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The la-di-da hare
Lewis, J. Patrick
Honeypot Bear and Commodore Mouse set sail to visit the La-di-da Hare on the Island of Oh. Upon arriving, the duo is greeted warmly by the Hare who insists they wear native Bermuda shorts and Hawaiian shirts!Bear and Mouse have so much fun together that they decide to stay with the La-di-da Hare and together admire the beauty of the Island of Oh.

The jolly postman or other people's letters
Ahlberg, Janet//Ahlberg, Allan
This postman delivers mail to all of your favorite fairy tale characters. From the Three Bears to Cinderella, the jolly postman keeps them all in touch with their friends through letters.

The gummi bear counting book
Boegehold, Lindley
One lonely bear sits by himself and has nothing to do. He is joined by another, and eventually is joined by eight more. They all participate in several fun activities together.

The great shaking
Carson, Jo
A bear tells the story of the great earthquake of 1811 In its own unique way, the bear describes the possible reasons for the earthquake and the changes that are made by the earthquake.

The grannies three
Tozer, Mary
One day, a strong wind carries three grannies to a strange land called the Doodlebird Forest. On their adventure, they meet and make friends with three Doodlebirds, a dragon, and four large honey bears, all of whom help the three grannies return home safely.

The forgotten bear
Joerns, Consuelo
Stuck on an island attic and very lonely, Sam Bear sends a message in a bottle to a boy named Peter. Peter finds Sam Bear and they sail away into a storm!When Sam Bear's firecrackers are struck by lightning, they light the stormy sky, and help is found.

The first bear in africa
Ichikawa, Satomi
The animals of the African savanna help Meto as he tries to return the toy bear left behind by a young tourist.

The elephant in duck's garden
Delton, Judy
Duck had an elephant in his garden that smashed his chair and lettuce. Duck and Bear tried everything possible to make the elelphant leave. Finally, Rabbit Junior suggested they ask him to leave. The elephant kindly left the garden.

The dream quilt
Ryan, Celeste
Michael has bad dreams with many animals flooding his thoughts. A special quilt from the cedar chest is pulled out to play a game with his mother each night. A square from the quilt is chosen for sending a letter into dreamland. Michael's mother kisses him good night, and Michael has a wonderful dream. After Granny Rose comes to visit, Michael starts to dream in rainbows.

The chanukkah guest
Kimmel, Eric A.
Bubba Brayna, a very old woman, fixes a Hanukkah dinner for the rabbi and friends. She has an unexpected guest when a bear appears instead.

The cat and the cook and other fables of krylov
Heins, Ethel
Twelve fables from Ivan Krylov of Russia are presented. Some of the fables include The Cat and the Cook, The Swan, the Pike, and the Crab, and The Miser. Many of these fables feature animals with a valuable moral built in.

The boy who dreamed of an acorn
Casler, Leigh
Three boys climb a mountain hoping to dream of power. The boy who dreams of an acorn does not understand his gift. He is unhappy with his gift until he realizes that he grows as the acorn grows and his heart stretches out like the branches of a tree.

The blueberry bears
Lapp, Eleanor
Bessie loves to pick blueberries in the woods behind her house. She picks so many blueberries that every container is filled. The bears go to Bessie's house to eat her blueberries because she picked all of the blueberries in the woods!

The biggest bear
Ward, Leila
Johnny brings home a baby bear that eats everything and grows bigger and bigger. Johnny tries to take him back to the woods, but the bear keeps coming back. Finally, the bear finds a home in a zoo.

The Berenstain bears visit the dentist
Berenstain, Stan & Berenstain, Jan
Sister Bear wakes up to find that she has a loose tooth, and she tries to wiggle it out all day, but it won't budge! That afternoon, Brother Bear goes to see Dr. Bearson, the family dentist. After watching his checkup, Dr. Bearson gently pulls Sister Bear's tooth out, and she is no longer scared of the dentist.

The bear on the moon
Ryder, Joanne
A polar bear wonders about the deep sea and the lights in the sky. Her curiosity leads her to explore the mystery of the moon, and bring some of it back to her friends which helps explain why the polar bears came to live on ice and snow.

The bear at the hunter's ball
Hacks, Peter
A bear goes to a party disguised as a hunter and participates in some senseless drinking. All those at the party decide to go bear hunting.

The bear and the fly
Winter, P.
The bear family is eating dinner when a fly interrupts them. The Papa tries to catch the fly but is unsuccessful until the fly flies out he window. (Wordless book).

The bear
Briggs, Raymond
One night while Tilly is sleeping a bear comes into her room. The next morning Tilly tells her parents about the bear, but they don't think the bear is real. Tilly takes care of the bear all through the day. While Tilly is sleeping, the bear exits through the window to return back to his home.

The ballooning adventure of paddy pork
Goodall, John S.
Paddy takes off in a balloon and experiences many adventures.

The baby beebbe bird
Massie, Diane Redfield
All day long, the zoo animals roar and make noise. When they lay down to go to sleep, something keeps them awake: a new baby beebee bird isn't tired and sings all night long. When morning comes, all the animals are still tired. To prove their point, the animals make noise all day, keeping the bird awake. The next night all the animals, including the baby beebee bird, are fast asleep.

The awful aardvarks shop for school
Lindbergh, Reeve
This morning the aardvarks are going to the mall for back-to-school shopping. They have a list prepared for backpacks, lunch boxes, school supplies, and more. However, while following their list, they continue to add new items, making for a crazy and chaotic day.

Thank you, santa
Wild, Margaret
Samantha writes Santa a thank-you letter and the two become pen pals. Santa writes about his reindeer and Samantha writes about the polar bear at the zoo. By the time Christmas comes, Samantha has learned many things about Santa and giving.

