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  • Tags: feelings
Mrs. brice's mice
Hoff, Syd
Mrs. Brice has twenty-five mice. The mice do everything that Mrs. Brice does. There is one very small mouse that will not work. However he saves all the mice from a vicious cat.

Newberry, Clare Turlay
A cat is used to being the center of attention. He must learn to share his home with a rabbit. The two learn they have a lot in common and become great friends.

The cat barked?
Monks, Lydia
A cat thinks that it would be more fun to live a dog's life. She thinks it would be nice to go on walks in the park, bark, and guard the house from thieves. The cat's owner reminds her about seeing in the dark, climbing trees, and taking naps.

Perfect the pig
Jeschke, Susan
Perfect the piglet is granted three wishes. He gets wings and that brings him into Olive's life where he is happy. But his wings get him in trouble when he flies into the trap of a mean man.

Freeman, Don
A lion tries to impress his friends through fashion and materialistic things. He is very lonely. It is when he is forced to be himself that he finds the acceptance of his friends.

The blue faience hippopotamus
Grant, Joan Marshall
A hippopotamus falls in love with an Egyptian princess. He finds a magician who turns him into a statue. The princess discovers the statue and there is a surprise ending.

Steig, William
Shrek, an ugly beast, is sent out in the world by his parents to discover his future. He scares everyone who sees him. He marries an ugly prince and lives happily ever after.

It happened in pinsk
Yorinks, A.
Irv Irving is not happy with his life. He wants fame and fortune. One day, Irv loses his identity and everyone mistakes him for someone else. After he finally retrieves his identity, he realizes what he has and becomes content.

A color of his own
Lionni, Leo
A little chameleon is sad because he does not have a color of his own. He meets another chameleon who befriends him and they become the same colors together.

I won't go without a father
Stanek, Muriel
Steve refuses to go to Open House night at school because he thinks his classmates will make fun of him for not having a dad. Steve is pleasantly surprised to find he is not alone.

Remember the secret
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
Because she has already discovered the wonders of God, Suzy understands the true meaning of her friend's death.

Hildilid's night
Ryan, C
An old woman hates the night and decides to try to get rid of it. One evening, she stays up and tries to catch the night, but is unsuccessful. When the sun arises, she is so tired she cannot enjoy the sunlight.

Looking for atlantis
Thompson, Colin
A young child learns about life by looking at it the way his grandfather did. He learns about himself at the same time.

It's george!
Cohen, Miriam
A boy named George feels like an outcast because other students pick on him. He is not able to do some of the things they can so he gets depressed. He rescues someone by calling 911 and is on television and becomes famous at school.

Adam draws himself a dragon
Korschunow, Irina
A young dragon comes to stay with Adam for a while and they help each other overcome the problems that make their school days unhappy.

A button in her ear
Litchfield, Ada B.
Angela Perkins sturggles to hear others, so her parents take her to the doctor for an examination. She must wear a hearing aid. Her friends think she is special and she enjoys wearing the hearing aid.

No friends
Stevenson, James
Mary and Louie have just moved into a new neighborhood. They are worried because they do not have any friends. Their grandpa tells them about when he moved to a new neighborhood when he was young.

Addie meets max
Robins, Joan
Addie is reluctant to befriend her new neighbor Max, expecially after they run into each other when riding bikes. Eventually Addie's mom sets up a luncheon between the two of them. Addie begins to like Max and they become friends.

Josephina hates her name
Engel, Diana
Josephina hates her name because it is unusual. She wants to trade her name with her friends' names. After Josephina's grandmother explains the uniqueness of her name, she is proud of it from that day forward.

Oh, no, toto!
Tchana, Katrin Hyman//Pami, Louise Tchana
Toto and Big Mami go to market for a day of shopping. Oh, no, Toto! the villagers cry when Toto Gourmond, the lovable, terrible two year old, sees food. Everything he sees he wants to eat!

A to z do you ever feel like me?
Hausman, Bonnie
How are you feeling today?Join the children in this book to find out if they are feeling the same way. Learn the letters of the alphabet while you solve the puzzles of emotions. Have fun!

Jamie's turn
DeWitt, Jamie
Eleven year old Jamie helps his stepfather, Butch, pick corn one autumn day. When the corn picker becomes plugged up, Butch attempts to climb off the tractor but gets caught and is seriously injured. Jamie saves Butch's life by turning the corn picker off and running for help. Jamie keeps the farm running while Butch recovers from the accident.

Fox on the job
Marshall, James
Fox needs a job so he tries four different places. Because of his honesty, fear and clumbsiness, he loses his first three jobs. He then finds the perfect job where he can dream all day.

Tales for a winter's eve
Watson, Wendy
Freddie the Fox's skiing trip ends in disaster!His grandmother, Bert Blue Jay, and Nellie Mouse each try to relieve his pain by telling him funny stories. By the end of the night he feels better and is ready for a good night's sleep.

Eric needs stitches
Marino, Barbara Pavis
Eric is a little boy who falls off his bike and needs stiches, but is scared. His father and a nurse explain the procedure. Eric gets his stiches and a treat for being brave.

The mother's day sandwich
Wynot, Jillian
Ivy and Hackett decide to surprise their mom for Mother's Day by making her breakfast in bed. They make a real mess. When they wake up their mom, the food spills. She tells them she wants a hug (a Mother's Day Sandwich).

Even if I did something awful
Hazen, Barbara Shook
A little girl breaks a vase and asks her mom about all these horrible things she could have done. She wonders if her mom will still love her. Her mom proves to her that she will love her, no matter what.

I can! Can you?
Adorjan, Carol
A little girl tells what her big sister is able to do which happens to be difficult for her. Then she tells what she can do. She keeps learning how to do more things each day.

