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  • Tags: friendship
Welcome comfort
Polacco, Patricia
Welcome Comfort is the new kid in school and his peers tease him. Quintin Hamp, the school custodian, befriends him and teaches him to believe in himself and Christmas. Welcome is visited by Santa and starts to believe. After graduating from high school, Welcome joins Quintin as the school custodian and their Christmas experiences continue on a whole new level of love.

Wemberly worried
Henkes, Kevin
A young mouse named Wemberky worries about everything. Now she faces her biggest worry, the first day of school. Find out what Wemberly will do with so many worries to worry about!

Fleischman, Paul
Wesley never really fits in at school. Even his parents think he is odd. One summer though, he creates his own civilization. Everyone develops a new respect for Wesley by the time he returns to school in the fall.

What are we going to do about andrew
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Andrew is a child with an unique ability--he can change into a hippopotamus and fly. His parents have a hard time dealing with this so Andrew runs away. Andrew returns a couple of days later, and all problems get worked out.

What happens next
Hughes, Susan
Bully B. makes a student feel uncomfortable at school by making fun of him and calling him mean names. This student goes home and acts like he is fine, but his mother is able to tell that this is not true and she suggests that her son talks to the bully. With this advice, he talks to Bully B. and expresses how her behavior makes him feel and explains how similar they actually are, ending their negative relationship.

What to do about pollution...
Shelby, Anne
A closer look at the problems of the world such as pollution, hunger, and homelessness is taken and a simple solution is proposed; to love.

What's so great about cindy snappleby?
Samuels, Barbara
Faye tries to do things to make cool and confident Cindy Snappleby like her. However, Cindy begins making fun of Faye's little sister and she refuses to put up with it. She sees that family is more important.

What's the matter with carruthers?
Marshall, James
Carruthers, the bear, is in a very grumpy mood and has been for days. His two friends notice it and try to cheer him up. Finally they realize Carruthers is tired and should have been asleep for the winter, so they help him go to bed.

What's wrong with julio
Ormsby, Virginia
Julio has just moved to the United States and does not speak English. At school he always causes trouble. When the school realizes his parents did not come to the United States with him, they have a fundraiser so that he can call home.

Hughes, Shirley
Carlos is jealous of his friend Billy's new bicycle. He desperately wants a new one for his upcoming birthday. He realizes that friends are important and gets an unexpected better gift for his birthday.

When Africa was home
Williams, Karen Lynn
A home is a place of security and happiness. Peter finds Africa to be more of a home than America. In Africa, Peter is treated with respect, politeness, and care. After learning more about the world, Peter gets to go home again.

When Catherine the Great and I were eight!
Best, Cari
Sara, her mother, and Russian grandmother Catherine the Great, pile into Mr. Minsky's car along with a few of their other neighbors. They make their way to the beach to escape the heat of the hot summer day. Although they find it takes longer than planned to reach the beach, everyone has fun along the way.

When I am old with you
Johson, Angela
A grandfather and a young boy talk and participate in a variety of activites together. Grandaddy and the child play cards, go fishing, enjoy nature, eat together, and play dress up.

When I was five
Howard, Arthur
Six year-old Jeremy points out many interesting changes he has undergone since he was five years old, including playing with his favorite car and thinking about his career. However, his best friend, Mark, is still his favorite.

When jessie came across the sea
Hest, Amy
Jessie and her Grandmother are very close family to each other because there are no other relatives. Grandmother teachers Jessie to sew and Jessie teaches Grandmother to read. One day, Jessie is requested to travel to America by the rabbi. Her journey by ship is hard, but she meets a young man, Low, who she finds again in America and marries. Grandmother travels to America on the money that Jessie earned sewing lace for three years.

When mommy is sick
Sherkin-Langer, Ferne
When a little girl's mom is sick and has to stay in the hospital she becomes sad and doesn't want to sing or play with her friends. She visits her mom, but she is nervous that her hugs might hurt her. When her mom finally comes home, the little girl is happy to have her back but worries that she won't be there when she wakes up.

