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  • Tags: loss
Kinda blue
Grifalconi, Ann
Sissy is sad and lonely because she thinks about her father who died when she was a baby. Sissy's Uncle Dan helps her to understand differences among people and cheers her up through the use of his cornfields. He also makes her understand that even though her father is not alive, she has a family that loves her very much.

Iris and walter
Guest, Elissa Haden
Iris is disappointed when her family moves to the country. There are no other children to play with and it is very boring for her. No one can seem to cheer Iris up, and then Grandpa comes along. He asks her to take a walk down the road. Will this walk help Iris find what she has been missing?

My prairie christmas
Harvey, Brett
Christmas is a very special time for Elenore. This is her first Christmas on the prairie, and she doesn't think it will be as good as it was in Maine. But it ends up being better than ever, because her family pulls together to make everything work out.

The heroic symphony
Harwell-Celenza, Anna
Ludwig Van Beethoven learns he is going deaf. He is an accomplished and promising young pianist and this devastates him. Beethoven realizes his condition is actually leading to his destiny not his downfall. In creating his symphony no. 3 he searches for a hero on which to base his musical inspiration. He eventually realizes it is about him!

Kite flier
Haseley, Dennis
A young man leaves home, marries, and begins to fly kites. He teaches his son the joy of kite flying, and with each changing event in their lives, a new kite is launched. When the son wants to travel, too, they make a very symbolic kite for both of them.

Grandma's gone to live in the stars
Haynes, Max
A much cared about Grandmother says good bye to everyone and the things she loved, before going to live with the stars. Grandma says good bye to her son, daughter, grandchildren, cat, dog, garden, town, and earth as she wears her angel wings to the stars.

Seven brave women
Hearne, Betsy
A young girl tells the story of her family's history. She explains how each of her female ancestors played a very important role in the shaping of this family's history.

The princess in the kitchen garden (Prinses van de moestuin)
Heymans, Annemie//Heymans, Margriet
Because her mother died, Hannah takes care of her father and brother. Hannah decides to run away because she feels unappreciated. She goes to Mama's old kitchen garden. Her family reunites in an amazing way!

Star of fear, star of hope
Hoelstlandt, Jo
Helen doesn't understand why her best friend, Lydia, has to wear a yellow star. On the eve of Helen's birthday, Nazis begin rounding up Jews. Their friendship is lost forever.

Anna's heaven
Hole, Stian
Anna's mother dies. She and her father have many questions for God about where Anna's mom went and what heaven is like. Anna's dad follows Anna through her imagination and the two find peace through the many great things and ideas that Anna imagines of her mother's new world.

Hoopes, Lyn Littlefield
In dealing with the recent death of her Nana, a girl escapes to nature, which brings back memories of things Nana taught her about the fern and chickadee. Through her memories she realizes that Nana will always be with her.

The black dog who went into the woods
Hurd, Edith Thacher
When Black Dog doesn't come home, his family searches the nearby woods and calls their neighbors looking for him. That night, each of the family members dreams about Black Dog. The next morning they realize it was Black Dogs way of saying good-bye to them as he died.

Art dog
Hurd, Thacher
Arthur Dog disguises himself as Art Dog to recover the stolen Mona Woofa from the Dogopolis Museum of Art. When he is not Art Dog, he lives as an ordinary citizen who appreciates life.

Billy's beetle
Inkpen, Mike
A boy has lost his beetle. He asks many people and animals in his search for the beetle. The search continues until it is found.

Mary ann
James, Betsy
A moving of a best friend is sad for a young girl. She befriends a praying mantis and names it after her best friend. She must cope with the death of the mantis and the surprise at the end.

Almost gone
Jenkins, Steve
All living things are related in some way. The reality of human destruction, and its impact on the survival of animals are key components to the extinction of many animals in our environment. As each species disappears, the world as we know it, forever is changed. Will the little bird who visits your morning windowsill be next?

Batter up!
Johnson, Neil
A young boy named Nick joins a baseball team and learns everything about the game. He has to deal with losing a big game. The loss helps him to refine his weaknesses.

Johnson, Paul Brett//Lewis, Celeste
A little girl loses her dog Flag in the desert. She and her dad search for a month, but there is no sign of Flag. One day, when the girl returns home from school, she notices an old truck in her driveway. A man found Flag and brought him home!

