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A friend for minerva louise
Stoeke, Janet
Minerva Louise decides to takes a trip into the farmer's house. She finds a lot of new items for the new baby and mistakes the baby for a bunny. Minerva's way of looking at things often seems silly!

A hat for minerva louise
Stoeke, Janet Morgan
A silly loving chicken ventures out in the cold for an winter adventure. See how he mistakes some mittens for a hat to keep himself warm.

A home in the barn
Brown, Margaret Wise
In the winter, it is too cold for the animals to be outside but the barn is warm. All the horses, cattle, mice, birds, and cats stay there together to keep away from the cold. Even though there are a lot of animals in the barn, they all get along and help to keep each other warm.

A kiss for little bear
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Little Bear draws grandma a picture and sends it with Hen. Grandma is pleased with the picture and sends Little Bear a kiss in return through Hen, who passes it on to a friend. Eventually, the kiss reaches two skunks who decide to get married.

A number of animals
Wormell, Christopher
One little lost chick explores the farm looking for his mother. He asks for help from the two big horses and other animals along the way. He is finally reunited with his brothers and sisters and one mother hen.

A prairie year
Bannatyne-Cugnet, Jo
Take a trip through the various activities that occur within a year. Start with hockey games, planting potatoes, fairs, and harvesting wheat. When fall approaches you will experience Halloween. To end the year is the celebration of Christmas.

A single speckled egg
Levitin, Sonia
Abel, Nagel, and Zeke, three farmers worry about a hen laying a single speckled egg, a cow that kicks over a bucket of milk, and horse that eats mustard seed. Their wives try to comfort them but it does not work so they ask the teacher what to do. The teacher tells them to worry more than their husbands and the strategy worked.

A spree in paree
Stock, Catherine
Monsieur Monmouton has never been to Paris, France so he decides to take a vacation with all of his farm animals. Once there, they shop, eat in restaurants, and go to a museum. But there is much more they have to do!

An extraordinary egg
Lionni, Leo
Three frogs live together by a pond. One of them finds an egg. When the egg hatches, the three frogs believe that the animal is a chicken.

Andreas in king's park
Andreas, Matt, and Ruff are great friends who do everything together. When Ruff runs off, Matt and Andreas use clever thinking and courage to find their dog.

Animalogy: Animal analogies
Berkes, Marianne
Compare and contrast different animals through predictable analogies that rhyme. Find the similarities between even the most incompatible animals....bat is to flit as eagle is to soar; dog is to bark as lion is to roar. Comparisons include sounds, physical adaptations, behaviors, and animal classifications.

Animals should definitely not wear clothing
Barrett, Judi
Wouldn't it be silly if animals wore clothing? It would probably make the lives of animals much more difficult. Enjoy exactly why clothes for animals are completely unnecessary. Would you want your new dress ruined by your porcupine quills?

Aunt minnie mcgranahan
Prigger, Mary Skillings
Aunt Minnie McGranahan lives alone and has a very orderly life. She has a system for doing everything from cleaning to feeding her animals. One day, Minnie receives a telegram from across the country telling her that her nieces and nephews need someone to raise them and take care of them. Despite her neighbors' doubts that nine children could never fit into her perfectly ordered schedule, Minnie and the children work as a team and live together quite nicely.

Bantam of the opera
Auch, Mary Jane
Luigi, a bantam rooster, has big dreams of becoming a star singer one day. All the other roosters ridicule him, saying he is a show-off. Then one day he hides in a farmer's truck and takes a trip to the opera. Soon he is the star of the show.

Barnyard song
Greene, Rhonda Gowler
When some barnyard animals catch the flu, it is up to the farmer to nurse them back to health and restore the barnyard song to its usual splendor.

Beatrice's goat
McBrier, Page
Beatrice lives in Uganda and helps her mother care for her younger siblings. Money is scarce until Mugisa, a goat arrives. Mugisa provides milk, and the family is nourished by it. Mugisa's milk and babies provide enough money so Beatrice and her family can live a better life. Beatrice can afford her dream of attending school. This story has an afterwords by Hillary Rodhman Clinton.

Big jabe
Nolan, Jerdine
Momma Mary goes back in time and tells stories of a unique young man named Jabe, who is responsible for creating magic among the slaves of the Plenty Plantation. He is described as a hero with the strength of fifty men, a big heart, and a wondrous gift at leading slaves away to freedom.

Bintou's braids
Diouf, Sylviane
When Bintou, a little girl living in West Africa, finally gets her wish for braids, she discovers that what she dreamed for has been hers all along.

Carnival of the animals
Lithgow, John
A young boy sneaks off from a school field trip. He is left in the history museum overnight where he discovers his classmates, family, and acquaintances take on new forms.

Chicken little (Pollita pequenita)
Kellogg, Steven
Chicken Little thinks that the sky is falling so she tells all her friends. They are all tricked by the fox, and he captures them. In the end, the fox is captured and put in prison.

Chicken man
Edwards, Michelle
The summer that Rody worked in the kibbutz chicken coop, the hens laid more eggs than ever before. When Rody gets moved from job to job, the chickens become very unhappy. So they do something to get Rody back.

Porte, Barbara Ann
A man on a chicken farm only draws chickens in his paintings. He moves to the city, and comically draws chickens with briefcases in elevators.

Chicks and salsa
Reynolds, Aaron
A very creative bunch of farm animals at the Nuthatch Farm decide they are tired of their regular feed, and that they want something different. They begin to create sumptuous Mexican dishes with spices that they get from the farmer's garden. After planning a fiesta, the animals discover that all of the foods from the garden have been harvested and they cancel the fiesta and begin to eat their old, dull food once again --until the next day when rooster makes crepes and white grapes with sauce!

