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  • Tags: numbers
Torrey, Richard
Why do feet stink? Why can't I play with you? Why are there so many numbers? Why? Why? Why? This young boy is inquisitive and loves to wonder. That's why.

When it's six o'clock in San Francisco: A trip through time zones
Omololu, Cynthia Jaynes
Starting at 6 a.m. in San Francisco, travel across each time zone to learn what is going on in that location. Each time zone holds a descriptive excerpt about a life of a kid living there, accompanied by details of a meal that is eaten there too!

Wheels go round
Nikola-Lisa, W.
Wheels are used for lots of fun activities. Children ride their scooters, bikes, and skates. Faster and faster the children keep on rolling through the country and through the town. Going up hill. Going down.

What comes in 2's, 3's, and 4's?
Aker, Suzanne
What comes in two's?Some of the things are two pieces of bread for a sandwich, two body parts, and two wings on a bird. What comes in three's?Three wheels on a tricycle, three meals each day, and three primary colors. Can you come up with thing that comes in four's?

Whale song
Johnston, Tony
A little boy thinks that whales count when they sing. He believes that whales don't just make noise.

Waving: A counting book
Sis, Peter
Mary and her mom walk down the street and wave for a taxi. Two bicyclists think Mary and her mom wave to them, so they wave back. Next three boys wave at the bikers and so on.

Wag wag wag
Hansard, Peter
At a county fair, there are 500 seeds in one pumpkin. Also, there are 10 cents in one dime, 8 horses on one merry-go-round, 4 wheels on one wagon, and so on.

Up to ten and down again
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Four boys and five girls come in two cars to the park to play and have a picnic lunch. They bring along six balls, seven boats, and eight baskets.

Twizzlers percentages book
Pallotta, Jerry
It's not everyday that aliens invade your classroom and teach math! Come along for the ride as aliens from outer space use twizzlers to explain numbers as fractions, decimals, and percentages. See how numbers are used in everyday situations, sports, and school. This math lesson is certainly out of this world.

Turtle splash! Countdown at the pond
Falwell, Cathyrn
Ten turtles rest on a log. Startled by various sounds, they jump in one-by-one from around the pond then rest in the water for the night.

Train leaves the station
Merriam, Eve
This rhyming book uses the numbers one through ten in the fashion of one, two buckle my shoe.

Tortillas and lullabies: Tortillas y cancioncitas
Reiser, Lynn
The relationship between mother and daughter is seen in one girl's family. Each generation of women in the family makes tortillas, picks flowers, washes clothes, and sings lullabies. The little girl does these same things for her doll. This story is told in both English and Spanish.

Time to....
McMillan, B.
It is 7:00 a.m. and it is time to wake up. Breakfast is at 8:00 a.m. and school begins at 9:00 a.m. After a long day, it is time to go to bed at 9:00 p.m.

Time to pray
Addasi, Maha
Yasmin visits her grandma for an unexpected visit that was very special. Yasmin learns about the traditional Muslim prayers. Yasmin receives a special gift that will help her remember the visit forever.

This old man: The counting song
Koontz, Robin Michal
Learning to count to ten is made easy when you sing "This Old Man" and rhyme each of the numbers with different words.

This old man: A musical counting book
Haber, Jon Z.
Enjoy the pop-up book version of the song "This Old Man" as you learn how to count and rhyme numbers with different words.

The wildlife 123: A nature counting book
Thornhill, Jan
Through the use of beautiful animals and wildlife, children learn how to count with numbers and words. The sequence is 1-20, 25, 50, 100, and 1000 Nature notes describe the animals in great deal at the end of the book.

The twelve days of Christmas
Spirin, Gennady
The Twelve days of Christmas is sung in churches, houses, and concert halls throughout the Christmas season. It is hard to imagine a Christmas celebration without it. From the partridge in the pear tree to the five golden rings to the twelve drummers drumming, carolers enjoy taking turns singing different verses. Gennady Spirin's paintings bring new life and spectacular beauty to this classic song, making it a gift to be treasured at Christmastime. An illustrator' note addresses the song's origin and history.