The ghost of nicholas greebe
Johnston, Tony
At midnight, Nicholas Greebe dies. The following day he is buried by his family. However, a small dog digs around his grave and runs off with one of Nicholas Greebe's bones!This upsets Nicholas. His ghost decides to haunt his family until the missing bone is returned.

The cowboy and the black-eyed pea
Johnston, Tony
After her father dies, Farethee Well, is left with a huge herd of longhorns on a big Texas farm to find a husband to help her run it. She must determine whether or not he is a real cowboy by his sensitivity while riding a horse with a blackeyed pea under the saddle.

Better with two
Joosse, Barbara M.
An old lady, and her dog have a regular routine everyday. And when Laura, the girl next door sees Mrs. Brady alone instead of with Max she wonders why. When Laura finds out Max died, she finds comfort in her mom and then consoles Mrs. Brady, because two is better than one.

Losing uncle tim
Jordan, Mary Kate
A little boy tells a story of how he watches his Uncle Tim, who he looks up to and likes to spend time with, die of AIDS. He learns about death and funerals and inherits some of his favorite toys of his uncle's.

Grandpa's soup
Kadono, Eiko
Grandpa is lonely after Grandma dies. He wants to make meatball soup just like his wife use to make. Each day after Grandpa makes the soup, friends come and eat it with him. Grandpa finds that eating the soup with friends helps to ease his loneliness.

Waiting to sing
Kaplan, Howard
A young boy loves playing the piano but especially listening to his father play while his mother sings along. The boy's mother also listens to him play. Shortly after the boy, his sister, and his father come back from a vacation at the beach, the mother dies. Playing the piano helps the young boy and his father cope with their loss.

Silly chicken
Khan, Rukhsana
Rani is jealous of Amiï¾’s affection for Bibi, a chicken. Rani finally learns how to lay an egg - much to the motherï¾’s delight. However, when left alone one day, the chicken dies and Ami is sad. An egg from Bibi is found, which hatches a new baby chick.

The paper princess
Kleven, Elisa
A little girl draws and cuts out a princess, but the wind blows her away. The princess then meets many new friends and has many new adventures as she tries to find her way back to the little girl.

Helen the fish
Kroll, Virginia
Hannah's big brother gets her a goldfish for her third birthday. Hannah takes great care of her and names her Helen. Three years later, Helen dies. As time goes by, Hannah's hurt goes away.

Remember the secret
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
Because she has already discovered the wonders of God, Suzy understands the true meaning of her friend's death.

My name was hussein
Kyuchukov, Hristo
Hussein is a young boy who lives in Bulgaria. He and his family are Muslim and are forced to give up their identities when soldiers come. Hussein is renamed Harry but he holds onto his real name and faith traditions. A pictorial view of this is depicted throughout the story as Hussein tries to understand what is happening around him.

The red piano
Leblanc-Barroux, Andre
A young pianist is sent to a re-education camp in China. She lives for her secretive two hours of music after a long day's work. Her parents managed to send a piano to Mother Han's house and she manages to smuggle music in notebooks. One night the pianist is caught at the piano, forcing her to live through an extended-re-education while her love and talent for music are challenged.

The christmas of the reddle moon
Lewis, J. Patrick
Will and Yiddy venture out on Christmas Eve to visit their aunt and cousins. On the way home, they get lost in a terrible snowstorm and are rescued by Wee Mary Fever. Mrs. Fever calls upon St. Nicholas by creating a reddle moon, and before Christmas morning the children are tucked safely in their beds.

The eyes of gray wolf
London, Jonathan
Gray wolf is restless because he lost his mate to a hunter. While wandering through the night, he meets a pack of wolves. From this pack of wolves, he finds a new mate with whom they start a new pack.

A gift for abuelita: Celebrating the day of the dead
Luenn, Nancy
Rosita and her grandmother are very close. Rosita's grandmother teaches Rosita how to braid, garden, and make tortillas. When Rosita's grandmother dies, Rosita feels a great loss without her around and misses her terribly. Her family tells Rosita that she can make a gift to give to her grandmother on the Day of the Dead. Rosita braids a cord that is filled with love and memories for her grandmother.

Lyon, George Ella
Over the years, Grandma's basket becomes embedded in many family legends. The basket is passed through four generations. The spool of thread found inside the basket is symbolic of the generations threaded together by love.

