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  • Tags: cleanliness
I walk at night
Duncan, Lois
A cat enjoys spending time with its owner, but yearns for adventures of the night. The cat waits for night to fall so that all the memories will come back again. When morning dawns, the cat returns to being a familiar pet.

I wish I had freckles like Abby/ Quisiera tener pecas como Abby
Heling, K. & Hembrook, D.
Rosa goes to elaborate and comical lengths to have freckles like Abby. She realizes she might have something that is just as desirable as the longed-for freckles. Rosa gains appreciation for her own uniqueness.

If you give a pig a pancake
Numeroff, Laura Jofee
What happens when you give a pig a pancake?She'll probably ask for some syrup to go with it. What will she want next?

It happens to everyone
Myers, Bernice
It is the first day of school. Michael is nervous as he gets dressed, eats his breakfast, and rides the bus to school. Mrs. Daniels, a teacher, also gets ready for school. She is nervous, too. When Michael and Mrs. Daniels arrive at school, they discover that they are in the same classroom.

It's not my job!
Lish, Ted
Things start to smell in this family's new house when their trash cans fill up with garbage. Will someone take out the trash? No one will take on this responsibility. By the end of the fifth week, trash fills up the yard around the house. It looks like it's going to take a lot of teamwork and cleaning to get their house back to normal.

Jonathan cleaned up, then he heard a sound
Munsch, Robert
Jonathon finally cleans his house -- but then he hears a noise. A wall in his house opens up and people rush through the house making a big mess. A computer is broken and a subway mistakes his house for a stop.

Just one tooth
Nerlove, Miriam
Ruth loses her only tooth. She is afraid that it isn't going to grow back. Finally, it grows back and she is happy.

Kevin and his dad
Smalls, Irene
Kevin loves spending time with his dad. Kevin learns that after he works hard, he can play hard with is dad. Kevin and his dad spend the day cleaning the house, then they play sports and go to the movies. Oh what fun!

Little cliff's first day of school
Taulbert, Clifton
Little Cliff is dreading the first day of school. He has heard that school is all work and no fun. With the continued encouragement of his great-grandmother, Cliff finally heads to school. Upon arrival, he sees all of his friends and discovers that school can be fun too.

Lobel, Arnold
A horse named Lucille is unhappy with her self-image. When the farmer's wife buys Lucille new clothes, she feels grand at first, but later she just wants to be a horse.

Ma dear's aprons
McKissack, Patricia C.
David Earl knows what day of the week it is by the color of Ma Dear's aprons. She wears a different apron each day to reflect the day's chores. Ma Dear is a single, hard-working mother from the South that creates a loving home for her son.

Max goes to the dentist
Klein, Adria
Max visits the dentist where he gets his teeth checked and cleaned. Max makes sure to brush his teeth twice a day so, when the dentist looks for cavities, he doesn't have any! After looking at x-rays of his teeth, Max gets a new toothbrush from the dentist and leaves his office after having a great checkup!

Ahlberg, Allan
The familiar lullaby beginning with Hush, little baby, don't say a word,finds many new twists in this story. Read all about the many adventures that the baby encounters with other members of the family.

Moira's birthday
Munsch, Robert
Moira's birthday wish is to have a party with all of the kids in the school from kindergarten to sixth grade. She orders 200 pizzas and 200 birthday cakes. What will her parents do?

Monster and the magic umbrella
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster enjoys a day of play with his friends and his magical umbrella. Monster and the little boy play games in the afternoon sun and make sure to follow good hygiene practices and sun safety by wearing hats and carrying a giant magical umbrella that provides protection from the sun. The monster's umbrella eventually, magically opens into a much larger umbrella filling with rain so all of the neighborhood children can play and cool off.

Monster cleans his house
Blance, Ellen/ Cook, Ann
Monster lives in a tall house in the city. He loves his house! It is very fine. Monster thinks the house will be even finer after he cleans it. He works hard making sure he cleans all of the rooms for potential visitors. He takes a break after all that cleaning and the house looks fine indeed.

Monster meets lady monster
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy are cleaning the house when the little boy sees a lady monster outside. Monster is happy and freshens up before asking the lady monster if he can play with her. The two monsters play together and fall in love.

More tales of amanda pig
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Amanda pig and her family experience five short stories. One describes Amanda playing with her brother and another describes how she organized a birthday party for her dad.

Klingel, Cynthia & Noyed, Robert
A group of children demonstrate all of the different things they can do with their mouths so that other kids can do the same. However, in order to be able to do all of these things, the children make sure to explain why it is so important to go to the dentist to take care of their mouths and keep their teeth clean healthy. Can you do this too?