Wagons west
Gerrard, Roy
Buckskin Dan and his followers embarked on a wild and dangerous journey on the Oregon Trail. After many exciting adventures like fighting off outlaws and saving an Indian boy, the group finally settles in the Willamette Valley.

The tale of Willie Monroe
Schroeder, Alan
Willie isn't a smart man, but he sure is strong. He decides to enter a contest to prove it. However, Delilah and her granny have to get him in shape first. Now Willie's reputation and Delilah's love depend on his winning the contest. Do you think he can do it?

The character in the book
Zemach, Kaethe
Although the character in this book enjoys his life immensely, he is ecstatic to receive an invitation to visit his Auntie in another book. There's just one problem: he can't figure out how to get out of his book! After many attempts, he is finally able to hop, skip, whirl, twirl, skate, scoot, and crawl his way through his book and into some new adventures in his Auntie's book.

To hilda for helping
Zemach, Margot
Hilda's sister gets jealous when her father gives Hilda a medal for helping out around the house. She tells Hilda that she hopes she loses the medal. Hilda says that if she loses it and it gets buried, it will grow into a tree full of medals.

Look out kindergarten, here I come
Carlson, Nancy
Henry can't wait for his first day of kindergarten to begin!He imagines all the wonderful things that he and his classmates will do. When he arrives at school, Henry becomes frightened that he will get lost and won't enjoy all of his new classmates. When his teacher invites him in and shows him all the neat activities, Henry realizes again how much fun kindergarten will be!

Bears in pairs
Yektai, Niki
Several different bears are described by their activities, feelings, and different colors.

Willy and may
Schachner, Judith Byron
A young girl has a special relationship with her Aunt May and Willy, her aunt's bird. The girl is only able to visit them twice a year, but always has an unforgettable time. When the girl's mother becomes ill the summer trip is cancelled and Aunt May plans to visit over Christmas. Unfortunately, a huge snowstorm makes the trip nearly impossible, but with the help of a Christmas friend Aunt May and Willy arrive safely.

My daddy and i...
Greenfield, Eloise
A young African American boy describes all the activities that he and his father do.

What we like
Rockwell, Anne
Children really like snowmen, fish, bubble bath, goodnight kisses, lullabies, and many other things that excite the five senses. Each page is filled with the things children like to do, wear, feel, eat, and play.

Little bunny's cool tool set
Boelts, Maribeth
Little Bunny saves up all of his money to buy a tool kit, then decides to take it to school for show-and-tell the next day. Although he is usually good at sharing, Little Bunny finds it difficult to share his new tool kit while at school, even with his best friend.

Adoption is for always
Girard, Linda Walvoord
Upon learning that she is adopted, Celia experiences feelings of insecurity about her birth-parents. Through openly talking with her parents, Celia learns that she is loved by her birth-parents and her parents, and accepts her feelings about adoption.

I love you like crazy cakes
Lewis, Rose
A woman writes a letter to officials in China to ask for the adoption of a baby girl. The new mother cries and the little girl does too when they are united. This begins a love story between a mother and her baby in a new country before they travel to another new country for the baby.

My special family
McCully, Emily Arnold
Little Sarah, the bear, feels her family doesn't care for her anymore especially with the adoption of Blanche. Sarah decides to runaway and find her real family.

The best single mom in the world: How I was adopted
Zisk, Mary
A girl tells the story of her single mother's decision to adopt her from overseas. She discusses their time together and their happy life as a family.

My little foster sister
Stanek, Muriel
An only child is upset about a foster child temporarily living in her home, but then she grows to love the child as a sister. A bond grows between them through reading, singing, and playing together. The little girl grieves when the foster child is adopted by her aunt and uncle.

A worm's tale
Lindgren, Barbro
Arthur is a lonely man who accidently steps on a worm one day. Arthur adopts the worm and they become good friends.

Snow family
Kirk, Daniel
Join a young boy as he wanders into the snow to meet new friends. His friends are missing their noses, hats, and part of their family. Help the boy try to find what his new friends need.

Dark night
Monfreid, Dorothee de
Felix is walking home in the dark woods when he hears a fox howling, so he climbs into a nearby tree and hides. A tiger comes along and scares the fox, but then an alligator comes along and scares the tiger, which frightens Felix even more. Felix doesn't know how to get home, but then he finds a door which leads to a rabbit's house. The rabbit offers to help him get home and they make it home safely, and end up scaring the fox, tiger and alligator themselves!

Curious george gets a medal
Rey, H.A.
Curious George is home alone and his mischief leads him on quite an adventure. In the end, he goes on his biggest adventure yet and becomes a hero.

The best place
Meddaugh, Susan
After talking with a bird on his lovely screen porch, an old wolf realizes that he may be missing out on some wonderful places because he's spent so much time admiring his porch with the beautiful view. Determined to see the world, the old wolf sells his house to a young rabbit family and sets out on his travels. However, after a trip down a river, an afternoon in the hot desert, and a tour of London drowned in rain, the wolf realizes that his front porch really is the best place in the world. However, the rabbits have settled and will not give the wolf his house back. Saddened he runs far into the forest and retreats to the top of a tall tree for the night. When he awakens, he realizes that this could be his new best place so he and his old neighbors work together to build his new home.

Some birthday!
Polacco, Patricia
On her birthday, a girl's father takes her, her brother and her cousin down to Clay Pit to camp and cook over a campfire, and to take a picture of the monster of Clay Pit Bottoms.

The magic house
Eversole, Robyn Harbert
April has a very vivid imagination which turns her house into a magical house. April's sister does not believe in the magic and when she is around it disappears for April too. One day when Meredith is struggling with her dance steps, April helps her to see the magic.