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  • Tags: decision making
Abigail takes the wheel
Every morning Abigail and her brother go to school on board their father's boat. One morning they see an accident and decide to help one of the boats. Abigail has to steer while her father helps on the other boat. On her way down the river, Abigail must make some quick decisions. With Captain Abigail in charge everyone arrives safely.

Seeger, Pete
A little boy and his father are banished from town. The little boy is banished because he plays his ukelele all the time and his father is banished because of his magic and his storytelling about the monster Abiyoyo. When the monster comes to terrorize the town, the boy puts it to sleep with his ukelele music and then his father makes the giant disappear with his magic. They are welcomed back into the town.

Hiller, Catherine
A boy gets a cat that is magical. The boy tells a friend about his cat and his friend promises not to tell. His friend tells and all the kids laugh and make fun of him. The cat proves to everyone that he is magical and then makes everyone forget, but the friend remembers and never tells.

Adam and the wolf
Gunthorp, Karen
Despite warnings not to go looking for strawberries because of the wolf, Adam goes anyway and finds a pleasant and unexpected friend.

Adam's abc
Fife, Dale H
Adam and friends have many adventures in alphabetical order throughout the day.

Addie meets max
Robins, Joan
Addie is reluctant to befriend her new neighbor Max, expecially after they run into each other when riding bikes. Eventually Addie's mom sets up a luncheon between the two of them. Addie begins to like Max and they become friends.

Albert's alphabet
Tryon, Leslie
A duck, Albert the school carpenter, is asked to build an alphabet for the schools walking path. Albert relies on all the supplies in his workshop to build the alphabet.

Albert's play
Tryon, Leslie
Through determination, a cast of animals put on a play. The animals are successful and everything goes right.

Alexander the gander
Tudor, Tasha
Alexander the Gander loves heliotrope pansies, so he sneaks away from the pond to get a taste at Mrs. Fillow's garden. He eats some nice young vegetables too. When he gets caught, he takes off running for home. Sylvie, his owner, makes him apologize to Mrs. Fillow, and she forgives him.

Alfie gets in first
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie is the first one to get home. As soon as his mom opens the door, Alfie runs inside and slams it shut. Alfie has to figure out how to get the door opened by himself.

Alfie gives a hand
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie goes to a birthday party. He helps a friend calm down by holding her hand, but he has to put down his precious blanket first.

Alfie's feet
Hughes, Shirley
After shopping with his mother, Alfie gets some boots. While splashing in puddles, Alfie discovers he has been wearing the boots on the wrong feet. After correcting the problem, he continues to play.

Alia's mission
Stamaty, Mark A.
Alia is the librarian of the Central Library in Basra, Iraq. When the war in Iraq begins to move closer and closer to Basra, Alia makes an important decision and takes huge risks to preserve the historical literaure of her country, as well as many other books in the library. The war progresses and Alia enlists the help of friends to do all they can to move and protect the contents of the library.

All about teeth
Schuh, Mari
Lee acts as a role model for others and describes what he does in order to maintain a healthy smile by brushing and flossing his teeth every day. To explain why taking care of your teeth is so important, Lee also demonstrates the structure of a tooth and the unique functions of canines, incisors, premolars, and molars in the mouth that allow him to eat and digest food. Given the importance of his teeth, Lee practices habits of proper oral hygiene and visits the dentist regularly!

Alligator baby
Munsch, Robert
Kristen's mom is having a baby but she accidently makes a wrong turn into the zoo. Her parents make repeated attempts to find their baby until finally Kristen takes a journey to the zoo.

Almira's violets
Fregosi, Claudia
A lady owned a flower shop with the most beautiful violets. Her cat was mad and jealous that the flowers got all the attention. One day she noticed that none of the plants had blossoms. Then she realized her cat had eaten the blossoms.

Almost gone
Jenkins, Steve
All living things are related in some way. The reality of human destruction, and its impact on the survival of animals are key components to the extinction of many animals in our environment. As each species disappears, the world as we know it, forever is changed. Will the little bird who visits your morning windowsill be next?

Always in trouble
Demas, Corinne
Emma's dog ,Toby, always seems to be in trouble. When Emma gives him more attention, he still gets into trouble. At dog training school, he is the best dog and receives a diploma after all the classes, but he still gets into trouble. So Emma takes him back to the school, and leaves Toby with the teacher for a week. When he comes back, Toby seems like the perfect dog, but Emma soon finds out, no dog is perfect.

Amanda pig on her own
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A collection of four short stories tell the adventurous tales of a young pig and her family. Often having a moral or value, the pigs usually resolve their problems well.

Amazing mr. pelgrew
Schlein, Miriam
Steven tries to discover what Mr. Pelgrew does for a living. He has a fascination with guessing his neighbor's occupation. Mr. Pelgrew is a police officer.

Amelia bedelia
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedelia is left to do housework and she does it in her own style. When the Rogers family returns they almost fire her until they taste her lemon meringue pie!

Amelia bedelia goes camping
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedielia follows exact instructions given to her on a camping trip, including rowing boats and pitching the tent.

Amelia bedelia helps out
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedelia and her niece go to help Miss Emma get ready for a lunch party. Miss Emma asks them to weed the garden, give the chickens scraps, stake her bean plants and various other things. Amelia misunderstands her wishes by taking them literally and mixes everything up.

Amos: The story of an old dog and his couch
Seligson, Susan//Schneider, Howie
An old dog is bored and sad because the kids are all grown up and the Bobsons are always gone. He later discovers he can make new friends and his couch can go places if he uses his imagination.