Mrs. potter's pig
Root, Phyllis
Mrs. Potter loves to keep everything clean but her baby Ermajean always gets dirty. One day while Mrs. Potter is cleaning in the yard, Ermajean crawls over to a big mud puddle in a pig pen andhas a wonderful time getting messy. In the meantime, a pig finds its way into Ermajean's buggy and when Mrs. Potter comes back, she thinks her daughter has actually turned into a pig.

Mud puddle
Munsch, Robert
A mud puddle is chasing Jule Ann! Every time she goes outside in clean fresh clothes, the puddle is hiding and just waiting to jump on her and make her dirty. Will Jule Ann's next plan work to stop the mud puddle?

Murgatroyd's garden
Zavos, J.//Drahos, Z.
Murgatroyd screams whenever his parents wash his hair so they stop washing it and a huge garden -- complete with animals -- grows on his head. When Murgatroyd can no longer stand up under his garden, he realizes that hairwashing really isn't so bad!

My car
Barton, Byron
Sam describes his car, its parts, and how he cares for it. He also discusses where he goes in his car and his job working as a bus driver.

My first look at time
Kindersley, Dorling
Important times of a child's day are highlighted from nutrition to hygiene.

My parents are divorced, my elbows have nicknames, and other facts about me
Cochran, Bill
Ted's parents are divorced but that doesn't make him weird. His elbows have nicknames and he sleeps with a sock on one foot, and he admits that may make him weird. Ted lists off many other facts about himself that may seem weird to others, but that's him and he is happy the way he is! He is sad though when his parents can't hug him at the same time.

My teacher for president
Winters, Kay
Oliver writes a letter to the local news station to nominate his teacher for president in the next election. He thinks she meets the requirements because she signs important papers, likes white houses, goes to meetings, acts quickly in a crisis, is used to being followed around, wants peace, cares for people and the environment, goes on trips, and deals with the media. The only downfall is he doesnメt want her to leave before the end of the year.

New old shoes
Blessing, Charlotte
A brand-new pair of shoes begin on the playful feet of an American boy then his shoes are donated and worn on the feet of African children. The shoes are worn and used in many different ways for play and work.

Night city
Wellington, Monica
At nighttime, most children go to sleep. However, many people in the city do not. Find out what goes on all around the city throughout the night when many people are sleeping and dreaming.

Ogbo: Sharing life in an african village
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
Ogbo are a special part of village life in Nigeria, uniting children of the same age in a lifelong fellowship - a group with whom they celebrate festivals, share day-to-day chores, and face the challenges of growing up. A young girl named Obioma helps us understand what belonging to an ogbo means. Growing, working, and relaxing together, the ogbo weave the fabric of village life.

Old henry
Blos, Joan W.
When Henry moves into the old, run down house in the neighborhood, all of the neighbors hope he will fix it up and make it look nice like the other homes. When he doesn't, they petition to make him clean up or get out. It is only after he leaves voluntarily that they discover how much they miss him.

Old pig
Wild, Margaret
Old pig and Granddaughter have spent a long time together, but soon Granddaughter will be on her own. Before Old Pig leaves, she takes time to notice all the great things around her. Grandaughter will miss Old Pig, but she will always remember everthing Old Pig has taught her.

One child, one seed: A south african counting book
Cave, Kathryn
Play a simple counting game. Watch a pumpkin grow. Follow young Nothando and discover the rhythms of her daily life in her South African village.

One fine day
Bang, Molly
From morning until bedtime, a child plays with toys to experience one fine day of activities.

One little lamb
Greenstein, Elaine
One little lamb is shaved for wool. The wool is cleaned, combed, spun into yarn, dipped into dye, and transformed into a pair of mittens. A little girl visits the lambs while wearing mittens.

Over the shop
Lawson, Jon Arno
A little girl and her grandparent show the apartment over their store to a couple looking for a fixer-upper place to stay. Little by little the place and the neighborhood take on a fresh new life and love (A Wordless Book).

Pigs in the pantry: Fun with math and cooking
Axelrod, Amy
Mrs. Pig isn't feeling well so Mr. Pig and the piglets decide to make her favorite chili. There's only one problem--they don't know how to cook! While Mom is taking a nap, Mr. Pig and the piglets make such a mess in the kitchen that Mrs. Pig wakes up to find the firemen cleaning up a big mess.

