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  • Tags: birthday
My mother lost her job today
Delton, Judy
A six-year-old's mother loses her job. As she watches how upset her mother is, she wonders if life will ever be the same again.

Rumi: Whirling dervish
Born in Afghanistan in the thirteenth century, Rumi settled in Turkey and became the greatest mystical poet who ever lived. Although he began his adult life as a highly respectable scholar, he found his true calling after becoming the disciple of a mysterious holy man, Shamsuddin, who taught him for three years. From Shams he learned to listen for the sacred sound of God within himself. When his creative spirit was awakened, he recited more than 50,000 rhymed couplets. He wrote about the love that resides in the soul of everyone regardless of religion or background. He founded the order of the whirling dervishes who believed their spinning dances put them in touch with God and brought peace and love into the world. Although Rumi died 800 years ago, his poems are more widely read now than ever. To honor the 800th anniversary of his birth, the United Nations declared 2007 the year of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi.

The night of las posadas
dePaola, Tomie
Lupe and Roberto are going to play the roles of Mary and Joseph in a reenactment of the night that Jesus Christ was born. Lupe's aunt, Sister Angie, is in charge of the production. However, Sister Angie becomes sick and Lupe and Roberto must proceed to the village. There is a bad snowstorm and the couple gets stranded in the snow. Friends of Sister Angie come to the rescue and play the role of Mary and Joseph, then disappear. Lupe and Roberto finally arrive and close the production. Later, Sister Angie wanders the church and finds the cloaks of the carving of Mary and Joseph covered in fresh snow.

Muriel's red sweater
Dokas, Dara
Muriel Magee's party invitations are very late because her birthday is today! She runs around town handing out invitations to her friends. What she doesn't realize is that her sweater unravels with each person she invites. By the time she gets home, she sees that her sweater is all gone, but she is in for a surprise! Her friends are all there to wish her a happy birthday, and they give her a present. When she opens it she realizes it's just what she needed - a new sweater!

Veronica and the birthday present
Duvoisin, Roger
A cat and a hippo from two different farms develop a friendship. They find ways to see one another, but they are interrupted several times by their different owners.

The loudest noise in the world
Elkin, Benjamin
Young prince Hulla-Baloo lives in the town of Hub-Bub, the noisiest town in the world. For his sixth birthday, he wants to hear the loudest noise in the world. Well, what was supposed to be the loudest ends up being the quietest, and the prince learns to appreciate quiet.

The upside down man
Ellentuck, Shan
A man walks and does everything upside down. At a birthday party, he gets other people to walk the same way.

The present
Emberley, Michael
Arne Hansen has been invited to his nephew's birthday party. His search for the perfect gift creates a problem when he discovers he would rather keep the gifts for himself. He must find something new for his new nephew, and in the end it all works out.

One short week
Eriksson, Eva
Rosalie is bored because she has no one to play with. She calls her friend, Victor. Victor invites Rosalie to his birthday party, a whole week away. She turns one week into one day and ends up playing with Victor for a hundred hours.

Small clown
Faulkner, Nancy
Pete wakes up on his eighth birthday excited to find out what presents he received. He receives a clown suit he had been hoping for. He goes to the circus to perform with his father who is also a clown. The ringmaster allows him, and he has the best act of all the clowns.

In the middle of the night
Fisher, Aileen
A girl loves the night and watches the sky and environment almost nightly. For her birthday, she wants to go out and explore that night. Her father takes her out, and they explore a wooded area finding a variety of plants, animals, and insects.

Happy birthday to whooo? A baby animal riddle book
Fisher, Doris
Babies come in all different sizes and shapes. Some babies have fur and some have feathers. Some may be the only baby born or some might be born with 100 brothers and sisters! Some babies are big (23 feet) and some are little (the size of a jelly-bean)! Babies have their own special families too! Some have a mom and a dad; some have a mom or a dad; and some even live with their mom, aunts, and grandmothers!

Ask mr. bear
Flack, Marjorie
Danny asked severl animals what he could give his mother for a gift. The animals did not know, but told him to find Mr. Bear and he would know. Mr. Bear had the perfect gift - a hug!

