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Pink and say
Polacco, Patricia
A wounded solider in the Civil War is nurtured back to health by an African American soldier and his mother. Together they return to the battlefield, but are destined to live different lives.

The story of edward
Dumas, Philippe
Once in the real world, a donkey tried to pretend he is not a donkey. When he is discovered, he dances the waltz to capture his bride.

My grandson lew
Zolotow, C.
Lew misses his grandfather who died when he was two. Although Lew was young, he can still remember his grandfather's beard and eyes. Together, Lew and his mother reminisce about someone they both loved very much.

The little weaver of tahi-yen village
Tuyet, Tran Khanh
Hien is a young Vietnamese girl who lives in a bombed village. She must cope with the deaths of her mother and grandmother, and is flown to the United States to have a special operation on her injured throat. She meets two nice Americans who give her a weaving loom and becomes known as the Little Weaver of Thai-Yen village.

After charlotte's mom died
Spelman, Cornelia
Charlotte lost her mother only six months ago, so she and her father still grieve a lot over the death. Charlotte gets into a fight at school and has to see a therapist, Anna. Anna helps Charlotte to bring out her emotions which establishes a better bond between her and her father.

Dog heaven
Rylant, Cynthia
A simple and creative way to look at death is illustrated. By viewing pictures of dogs, you can learn what happens to someone who dies.

The princess in the kitchen garden (Prinses van de moestuin)
Heymans, Annemie//Heymans, Margriet
Because her mother died, Hannah takes care of her father and brother. Hannah decides to run away because she feels unappreciated. She goes to Mama's old kitchen garden. Her family reunites in an amazing way!

The foxes of chironupp island
Takahashi, Hiroyuki
An old man and his wife return every spring to Chironupp Island, an island off the coast of Japan. Right before the war, the couple befriends a young fox cub, Tiny.

Hey, little ant
Hoose, Phillip//Hoose, Hannah
While playing with his friends one day, a little boy spies an ant. As he prepares to squash the tiny insect, the boy listens to the ant's plea not to step on him.

Winter fox
Brutschy, Jennifer
A little girl gets a pet rabbit and discovers that a fox has eaten her pet. She goes with her father to hunt the fox, but feels sorry for it when she sees its hungry eyes. Then she asks her father not to kill it.

A thanksgiving wish
Rosen, Michael
A family overcomes the loss of their grandmother and run into obstacles when cooking Thanksgiving dinner. All their Thanksgiving wishes come true with a kind, helping hand from their new neighbors.

The christmas day kitten
Herriot, James
A kitten is left on Christmas Day for Mrs. Pickering by a stray cat who dies. Buster, the kitten, changes the lifestyle of Mrs. Pickering.

Clancy's coat
Bunting, Eve
Some old friends have a conflict, but they come back together when one of them needs help.

Goodbye, Mitch
Wallace-Brodeur, Ruth
Mitch has been Michael's pet for 15 years. He is an important part of the family, and Michael loves him very much. When Mitch becomes ill, Michael has a difficult time dealing with the fact that Mitch is dying.

Annushka's voyage
Tarbescu, Edith
When Tanya and Annushka's mother dies, their father has no choice but to leave Russia for the streets paved with gold. Several years later, the girls' father sends two tickets for their own voyage to America. Before the girls leave, their grandmother gives them each a Sabbath candlestick which will light their way to the New World. Tanya and Annushka's voyage is filled with many sick and sleepless nights. The girls unite with their father by raising their candlesticks.

What's in aunt mary's room
Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Susan and Sarah love to play what's in Aunt Mary's room? All great Aunt Flossie will say is: It's full of things to save, things to keep. One day the girls get to find out what's in Aunt Mary's room, and they get to learn about their ancestors in the process.

Swan sky
Tejima, Keizaburo
During the winter, a young swan becomes ill and is unable to fly to her summer home. Her family stays with her until she dies, then they fly to their summer home and grieve the loss of their daughter.

The worry stone
Dengler, Marianna
When growing up, Amanda loved her Grandfather and his stories. But now that Amanda is old, she feels lonely. One day at the park she befriends a lonely boy. She is able to give the boy something very special. Then he gives her something in return.

Kite flier
Haseley, Dennis
A young man leaves home, marries, and begins to fly kites. He teaches his son the joy of kite flying, and with each changing event in their lives, a new kite is launched. When the son wants to travel, too, they make a very symbolic kite for both of them.

Devil in the drain
Pinkwater, Daniel
All of his life, a boy has been afraid of the devil in his drain. When he confronts the devil, he tells him that he is not afraid of him and that he is mean. Not believing him, the boy takes revenge by turning on the water.

The christmas of the reddle moon
Lewis, J. Patrick
Will and Yiddy venture out on Christmas Eve to visit their aunt and cousins. On the way home, they get lost in a terrible snowstorm and are rescued by Wee Mary Fever. Mrs. Fever calls upon St. Nicholas by creating a reddle moon, and before Christmas morning the children are tucked safely in their beds.

The language of doves
Wells, Rosemary
On her sixth birthday Julietta is given a dove by her grandfather, and he shares a story about his doves being used for communication during World War I. Julietta is comforted by the dove after her grandfather's death.

The good-bye book
Viorst, Judith
A little boy is angry when he finds out that his parents are going to a French restaurant without him. He tries to convince his parents to either stay home or take him along. The little boy finally says good bye to his parents when his favorite babysitter arrives.

Who is ben?
Zolotow, Charlotte
On a dark night, Ben contemplates where he came from and where he will go after he dies.

Lyon, George Ella
Over the years, Grandma's basket becomes embedded in many family legends. The basket is passed through four generations. The spool of thread found inside the basket is symbolic of the generations threaded together by love.

