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  • Tags: self esteem
A to z do you ever feel like me?
Hausman, Bonnie
How are you feeling today?Join the children in this book to find out if they are feeling the same way. Learn the letters of the alphabet while you solve the puzzles of emotions. Have fun!

My brown bear barney
Butler, Dorothy
Brown bear Barney goes with his owner, a little girl, everywhere. The little girl's mother told her that bears do not go to school. The little girl does not listen and takes the bear to school.

An enchanted hair tale
De Veaux, Alexis
Sudan had unruly hair. Everyone made fun of him for it. He found a place to be himself with people who were like him. He began to appreciate his differences.

Impossible possum
Conford, Ellen
Randolph was a possum who could not hang upside down like everyone else. He cheats by using sticky sap on his tail, but the sap dries up in the winter. His pesky sister lends a hand and he finally can hang like the rest of the possums.

What's so great about cindy snappleby?
Samuels, Barbara
Faye tries to do things to make cool and confident Cindy Snappleby like her. However, Cindy begins making fun of Faye's little sister and she refuses to put up with it. She sees that family is more important.

Josephina hates her name
Engel, Diana
Josephina hates her name because it is unusual. She wants to trade her name with her friends' names. After Josephina's grandmother explains the uniqueness of her name, she is proud of it from that day forward.

Grandma's wheelchair
Henriod, Lorraine
Thomas, a four year old, spends his mornings helping his grandma who is in a wheelchair.

No friends
Stevenson, James
Mary and Louie have just moved into a new neighborhood. They are worried because they do not have any friends. Their grandpa tells them about when he moved to a new neighborhood when he was young.

Jenny and the tennis nut
Schulman, Janet
A father wants his daughter to be a tennis player. She would rather do gymnastics in the yard. Finally her father realizes that she should do what she is interested in and allows her to take gymnastics lessons.

Moon jump
Matura, Mustapha
Cayal loves jumping. He jumps everywhere. One day, he jumps to the moon where he meets a moon man and has tea with him. When he is tired, he jumps home.

A button in her ear
Litchfield, Ada B.
Angela Perkins sturggles to hear others, so her parents take her to the doctor for an examination. She must wear a hearing aid. Her friends think she is special and she enjoys wearing the hearing aid.

Contrary jenkins
Caudill, Rebecca//Ayars, James
Contrary Jenkins was a man that was always doing the opposite of what everyone told him to do. By doing the opposite, he got himself in trouble many times. Not many people liked him or wanted him around.

Fat chance, claude
Nixon, Joan Lowery
A girl named Shirley is independent and very active while growing up. She meets Claude on their way out West to pan for gold. The two become quick friends and at the end decide to get married.

Adam draws himself a dragon
Korschunow, Irina
A young dragon comes to stay with Adam for a while and they help each other overcome the problems that make their school days unhappy.

Nobody's perfect, not even my mother
Simon, Norma
Everyone is good at some things, but no one is good at everything. No one can do everything perfectly. People can be wonderful just the same.

The tiny visitor
de Mejo, Oscar
Gwen and her sister, Elizabeth, help find a tiny wife for their equally tiny friend, Sir Theodore.

Whinnie the lovesick dragon
Mayer, Mercer
Whinnie, a dragon, falls in love with a knight, but a knight and a dragon are supposed to be enemies.

It's george!
Cohen, Miriam
A boy named George feels like an outcast because other students pick on him. He is not able to do some of the things they can so he gets depressed. He rescues someone by calling 911 and is on television and becomes famous at school.

Appelemando's dreams
Polacco, Patricia
Appelemando's dreams color the town. The adults do not appreciate the significance of his dreams until he uses his power to save the children.

Remember the secret
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
Because she has already discovered the wonders of God, Suzy understands the true meaning of her friend's death.

Everyone knows what a dragon looks like
Williams, Jay
By believing in an old, fat man who is really a dragon, Han, the road sweeper, saves the city of Wu. By being generous to the dragon, the attacking wild horsemen from the North leave Wu.

The rag coat
Mills, Lauren
Minna wants to go to school but she has no coat. Her mother and friends make her a coat out of clothing scraps. Minna wears it to school and the kids make fun of her until she tells them the stories behind each of the clothing scraps.

Jesse's dream skirt
Mack, Bruce
Jesse always likes to wrap himself up and try on his mother's old dresses. He has a dream skirt which his mother helped him make. When he wears it to school, all the children have something to say.

A color of his own
Lionni, Leo
A little chameleon is sad because he does not have a color of his own. He meets another chameleon who befriends him and they become the same colors together.

Mik's mammoth
Gerrard, Roy
A misfit in a tribe is accidently abandoned. He must try to survive on his own with a creature that he nurses to health.

Grandma drives a motor bed
Hamm, Diane Johnston
Josh's grandmother has to stay in a motorized bed because her legs don't work. Josh enjoys visiting her because she is very lively and as active as she can be.

Steig, William
Shrek, an ugly beast, is sent out in the world by his parents to discover his future. He scares everyone who sees him. He marries an ugly prince and lives happily ever after.