Teague, Mark
Wendell's room is such a pigsty that he imagines actual pigs living in his room and helping him make the mess. His mother often tells him to clean up the mess, but it isn't until the mess and the pigs get so out of hand that Wendell decides to clean things up.

Poppleton in spring
Rylant, Cynthia
Spring is coming, spring is coming!Spring cleaning on Poppleton's mind. Poppelton's friend, Cherry Sue, is cleaning too. Poppelton is looking for a bike, but there are so many decisions to make. A red one, a blue one- maybe he'll just walk. Poppleton wants to sleep outside in the new spring air. Can he last the night and discover new things around him?

Princess kalina and the hedgehog
Marshall, F.
Kalina, a very untidy Princess, was ordered to clean up herself and her room. A hedgehog, who was actually a Prince, helped her clean up her room. When everything was cleaned up, he turned back into a Prince and the two were married.

Raising sweetness
Stanley, Diane
The town sheriff adopts eight orphans to save them from the mean Ms. Stump, but there are a few problems. Pa is not too good at cooking and his cleaning is quite shabby. The orphans one wish is for him to get married. One of the orphans, Sweetness, believes a letter that arrived in the mail is the answer.

Ready, set, brush! A pop-up book
American Dental Association
Elmo and his gang teach you how to brush your teeth. First, Elmo teaches you about how much toothpaste to use, and Marvin Monster helps you learn about where you should brush. Then Zoe reminds you to brush your tongue, and you learn about rinsing from the Cookie Monster. Next, Martha Monster visits the dentist for a checkup, and he tells her that she, and all of her friends, do a great job of taking care of their mouth by brushing and rinsing twice a day!

Rita goes to the hospital
Davison, Martine
Rita gets very scared when a letter from the hospital arrives announcing that her tonsils will be taken out. Eventually, the hospital workers help Rita overcome her fears of surgery. She is happy when she wakes up afterwards and is given her favorite ice cream for dinner -- strawberry!

Rude giants
Wood, Audrey
Beatrix, the buttermaid, teaches two rude giants how to be clean and beautiful and to have good manners in order to rescue her friend, Gerda the cow, from being eaten.

Sergio and the hurricane
Wallner, Alexandra
A young boyメs family prepares for a hurricane in San Juan, Puerto Rico. At first, Sergio is excited, but after a whole day of getting ready for the storm, he falls asleep exhausted. The hurricane hits in the middle of the night so Sergio joins his parents in their bed, Papa tells him a story to ease his fears. For many weeks after the storm, the San Juan community clears the damage left by the wind and flooding. When school resumes, Sergioメs teacher gives a science lesson on hurricanes.

Six hogs on a scooter
Spinelli, Eileen
The hog family wants to go to the opera. But when father Hog's car breaks down, they must find a different mode of transportation. After unsucessfully trying a scooter, roller skates, and other ideas, the six hogs take the bus. By the time they get to the opera, the show is over.

Snacks for healthy teeth
Schuh, Mari
Tessa sets an example for other children by describing all of the healthy snacks that she eats in order to keep her teeth and gums healthy. Instead of eating sugary sweets, Tessa enjoys eating fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and popcorn as snacks to protect her teeth and keep them strong! Tessa also explains how she brushes her teeth every day to make sure the enamel protecting her teeth does not wear down and form a cavity (or a big hole in her teeth).

Somebody and the three blairs
Tolhurst, Marilyn
When the Blair family returns home one day, they find that someone or something has been there. Food is all over the floor, chairs are broken, and there is water all over the bathroom. Little do they know, the culprit is asleep in baby's bed!

Something beautiful
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis
A little girl looks out her window only to see broken glass and trash in the court yard. She remembers her mother once told her everyone should have something beautiful. She sets out to look for something beautiful in her neighborhood.

Stanley and rhoda
Wells, Rosemary
Stanley and Rhoda are brother and sister. They have fun in three short stories as they clean Rhoda's room, deal with Rhoda's bee sting, and play with the babysitter.

Sugar bugs
Weisz, Sam & Weisz, Erica
The Mutans family moved into Robbie's mouth after searching for a sugary new home. Robbie ate candies and sweets every day, so the Mutans loved living there, but Robbie did not like his unwelcomed guests. Over time, the Mutans began to rot his teeth, causing Robbie to have horrible pain when chewing. Then Robbie goes to visit Dr. Sam, his dentist, who removes the Mutans family from their home. Dr. Sam shares some habits that will help Robbie improve his oral health in the future and keep the Mutans family out forever!