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Where the wild things are
Sendak, Maurice
Max gets sent to his room without dinner. There he dreams about a new world of his own where he sails to an island and becomes the king of all the beasts. After all of his fun frolicking with the beasts, he comes home where a hot meal is waiting for him.

Where's spot?
Hill, Eric
Spot has not come to dinner so Spot's mom is on the look out for him. When searching for her son, she meets an array of other animals. Likewise she finds Spot and they enjoy their meal. (Flip Book)

Where's waldo?
Handford, Martin
The reader follows Waldo as he hikes around the world. The reader must try to find him in the illustrations as Waldo is lost in the crowded places he visits.

Which is willy?
Bright, Robert
Willy the penguin wants to be different. He goes to the city, but he is too different than the people there. So he goes back to the South Pole and discovers he is different because of what he is inside.

While the moon shines bright
Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse
This story is a bedtime chant about a little boy who is too excited to sleep. His grandfather tells him to clean the house, get ready for bed, drink some milk, rock on his lap, listen to stories and finally kiss him goodnight.

Whinnie the lovesick dragon
Mayer, Mercer
Whinnie, a dragon, falls in love with a knight, but a knight and a dragon are supposed to be enemies.

Whistle for willie
Keats, Ezra Jack
Peter wants to learn how to whistle to make his dog, Willie, come.

White dynamite and curly kidd
Martin, Bill Jr.
A young child, Curly Kidd, wants to grow up to be just like Dad. Dad is a bronco rider, and together they ride the toughest bulls in all the country. In the end, the reader learns that Curly Kidd is a girl.

White wave
Wolkstein, D.
A Chinese farmer finds a shell with a moon goddess in it. She eases his loneliness, but then he becomes greedy and she must leave. He eventually learns and has a happy life.

Who is ben?
Zolotow, Charlotte
On a dark night, Ben contemplates where he came from and where he will go after he dies.

Who wants to be a poodle I don't
Child, Lauren
Trixie Twinkle toes, a poodle, lives a very pampered life with Mademoiselle Verity Brulee. She has a maid, a cook, and a butler! No one understands that Trixie Twinkle Toes doesn't like any of the pampering and special treatment; she wanted to be like other dogs. She decides to act out, but every time she does Mademoiselle Brulee calls the vet, the pet psychic, or the pooch psychiatrist. no one can understand Trixie, until finally one rainy day, Trixie sees a dog drowning in a puddle and jumps in to save her. When Mademoiselle saw how daring her poodle was, she let her run with the other dogs. Trixie was finally happy, except for one small thing...

Who's a pest?
Bonsall, Crosby
Homer starts to believe he is a pest because others say he is. When the others fall in a hole, Homer thinks of a way to get them out. After they are rescued, they never call Homer a pest again.

Whose garden is it?
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Whose garden is it? A garden belongs to everyone because many contribbuted to its growth.

Why does it always rain on sukkot?
Youdoin, S.S.
Each of the Jewish holidays are explained through a story. The chief angel gives each holiday a gift which explains its meaning.

Wilby's fitness book
Branner, Toni Tickel
Learn to exercise, stretch, eat well, and feel good about yourself with Wilby. He instructs you on how to be healthy through rhymes.

William and grandpa
Schertle, Alice
William goes to his grandpa's house where they enjoy singing, jumping on shadows, watching the stars and other things that grandpa enjoyed doing as a child.

Willie's adventures
Brown, Margaret Wise
A trilogy of stories about a small boy named Willies. The reader follows Willie through his adventures of getting a new pet, having a new suit, and visiting Grandma by himself for the first time.

Willie's not the hugging kind
Barrett, Joyce Durham
Willie's friend, Jo-Jo, told him that hugging was silly. Willie enjoyed and missed being hugged, so every night he would sneak a hug from a bath towel. He realized that he needed someone to hug, so he decided to start hugging his family again.

Willy the wimp
Browne, Anthony
Willy is called Willy the Wimp by the local gorilla gang. One day he sees an ad in his comic book on how to stop being a wimp. He starts exercising, eating healthy, and lifting weights to the point where the gorilla gang becomes afraid of Willy.

Wish again, big bear
Margolis, Richard J.
As big bear catches a fish to eat, the fish says he will grant him three wishes if bear does not eat him. On his third wish, the bear wishes for a friend, then realizes the fish is his friend and he cannot eat him.

Words in our hands
Litchfield, Ada B.
Gina, Diane, and Michael's parents are all deaf. Communication isn't easy, especially when they move to a new town. Soon the family finds some new friends at a school where people know sign language.

Working cotton
Williams, Sherley Ann
Shelan tells of working the cotton fields as a little girl. She tells the different accomplishments of each person in her family in the field. Shelan wishes she could pick cotton as fast as her parents and sisters.

Yertle the turtle
Seuss, Dr.
Yertle the turtle is the king of all turtles and everything that he can see. In order to see more things, therefore becoming more powerful, he would stack turtles to stand on. Finally, the stack of turtles got so high that Yertle came crashing down and set all the other turtles free.

You and me and home sweet home
Lyon, George Ella
A young girl helps her family build a new home. The family celebrates the new milestone by sharing a meal together. The family then adjusts to the new house together.

You hold me and i'll hold you
Carson, Jo
This story deals with death through the eyes of a child. It displays different emotions and questions a child may have. It expresses worry and comfort provided by family members.

Your body from head to toe
Roca, Nuria
Your body can do so many things. When you were born, you were only a baby. Then as you grew, you learned how to walk, eat, hear, taste, smell, see, and touch things. It is important to take care of your body so that it can continue to sense the world around you.

Stevenson, James
A little witch, Emma, wants to be like the older witches, but is always excluded. One day, out of frustration, Emma gets together with the animals in the woods and makes a plan. The animals pretend to be under Emma's spell and all the other witches think she is a hero.

Zen shorts
Muth, Jon
One day, three young children meet a panda after his umbrella lands in their yard. The children become friends with the panda, whose name is Stillwater. He passes on folktales to them to help them solve problems they are having.