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  • Tags: forest
Snow family
Kirk, Daniel
Join a young boy as he wanders into the snow to meet new friends. His friends are missing their noses, hats, and part of their family. Help the boy try to find what his new friends need.

Marven of the great north woods
Lasky, Kathryn
A boy named Marvin leaves his family during the flu epidemic. He goes to a lumberjack camp in northern Minnesota and works and learns French while making some interesting friends. Marvin learns to ski, dance, and do the bookkeeping as a lumberjack.

Water dance
Locker, Thomas
The water cycle is explained in a story form using beautiful illustrations as a visual lesson. All forms of water, including clouds, mist, rainbows, rivers, and seas are explained and described.

London, Jonathan
A family adopts a baby jackrabbit after its home is destroyed by humans. They care for it until it is ready to return to the wild. Jackie, the rabbit, adapts to her natural environment but never forgets her human caretakers.

The owl who became the moon
London, Jonathon
A boy dreams about what it would be like to ride on a train at night through the forest.

Big bad wolf
Marurel, Claire
Things aren't always what they seem. The villagers keep talking about a big, bad wolf and describe him. Their details are accurate, but skewed a little. The wolf has a family just like them and kisses his children good night after a run in the forest.

Just you and me
McBratney, Sam
Little Goosey and Big Gander Goose search for shelter from a storm. Together they visit several animals looking for the perfect place but don't want to hide with anyone else. They find a place, but end up sharing it with the other animals.

Drawing lessons from a bear
McPhail, David
During his lessons on how to be a bear, a young bear discovers his love for drawing. As he grows he continues to practice, getting encouragement from his mother, his teacher, and most of all from himself.

Enona and the black crane: An aboriginal story
Meeks, Arone Raymond
Enona is an Aborigine village person who lives in a rainforest. He is very interested in the many birds in the forest. He spends his free time climbing trees to watch the birds.

Bitter bananas
Olaleye, Isaac
Yusuf is a boy who lives in a jungle in Africa. His favorite drink is palm sap, and he sells what he doesn't drink. A family of baboons begins to steal his sap, so he tries many things to keep the baboons away.

Cock-a-doodle dudley
Peet, Bill
Dudley the rooster is the only one to wake up to the sun each day. When goose chases him into the forest, the sun doesn't rise the next day. Hector the horse rescues him, and the day goes on.

Shadow the deer
Radcliffe, Theresa
Shadow, the deer, leaves her fawn to search for food in the forest. She senses danger and returns just in time to save her fawn from a hungry fox.

Oregon's journey
A dwarf, Duke, listens to a bear, Oregon, and releases him into the forest. They have a long journey there together but eventually make it.

Where should Turtle be?
Ring, Susan
Little Turtle is lost. Free from his egg, he climbs out into a big, new world. Lost and alone, he wonders where does he really belong? He needs help, but where can he turn?

The useful moose:  A truthful, moose-full tale
Robinson, Fiona
Molly loves moose so much that her family vacationed in Alaska, so that she could see them up close; except when they got there the moose had left for a vacation in the city. Once in the city, she saw moose everywhere and befriended three young moose who were tired and needed rest. She invited the moose to stay with them when they cooked, cleaned, and became part of the family. The moose became homesick for their own family, so they went back to Alaska. Molly was sad when she invited the moose to her birthday party and they didnメt respond, but they surprised her by jumping out of an airplane at her party and promised to come back often.

We're going on a bear hunt
Rosen, Michael
A group of bear hunters must go through grass, a river, mud, a forest, a snowstorm and a cave before they even see a bear. After finding it, the bear chases them back into their homes.

The dreamer
Rylant, Cynthia
An artist dreams and then creates a world that contains the earth, sky, trees, and living creatures. We are all children of this artist.



Schertle, Alice
Describes the emergence of humankind out of Africa, charting the course of human development from seven million years ago to today, highlighting the development of diversity among peoples and our ability to invent and discover.

No dinner! The story of the old woman and the pumpkin
Souhami, Jessica
An old woman is on her way to her granddaughter's house for dinner, but meets many animals on her way. In order to escape the animals, she promises to come back all fat and fed. The animals are outwitted when the old woman is disguised as a pumpkin.

Happy Valentine's Day, Emma!
Stevenson, James
Emma is a kind-hearted witch, who makes valentines for the animals in the forest. Two mean witches play tricks on Emma but she gets sweet revenge and a surprise.

Gotta go!Gotta go!
Swope, Sam
A bug crawls all the way out of her skin! She sleeps then she blossoms into a beautiful butterfly. On her journey, she repeats her chant, Gotta Go! Gotta Go To Mexico! to all the insects and animals along her way. When her destination is reached, she flutters and dances around in the warm sky with her companion. A bug returns, lays her eggs, and the cycle of life is repeated again and again.

One halloween night
Teague, Mark
Three children get more than they are trick-or-treating for, when the night turns into one unexpected event after another. The neighbors pass out Broccoli Chews and Eggplant Fizzlers and the trio runs into their nemesis Leona Fleebish. With a sweep of a wand, flash of a pirate sword, and gulp of magic potion, the children create an unforgetable Halloween.

The grannies three
Tozer, Mary
One day, a strong wind carries three grannies to a strange land called the Doodlebird Forest. On their adventure, they meet and make friends with three Doodlebirds, a dragon, and four large honey bears, all of whom help the three grannies return home safely.

Johnny maple-leaf
Tresselt, Alvin
Johnny Maple-Leaf begins his life as a small brown bud. As time passes and the seasons change, he grows and develops into a mature leaf. Throughout his life, he encounters many animals. The other leaves help to keep him company, whether in the trees or on the ground.

Sir toby jungle's beastly journey
Tripp, Wallace
A feared knight, growing old, decides it is time for his last adventure. He goes into the forest and finds all of his enemies. They travel with him in the hopes of getting revenge. However, the revenge is Sir Toby's.

Deep in the forest
Turkle, Brinton
This picture book illustrates a story similar to that of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. When a little girl and her parents go out, a bear goes into their house and eats their food, sits on their chairs, and sleeps in their beds. (wordless book)

The camel who took a walk
Tworkov, Jack
In this book, the forest is waking up and the sun is slowly rising. A camel takes a walk through the forest and approaches other animals who have come up with a plan. However, the camel turns around before he reaches the other animals and their plan falls through.

Xaba-Mashiri, Zadwa
A man digs out a talking yam from his garden. The man is confused and asks his dog if he is talking, but the dog says it is the yam talking. The man runs to the village to tell people about the talking yam and dog. People do not believe the man until things starts talking to them.