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  • Tags: frustration
All-of-a-kind family hanukkah
Jenkins, Emily
Gertie, the youngest of five children, wants to help her mother cook for their family dinner on the first night of Hanukkah in New York City’s Lower East Side. After many attempts of trying to help in the busy kitchen, Gertie is sent to her room by her mother and is eventually called down for dinner by her dad. In order to get her to come downstairs, Gertie’s father asks for her helping to light the candles of the menorah for the first time and Gertie happily accepts the offer.

The ghost of nicholas greebe
Johnston, Tony
At midnight, Nicholas Greebe dies. The following day he is buried by his family. However, a small dog digs around his grave and runs off with one of Nicholas Greebe's bones!This upsets Nicholas. His ghost decides to haunt his family until the missing bone is returned.

Dinah's mad, bad wishes
Joosse, Barbara M.
When Dinah is sent to her room, she and her mother both work out their frustratrions in different ways. Dinah wishes bad things would happen to her mother, but then she changes her mind, and the two of them reconcile.

Home on the bayou: A cowboy's story
Karas, G. Brian
Ned, a cowboy, and his mom leave their home in the West to move to the swamp. Ned hates the swamp and mean Big Head Ed at school. Big Head Ed picks on Ned because he is a cowboy. One day Ned becomes a hero at school when he uses his lasso to quiet Big Head Ed.

The mystery of the magic green ball
Kellogg, Steven
Timmy's long, frustrating search for his favorite green ball ends with a surprising turn of events.

Armadilly chili
Ketteman, Helen
Billie decides to make armadilly chili. She asks her friends to help her but they are all busy and do not want to help. After Billie makes the chili, all of her friends knock on her door. Billie will not let them eat because they wouldn't help. She soon realizes her chili is missing something: her friends!

Big red lollipop
Khan, Rukhsana
Rubina is excited to get her first invite to a birthday party! However when she asks Ami whether she can go, Ami tells her she has to take her younger sister, Sana. After Sana ruins the party, Rubina has to learn how to overcome her anger and forgive her little sister.

Miss spider's tea party
Kirk, David
Miss Spider is planning to have eight for tea. But what is she to do when the bugs are too scared to eat her cake?Ask Miss Spider how she makes friends with every moth, tick, and flea -- just by having cake and tea.

If I had my way
Klein, Norma
Ellie wishes that - for just one day - she could have her way. She is tired of being told what to do! Why canメt she have a say? In her dreams, the tables turn and Ellie finds herself in charge. Giving her parents orders and trading in her baby brothers are Ellieメs first orders of business. Her old life doesnメt seem quite so bad.

The baby who would not come down
Knight, Joan
The new baby in the family is smothered with kisses and love. Tired of the excessive attention the baby floats into the air after his uncle tosses him up. The baby does not come down until the family realizes that he has too much of some things and not enough of others.

The very little boy
Krasilovsky, Phyllis
A little boy overcomes obstacles of being small when he begins to grow up and get bigger. Comparisons are made to other objects and people in his life.

The very little girl
Krasilovsky, Phyllis
A little girl overcomes obstacles of being small when she begins to grow up and get bigger. Size comparisons are made to other objects and people in her life.

A carp for kimiko
Kroll, Virginia
Kimiko is a young Japanese girl who desperately wants a carp kite to fly on Children's Day. But only boys are allowed to have these kites, and Kimiko questions this rule.

Herbert hated being small
Kuskin, Karla
Herbert hates being small, and Philomel hates being tall. They meet and see that they are the same height. They then understand that size is based on perspectives such as who you are standing next to.

Lucille's snowsuit
Lasky, Kathryn
Lucille wants desperately to go out and play with her older brother and sister in the snow. As Lucille works at putting on her snowsuit, she gets stuck, frustrated and hot. Her patience is wearing thin as she waits on her mom to help. Finally, Lucille joins the snow fun, but does her bad mood go away?

A button in her ear
Litchfield, Ada B.
Angela Perkins sturggles to hear others, so her parents take her to the doctor for an examination. She must wear a hearing aid. Her friends think she is special and she enjoys wearing the hearing aid.

