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How a book is made
Turn the pages of this book to learn how an author's manuscript and the artist's pictures become a book. Publishing a book is a long hard process with many workers from editors and publishers to proofreaders and printers. Who made this book? Read about the many people and the step-by-step process for publishing a book for all to read.

Going fishing
McMillan, Bruce
A young boy from Iceland enjoys time with both of his grandfathers while fishing for two kinds of fish: Atlantic cod and Lumpfish. Photographs of the boats and fishing process bring the true joy of catching fish alive. The stamps and coins showing the two kinds of fish are emblematic of the Icelandic culture.

The grand old duke of york
Ian, Nicholas
The music and song lyrics of this children's march is a nursery rhyme from England where the Grand Old Duke of York once sent his solders off to battle. Sing along as you learn how ten thousand men marched up to the top of the hill and marched down the hill again.

Schomburg: The man who built a library
Weatherford, Carole Boston
Amid the scholars, poets, authors, and artists of the Harlem Renaissance stood an Afro-Puerto Rican named Arturo Schomburg. This law clerk's life's passion was to collect books, letters, music, and art from Africa and the African diaspora and to bring light to the achievements of people of African descent through the ages. When Schomburg's collection became so big it began to overflow his house (and his wife threatened to mutiny), he turned to the New York Public Library, where he created and curated a collection that was the cornerstone of a new Negro Division. A century later, his groundbreaking collection, known as the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, has become a beacon to scholars all over the world.

No one else like you
Goeminne, Siska
There are seven billion people living in this world. Each person is different and uniquely original. See all the ways that people can move, act, do and be. People come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they wear a variety of clothing and feel a variety of emotions. People believe in different things. Not one of them is just like you.

Big dreams, small fish
Cohen, Paula
In this New York neighborhood, a store sells gefilte fish but no one wants to buy it. Shirley's family thinks she is too young to help market the gefilte fish. In a timely moment, Shirley gives a surprise to each customer who buys something from the store. The customers come back eager for gefilte fish - much to her parents' surprise.

The notebook keeper: A story of kindness from the border
Briseno, Stephen
Families seeking asylum into the U.S. at the Tijuana, Mexico border have to wait for a long time to enter the United States after being denied entry. During the wait at the border, a girl and her mother look for a refugee who keeps a list of people waiting to cross into the United States. This act of kindness from the border, initiated by a notebook keeper, gives families hope as they wait.

The everything book
Fleming, Denise
From ABCs to 123s, children learn about the world around them. They are introduced to food and animals, along with colors and shapes, so that they can understand their environment.

Mel fell
Tabor, Corey R.
Mel leaves the nest with a sense of adventure and finds that the animals and birds and insects on the way down on his flight are all there when flying back up the tree. The descending flight takes him into the water for a kingfish which he carries back to the nest to feed his siblings.

All-of-a-kind family hanukkah
Jenkins, Emily
Gertie, the youngest of five children, wants to help her mother cook for their family dinner on the first night of Hanukkah in New York City’s Lower East Side. After many attempts of trying to help in the busy kitchen, Gertie is sent to her room by her mother and is eventually called down for dinner by her dad. In order to get her to come downstairs, Gertie’s father asks for her helping to light the candles of the menorah for the first time and Gertie happily accepts the offer.

Here we are: Notes for living on planet earth
Jeffers, Oliver
The Earth is a large planet made of land, water and the sky. Given its size, Earth is home to humans and animals alike. However, there is only one Earth and we all maintain a responsibility to care for the planet and each other.

The key from Spain: Flory Jagoda and her music
Levy, Debbie
Just as her ancestors were forced to leave Spain during the Inquisition, Flory flees Europe for a new life in the United States, bringing with her a precious harmonica and a passion for Ladino music.

Stitch by stitch: Cleve Jones and the AIDS memorial quilt
Sanders, Rob
Cleve Jones was an advocate for gay rights and showed support for his community through volunteering, protesting, and creating artwork. As a part of his work, Cleve made the NAME Project AIDS Memorial Quilt to recognize and remember members of the LGBTQ+ community who lost their lives to this disease. This project shows the interconnectedness of a suffering community and the importance of staying together to fight for what is right.

Sher, Emil
Even though they do not get to spend a lot of time together, a mom and her daughter write to communicate with each other using sticky notes left around their house. Right now, the girl does not want to go to sleepaway camp and she is trying to find every reason not to go. Whether it’s her cat, Lester, needing her too much or her short haircut, she really does not want to go camping. In the end, she finally does, and she loves it!

Over the shop
Lawson, Jon Arno
A little girl and her grandparent show the apartment over their store to a couple looking for a fixer-upper place to stay. Little by little the place and the neighborhood take on a fresh new life and love (A Wordless Book).