Teddy bears cure a cold
Gretz, Susanna//Sage, Allison
When William catches a cold, all of the bears pull together to take care of William and help him get better.

Tale of a tail
Bodnar, Judit Z.
A fox catches fish for his dinner. WHen his friend, the bear, finds out he wants to know where the fox got all his fish. The bear takes his friend's advice and spends all night trying to catch fish. At dawn, he does not think he has caught any, but then he realizes he has caught a lot of fish on the way home.

Van Fleet, Matthew
Check out these rhyming, interactive pages with texture. Colorful 3-dimensional pictures come to life with humor on every page (A Board Book).

Swamp song
Ketteman, Helen
Down in the swamp where the cypress grows, Old Man Gator starts tappin' his toes...Pretty soon, all the swamp animals are movin' and swaggin' to Gator's beat. Sing along with the river otter, bullfrog, dragonfly, and many other swamp animals as their music swells into the natural chorus of croaking, whirring, and buzzing, all brought to life by Ponder Goembel's colored ink and acrylic-wash-paint illustrations.

Swamp angel
Issacs, Anne
When Tennessee is plagued by a huge bear, the men sign up to hunt it. Angelica Longnder, also known as Swamp Angel, shows up too. Swamp Angel, the female equivalent of Paul Bunyan, saves Tennessee from the bear to everyone's surprise.

Spring comes to the forest
Gunthorp, Karen
Several animals from the forest are excited because spring has arrived. The animals make sure all their friends wake up to begin their work.

Somebody and the three blairs
Tolhurst, Marilyn
When the Blair family returns home one day, they find that someone or something has been there. Food is all over the floor, chairs are broken, and there is water all over the bathroom. Little do they know, the culprit is asleep in baby's bed!

Snowy and woody
Duvoisin, Roger
Snowy, the white bear, and Woody, the brown bear, work together to solve their problems and keep each other safe.

Snow family
Kirk, Daniel
Join a young boy as he wanders into the snow to meet new friends. His friends are missing their noses, hats, and part of their family. Help the boy try to find what his new friends need.

Smile, ernest and celestine
Vincent, Gabrielle
Celestine decides to tidy Ernest's dresser drawers. She comes across his old pictures and realizes that he has no pictures of her. He tells her to dress up, so they can take pictures together.

Slither, swoop, swing
Ayliffe, Alex
Join animals of many shapes and sizes doing the activities they do best. Watch snakes slither, bats swoop, monkeys swing, penguins waddle, and other animals on the move.

Sleep, big bear, sleep!
Wright, Maureen
It's time for Big Bear to hibernate, so Old Man Winter keeps telling him sleep, Big Bear, sleep. But Big Bear doesn't hear very well. He thinks Old Man Winter has told him to drive a jeep, to sweep, and to leap. Big Bear just can't seem to hear what Old Man winter is saying. Finally, Old Man Winter finds a noisy way to get Big Bear's attention.

Sleep bear
Dabcovich, Lydia
A bear is luckily in hibernation when a hunter comes to look for him, but wakes up when spring returns.

Asch, Frank
Bear thinks the rainbow he sees is a fire in the sky. Bear experiences many new things when he tries to put out the fire.

Sir toby jungle's beastly journey
Tripp, Wallace
A feared knight, growing old, decides it is time for his last adventure. He goes into the forest and finds all of his enemies. They travel with him in the hopes of getting revenge. However, the revenge is Sir Toby's.

Sally goes to the mountains
Huneck, Stephen
Sally, the dog, goes on a camping trip to the mountains. Sally dreams of meeting new animals including: rabbits, birds, fish, racoons, beavers, skunks, moose and bears. Will Sally really get to meet these new animals on her trip?

Russell rides again
Hurwitz, Johanna
There are six stories in this book. Russel is entering kindergarten. On the first day of school, he plays a joke on his teacher. Russel, the adventureous and creative lad that he is, makes up stories and learns how to ride his bike.

Raven and river
Carlstrom, Nancy White
The river ice begins to crack as spring descends upon the Alaskan tundra. The raven knows it is time to wake up, so he flies about alerting his animal friends of spring's arrival. The melting ice brings new life and excitement to the animals who live along side the river.

Pretend you're a cat
Marzollo, Jean
A series of questions ask children to use their imaginations so they can leap like a cat, beg like a dog, and act like many other animals.

Poppy the panda
Gackenbach, Dick
A little girl's panda, Poppy, would not got to bed until it had something to wear like the other stuffed animals. The little girl could not satisfy the bear. Her mother tied a bow around his neck to make him happy and he went to bed.

Polar bear scare
Newton, Jill
Three polar bears chase a little rabbit. The rabbit does not know why they are chasing him, but he runs away. The bears simply want to play a game of tag.

Polar bear night
Thompson, Lauren
Take a quiet journey through the stillness of the night where stars form a blanket of light over sleeping animals. Then let the warmth of mother bear's fur guide you into a deep slumber.

Moss, Elaine
Polar decides to have fun and sled down a big hill. He is careless and breaks his leg. His friends take care of him and find ways to cheer him up.

Please say please!
Cuyler, Margery
When Penguin invites his friends for dinner, they all seem to have forgotten their manners. The animals need help to remember the right way to act at a friend's house.

Peace at last
Murphy, Jill
Mr. Bear, Mrs. Bear, and Baby Bear were all tired so they went to bed. Mr. Bear could not fall asleep, so he tried sleeping in many different places. Everywhere he went there were noises that bothered him.

Paddy's evening out
Goodall, John S.
Paddy's evening out turns out to be very active and full of mishaps.

Paddy's christmas
Monsell, Helen A.
Paddy the bear discovers Christmas. He asks his parents, uncle, and aunt for the meaning of Christmas. Each of them gives a different answer, but it is his mother who knows the true meaning of Christmas.