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  • Tags: birth
Houselander, Caryll
Petook, a rooster, experiences a period of depression after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He then learns the joy of Easter when a chick is born, representing Jesus' rebirth from the tomb. Petook develops an appreciation for life and Easter.

Ponies of mykillengi
Anderson, Lonzo
Two children and their ponies get caught in a snow storm. There is also an earthquake and a volcano that prevent them from making it home. One pony is about to give birth and the two children help.

Runaway mittens
Rogers, Jean
Pico, an Eskimo boy, is always losing the red mittens his grandmother makes for him. One day, Pico finds his mittens in a box with his dog who has just delivered puppies. He decides his mittens should stay there, so the puppies can keep warm.

Santa from Cincinnati: How a little boy named Santa grew up to become the real thing
Barrett, Judi
Calus was born on Christmas Day at Cincinnati General Hospital, and as he grew up, he developed a love for toys. As a young boy, Calus began building toys with his dad and delivering them to other kids in his neighborhood on Christmas Eve. Soon, everyone wanted toys from Calus, and after going to college and meeting Claus, they moved to the North Pole and began manufacturing toys year-round.

Seashore story
Yashima, Taro
Come learn about the old legend of Urishima, which tells about the birth of the sun.

Silly chicken
Khan, Rukhsana
Rani is jealous of Amiメs affection for Bibi, a chicken. Rani finally learns how to lay an egg - much to the motherメs delight. However, when left alone one day, the chicken dies and Ami is sad. An egg from Bibi is found, which hatches a new baby chick.

Solo plus one
Scamell, Ragnihild
Solo is a cat who is very bad and enjoys eating gooey eggs. One day, an egg breaks open next to him and the duckling thinks he is his mother. This relationship brings a change in Solo's attitude.

Sophie and the new baby
Anholt, Laurence
A new baby is coming, and Sophie's going to be a big sister!She helps her mother and father prepare for the arrival of the baby, but when her little brother is born, she wishes that her family could give him back!Sophie slowly begins to realize that having a new brother might not be so bad after all.

Strega nona: Her story as told to Tomie dePaola
dePaola, Tomie
A little girl name Nona is born, and her Grandma Concetta says that she will teach her the ways of a strega who gives cures and advice on many things. Nona grows up and attends the convent school and the Academy of Stregas in the city. Nona eventually returns to the country to take her Grandma's place after she retires.

James, Betsy
Growing up is an exciting process, especially for Molly and her brother, Darvy. Molly discovers frog eggs while she is at the pond and is allowed to bring them home until they develop into frogs. While Darvy experiences developmental changes of his own, he learns how to walk. In the end, Darvy teaches Molly an unexpected lesson.

The baby dances
Henderson, Kathy
A baby is born and as she grows she learns to do many new things. As her brother watches her grow during her first year, he shares his observations. She sits, walks, runs, and finally dances as her brother looks on.

The best single mom in the world: How I was adopted
Zisk, Mary
A girl tells the story of her single mother's decision to adopt her from overseas. She discusses their time together and their happy life as a family.

The christmas donkey
McClure, Gillian
When news arrives that everyone has to return to the place where they were born to pay tax, a local donkey dealer sells all of his donkeys, including Arrod, a wild and proud donkey. Arrod believes only a king is good enough to have him, but he leads the way to Bethlehem when Joseph, a poor carpenter, and his pregnant wife, Mary, buys him.

The donkey's dream
Berger, Barbara Helen
The story of the Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus and how important the donkey was to their journey.

The dragon in the clock box
Craig, M. Jean
Joshua tapes up a clock box and tells his family that there is a dragon egg in it. The dragon is born and flies away immediately so that Joshua's family could never see it.

The egg
Robertson, M.P.
George finds what he thinks to be a giant chicken egg. However, when it hatches, a dragon comes out. He cares for it and teaches it necessary skills but the dragon longs to be with his family. Before going to his home with the other dragons, the dragon takes George for an adventure and thanks him for his kindness and caring.

The fourth wise man
Summers, Susan
Atraban is the fourth wise man who is to go see the new born King of the Jews. He never meets the Messiah, but during his travels he is able to help many people with the gifts he carries for the King. After years of travel, Artaban still hasn't met his King, but before both men die Artaban hears the voice of the Messiah.

The keeping quilt
Polacco, Patricia
When a Russian family moves to America they decide that in order to keep their heritage, a quilt that has been added on to by generation after generation, will be their way of keeping them together.