Night noises
Fox, Mem
An old woman sleeps but her dog is disturbed by all kinds of noises. The old woman dreams of all the important events in her life. When she wakes up, her family giving her a surprise 90th birthday party.

Where is the green sheep?
Fox, Mem
Sheep of many sizes, shapes and colors are busy doing many things. They are playing, sleeping, working, eating, bathing and reading just to name a few. But there is a problem to be solved. Where is the green sheep?

Mop top
Freeman, Don
Marty would rather play then get his hair cut. However, if he wants a birthday party, he has to get his hair cut. He has many adventures on his way to the barber.

The princess knight
Funke, Cornelia
Princess Violetta has been raised by her father, King Wilfred, to joust, ride horses, and fight with swords. Despite her small size, Princess Violetta quickly becomes one of the best knights in her father's kingdom, ever surpassing her three older brothers. Princess Violetta learns that before her sixteenth birthday, her father will hold a tournament to win her hand in marriage. Princess Violetta is not about to let a tournament decide her future and she decides to take action.

Happy birthday
Gibbons, Gail
This book explains the significance of birthdays. It depicts the past history of birthday events and why that day is so special.

You were born on your very first birthday
Girard, Linda Walvoord
The development of a growing baby is shown sleeping and moving. Body parts and special sounds develop from the inside environment of the mother's tummy until a new day when the baby is born. A nurse and doctors are there with the baby's parents in the hospital when the baby is born.

Shrewbettina's birthday
Goodall, John S.
Shrewbettina goes to the store for groceries and supplies. When she returns, she plans and executes a party with her family and friends.

Mama's perfect present
Goode, Diane
Two sweet spirited, young siblings and their mischievous dog exercise their muscles and goodwill as they search for the perfect present for Mama. They experience a comic escapade through the city blocks of markets and vendors.

Happy birthday, crystal
Gordon, Shirley
Two girls get together to celebrate Crystal's birthday. They play many games and open presents.

The world's biggest birthday cake
Greene, Carol
A group of kids bake the world's biggest birthday cake for their friend in an old water tower by heating it with a volcano. They decorate it with hedges, a pond, a zoo, a circus, and a brass band.

Roger loses his marbles!
Gretz, Susanna
Roger's aunt comes for a birthday party and stays in his room. He cannot find his marbles and gets angry at his aunt, who later finds them. They play after everyone is asleep.

A summertime song
Haas, Irene
One summer evening a frog jumps into Lucy's room and invites her to a magical birthday party. Lucy goes outside and joins her animal friends in celebrating owl's birthday. While outside in the garden, Lucy discovers an old doll she recognizes as her grandmother's and returns it to the delighted woman.

Happy birthday
Harris, Robie H.
A child is born and loved from the very first day of his life. Though long and tiring, the day of birth is filled with hearing voices, seeing faces, and many more wonderful things.

A to z do you ever feel like me?
Hausman, Bonnie
How are you feeling today?Join the children in this book to find out if they are feeling the same way. Learn the letters of the alphabet while you solve the puzzles of emotions. Have fun!

The happy birthday present
Heilbroner, Joan
Davy and Peter are brothers. Today it is a special day because it is their mom's birthday. So they set out on a journey to find a present for their mom. Upon this difficult task they come up with the best and most unique present of all.

Wemberly worried
Henkes, Kevin
A young mouse named Wemberky worries about everything. Now she faces her biggest worry, the first day of school. Find out what Wemberly will do with so many worries to worry about!

Herzig, Alison Cragin
Great-Great Uncle Thaddeus always gives unique birthday presents to his nephew. This year Uncle Thaddeus gives him best present ever. The present is a book about all the birthdays they have shared together. Their relationship grows stronger as they grow older.

Nana's birthday party
Hest, Amy
Maggie and Brette visit their grandmother to help her set up for her birthday party. This is their annual visit to see each other, sleep in the same room that their mom slept in, and spend some precious time with their grandmother. Challenges always seem to occur when they need to get their grandmother a present.

