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  • Tags: self esteem
A helpful alphabet of friendly objects
Updike, John
Poems are provided with various pictures of objects which begin with each letter of the alphabet such as apple, bird, jam, egg, nickel, oatmeal, toy and zero.

Hue boy
Mitchell, Rita Phillips
Hue Boy is very concerned about his height. Everyone thinks that he is too short. He and his mother try every possible remedy, but nothing works. Finally, Hue Boy's father returns, and Hue Boy loses his feelings of smallness through his pride of being with his father.

I love my hair!
Tarpley, Natasha Anatasia
Although she is often teased by her classmates about her Afro hair, Kenyana learns her hair makes her unique. Both her mother and teacher help show Kenyana why her hair is so special. Kenyana learns that it only matters what she thinks, not others.

The black snowman
Mendez, Phil
Jacob, a young African American boy, lives with his poverty striken family in the city. He dislikes his culture, life and heritage and is filled with hate. It takes some special magic to change his ideas.

Chidi only likes blue: An African book of colors
Onyefuln, Ifeoma
Nneka and Chidi, two children of a Nigerian village, play a game called Colors. Chidi only likes the color blue, so Nneka shows him all the other colors in the village. She shows Chidi how beautiful and colorful their African lifestyle is. The colors yellow, pink, red, gold are seen, but Chidi only likes blue best of all!

Molly bannaky
McGill, Alice
After spilling a bucket of milk and being brought before the court, Molly Walsh is sent from England to America as an indentured servant. After seven long years she gains her freedom, a farm of her own, and an African slave who becomes her husband.

I want a brother or sister
Lindgren, Astrid
Peter wants a little brother or sister but after Lena is born he feels that his mama doesn't love him anymore. He soon realizes however, that having a little sister is a big responsibility and a lot of fun.

I know a place
Ackerman, Karen
Everyone should have a familiar place where we feel comfortable and loved. This book shows one child's special place and what is done there. The place where this child feels safe and warm is with his family at home.

Willie's not the hugging kind
Barrett, Joyce Durham
Willie's friend, Jo-Jo, told him that hugging was silly. Willie enjoyed and missed being hugged, so every night he would sneak a hug from a bath towel. He realized that he needed someone to hug, so he decided to start hugging his family again.

Hug me
Steen, Patti
No one will hug Elliot Dravitz, because he is a porcupine. He wants a hug more than anything and he tries really hard to get one. Finally he finds another porcupine who will hug him and he is happy.

I like your buttons!
Lamstein, Sarah
Random acts of kindness are demonstrated by Cassandra as she tells her teacher that she likes her buttons. Cassandra's positive attitude spreads throughout her school and around the neighborhood bringing joy and surprise to all.

Humphrey's bear
Wahl, Jan
Humphrey sails with his stuffed bear on some very scary adventures. He eventually finds his lost security and gets reassurance from his parents.

Up north at the cabin
Chall, Marsha Wilson
A little girl spends the summer up north at a cabin with her grandparents and family. Her summer is filled with exploration and activities that she cherishes during the winter months until she can return again.

Bang, Molly
Delphine receives a present from her grandmother, but she must go to the post office (far away) to get it. Delphine encounters many exciting adventures on her way to pick up the present.

Red fox and his canoe
Benchley, Nathaniel
A little Indian boy, Red Fox, takes out the canoe his father made for him. Something unexpected happens when he is fishing.

Hickory dickory dock
Aylesworth, Jim
A mouse's adventures are detailed along with a clock and the time of day.

The high hills
Barklem, Jill
A young mouse stirs his imagination from a book and embarks on his search for gold in the hills.

Willie's adventures
Brown, Margaret Wise
A trilogy of stories about a small boy named Willies. The reader follows Willie through his adventures of getting a new pet, having a new suit, and visiting Grandma by himself for the first time.

Fiddler and his brothers
Nygren, Tord
Three brothers who are each special in their own way grow up and must seek their fortunes. They have a lot of adventures. The brother who plays the fiddle seems to come out on top.

Anna banana and me
Blegvad, Lenore
A fearless little girl named Anna Banana has a very active imagination. Anna has a friend who is a small boy. Together they experience many exciting adventures. They both confront their fears and overcome them.

Miss rumphius
Cooney, Barbara
Miss Rumphius was once a little girl who wanted to travel, see far away places, and eventually return home to live by the sea. She fulfills her life's goals of traveling and living by the sea. As an older woman, she seeks a way to complete her legacy.

Fanny's dream
Buehner, Carolyn
Fanny Agnes is a young farm girl who dreams of marrying a prince. When her fairy godmother does not arrive the day of the ball, Fanny decides to marry Hebert, a local farmer. As Fanny gets older, she realizes that Herbert really is her prince.

The story of babar the little elephant
Brunhoff, Jean de
Babar is an elephant who has a wonderful adventure. After his mother died tragically from a hunter, Babar goes into the city, where he lives with a little old lady. Upon returning to the forest, Babar is elected king and is married to Celeste, another young elephant. The two set off for their honeymoon.

Heine, Helme
Three friends go off on many adventures together. They stick together and look out for each other, especially when disaster strikes.

The wishing chair
Dupre, Rick
Eldon grows up from his childhood into this teenage years. He realizes that his wishes could come true through his actions and what he does for others.

Amanda pig on her own
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A collection of four short stories tell the adventurous tales of a young pig and her family. Often having a moral or value, the pigs usually resolve their problems well.