Amy and the cloud basket
Pratt, Ellen
Amy wants to carry a basket, but men are the only ones that are allowed to carry baskets. Amy eventually gets her way.

Amy unbounded: Belondweg blossoming
Hartman, Rachel
Through comic book style illustrations, Amy of Eddybrook Lodge encounters many exciting adventures with her best friend. During the summer between her ninth and tenth birthday, Amy and her friend learn many lessons about life. The most important ones are that love does not solve everything and even heroines sometimes need help.

An angel for solomon singer
Rylant, Cynthia
Solomon Singer, alone and lonely, wanders the streets of New York City dreaming of things he will never have. He dreams of a fireplace, porch swing, a purple wall, a cat, and his boyhood home in Indiana. One night he wanders into a small restaurant where he reads on the menu that this is the place where all dreams come true.

An anteater named arthur
Waber, Bernard
An anteater named Arthur learns that he can overcome certain problems with the help of his mother. Arthur learns to eat right, clean, and become a responsible anteater.

An enchanted hair tale
De Veaux, Alexis
Sudan had unruly hair. Everyone made fun of him for it. He found a place to be himself with people who were like him. He began to appreciate his differences.

An evening at alfie's
Hughes, Shirley
A babysitter encounters a crisis situation when a water pipe bursts. She solves the problem by enlisting aid from others.

An ocean world
Sis, Peter
A whale sails new seas and after several unsuccessful attempts, makes a friend.

Anancy and mr. dry-bone
French, Fiona
Anancy and Mr. Dry-Bone attempt to win the hand of the beautiful Miss Lause by making her laugh.

Anatole and the cat
Titus, Eve
While working as the Cheese Taster at M'sieu Duval's factory, Anatole the Mouse is forced to face his biggest fear: a cat. When the cat threatens Anatole's job, Anatole puts his brain to work and comes up with a plan that saves his job and makes him the most respected mouse in all France.

And my mean old mother will be sorry, blackboard bear
Alexander, Martha
Anthony is tired of his mean mother always yelling at him, so he runs away with his bear. After some fun, he misses his mother, his bed, his pillow, and food. He happily returns to his home.

And to think that i saw it on mulberry street
Seuss, Dr.
A young boy walking home from school fantasizes about events on Mulberry Street. Although he tells his father a fantastic tale about an elephant pulling a brass band, a policeman, a trailer and the mayor, he later admits that all he saw was a horse and wagon.

Andy and the lion
Daugherty, James
A boy named Andy reads a book about a lion. After reading it, his imagination goes wild and he dreams about saving a lion.

Angel mae
Hughes, Shirley
The event of a birth in her family and preparations for a Christmas play cause Mae to be anxious. Mae's courage helps her to make decisions to solve her problems.

Angelina's birthday surprise
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina breaks her bicycle while riding with Alice. She works hard to earn money for a new bike. She gets a bike for her birthday because of her hard work.

Angelina's christmas
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina sees Mr. Bell all alone the night before Christmas. Angelina and Henry make cookies for Mr. Bell. She and Henry go over to take the cookies to Mr. Bell. He invites them in and they have fun listening to stories. In return, Mr. Bell plays Santa in Angelina's Christmas Pagent.

Angry arthur
Oram, Hiawyn
Arthur is angry at his family, so he expresses it and causes destruction in the world.

Animals should definitely not wear clothing
Barrett, Judi
Can you think of reasons why animals should not wear clothing?

Animals should definitely not wear clothing
Barrett, Judi
Wouldn't it be silly if animals wore clothing? It would probably make the lives of animals much more difficult. Enjoy exactly why clothes for animals are completely unnecessary. Would you want your new dress ruined by your porcupine quills?

Anna banana and me
Blegvad, Lenore
A fearless little girl named Anna Banana has a very active imagination. Anna has a friend who is a small boy. Together they experience many exciting adventures. They both confront their fears and overcome them.

Anna, grandpa, and the big storm
Stevens, Carla
Anna is annoyed with her grandfather who is staying with her family. He takes her to school one day in the midst of a big snow storm. They are standed and have a chance to get to know each other better.

Anna's corn
Santucci, Barbara
Anna visits Grandpa's cornfield. She can hear the corn making beautiful music as the wind blows. Grandpa gets Anna corn kernels to plant next autumn, and the two agree that Anna will grow corn on her own. That winter, Grandpa dies. Anna wants to hold onto the seeds to remember Grandpa. She decides to plant them instead so she can hear the corn make music again. By next fall, the corn grows, Anna hears the music, and she collects kernels to plant corn for next year.

Annabell swift, kindergarten
Schwartz, Amy
Annabelle's sister, Lucy, tries to describe to Annabelle what her first day of Kindergarten will be like. It is much better than she thought.

Anno's counting book
Anno, Mitsumasa
Daily activities in a countryside village are shown through the numbers 0 through 12

Anno's magic seeds
Anno, Mitsumasa
Jack is given two magic seeds by a wizard. He is told to plant one seed and eat one seed, but Jack figures out a more lucrative method. How many seeds does each harvest yield?

Another helping of chips
Hughes, Shirley
Four short stories tell about the adventures of chips and Jessie. Together they encounter adventures concerning spring cleaning, a visiting uncle, a stray kitten, and Christmas.

Anotole and the pied piper
Titus, Eve
Anotale, a mouse, has to be a hero and save the children of his village from a musician. The musician steals the children so he can use them in his symphony. The mice end up escaping because they trick one of the musicians.