Torrey, Richard
Why do feet stink? Why can't I play with you? Why are there so many numbers? Why? Why? Why? This young boy is inquisitive and loves to wonder. That's why.

Easy as pie
Best, Carl
Chef Jacob is known for his happy peach pie. Read the ingredients of his pie recipe and the baking rules that he learns from Chef Monty on television. Lots of sounds comes out of Chef Jacob's kitchen. By the end, Chef Jacob says: "P is for Pie and P is for Peach, and, of course, P is for Parents! Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad". Have fun celebrating this event with the whole family.

When it's six o'clock in San Francisco: A trip through time zones
Omololu, Cynthia Jaynes
Starting at 6 a.m. in San Francisco, travel across each time zone to learn what is going on in that location. Each time zone holds a descriptive excerpt about a life of a kid living there, accompanied by details of a meal that is eaten there too!

The story of paper
Compenstine, Ying Chang
Paper is invented by three boys who had the need to write something down. The boys use bugs to make symbols in the dirt. Combining different home techniques such as making rice cakes and scrapping clothes, paper was invented. The three boys are successful and praised.

Saturday Sancocho
Torres, Leyla
Chicken Sancocho is a traditional family meal for Maria Lili and her grandmother. When there is a shortage of ingredients, Maria Lili is determined to complete the meal.

Home for Navidad
Cohen, Santiago
Rosa has not seen her mother in three years. Rosa's mother works to save money in America until she is finally able to come home for Navidad. The whole family can now celebrate the Christmas holiday in the small town in Mexico.

Time to pray
Addasi, Maha
Yasmin visits her grandma for an unexpected visit that was very special. Yasmin learns about the traditional Muslim prayers. Yasmin receives a special gift that will help her remember the visit forever.

Big momma makes the world
Root, Phyllis
As each day goes by, Big Momma continues to make the world a better place with a little baby by her side. She is the boss of the world and never will mess around.

Octo Annie: Home-help super star
Ullrich, Nai D.
Octo Annie, an octopus, lives in a great big glass tank at Underwater World until one day she becomes part of a real family. The Martin family of two parents, two sons, and two pets are all surprised by their new addition, Octo-Annie. With Octo-Annie's eight arms, the Martin family's move to a new house is accomplished. But something and someone is left behind...

The day I had to play with my sister
Bonsall, Crosby
A boy has a hard time dealing with his younger sister while teaching her the rules of hide-and-seek. She just won't listen! Uggh...being a big brother can be tough!

Sister Anne's hands
Lorbiecki, Mary Beth
Anna begins her second year of school in the early '60's. Her new teacher, Sister Anne, is different from other teachers because she has a different skin color. She inspires students all around her and overcomes challenges. Students learn what respect and tolerance are, and everyone learns from one another.

Franco, Betsy
Explore the magic of each season through mathematical equations. Discover things in nature that have mathematical qualities.

The best of times
Tang, Greg
Rhymes and mathematical strategies invite you to learn your multiplication facts.

Starry arms
Dahl, Michael
Starfish travel through the ocean. Each starfish has five arms and on every page another starfish joins in the fun and helps with counting by five.

Chicka chicka 123
Martin, Bill Jr. & Sampson, Michael
Numbers 1 through 20 race to the top of the apple tree. Then they joined by 30,40, and so on until 90 reaches the top of the tree. Just as the fun is about to continue, bumblebees return to their tree and tell the letters to get out. The letters quikly scurry from the tree in reverse order leaving 10 at the top of the tree. 0 decides to be brave and leaps to join 10 at the top of the tree to make 100.

Henrietta and the golden eggs
Johansen, Hanna
Once upon a time, 3,333 chickens lived in a small, crowded chikcen yard and everyday Henrietta, the baby chicken, finds a way out and everyone follows. Soon the manager builds a large, open chicken house and Henrietta lays her first egg.

Murray, Peter
This informational text describes the Hurricane Hunter planes that are designed to fly in the roughest weather. In 1958, scientists tried to slow down a hurricane by dropping silver iodide crystals into the clouds, but the experiment did not work. The best thing to do with a hurricane is to get out of its way! Explains the destruction of Hurricane Andrew in Florida and Louisiana. Contrasts the death rate of a 1900 hurricane in Texas with the 1992 Andrew due to better warning systems in place.

Disasters in nature: Hurricanes
Chambers, Catherine
This informational text takes you inside a hurricane with questions of what? where? why? and when? to explain hurricane zones around the earth. Explains rain, wind, and air pressure of hurricanes. Global warming, storm tracking, and prediction problems are discussed for hurricanes and tornadoes. Learn how technology and the natural world alert us about upcoming storms.

