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  • Tags: cleanliness
Harry the dirty dog
Zion, Gene
When Harry hears that he is about to get a bath, he runs away from home and gets even dirtier until he is a black dog instead of a white dog. When he decides to go home, he is not recognized until he gets a bath!

Trashy town
Zimmerman, Andrea//Clemesha, David
Mr. Gilly gets up every morning to go to work. He drives the trash truck which cleans up the garbage all around town. When he is finished he has to clean up one more thing...himself!

Harry's bath
Ziefert, Harriet
It is time for Harry's bath but he can't get in the tub because it is filled with characters from his imagination. Finally, they leave through the window -- just before his mother comes upstairs!

Harry takes a bath
Ziefert, Harriet
Harry shows the steps for taking a bath.

Murgatroyd's garden
Zavos, J.//Drahos, Z.
Murgatroyd screams whenever his parents wash his hair so they stop washing it and a huge garden -- complete with animals -- grows on his head. When Murgatroyd can no longer stand up under his garden, he realizes that hairwashing really isn't so bad!

Something beautiful
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis
A little girl looks out her window only to see broken glass and trash in the court yard. She remembers her mother once told her everyone should have something beautiful. She sets out to look for something beautiful in her neighborhood.

Rude giants
Wood, Audrey
Beatrix, the buttermaid, teaches two rude giants how to be clean and beautiful and to have good manners in order to rescue her friend, Gerda the cow, from being eaten.

The marvelous mud washing machine
Wolcott, P.
A young boy has fun playing in the mud until his mother calls him for dinner. He finds a machine to clean him up.

My teacher for president
Winters, Kay
Oliver writes a letter to the local news station to nominate his teacher for president in the next election. He thinks she meets the requirements because she signs important papers, likes white houses, goes to meetings, acts quickly in a crisis, is used to being followed around, wants peace, cares for people and the environment, goes on trips, and deals with the media. The only downfall is he doesnメt want her to leave before the end of the year.

Old pig
Wild, Margaret
Old pig and Granddaughter have spent a long time together, but soon Granddaughter will be on her own. Before Old Pig leaves, she takes time to notice all the great things around her. Grandaughter will miss Old Pig, but she will always remember everthing Old Pig has taught her.

Stanley and rhoda
Wells, Rosemary
Stanley and Rhoda are brother and sister. They have fun in three short stories as they clean Rhoda's room, deal with Rhoda's bee sting, and play with the babysitter.

Night city
Wellington, Monica
At nighttime, most children go to sleep. However, many people in the city do not. Find out what goes on all around the city throughout the night when many people are sleeping and dreaming.

Sugar bugs
Weisz, Sam & Weisz, Erica
The Mutans family moved into Robbie's mouth after searching for a sugary new home. Robbie ate candies and sweets every day, so the Mutans loved living there, but Robbie did not like his unwelcomed guests. Over time, the Mutans began to rot his teeth, causing Robbie to have horrible pain when chewing. Then Robbie goes to visit Dr. Sam, his dentist, who removes the Mutans family from their home. Dr. Sam shares some habits that will help Robbie improve his oral health in the future and keep the Mutans family out forever!

Down huckleberry hill
Weisgard, Leonard
While a dogcatcher is in the barber shop, his wagon full of dogs outside the window starts rolling down Huckleberry Hill. As the wind blows harder and harder, the wagon rolls faster and faster. The door eventually flies open and the dogs are free.

Sergio and the hurricane
Wallner, Alexandra
A young boyメs family prepares for a hurricane in San Juan, Puerto Rico. At first, Sergio is excited, but after a whole day of getting ready for the storm, he falls asleep exhausted. The hurricane hits in the middle of the night so Sergio joins his parents in their bed, Papa tells him a story to ease his fears. For many weeks after the storm, the San Juan community clears the damage left by the wind and flooding. When school resumes, Sergioメs teacher gives a science lesson on hurricanes.

Angel pig and the hidden christmas
Waldron, Jan
All the little pigs are in a hurry to go Christmas shopping. However, they discover they have an empty wallet. When angel pig pays them a visit, they soon learn what Christmas is really about.

An anteater named arthur
Waber, Bernard
An anteater named Arthur learns that he can overcome certain problems with the help of his mother. Arthur learns to eat right, clean, and become a responsible anteater.

Germs are not for sharing
Verdick, Elizabeth
Learn about the different things you can do to prevent germs from spreading and why it is so important. germs are not for sharing because they can spread and make you sick.

More tales of amanda pig
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Amanda pig and her family experience five short stories. One describes Amanda playing with her brother and another describes how she organized a birthday party for her dad.

