all of his neighbors are comfortable with their ordinary street. When faced with a change, Mr. Plumbean uses this time as a way to be original, no matter what others think.

Pearl moscowitz's last stand
Levine, Arthur A.
Pearl Moscowite has seen many changes on Gingko Street, but cutting down the last gingko tree was too much. Pearl decides that the last tree is going to stay so she takes action to ensure that the electric company will not cut it down.

The leaving morning
Johnson, Angela
There are many emotions that involve moving. It is hard saying goodbye to old friends and finally leaving your old home.

Merry christmas space face
Marshall, James
Buddy McGee eagerly awaits a promised Christmas visit from his friend, a thing from outer space. In the end, Buddy is satisfied, but Grannie's neighbors are not!

Danny and the kings
Cooper, Susan
Danny realizes the giving, magical nature of Christmas. Danny's family is poor and cannot afford a Christmas tree this year. Danny's only wish is for a tree. With help from a friendly stranger and a school play, Danny gets his wish.

The worst person's christmas
Stevenson, James
The worst person dislikes Christmas, but has a change of heart due to the kindness of his neighbors.

The snow lady
Hughes, Shirley
Sam and Barney build a snow lady that resembles their elderly neighbor, mean Mrs. Dean. Sam decides that it would only be polite to invite lonely Mrs. Dean to Christmas dinner.

Old henry
Blos, Joan W.
When Henry moves into the old, run down house in the neighborhood, all of the neighbors hope he will fix it up and make it look nice like the other homes. When he doesn't, they petition to make him clean up or get out. It is only after he leaves voluntarily that they discover how much they miss him.

Irene and the big, fine nickel
Smalls, Hector
An independent girl named Irene lives in Harlem, New York in 1957 She and her friends experience a wonderful day in a community full of life and love.

The halloween mystery
Nixon, Joan Lowery
It's almost Halloween, and Susan needs a new costume. Mrs. Foshee is an older woman who watches Susan and her two brothers one night. Susan and Mike think that she is a witch, and they cleverly try to solve the mystery.

It takes a village
Cowen-Fletcher, Jane
Young Yemi's responsibility is to look after her brother, Kokou, while at the market with her mother. Yemi quickly loses sight of her brother, but Kokou is safe with the neighbors in the community. Yemi learns that It takes a village to raise a family.

One hundred is a family
Ryan, Pam Munoz
Families can be made up of one to one hundred people joined by heritage, community, friendship, and love, all working together for a better life.

The boy who ate around the world
Drescher, Henrick
Mo thinks his dinner is lizard guts and worms when it is really string beans and cheese souffle. He decides to become a monster and eat around it. Mo eats everything in sight including his parents and the world. When Mo becomes lonely he decides to spit out all that he ate so he can have his parents and friends back.

The perfect pancake
Kahl, Virginia
A Good Wife makes only one perfect pancake for each person in town until one day a beggar comes along and tricks her into cooking enough until everyone was satisfied.

Apt. 3
Keats, Ezra Jack
Sam searches for the blind harmonica player in his apartment complex. They eventually get acquainted and take a walk together through the neighborhood.

Once around the block
Henkes, Kevin
Annie is bored waiting for her father to come home so her mother suggests a stroll around the block. On her walk, she meets and interacts with several neighbors. When she returns, Annie's father is waiting for her!

Rachel parker, kindergarten show off
Martin, Ann
Olivia's new neighbor, Rachel, is in her kindergarten class. They must overcome feelings of jealousy and competitiveness to be friends.

Mr. grumpy's motor car
Burningham, John
Mr. Grumpy decides to take a ride in his car. The neighborhood children and animals want to go with him. They all crowd into his car and go for a ride.

The gardener
Stewart, Sarah
Lydia takes a train to go live with her Uncle Jim who doesn't smile. Lydia uses flowers and plants to bring joy to everyone. She writes home to her mother, father, and grandmother to describe to new experiences.

The mushroom center disaster
Bodecker, N.M.
A beetle finds a home in a community of insects and small woodland creatures and makes many friends. One day the discarded remnants of a human's picnic makes a mess of their mushroom house neighborhood. Through a series of town meetings, the creatures come up with creative ways to use the rubbish to make a park.

The araboolies of liberty street
Swope, Sam
A neighborhood is controlled by a mean man and woman who will not let anything fun happen. Soon the Araboolies move in and everything changes.