The little match girl
Pinkey, Jerry
When a poor girl finds herself using matches to imagine things that are important in her life, she recalls the lessons that her grandmother has taught her. With hands stiff with cold, the little match girl studies the bright light that gives her warmth, imagination, and the closure to her young life.

The hickory chair
Fraustino, Lisa Rowe
Louis is born blind. He and his Gran play hide-and-seek or just sit and tell stories in her favorite old hickory chair. When Gran dies, her memory lives on through the gifts she leaves behind for her family.

Kinda blue
Grifalconi, Ann
Sissy is sad and lonely because she thinks about her father who died when she was a baby. Sissy's Uncle Dan helps her to understand differences among people and cheers her up through the use of his cornfields. He also makes her understand that even though her father is not alive, she has a family that loves her very much.

The little princess
Burnett, Frances Hodge
Young Sara is forced to attend Miss Minchin's select seminary for young girls in London when her father gets shipped off to war. Miss Minchin, the director of the seminary becomes a bit apprehensive about Sara's stay with them because her father said that she is to have the very best of everything. When a note arrives that says Sara's father died, things change for the worse. Poor Sara is forced to live the life of a slave. She eventually meets up with an Indian gentleman who helps her to gain her life back.

Just the two of us
Smith, Will
A father talks of ongoing love for his son from the moment he is born. As his child grows, the father tries to teach him how to be a man and also tells him how he will always be there for him. Having this child is the father's proof that his dreams have come true.

House of flowers, house of stars
Montresor, Beni
There are many different kinds of houses in different places with different people living in them. They can be made with many different materials, but be careful, because you never know what might happen to your house!

The very best of friends
Wild, Margaret
James and his cat, William, are the very best of friends. When James dies suddenly, Jessie, a friend, has trouble coping with his death. Jessie treats William poorly at first, but later she befriends him.

The invisible princess
Ringgold, Faith
Mama and Papa Love are two of Captain Pepper's slaves. They are going to have a baby, but they fear for it's life. With the help of the Powers of Nature, their baby is saved. For years Mama and Papa Love live peacefully until Captain Pepper threatens their child once again. By asking for help from the Powers of Nature, the slaves are able to live happily and peacefully with out any fear of Captain Pepper.

Red riding hood
Galdone, Paul
Little Red Riding Hood goes off to visit her grandmother. A wolf spots her and beats her to her grandmother's house. The wolf is after both the grandmother and Red Riding Hood, but a hunter ends up killing the wolf and saving them both.

A fish in his pocket
Cazet, Denys
On his way to school, Russell drops his math book in the pond. The teacher finds a fish in it when she opens it. Russell worries all day long about what to do with the fish. He finally comes up with a solution in art class.

Someone special died
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl deals with the death of someone close to her. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She finds a way to feel better, though, when she makes a scrapbook to remember everything about this special person. She learns that everything dies.

The fall of freddie the leaf
Buscaglia, Leo
This book explains the process of life and death by utilizing a tree leaf. Each season is depicted and shows how the leaf grows and eventually dies.

The dead bird
Brown, Margaret Wise//Charlip, Remy
A group of young children find a dead bird. They decide to bury the bird. They take the bird to the woods to give it a proper burial. The children mourned, sang, and planted flowers around the dead bird's grave. The children came back to visit the grave, until they forgot.

Burningham, John
Grandpa and his granddaughter do everything together. Then as Grandpa gets older, he cannot do as much with her. Finally he dies.

When grandpa came to stay
Caseley, Judith
Benny's grandpa visits after his grandma dies. They tell stories, play games, and talk. One day grandpa cries and Benny learns that it is okay to cry.

The josefina story quilt
Coerr, Eleanor
A small girl named Faith had a very special friendship with her goose Josefina. Faith is part of a pioneer family moving West. Throughout their journey, Faith makes a patch to represent each event she encounters, including the death of Jusetina. At the end, the quilt tells the story of the friendship between the goose and the little girl.

Blow me a kiss, miss lilly
Carlstrom, Nancy White
A young girl, Sara, has an elderly woman as her best friend. They spend much time together. One day the old woman dies and Sara is very sad. She remembers the good things about her best friend and still feels her love.

Beyond the ridge
Goble, Paul
A grandmother takes a spritual journey of death while her family copes with their loss.

My grandpa died today
Fassler, Joan
David's grandfather dies. David learns how to deal with the grief by knowing his grandfather went to a better place. This helps David feel better.

Annie and the old one
Miles, Miska
Annie's grandmother tells her that as soon as her weaving is finished, she will return to the the earth. Annie tries to find many ways to avoid the completion of the weaving; however, she realizes at the conclusion of the story that fate and life cycles are inevitable.

Papa lucky's shadow
Daly, Niki
Sugar's grandpa, Papa Lucky, has always been a terrific dancer. Papa Lucky teaches Sugar how to dance. She becomes Papa Lucky's dancing shadow after grandma dies.

Jim's dog muffins
Cohen, Miriam
Jim's dog, Muffins, gets killed and when he goes to school, he won't talk to anyone. His friend, Paul, makes him laugh and realize that life goes on even after someone you love dies.

Growing time
Warburg, Sandol Stoddard
Jamie has to deal with the death of a King. We see the healing process is long and slow, but healthy.

Tracks in the sand
Leedy, Loreen
The life cycle of the sea turtle is described. It explains the turtle's instinct to dig holes in the sand and lay its eggs.

Grandad bill's song
Yolen, Jane
Jon loses his grandad and needs help showing his emotions. He doesn't know if he's reacting in the right way. Jon's family shows him that everyone reacts to the death of a loved one differently, and no reaction is right or wrong.