Tico and the golden wings
Lionni, Leo
Tico, a bird, is born without wings. When he receives a golden pair of wings after wishing for them, he is not accepted by the other birds. After he gives his golden feathers away, he is accepted by his fellow birds.

The beautiful christmas tree
Zolotow, Charlotte
Mr. Crockett moved into a new apartment. Before Mr. Crockett moved in, the apartment was run down, but Mr. Crockett worked hard to make the apartment beautiful. His neighbors did not appreciate his hard work or planted tree. The neighbors thought it was ugly, but years passed and Mr. Crockett's tree grew and his neighbors enjoyed it.

Eagle eyes: A child's view of attention deficit disorder
Gehret, Jeanne
A child struggles through life with Attention Deficit Disorder. He goes to the doctor and learns several things that makes life easier.

A rainbow of friends
Halliman, P.K.
A vision of harmony celebrates differences among people. These vibrant pictures and rhymes help portray the notion that uniqueness in individuals is what makes each of us so special.

McCloskey, Robert
Lentil wanted to sing but was not very good. So he learned to play the harmonica and practiced until he was great. He saved the town when the band could not play, but he could.

Mousekin's golden house
Miller, Edna
A little mouse finds a jack-o-lantern in the woods and gives it a home. It protects him from predators and the cold air.

Freeman, Don
A lion tries to impress his friends through fashion and materialistic things. He is very lonely. It is when he is forced to be himself that he finds the acceptance of his friends.

A porcupine named fluffy
Lester, Helen
A young porcupine named Fluffy is unhappy with his name and tries to change himself until he meets a rhino named Hippo.

Horton hears a who
Seuss, Dr.
Horton the elephant vows to protect a little town that is on a speck of dust. None of the other animals believe that it is possible for people to exist that small, so the town people all band together and yell to prove that they do exist. The smallest one of all makes all the difference and the animals can hear them.

Henkes, Kevin
A little mouse girl has a long name and other kids make fun of it. The teacher has a similar name, so she helps to change their attitudes quickly.

Leo the late bloomer
Kraus, Robert
Leo is a young tiger that is developing slowly. His father watches him over a season and notices that Leo does not grow. One day, Leo blooms and he is the best tiger in the whole kingdom.

The cat barked?
Monks, Lydia
A cat thinks that it would be more fun to live a dog's life. She thinks it would be nice to go on walks in the park, bark, and guard the house from thieves. The cat's owner reminds her about seeing in the dark, climbing trees, and taking naps.

Newberry, Clare Turlay
A cat is used to being the center of attention. He must learn to share his home with a rabbit. The two learn they have a lot in common and become great friends.

Mr. mcmouse
Lionni, Leo
Mr. Timothy McMouse, a city mouse, runs away to the country. He meets a group of field mice who live in a castle and tries to fit in. Timothy cannot pass the test of the country mice. When Timothy saves himself and another mouse from the cat, he is given an honorary Field Mouse License.

The mission bell
Politi, Leo
Diego is taught by Father Serra that there is always a mission in life. Diego learns that you must learn to accept and love people for who they are and in turn, they will teach you.

I wish that i had duck feet
Lesieg, Theo
A boy wishes that he has several different unique body parts, such as duck feet, an elephant's nose, etc. Until he realizes that he is just glad to be himself.

Wemberly worried
Henkes, Kevin
A young mouse named Wemberky worries about everything. Now she faces her biggest worry, the first day of school. Find out what Wemberly will do with so many worries to worry about!

Keeping up with cheetah
Camp, Lindsay
Hippopotomus and Cheetahare best friends and Hippo always laughed at Cheetah's jokes. Cheetah decides to find new friends who can run and keep up with him because Hippo cannot. In the end, however, Cheetah realizes what a good friend he has in Hippo.

King long shanks
Yolen, Jane
King Long Shanks is known for his fine, long and strong legs and he is quite proud of them. One day two tailors arrive at the palace promising they can make an outfit to show off his legs!The outfit also promises to be a true test of loyalty for the people of the kingdom.

The adventures of connie and diego
Garcia, Maria
Connie and Diego are born multi-colored and get laughed at by their siblings. They travel to try to find a place where they fit in. They find that they are human beings and the place they belong is with their parents and family with the other humans.

Metropolitan cow
Egan, Tim
Bennett Gibbons, the only calf in his neighborhood, often feels very bored and alone. When the Andersons, a family of pigs, move in next-door, Bennett instantly becomes friends with Webster, the youngest Anderson. Come join Bennett and Webster in the joy and pains of friendship.

A mother for choco (Une maman pour choco)
Kasza, Keiko
A lonely bird, Choco, tries to find his mother by going to a variety of animals and comparing features to see if they match. Choco finally comes across a bear who takes Choco as her baby.

Mommy far, mommy near: An adoption story
Peacock, Carol Antoinette
Elizabeth is a young Chinese girl who has been adopted by an American family. Elizabeth begins to question her adoption and wonders why her mommy in China did not keep her. Elizabeth's mother explains the adoption to her and loves that she has a mother who is far away and one who is close.