The twelve circus rings
Chwast, Seymour
Numbers are shown as characters in the circus. At first there is a dare devil, then a dare devil and two elephants, and then a dare devil, two elephants, and three monkeys.

The story of the four little children who went round the world
Lear, Edward
Four children decide to take an adventure around the world on a boat. They come to find many different lands with strange scenery.

The story of paper
Compenstine, Ying Chang
Paper is invented by three boys who had the need to write something down. The boys use bugs to make symbols in the dirt. Combining different home techniques such as making rice cakes and scrapping clothes, paper was invented. The three boys are successful and praised.

The stingy baker
Greeson, Janet
Jan is a stingy baker. When a woman enters his cookie shop and asks for a bakers dozen, Jan refuses to give her an extra free cookie. The woman puts an evil spell on Jan. When Jan finally gives her a bakers dozen of cookies, the spell is broken.

The star counters
Luttrell, Ida
A king thinks that the stars in the sky are made of gold. He believes they all belong to him. He counts them every night to make sure that none are missing. When he gets tired of this, he tries to find an animal to count them for him.

The smart cookie
John, Jory//Oswald, Pete
Learn how to become a smart cookie when given a chance to be creative and make something unique just like you. When the day came to share something original at school, smart cookie read her poem out loud and everybody clapped and cheered. Smart cookie learned that you can be smart in many different ways and there is always more to learn!

The right number of elephants
Sheppard, Jeff
Different numbers of elephants are needed for different jobs.

The red piano
Leblanc-Barroux, Andre
A young pianist is sent to a re-education camp in China. She lives for her secretive two hours of music after a long day's work. Her parents managed to send a piano to Mother Han's house and she manages to smuggle music in notebooks. One night the pianist is caught at the piano, forcing her to live through an extended-re-education while her love and talent for music are challenged.

The rabbi and the twenty-nine witches
Hirsh, Marilyn
Once a month, when the moon is full, twenty-nine of the meanest, scariest, ugliest, wickedest witches that ever lived came out of the cave to terrify the villagers...until one day the wise rabbi invents a plan to rid his village of those wicked witches forever. The rabbi's clever plan works with hilarious results!

The philharmonic gets dressed
Kuskin, Karla
The members of the philharmonic get ready for a performance. Their routines and all the things they have to do before the concert are discussed.

The perfect pancake
Kahl, Virginia
A Good Wife makes only one perfect pancake for each person in town until one day a beggar comes along and tricks her into cooking enough until everyone was satisfied.

The oreo cookie counting book
Albee, Sarah
From 10 to 1, it's Oreo counting fun. Practice counting down from 10 to 1 with the help of Oreo cookies. Oh, some friends have come along to help. Turn the page and find out how many Oreos are left.

The orange book
McGuire, Richard
Fourteen oranges grow on a tree. Many different things happen to these oranges. Some become a snack, some are used in a juggling act, and others are made into juice.

The notebook keeper: A story of kindness from the border
Briseno, Stephen
Families seeking asylum into the U.S. at the Tijuana, Mexico border have to wait for a long time to enter the United States after being denied entry. During the wait at the border, a girl and her mother look for a refugee who keeps a list of people waiting to cross into the United States. This act of kindness from the border, initiated by a notebook keeper, gives families hope as they wait.

The magical, mystical, marvelous coat
Cullen, Catherine Ann
Each day of the week, a young girl goes out searching for something new to see. Each day she encounters someone who needs the help of one of the six buttons on her magical coat. They are all grateful of the young girl's kindness and help. After helping each of them, her magic runs out on Sunday.

The lunch line
Nagel, Karen Berman
Kim left her lunch on the bus so she now has to buy lunch at the school cafeteria. Kim and Alex decide that they could get more to eat if they share their food. They both buy a little bit and end up with a very healthy lunch.

The looking book: A hide-and-seek counting story
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Nod sets out to look for his lost cat. He finds Pistachio on page 28 in a box.