When the sun rose
Berger, Barbara Helen
A lonely little girl had an imaginary playmate come one sunny day. She brought color, warmth, and enjoyment. The playmate left when the sun set with a promise to return when the sun rose the next day.

Where can elephant hide?
McPhail, David
The elephant hates hide and seek because he can never find a place to hide. All of his animal friends try and try to find him a hiding place just in time to dodge the hunters.

Where can it be?
Jonas, Ann
A little boy lost his blanket. He looks all over his house and can not find it anywhere. Actually he left it at his friends house and she brings it to him.

Where's the bear?
Barton, Byron
A girl finds a bear and tells her neighbors. Several people trudge through the woods asking, Where's the bear? They look for it in the woods and when they find it, it scares them. They run and the bear chases them. The bear is too scared to cross the bridge, so the people are safe.

Where's wallace?
Knight, Hilary
Wallace, an orange orangutan, lives in a cage in a zoo. Wallace is very curious about the world outside of the zoo, so he goes on adventures to discover this outside world. Although Wallace is curious about the outside world he always returns to his cage at the zoo.

Whisper from the woods
Wirth, Victoria
A small seed falls into the woods. It grows into a beautiful tree and develops friendships with neighboring trees.

Whistling dixie
Vaughan, Marcia
Much to her mother's dismay, Dixie Lee brings home an alligator, a snake, and an owl to be pets and to protect her family from spooky creatures. The creatures prove themselves by scaring away all the spooky creatures, and Dixie Lee is allowed to keep her pets.

Who owns the moon?
Levitin, Sonia
Abel, Nagel and Zeke are farming friends who argue about everything, including who owns the moon. The farmers go to a teacher in the city to settle their argument about the moon. The teacher tells the three men that they each own the moon two nights a week and the remaining nights they are to share it.

Why did we have to move here?
Davies, Sally J.K.
A little boy is having problems adjusting to his new home. He compares his new school to his old school which makes him feel sad and frustrated. The boy decides to go ice skating with other kids even though he isn't invited. He helps to solve a problem when the ice isn't safe.

Why the chameleon had two toes
Mashiri, Pascal
An older woman, named Gogo Senne, tells interesting stories to the children of a small, quiet South African village. She weaves the mythical take of how the chameleon got his two toes and red eyes. Read about the value of strong friendships, the importance of trust, communication and respecting each other.

Why, Charlie Brown, Why?A story about what happens when a friend is very ill
Schulz, Charles M.
Linus becomes friends with Janice, a young girl who is diagnosed with leukemia. Despite all of the rumors and jokes, Linus learns that friendship is a very important part of Janice's recovery. He learns how to stand up for himself as well as others.

Wilbur waits
Sherrow, Victoria
Wilbur is waiting for his birthday. When it finally arrives, he gets exciting presents like a kite, a sail boat and a sled. Unfortunately, the weather is not suitable for playing with any of his new toys. Instead of using his new toys, Wilbur finds other things to occupy his time until the weather improves.

Wilby's fitness book
Branner, Toni Tickel
Learn to exercise, stretch, eat well, and feel good about yourself with Wilby. He instructs you on how to be healthy through rhymes.

William's shadow
Austin, Margot
William the woodchuck wakes up after hibernation and is starving. William's friends bring him his meals in bed one day because they do not want him to see his shadow.

Willie and the all-stars
Cooper, Floyd
Willie is a young African American boy who learns about discrimination against black baseball players. Willie's fear of prejudice will prevent him from being a famous baseball player. Willie receives tickets to attend a Negro league game and realizes that maybe his dream is possible.

Willy and hugh
Browne, Anthony
Willy the monkey is alone. One day, Willy becomes friends with Hugh. They do things together like go to the zoo.