Arthur's birthday party
Hoban, Lilliam
Arthur's determination to have the best birthday party and be the best all-around gymnast causes him to be inconsiderate of the feelings of his sister and friends. When Arthur forgets to be fair and have fun at the competition, his younger sister is quick to point out that each chimpanzee has his or her own special skill to be honored with a medal at the birthday competition.

A birthday for frances
Hoban, Russell
Frances buys a candy bar for Gloria's birthday then thinks about how she can keep it or eat part of it. However, her heart softens and she decides Gloria should have it all.

The seven silly eaters
Hoberman, MaryAnn
Mr. and Mrs. Peters have seven lovely children but they are all very picky eaters. Each child wants his or her particular food at every meal. Soon they discover a food that all the children will eat - Mrs. Peter's birthday cake made from a combination of everyone's favorite foods!

Angelina's birthday surprise
Holabird, Katharine
Angelina breaks her bicycle while riding with Alice. She works hard to earn money for a new bike. She gets a bike for her birthday because of her hard work.

Matthew the cowboy
Hooker, Ruth
A boy receives a cowboy suit for his birthday. He takes imaginary, wild trips out to the Wild West.

Oh, no! Where are my pants?
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Fourteen poems about everyday life tell about friends moving away, forgetting your pants and the death of a class pet. Other poems include Winter Rabbit, Play Ball, Nightmare, and My Friend Is Gone.

Birdie's lighthouse
Hopkinson, Deborah
Ten year-old Bertha, daughter of a lighthouse keeper, receives a diary for her birthday. She records significant family events such as their relocation to rugged Turtle Island and the time when her brother went to sea for a long time.

When I was five
Howard, Arthur
Six year-old Jeremy points out many interesting changes he has undergone since he was five years old, including playing with his favorite car and thinking about his career. However, his best friend, Mark, is still his favorite.

Lucy and tom's 1 2 3
Hughes, Shirley
Lucy and Tom have a busy day of shopping and celebrating their grandmother's birthday. During these events, they create their own game of counting various objects.

Alfie gives a hand
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie goes to a birthday party. He helps a friend calm down by holding her hand, but he has to put down his precious blanket first.

Hughes, Shirley
Carlos is jealous of his friend Billy's new bicycle. He desperately wants a new one for his upcoming birthday. He realizes that friends are important and gets an unexpected better gift for his birthday.

Mama don't allow
Hurd, Thacher
Miles gets a saxophone for his birthday. He loves to practice the saxophone, but his family won't let him because of the awful sounds he makes. The only ones who appreciated his music are the alligators.

Russell rides again
Hurwitz, Johanna
There are six stories in this book. Russel is entering kindergarten. On the first day of school, he plays a joke on his teacher. Russel, the adventureous and creative lad that he is, makes up stories and learns how to ride his bike.

Busy body nora
Hurwitz, Johanna
Nora is a curious child that wants to meet everyone in her apartment building. This makes everyone think that she is a pest. She even invites everyone to a giant birthday party for her dad.

It's my birthday!
Hutchins, Pat
It's Billy's birthday party and all of his monster friends want to play with his new toys. Billy does not want to share, so his friends find new games to play without him. He thinks he can have more fun by himself but soon figures out that isn't the truth. When he receives a gift he can't play by himself, he asks his friends to play finally.

The birthday pet
Javernick, Ellen
Danny can have a pet for his birthday and he knows exactly what he wants. The other members of his family think differently.

Grunter: A pig with an attitude
Jolley, Mike
Grunter is a pig with an attitude. He thinks he rules the little green farm. All of the other animals are sick of it! On his birthday, Grunter thinks everyone forgot him but they have decided to get their revenge. Before Grunter knows what's going on, he's blasted into outer space. Where will he end up now?

The 13th clue
Jonas, Ann
A young girl follows all thirteen clues to a birthday surprise.

It's my birthday too!
Jonell, Lynne//Mathers, Petra
It is Christopher's birthday and his family is getting ready for his birthday party. Chirstopher's little brother, Robbie, wants to have a birthday too. Christopher tells Robbie that he can't come to his party and that he would rather have a puppy than a brother. Robbie acts like a puppy during the party and Christopher decides he likes having a little brother after all.