Little toot on the thames
Gramatky, Hardie
A small tug boat feels insignificant until his adventures lead him to a situation in which he becomes the hero and is happy.

The magic house
Eversole, Robyn Harbert
April has a very vivid imagination which turns her house into a magical house. April's sister does not believe in the magic and when she is around it disappears for April too. One day when Meredith is struggling with her dance steps, April helps her to see the magic.

Jeremy's tail
Ball, Duncan
Jeremy shows a great deal of determination in finding the donkey all by himself. He constantly shows this pride by telling people not to tell him where the donkey may be.

Here's pippa again
Boegehold, Betty
Come along on the adventures of Pippa Mouse!Pippa and her friends have loads of fun as they teach Pippa to swim, play games, find a pet for Pippa, play in the snow, and even help her celebrate her birthday. Don't miss the fun!

Morning beach
Baker, Leslie
At the beach, a mother sees the same characteristics of herself in her daughter. Her day is complete just by watching her daughter have fun.

Greetings from sandy beach
Graham, Bob
A young girl and her family go camping at the beach. They make new friends and do interesting things such as playing different games at the beach.

The ink drinker
Sanvoisin, Eric
A boy, who hates to read, is stuck in his father's bookstore for summer vacation. He doesn't like books, so what's he going to do?Things change and an adventure begins when the boy spies a strange customer and follows him. Maybe the boy will realize he does like reading after all, or maybe not.

Curious george gets a medal
Rey, H.A.
Curious George is home alone and his mischief leads him on quite an adventure. In the end, he goes on his biggest adventure yet and becomes a hero.

A sweetheart for valentine
Balian, Lorna
A town finds a baby girl that they decide to adopt. They name the baby Valentine. They think Valentine is a normal little girl, but she grows and grows into a giant. When she's older, no one wants to marry her until one day another giant wanders through town.

A worm's tale
Lindgren, Barbro
Arthur is a lonely man who accidently steps on a worm one day. Arthur adopts the worm and they become good friends.

My little foster sister
Stanek, Muriel
An only child is upset about a foster child temporarily living in her home, but then she grows to love the child as a sister. A bond grows between them through reading, singing, and playing together. The little girl grieves when the foster child is adopted by her aunt and uncle.

Keller, Holly
A young leopard named Horace is adopted by a tiger family. Horace searches for other leopards but realizes in the end that his family is the tiger family.

Brothers are all the same
Milgram, Mary
A family has an adopted son named Joshie. Their neighbor tells them that Joshie is not really their brother because he does not look like them. His new sisters explain to him that Joshie is still their brother even though he is adopted.

Adoption is for always
Girard, Linda Walvoord
Upon learning that she is adopted, Celia experiences feelings of insecurity about her birth-parents. Through openly talking with her parents, Celia learns that she is loved by her birth-parents and her parents, and accepts her feelings about adoption.

Speak up, blanche!
McCully, Emily Arnold
Blanche is shy and has trouble learning to act. In fact, it is not until her talent as an actress is discovered that she finds the theatre her home.

Dinner at aunt connie's house
Ringgold, Faith
While Melody and her aunt's adopted son, Lonnie, are playing hide-and-seek, they stumble upon something magical. They discover that her aunt's paintings can speak. Each of the paintings is a portrait of a famous African-American woman, who tells Melody and Lonnie of their accomplishments.

Is it hard? Is it easy?
Green, Mary McBurney
Four friends demonstrate how activities might be easy or hard depending on the person who performs them. Through physical activities, like jumping or skipping, these children promote emotional health by letting kids know it's okay if you are not good at everything.

To hilda for helping
Zemach, Margot
Hilda's sister gets jealous when her father gives Hilda a medal for helping out around the house. She tells Hilda that she hopes she loses the medal. Hilda says that if she loses it and it gets buried, it will grow into a tree full of medals.

The say-with-me abc book
Carle, Eric
Learning the letters of the alphabet can easily be accomplished with this book. The letters are boldly presented throughout the story. A child is able to learn the capital and lower case forms of all the letters in the alphabet with this story. (A Wordless Book)

Marvin's best christmas present ever
Paterson, Katherine
It's almost Christmas and Marvin doesn't know what gift to give his parents. After he asks his older sister for some help, he ends up making a wreath. Marvin's parents love their gift and it hangs on their trailer almost all year. When they finally decide to take it down, they discover a family of birds who have been enjoying it too.

The tale of Willie Monroe
Schroeder, Alan
Willie isn't a smart man, but he sure is strong. He decides to enter a contest to prove it. However, Delilah and her granny have to get him in shape first. Now Willie's reputation and Delilah's love depend on his winning the contest. Do you think he can do it?

Home run: The story of babe ruth
Burleigh, Robert
It was clear at a young age that Babe Ruth was talented at baseball. This talent became even more amazing as he got older, when he wowed the stadium fans with his memorable home runs. These historic moments will be remembered in baseball forever.



Graham, Bob
Max is the son of the legendary superheroes Captain Lightning and Madam Thunderbolt. His family has high expectations for him to follow in their footsteps and become a superhero too. Now he just needs to learn how to fly. After many persistent tries, Max still can't keep himself off the ground. His family is supportive and determined to get him to fly. Will this confidence be enough to help him fly like the birds?

Mayer, Mercer
Hippo causes accidents wherever she goes and always says oops.