My tooth is about to fall out
Maccarone, Grace
A little girl describes her wiggly tooth and all the places where she doesn't want it to fall out. Then, while she is eating spaghetti, the tooth falls into her bowl and a giant hole is left in her mouth. That night, she places the tooth that fell out under her pillow, and the Tooth Fairy leaves her a nice little surprise for her in the morning!

Malone, Nola Langner
Dusty, a cat, and a little girl form a friendship. Dusty grows up and soon must leave. The girl tries to cope with her loss.

Bizzy bones and the lost quilt
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
Bizzy loses his favorite quilt. He cannot sleep and is very sad. Some other mice find it with a hole in it. They help Bizzy repair it and Bizzy makes new friends.

Grandmother bryant's pocket
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
Sarah's best friend is her dog Patches. Patches dies in a barn fire and every night after the fire, Sarah has nightmares and wakes up calling for Patches. Sarah goes to her Grandparent's house hoping to cure her from her nightmares. To comfort Sarah, Grandmother gives Sarah her old pocket filled with herbs, scissors, and gold buttons and embroidered with the words no fear, to wear under her skirt. In the meantime Sarah befriends a stray one-eyed cat. Sarah is not cured alone by the pocket full of herbs and the cat's friendship. It is only after a mean neighbor's accident that Sarah becomes more brave and confident and the nightmares stop.

Finding a job for daddy
Maslac, Evelyn Hughes
Things are harder and different since Laura's dad lost his job. Laura wants to help so she pretends to put a want ad in the newspaper, then interviews him for a job. Laura knows that her dad still has to find a real job, but she wants her dad to be a dad forever.

The cherry tree
McCaughrean, Geraldine
A family tries to recuperate after a war in which they lose their father and their home. The children meet and help an old man take care of a sickly cherry tree. As the tree grows and begins to blossom, so does the village and its people.

One morning in Maine
McCloskey, Robert
Sal, Jane and their father go to the beach to search for clams. During the day, Sal loses her tooth in the mud. She does not cry because she knows that when you lose your teeth you are starting to grow up. They take a boat trip to a nearby island to celebrate with ice cream cones.

If daddy only knew me
McGinnis, Lila
In kindergarten, everyone talks about their daddies except Kate. She doesn't have a daddy in her life. Her mom explained that he moved away. Kate and her sister, Glory, are curious so one day they walk to his house. They meet him and his new baby, which he claims is his only one. They run all the way home to tell their mom. They talk about love and what it means.

See a white horse
Miles, Miska
Henry feels sad about the void left in his life after his dog, Old Tuck, passes away. When a stranger on a white horse with a brown dog comes into town, Henry wishes that he could have a new dog. The stranger allows Henry to have his brown dog, if he can find him, for the stranger has set the dog free. Henry searches desperately for the dog and finally finds it, naming it Young Tuck.

Mousekin's christmas eve
Miller, Edna
Mousekin is startled one night to find that the warm home he once inhabited is now empty. He sets out in the snow in search of a new home. Mousekin is delighted when he finds a warm home with a Christmas tree and plenty of food.

My friend gorilla
Morozumi, Atsuko
Daddy brings home a nice and helpful gorilla from the zoo. The gorilla stayed until someone said he used to live in Africa. The gorilla was brought back to Africa, and even though he is missed, he is happy there.

Inatuk's friend
Morrow, Suzanne Stark
Because it is winter and no seals can be found, Inatuk and the people in his village are going hungry. In order to survive, Inatuk's family must move into the city where his father can work. Inatuk has a hard time because he must leave his best friend.

Good-bye, sammy
Murrow, Lisa Ketchum
A child takes his stuffed bunny on a trip. The bunny becomes lost, so the child makes friends with a new bunny.

Flowers on the wall
Nerlove, Miriam
During 1938 in Poland, Rachel and her family are struggling to survive along with other Jews in the area. Her father loses his store, Rachel and her brother stop going to school, and they have nothing to eat. Rachel paints flowers on their apartment walls to pass the time.

Apple tree christmas
Noble, Trinka Hakes
A horrible snowstorm takes down a family's apple tree. Katrina misses her favorite climbing tree where she used to draw. For Christmas, her father makes her a drawing table out of the branches of the apple tree.

My dad is really something
Osborn, Lois
Harry and his friend Ron compare their fathers. Harry becomes upset because Ron's father seems to be so much better than his father. As is turns out, Ron is making everything up because his dad had died a few years ago.