What!Cried granny: An almost bedtime story
Lum, Kate
It is Patrick's first time to sleep over at Granny's house. When it is time for him to go to bed, Patrick tells his Granny that he does not have a bed, so Granny chops down some trees for wood and makes him a bed. Patrick then tells his Granny that he did not have a pillow at her house, so Granny collected feathers from her chickens and made him a pillow. Granny also has to make Patrick a blanket and teddy bear, but by the time she is finished, it is morning.

The great white man-eating shark: A cautionary tale
Mahy, Margaret
Norman was a good swimmer who was upset with all of the other swimmers who got in his way. He pretended he was a shark to get them out of his way.

Fox in love
Marshall, Edward
Fox falls in love with many girls. He goes to the fair with each of them, but pretty soon they all find out he has other girlfriends. Because all of the girls are upset, he has to enter the dance contest with his sister and they win second place.

The cut-ups cut loose
Marshall, James
Joe and Spud start school. The assistant principal doesn't like them and watches them at all times. When things start getting out of hand, the only ones who can help him are Mary Frances and Big Al!

Grandfather's christmas camp
McCutcheon, Marc
Mr. Biggins, a three-legged dog, is lost in the mountain on Christmas Eve. Grandfather and Lizzie dress warmly, pack a small bag, and head up the mountain to find their dog. They camp overnight in an igloo and find two surprises on Christmas Day.

Where can elephant hide?
McPhail, David
The elephant hates hide and seek because he can never find a place to hide. All of his animal friends try and try to find him a hiding place just in time to dodge the hunters.

Pigs aplenty, pigs galore!
McPhail, David
The narrator is innocently reading when a pack of pigs invades his house. They create quite a ruckus eating, dancing, and ordering pizza. The narrator convinces the pigs to clean up and go to bed.

Unhurry harry
Merriam, Eve
Harry is a daydreamer. Throughout his day, his dreams are interrupted consistantly by routine activities such as school, eating, playing, and reading. At the end of the day, Harry retires happily to his dreamworld.

The best nest
Mueller, Doris
Long ago, magpie nests were the envy of all other birds. To help the other birds, Maggie Magpie patiently explains how to build a nest. But some birds are impatient and fly off without listening to all the directions, which is why, to this day, bird nests come in all different shapes and sizes. This clever retelling of an old English folktale teaches the importance of careful listening.

The boy in the drawer
Munsch, Robert
Shelly's room is a mess but it is not her fault. A little boy that is living in her sock drawer is causing all the problems. How can she get others to believe her?

Munsch, Robert
It is Mortimer's bedtime but he just will not stop singing. Everyone has yelled at him, even the police. What will make him stop singing?

Andrew's loose tooth
Munsch, Robert
Andrew's tooth is loose and he can't eat breakfast until it comes out. Mom tries, dad tries, the dentist tries, and even the tooth fairy tries, but the tooth won't come out. Will his best friend's final plan work to get Andrew's tooth out?

Love you forever
Munsch, Robert
A mother loves her son. No matter how frustrated she becomes with him, every night she says that she will love him forever. He carried this on and said the same thing to his daughter.

50 below zero
Munsch, Robert
Jason is repeatedly awakened from the noises his father makes when he is sleep walking. The last straw is when he finds him outside in the snow with only his pajamas on.

Show and tell
Munsch, Robert
It's show-and-tell day, and Benjamin wants to take in something extra special to school. When he decides to take his baby sister, it causes quite a commotion until mom shows up and saves the day.

Murmel murmel murmel
Munsch, Robert
A little girl finds a baby in a hole in her sandbox. She walks him around town but no one is willing to take him. She is only five years old!What will she do with a baby?

Do not open this book!
Muntean, Michaela
A pig tries to dissuade the readers from opening the book because it is not finished yet. However, as the reader turns the pages, a frustrated pig realizes the book is being written after all.