Amanda pig on her own
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A collection of four short stories tell the adventurous tales of a young pig and her family. Often having a moral or value, the pigs usually resolve their problems well.

Unknown Author
Children go in and out of this dentist's office for checkups! First, a little boy gets his teeth examined by the dentist, and he finds out that they are a little dirty. Then, the dentist teaches the boy about how teeth develop over time and what he should do to take care of his teeth properly. Next, a little girl visits the dentist, and they find out that she has a hole in her tooth or a cavity. Finally, the little girl gets a filling, and her mouth is good as new!

Brush, brush, brush!
Unknown Author
Following a series of questions, the narrator provides a detailed description of proper oral hygiene. These recommended dental health behaviors include brushing your teeth thoroughly twice a day. If done properly, patients will maintain a healthy smile!

The mellops strike oil
Ungerer, Tomi
During a picnic, the Mellops family drinks water from a spring and finds it tastes like oil. The family looks for the possibility of oil in the area. When they find that there is oil, they build a derrick. A forest fire sends the family home to take baths.

Tumble tower
Tyler, Anne
Molly the Messy is a princess who lives in the tower of her family's palace. Her family is embarrassed about the fact that she never cleans her room. One day, the lake floods the palace and they must all stay in Molly's messy tower.

Somebody and the three blairs
Tolhurst, Marilyn
When the Blair family returns home one day, they find that someone or something has been there. Food is all over the floor, chairs are broken, and there is water all over the bathroom. Little do they know, the culprit is asleep in baby's bed!

Teague, Mark
Wendell's room is such a pigsty that he imagines actual pigs living in his room and helping him make the mess. His mother often tells him to clean up the mess, but it isn't until the mess and the pigs get so out of hand that Wendell decides to clean things up.

Little cliff's first day of school
Taulbert, Clifton
Little Cliff is dreading the first day of school. He has heard that school is all work and no fun. With the continued encouragement of his great-grandmother, Cliff finally heads to school. Upon arrival, he sees all of his friends and discovers that school can be fun too.

Hip, hug, hooray!
Tangvald, Christine
Do you know how many types of hugs there are? Look and learn how hugs are imporatant everywhere and everyday.

The most amazing dinosaur
Stevenson, James
Wilfred, a rat, takes on an adventure when he stumbles upon an old museum. He meets many friends there and has great fun exploring the exhibits. When Mr. Thrawl the owner sees them, their adventure comes crashing down. Will they ever have a warm place to sleep again?

The very messy room
Stanton, Elizabeth//Stanton, Henry
A little girl has to figure out if she likes her messy room or if she should listen to her parents and clean it. Her parents clean it for her, and she realizes how cold and empty her room is clean. With her imagination and her brother's help, she turns her bedroom into superdoo woods.

Raising sweetness
Stanley, Diane
The town sheriff adopts eight orphans to save them from the mean Ms. Stump, but there are a few problems. Pa is not too good at cooking and his cleaning is quite shabby. The orphans one wish is for him to get married. One of the orphans, Sweetness, believes a letter that arrived in the mail is the answer.

Six hogs on a scooter
Spinelli, Eileen
The hog family wants to go to the opera. But when father Hog's car breaks down, they must find a different mode of transportation. After unsucessfully trying a scooter, roller skates, and other ideas, the six hogs take the bus. By the time they get to the opera, the show is over.

A toothbrush tale
Smith, Stacy
A little boy goes to sleep one night without brushing his teeth, and then he hears a song coming from his bathroom. When he goes to investigate the noise, he finds his toothbrush singing and dancing about why it is so important to brush his teeth every morning and night. Scared that he will develop cavities (or even worse, that his teeth might fall out), the little boy brushes his teeth well and continues to do so every day in order to keep a healthy smile!

A trip to the dentist
Smith, Penny
Sarah and Josh go to see Dr. Richards, their local dentist, for routine checkups. Josh is examined first and, after the dentist checks his mouth for evidence of cavities, Dr. Richards shows Josh how he can do a better job of brushing teeth in the back of his mouth in order to prevent the buildup of plaque. Next, Dr. Richards examines Sarah's mouth and finds a cavity which he fixes by adding a filling to her infected tooth. After explaining how to maintain a healthy smile by avoiding sugary foods and beverages, Sarah and Josh are done with their appointments and ready to keep taking good care of their teeth!

Kevin and his dad
Smalls, Irene
Kevin loves spending time with his dad. Kevin learns that after he works hard, he can play hard with is dad. Kevin and his dad spend the day cleaning the house, then they play sports and go to the movies. Oh what fun!