The little lamb's first christmas
Walther, Clara Mae
A young lamb witnesses the birth of Christ. Joy fills the stable, as Mary and Joseph spend the night.

The most important gift of all
Conway, David
Ama wants to honor her newborn baby brother with a special gift, as is the custom of the people in her village. When Grandma Sisi suggests the gift of love Ama sets off in search of this important present, but how will she know when she has found it? This story celebrates a young girl's discovery of the most important gift of all.

The nest
Wildsmith, Brian
Two birds make a nest to hold their eggs from which the baby birds hatch.

The spider who created the world
MacDonald, Amy
Nobb, the spider, needs a place to set her egg but the sun, moon, and cloud don't want her around. Her only friend, Air, offers her a place but Air can't hold an egg so Nobb uses her net to catch the sun, moon, and cloud and uses pieces of them to create a home for her egg. When she had created the world the egg hatched and from it came all the creatures of the world.

The witness
Westall, Robert
Did you know that a cat might have been involved in the story of Christmas?Through a cat's eye, we see the events that took place around the birth of Jesus.

Too many rabbits
Parish, Peggy
Miss Molly takes care of a rabbit who has babies. These rabbits multiply like crazy until she has a house full. She tries to get rid of them and finally succeeds. Then she takes in a cat who later has kittens.

Tracks in the sand
Leedy, Loreen
The life cycle of the sea turtle is described. It explains the turtle's instinct to dig holes in the sand and lay its eggs.

Tucker flips
McGuirk, Leslie
After Tucker and his brothers are born, they do everything together. The puppies eat, sleep, play, and watch T.V., but Tucker likes adventures. He especially loves the snow, and his ability to flip comes in handy when he goes for a ride on some children's sled.

Turtle summer: A journal for my daughter
Monroe, Mary A.
A young mother writes a journal for her daughter. This scrapbook-journal explains the nesting cycle of loggerhead sea turtles and the natural life along the southeastern coast, including local shore birds, shells, and a sea turtle hospital.

Turtles in my sandbox
Curtis, Jennifer Keats
Imagine finding turtle eggs in your sandbox! When a mother diamondback terrapin lays eggs in a young girlメs sandbox, the girl becomes a モturtle-sitterヤ to help the babies safely hatch. She raises the teeny hatchlings until they become big enough to fend for themselves in the wild. Then, with the help of experts, she releases them. Along the way, she learns about these unique animals and that she has made an important contribution to their survival.

Waiting for noah
Oppenheim, Shulamith
A grandmother tells her grandson a story about the night he was born. She tells him about all the things she wanted to do with him when he was older.

Welcome dede!: An African naming ceremony
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
Amarlai has a new baby cousin and he can't wait for her to be given a name. A tradtional African name will tell people where she comes from and which child she is in the family.

Welcome with love
Overend, Jenni
The special day has arrived. A new baby has many siblings who are all very excited for the new addition to the family. Jack, his sisters Janie and Bea, Aunt Meg, Dad, and Anna the midwife are awaiting the home birth of mother's new baby. The family experiences a wonderful miracle as Mum delivers her new baby at home.

Wheel on the chimney
Brown, Margaret Wise//Gergely, Tibor
A stork builds a nest on a chimney during spring. Soon the stork is joined by another stork and they have babies. Suddenly it grows cold, so the storks head south for the winter. In the spring, the storks move back and the cycle starts over again.

Who is ben?
Zolotow, Charlotte
On a dark night, Ben contemplates where he came from and where he will go after he dies.

Woodpecker forest
Tejima, Keizaburo
A young woodpecker hatches out of his egg and matures until he is ready for his first flight. He is frightened to fly, but the image of his father comforts him.

You silly goon
Walsh, Ellen Stoll
When her gosslings hatch, Emily's friend comes to visit. When she mistakes a mouse for a fox, the real fox sets her straight when he arrives.

You were born on your very first birthday
Girard, Linda Walvoord
The development of a growing baby is shown sleeping and moving. Body parts and special sounds develop from the inside environment of the mother's tummy until a new day when the baby is born. A nurse and doctors are there with the baby's parents in the hospital when the baby is born.

Your body from head to toe
Roca, Nuria
Your body can do so many things. When you were born, you were only a baby. Then as you grew, you learned how to walk, eat, hear, taste, smell, see, and touch things. It is important to take care of your body so that it can continue to sense the world around you.