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  • Tags: doctor
A button in her ear
Litchfield, Ada B.
Angela Perkins sturggles to hear others, so her parents take her to the doctor for an examination. She must wear a hearing aid. Her friends think she is special and she enjoys wearing the hearing aid.

Eagle eyes: A child's view of attention deficit disorder
Gehret, Jeanne
A child struggles through life with Attention Deficit Disorder. He goes to the doctor and learns several things that makes life easier.

Down dairy farm road
Martin, CLG
After making veterinary rounds with her grandfather, Junie Mae realizes that money and curly hair are not the most important thing in life when she sees how her grandfather is paid in food.

Stranger in the mirror
Say, Allen
Sam, a young Asian American boy, realizes first hand what it is like to be an old man. He wakes up one morning with a much older look, but is the same young boy on the inside. He has a difficult time convincing his family and friends that he is the same boy they all know.

Timothy Cox will not change his socks
Kinerk, Robert
A young boy, Timothy Cox, decides to go without changing his socks for a month. As the smell from his socks begins to grow, the entire community gets involved in trying to get him to change his socks. Timothy creatively avoids getting caught for the whole month. He aviods the fire fighters with their hoses and even a scout troop! When the month has come to an end, he keeps the socks in a cabinet as a trophy in his determination to stick to his word and not change his socks.