Mooove over!
Beil, Karen Magnuson
A trolley driver has a set system that he always uses to keep track of the number of passengers: he counts by twos. One day, everything is going right on schedule, until a big, bossy cow comes on the trolley. The driver loses count and the cow forces the other passengers onto the roof. Finally, the driver realizes there is only one passenger, gets everyone back inside the trolley, and pushes the cow off to the streets.

Natural disasters: Hurricanes and tornadoes
Jennings, Terry
This informational text discusses hurricanes and tornadoes by photographs and diagrams. Weather researchers use satellites to circle the earth and take photographs of cloud patterns and the ground. Tornadoes are born in thunderclouds. Learn how tornadoes and hurricanes are tracked and studied, including the damage these natural disasters cause.

Hurricane watch
Branley, Franklyn M.
This informational text describes the relationship of air over land and oceans. When wind speed reaches 74 miles an hour, a tropical storm becomes a hurricane. Explains the sequence of weather events and how weather planes fly into the eye of a storm to take measurements of temperature, pressure, and precipitation. People prepare safely for the storm by securing homes, gathering supplies, and moving inland.

Erlbach, Arlene
This informational text describes how tropical disturbances become a tropical storm, then a hurricane. Compares and contrasts hurricanes and tornadoes, including watches and warnings. Learn how storms are predicted and monitored. Photographs show the storm with an eye. Hurricanes have different names across the world.

Feast for 10
Falwell, Cathryn
A family goes grocery shopping. As they find the groceries, they count each item as it is put in the cart. When they get home, they unload the groceries and count the items as they take them out.

Nutshell library
Sendak, Maurice
Experience this set of four tiny books, each with its own individual message through the use of rhyme, illustrations, numbers, and the alphabet.

Big surprise in the bug tank
Horowitz, Ruth
Leo and his brother love their two giant pet cockroaches given to them by their mother. After the two cockroaches have babies, the boys try many different solutions to try to get rid of them. They finally find a solution after they receive help from their mom and local library.

Can you find it?
Cressy, Judith
Go on an adventure around the world to many exciting places. Search through each painting for many objects. Create your own stories and imagine what life was like in each place.

Marven of the great north woods
Lasky, Kathryn
A boy named Marvin leaves his family during the flu epidemic. He goes to a lumberjack camp in northern Minnesota and works and learns French while making some interesting friends. Marvin learns to ski, dance, and do the bookkeeping as a lumberjack.

Splash! A penguin counting book
Chester, Jonathan//Melville, Kirsty
While children learn about penguins, they also learn how to count. Penguin chicks go looking for their moms and dads who have gone swimming to find food. The parents return in time to keep the chicks safe from the storm.

Nicky and the big, bad wolves
Gorbachev, Valeri
Little Nicky is having a bad dream when his cries for help wake everyone up. After telling his mom about the dream, Nicky realizes it wasn't as bad as it seemed. He scared his brothers and sisters though, so mom has to go outside and pretend to get rid of the scary wolves so everyone can sleep.

The hallelujah flight
Bildner, Phil
James Banning fixes up an old plane to fly across the country from California to New York. James's courage and perseverance allows him to overcome many challenges during his 1932 trek across the United States (e.g., California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York).

Count your way through Ireland
Haskins, Jim & Benson, Kathleen
Count your way through Ireland as you learn to count in their original language, Gaelic. Enjoy many sports, foods, and musical instruments of Ireland and handcrafted goods from lace to waterford crystal.

Teacher! Sharing, helping, caring
Hubbell, Patricia
Great big school! In we go! Our teacher greets us, waves hello! A teacher and her class do lots of interesting things throughout the week. They paint, read, look at weather charts, count money, work on the computer, and greet a special guest. The students not only learn, but they have fun, too. And so does the teacher!

Saturn for my birthday
McGranaghan, John
Jeffrey wants Saturn for his birthday, and he wants the moons too- all 47 of them! But he's not selfish: he'll share the rings with some of his friends at school and with his teacher, Mrs. Cassini. Facts about Saturn are woven seamlessly throughout this funny story as Jeffrey explains just what he'll do with his present and how he'll take care of it.

My even day
Fisher, Doris and Sneed, Dani
A sequel to One Odd Day, this time the young boy awakens to find that it is another strange day: everything is even! His mother has two heads, and a trip to the zoo is dealt with in an odd, but even-handed, manner.

The frog who wanted to see the sea
Billout, Gary
One day, a little frog named Alice asks a passing seagull about life beyond her pond. The seagull tells Alice about everything there is to see between her pond and the great sea. Feeling courageous, Alice take up her lilly pad and embarks on a wondrous adventure to the sea and back.