Sweet strawberries
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
A man and his wife set off in their wagon to go to the market. On the way there the husband is very rude and impatient to everyone he comes across on the trip. During the trip, the man's wife tells her husband how much she would love to have some strawberries from the market but he tells her to stop complaining. At the market, the husband exchanges his fish for flour and his wife is very upset and doesn't talk to him on the way home. The next trip to market, the husband is friendly to everyone he meets and buys a big basket of strawberries for his wife. He thinks everyone else has changed, not himself.

Little john
Orgel, Doris//Storm, Theodor
Little John constantly wants to be rocked to sleep in his bed. When his mother falls asleep and can no longer trundle the bed, the moon befriends Little John and takes him on a journey.

I lost my bear
P. Feiffer, Jules
Oh no, a little girl lost her teddy bear!Her family doesn't have time to help her, so she becomes a detective. In the process of searching for her bear, she finds many of her other missing toys before finding her bear.

Aekyung's dream
Paek, Min
A little girl named Aekyung has trouble adjusting to America, because it is so different from Korea. She doesn't like to go to school because her classmates make fun of her. Eventually she begins to feel more comfortable and accepted.

Good driving, amelia bedelia
Parish, Herman
Amelia Bedelia is a maid who is not quite together. She misunderstands everything she is told to do, always with hysterical results. What will happen if Mr. Rogers lets her test drive his car?

No more monsters for me
Parish, Peggy
A girl wants a pet. She finds a monster and brings it home. It starts to grow so she takes it to the woods and her mother agrees to buy her a pet.

Thank you, mr. falker
Polacco, Patricia
Trisha loves being read to and loves being at school because she can draw there. When it is Trisha's time to read, she is teased and feels dumb. Thanks to Mr. Falker, one of her teachers, she gains confidence and learns how to read.

Sometimes i feel awful
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl has a day full of different moods. Although she starts out happy, she begins to feel different throughout the day. She does not want to share with her friend and gets upset when he plays with her toys. She learns what she should have said to make her family and friends understand.

Mom and dad break up
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young boy expresses his feelings about his parents' divorce. He feels angry, sad, and lonely at the same time, and often takes it out on his friends. But eventually, he learns to adjust to the change, and learns that he is not at fault for the break up of his parents.

It's hard to share my teacher
Prestine, Joan Singleton
Josh is having a hard time learning to share in school. He is especially frustrated when his teacher is busy helping other students. He wants to share his artwork with his teacher and his classmates. He ends up learning why sharing is so important.

Octavia and her purple ink cloud
Rathmell, Donna//Rathmell, Doreen
Octavia Octopus and her sea-animal friends love playing camouflage games to practice how they would hide from a モbig, hungry creature.ヤ Octavia, however, just cannot seem to get her colors right when she tries to shoot her purple ink cloud. What happens when the big, hungry shark shows up looking for his dinner? Learn your basic colors along with the camouflage techniques of various sea animals, and you'll be on your way to being a marine biologist!

The trouble with elephants
Riddell, Chris
A little girl thinks that elephants are a lot of trouble. They do many annoying things, such as take all the covers at night and eat all the cupcakes. The real trouble with elephants is that you cannot help but love them.

No! No! No!
Rockwell, Anne
It's been a terrible day and nothing has gone this young child's way. Fortunately, Mom knows just what to do and reads a bedtime story which helps the young boy fall asleep.

Power and glory
Rodda, Emily
For his birthday, a young boy gets a video game and keeps playing until he wins.

Michael Rosen's sad book
Rosen, Michael
Michael Rosen discusses sadness. He describes his sadness about the death of his son. Sometimes being sad makes him feel angry. Sometimes, he likes to talk about it. Other times, he wants to keep his sadness to himself. Rosen writes about his personal sadness and the various ways he tries to cope with this feeling.

Emma's rug
Say, Allen
Emma is a talented child artist who always finds her inspiration in an old rug. After her mother ruins the rug by washing it, Emma must discover that she can still draw without it.

Say, Allen
When Allison finds out that she has been adopted, she lashes out at her adoptive family in confusion and frustration. She is happy when her parents let her bring a stray cat into their family.