Trucks, trucks, trucks
Sis, Peter
A little boy has made a mess in his room with his toy trucks everywhere. His mother asks him to pick up his trucks and as he puts each one away, he names the truck by the work that it does. When he is finished picking up his room, the little boy is praised for doing such a good job.

How do i feel?
Simon, Norma
A young boy named Carl encounters many people and activities in the course of a day. We see how he feels about each one.

The biggest soap
Shaefer, Carole
Kessy loved to listen to stories told by his Mama and his cousins on laundry days. One laundry day, Kessy is asked to go to the store and bring back the biggest piece of laundry soap. Kessy returns and tells his story about the biggest soap.

The cat in the hat comes back
Seuss, Dr.
The Cat in the Hat returns to visit Salley and her brother's house while their mother is gone. The children shovel the sidewalk, causing mischief and a big mess. Then, the Cat in the Hat brings out his helpers, Cats A-Z, to help clean up.

Snacks for healthy teeth
Schuh, Mari
Tessa sets an example for other children by describing all of the healthy snacks that she eats in order to keep her teeth and gums healthy. Instead of eating sugary sweets, Tessa enjoys eating fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and popcorn as snacks to protect her teeth and keep them strong! Tessa also explains how she brushes her teeth every day to make sure the enamel protecting her teeth does not wear down and form a cavity (or a big hole in her teeth).

Flossing teeth
Schuh, Mari
Anna acts as an example for how to floss her teeth properly. Anna demonstrates flossing her teeth with traditional floss and a flossing tool in order to remove any plaque from surfaces of her teeth that cannot be reached by a toothbrush. By flossing daily, Anna is able to prevent cavities from forming in between her teeth, which helps her to maintain a healthy smile over time.

Brushing teeth
Schuh, Mari
Lee sets an example for other children like him by describing how to properly brush his teeth in order to get rid of food and plaque that could build up and cause cavities. Every morning and night, Lee uses his own toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste to clean his teeth, gums, and tongue. After brushing, Lee makes sure to rinse with water in order to maintain a healthy smile. Lee also uses a new toothbrush every few months so his teeth get brushed well. Everyone should try to be more like Lee when brushing their teeth!

At the dentist
Schuh, Mari
Lena goes to see Dentist Doug and Deb, the hygienist, because her teeth need a checkup. During her appointment, Deb explains good dental hygiene to Lena and, soon after, Deb takes x-rays of her teeth and cleans them. After Dentist Doug checks for cavities, Lena goes home and continues to brush and floss every day in order to maintain her healthy smile.

All about teeth
Schuh, Mari
Lee acts as a role model for others and describes what he does in order to maintain a healthy smile by brushing and flossing his teeth every day. To explain why taking care of your teeth is so important, Lee also demonstrates the structure of a tooth and the unique functions of canines, incisors, premolars, and molars in the mouth that allow him to eat and digest food. Given the importance of his teeth, Lee practices habits of proper oral hygiene and visits the dentist regularly!

Captain bob sets sail
Schotter, Roni
Bob is a young boy who uses his imagination to turn his daily bath into an amazing adventure in which he encounters boats, sea creatures, and a water fall. When his bath is over, the brave Captain Bob drains the ocean and gets ready for bed.

The pile of junk
Schlein, Miriam
An elderly lady, who lives by herself, decides to clean her house and get rid of all her junk. She puts all the junk outside. People walking by see her pile of junk and find something of use to them. Soon everything is gone and the old lady wonders where her pile of junk went.

Henry and mudge and the careful cousin: The thirteenth book of the adventures
Rylant, Cynthia
Henry waits impatiently for the arrival of his cousin. When she arrives he is horrified of her perfect appearance. He soon learns that his cousin is no fun. Henry and Mudge try many things in order to put up with their cousin. Finally, they discover that Frisbee can make Annie have fun.

Poppleton in spring
Rylant, Cynthia
Spring is coming, spring is coming!Spring cleaning on Poppleton's mind. Poppelton's friend, Cherry Sue, is cleaning too. Poppelton is looking for a bike, but there are so many decisions to make. A red one, a blue one- maybe he'll just walk. Poppleton wants to sleep outside in the new spring air. Can he last the night and discover new things around him?

Henry and mudge in the green time
Rylant, Cynthia
For Henry and his big dog, Mudge, summer means going on a picnic in the park, taking a bath under the garden hose, and going to the top of the big green hill.

I know how we fight germs
Rowan, Kate
How do we get sick?Join Sam and his mom as they talk about germs and their bodies. Help them figure out how bodies fight off enemy germs.