Willy and may
Schachner, Judith Byron
A young girl has a special relationship with her Aunt May and Willy, her aunt's bird. The girl is only able to visit them twice a year, but always has an unforgettable time. When the girl's mother becomes ill the summer trip is cancelled and Aunt May plans to visit over Christmas. Unfortunately, a huge snowstorm makes the trip nearly impossible, but with the help of a Christmas friend Aunt May and Willy arrive safely.

Willy the champ
Browne, Anthony
Willy is a monkey that tries to succeed at many different things. Everytime Willy tries something, he is made fun of. Willy accidentally beats up the bully and becomes the champ.

Winter story
Barklem, Jill
During the first snow, a Brambly Hedge community of field mice have many exciting adventures. Their activities include a snowball fight and a snowman in an Ice Hall.

Wish again, big bear
Margolis, Richard J.
As big bear catches a fish to eat, the fish says he will grant him three wishes if bear does not eat him. On his third wish, the bear wishes for a friend, then realizes the fish is his friend and he cannot eat him.

Wish come true cat
Scamell, Ragnhild
The unlikely answer to a wish is a scruffy old cat that has to win the heart of a little girl. It takes a cold snowy day to make his wish come true.

With my brother (con mi hermando)
Roe, Eileen
Younger siblings often wish that they were old enough to do the things that their brothers and sisters enjoy. But sometimes, older siblings do spend special, quality time with their younger siblings. These make special moments and deeper relationships.

Bloom, Becky
A wolf is determined to learn to read so he can gain acceptance by a group of educated farm animals. The wolf goes to school to learn to read and refines his skills through practice and using the library. The wolf becomes so talented his skilss impres the farm animals who then welcome his company.

Yes, a cat named marty cohen
Gardner, Wendy Ann
A colorful cat becomes bored and wants to travel somewhere new. He packs up his clothes, food, and a few of his favorite things. He travels by boat and arrives in a sunny new place, then makes himself at home.

Wells, Rosemary
When Yoko brings sushi for lunch at school, everyone makes fun of her and calls her weird. However, her teacher comes through with a plan to involve the students in learning about international foods. Will anyone try the sushi?

Yoshi's feast
Kijikawa, Kimiko
Yoshi is a fan maker in the city of Yedo. His favorite food in the whole world is broiled eels. Every night, his neighbor Sabu goes off to catch eels, broils them on his hibachi, and waits for customers, but they never come. Yoshi thinks that Sabu should share the leftover eels with him, but he is too greedy to give Sabu any of his money. Yoshi continues to sit day after day smelling Sabu's eels, but never buying any of them. Finally, Sabu presents Yoshi with a bill for smelling his eels. Yoshi dances around the town shaking his money box and tells Sabu that he will charge his for listening to his money. After all this nonsense, the tow finally agree to share what both of them have and sit down for a friendly meal of broiled eels.

You're mean, Lily Jean
Wishinsky, Frieda
Sandy always plays with her little sister Carly, but when Lily Jean moves in next door, she has a new friend. Lily Jean never wants to include Carly and bosses her around. When Sandy stands up for her little sister, the three girls learn to play together nicely.

Your own best secret place
Baylor, Byrd//Parnall, Peter
A young girl finds a secret hiding place that a boy found before her. She respects that it is his special place. Her friends are willing to share their hiding places with her as long as the boy finds them too.

Marshall, James
Emily, the pig, decides she needs to lose weight. She takes a walk then eats everything in sight. Eugene Turtle suggests that walking is a good way for losing weight.

Zelda and ivy and the boy next door
Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
A new boy named Eugene has moved in next door to Zelda and Ivy. the three quickly become friends. A romance blooms, they play imaginary games, and go camping. Like all friends, they don't always get along, but they work out their differences.

Zen shorts
Muth, Jon
One day, three young children meet a panda after his umbrella lands in their yard. The children become friends with the panda, whose name is Stillwater. He passes on folktales to them to help them solve problems they are having.

Zinnia and dot
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Zinnia and Dot are two hens that have never gotton along. When a weasel steals all of their eggs but one, the two hens are forced to cooperate and share the new baby chick.