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Can you find it, too?
Cressy, Judith
Come enjoy history through a collection of famous paintings. Each has its own personality and story. Search through each painting for objects and colors. Get imaginative and create your own stories or interpretations about the paintings.

Bugs! bugs! bugs!
Barner, Bob
A child uses rhyme to describe the insects she sees. The actual sizes of the bugs are included, as well as a bug-o-meter, which tells where the bug lives, how many legs the bug has, if it can fly, and if it stings.

Big surprise in the bug tank
Horowitz, Ruth
Leo and his brother love their two giant pet cockroaches given to them by their mother. After the two cockroaches have babies, the boys try many different solutions to try to get rid of them. They finally find a solution after they receive help from their mom and local library.

Barn cat: A counting book
Saul, Carol P.
Barn Cat is looking for something out of the red barn door. She is noticing all the beautiful animals surrounding the barn. The nature activities of butterflies, leaping pups, and buzzing bees give Barn Cat quite an eventful day.

Anno's magic seeds
Anno, Mitsumasa
Jack is given two magic seeds by a wizard. He is told to plant one seed and eat one seed, but Jack figures out a more lucrative method. How many seeds does each harvest yield?

Albert's halloween: The case of the stolen pumpkins
Tryon, Leslie
It's Halloween time, but someone has stolen the pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. Detective Albert and his friends solve the mystery piece by piece. Readers can join in this game and solve the mystery with Albert and his friends.

A child's day in a Ghanaian city
Provencal, Francis & McNamara, Catherine
Nii Kwei gets up with the sun, and at half past five, he's already hard at work chasing the chickens and sweeping the compound clean with his straw broom. As the city begins to wake up, he washes, changes into his school uniform, and sits down to chocolate milk and sandwiches for breakfast. Photographs capture the lively rhythms of West African daily life, and this delightful dawn-to-dusk journal will encourage young readers, wherever they live, to compare and contrast Nii Kwei's day with their own.