The key from Spain: Flory Jagoda and her music
Levy, Debbie
Just as her ancestors were forced to leave Spain during the Inquisition, Flory flees Europe for a new life in the United States, bringing with her a precious harmonica and a passion for Ladino music.

The hundred penny box
Mathis, Sharon B.
Michael greatly admires his great-great Aunt Dew. He likes to sit with her while she sleeps or sings her long song. She dances with him and helps him count her hundred pennies in a special box. When Michael's mother attempts to take the special box and other belongings of Aunt Drew, Michael takes a stand and defends his aging Aunt.

The hershey's milk chocolate bar fractions book
Pallotta, Jerry
Unwrap a Hershey's milk chocolate bar and read along as chocolate pieces become math fractions. Learn about parts of a whole, numerators, denominators, and fractions. Take a trip to count more fractions on the farm. Visit the chocolate factory and the cacao trees where cocoa pods grow.

The hallelujah flight
Bildner, Phil
James Banning fixes up an old plane to fly across the country from California to New York. James's courage and perseverance allows him to overcome many challenges during his 1932 trek across the United States (e.g., California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York).

The gummy candy counting book
Hutchings, Amy//Hutchings, Richard
Gummy candy is fun to eat, but it can be just as fun to count too!Learning to count from one to twelve is made easy through rhyming. Vivid photographs of assorted gummies helps to make exploring sets of numbers interesting and more meaningful.

The gummi bear counting book
Boegehold, Lindley
One lonely bear sits by himself and has nothing to do. He is joined by another, and eventually is joined by eight more. They all participate in several fun activities together.

The grand old duke of york
Ian, Nicholas
The music and song lyrics of this children's march is a nursery rhyme from England where the Grand Old Duke of York once sent his solders off to battle. Sing along as you learn how ten thousand men marched up to the top of the hill and marched down the hill again.

The glaciers are melting!
Love, Donna
Chicken Little may have thought the sky was falling but Peter Pika is sure the glaciers are melting and is off to talk tot he Mountain Monarch about it. Joined along the way by friends Tammy Ptarmigan, Sally Squirrel, Mandy Marmot, and Harry Hare, they all wonder what will happen to them if the glaciers melt. Where will they live, how will they survive? When Wiley Wolverine tries to trick them, can the Mountain Monarch save them? More importantly, can the Mountain Monarch stop the glaciers from melting?

The frog who wanted to see the sea
Billout, Gary
One day, a little frog named Alice asks a passing seagull about life beyond her pond. The seagull tells Alice about everything there is to see between her pond and the great sea. Feeling courageous, Alice take up her lilly pad and embarks on a wondrous adventure to the sea and back.

The everything book
Fleming, Denise
From ABCs to 123s, children learn about the world around them. They are introduced to food and animals, along with colors and shapes, so that they can understand their environment.

The eensy-weensy spider
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Travel beyond the waterspout -- out into the garden, pond, brook, shoe store, and even the park with this determined spring-loving spider. Sing the all-time classic tune or just read with rhythm!This book will catch you in its colorful web and keep you on your toes as you advance beyond the traditional limits.

The edible pyramid: Good eating every day
Leedy, Loreen
The Edible Pyramid restaurant opens as the maitre d' explains the food pyramid menu to the customers. The maitre d' discusses which foods are included in each group. He also discusses how many servings from each group should be eaten everyday.

The doorbell rang
Hutchins, Pat
Ma made a plate of cookies. People kept coming by to share the cookies. Then grandma came by with more cookies.

The day I had to play with my sister
Bonsall, Crosby
A boy has a hard time dealing with his younger sister while teaching her the rules of hide-and-seek. She just won't listen! Uggh...being a big brother can be tough!

The cheerios counting book
McGrath, Babra Barbieri
Have fun with your cereal, even after breakfast time! Learn to count using Cheerios cereal. First, count Cheerios from one to ten, then count Cheerios in groups of ten. A different fruit accompanies the cereal on each page.