Click, clack, splish, splash
Cronin, Doreen
While a farmer is sleeping, a long sequence of farm animals are busy. Join in the fun with 4 chickens, 5 cows, 6 goats, 7 pigs, 8 sheep, and 9 mice then repeat it backwards. Enjoy the 1 to 10 counting rhyme as the farm animals take you on the journey to release some fish at the end.

Cluck's clock
Gray, Kes
Day begins on the farm at 4 o'clock in the morning. The chickens stretch and begin breakfast followed by laying their eggs from 6 to 8 oï¾’clock. At 2 o'clock, they play a game of hide-and-seek, and then visit the horses before dinner. As the sun sets, the chickens return to the coop and await the fox. When the fox arrives, a chicken lures him to a hole in the door then dirt is thrown on him to scare him away. At midnight, the chickens say good night.

Cock-a-doodle dudley
Peet, Bill
Dudley the rooster is the only one to wake up to the sun each day. When goose chases him into the forest, the sun doesn't rise the next day. Hector the horse rescues him, and the day goes on.

Color farm
Ehlert, Lois
Pages with color and shape cut-outs are added together to make animals on a farm. The shapes and animals are labeled.

Stevens, Janet//Crummel, Susan Stevens
Inspired by his hunger, Rooster decides to become a cook. Aided by his friends Turtle, Iguana, and Pig, the four chefs follow a recipe. Cooking terms like sifting, measuring, and beating are learned through their silly misunderstandings as they make the best strawberry shortcake ever.

Cosmic chickens
Delaney, Ned
Three chickens from outer space help Hank save his farm from the greedy Mr. Sneezle.

Count on your fingers African style
Zaslavsky, Claudia
This beautifully illustrated four color picture book takes children through the markets, showing traditional finger counting of various African people - the Maasai, the Kamba, and the Taita in Kenya, the Zulu of South Africa, and the Mende of Sierra Leone. This book examines the role that numbers play in creating a common language across cultural boundaries.

Daisy comes home
Brett, Jan
Daisy is one of six hens and is the outcast. After being pushed out of the henhouse, she takes a ride along the river. She meets various animals and instinctively uses her coping skills to survive. She returns home and uses those newly found skills and is no longer bullied by the rest of the hens.

Dinner at the panda place
Calmenson, Stephanie
Mr. Panda opens his restaurant and the animals come in by one's, two's, all the way to ten's to dine in his restaurant, Panda Palace. After all the patrons are seated and the restaurant is full, one more guest arrives, a tiny mouse. Will Mr. Panda be able to find room for him?

Don't count your chicks
D'Aulaire, Ingri//D'Aulaire, Edgar
A little old woman walks into town with a basket of eggs her hen has laid. As she walks she thinks about her future and about how rich she'll be because of these eggs. When she drops all of the eggs, she realizes she became too proud.

Dr. duck
Ehrlich, H.M.
Different animals are under the care of an old-fashioned country doctor named Dr. Duck. A crow has a broken toe, a baby mouse has a fever, and a beaver has a cough. Everyone comes to help Dr. Duck when he gets sick.

Dunbar, Joyce
Dora the duck, announces to Pogson the pig, Humphrey the horse, and Gideon the goat that tomorrow is Eggday!There will be a big competition to see who has the best egg. Pogson, Humphrey, and Gideon are so excited about Eggday, but they don't know how to lay their own eggs. Can a pig lay an egg?Can a horse?Or a goat?The animals learn a lesson from Hetty Hen, and Dora has a fun surprise!

Turner, Dorothy
What are eggs?Where do eggs come from?How are eggs used?The history, definition, beliefs, and various uses for eggs are explained in this book. There is a section included on how to cook eggs along with instructions for using eggs in the kitchen.

Lobel, Arnold
In these twenty different tales, a little line of advice is shared.

Farmer brown goes round and round
Sloat, Teri
Farmer Brown lives on a farm and he and his animals are very content. One day, a tornado whips through the farm picking up Farmer Brown and his animals. When they land back on the ground everyone is mixed up and making the wrong sounds. When the tornado returns and picks up the farmer and the animals again, things return back to normal.

Five little piggies
Martin, David
Everyone knows the five little piggies- one that goes to the market, one stays home, one has roast beef, one has none, and one goes we, wee, wee all the way home. Now we will finally learn why these little piggies did all these different things!

Flicka, ricka, dicka: The big red hen
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka offer to care for their Aunt's hens while she is away. One of the hens disappear and the girls find her and a great surprise!

Food and festivals: West Africa
Brownlie, Alison
Describes the West African culture of food, including the kinds of food grown and eaten, and various feast days like Ramadan, Easter, naming ceremonies, and yam festivals.

For sure! For sure!
Andersen, Hans Christian
Did you know that chickens gossip too? Come read about one chick that plucks out her feathers, supposedly to look good and impress her rooster. After one of her feathers is plucker, an owl sees her actions and spreads the word. The story gets turned around and exaggerated especially when the newspaper prints it.

For you are a Kenyan child
Cunnane, Kelly
Follow a little Kenyan boy through his village on a typical but eventful day in Kenya. He learns an important lesson about listening to his elders as he visits with the neighbors in his village.

Four famished foxes and fosdyke
Edwards, Pamela Duncan
A mother fox leaves her four children at home for five days. They must feed themselves. Three of the siblings plan different ways to catch meat. The fourth fox is a vegetarian and saves the day by cooking a feast for all of them.

Fraction action
Leedy, Loreen
Miss Prime's class is learning about fractions. After class they all go home and practice using their new knowledge by dividing fruit and selling lemonade. The next day the class has a test, but even Miss Prime doesn't always have the right answer.

Friends go adventuring
Heine, Helen
Three barnyard friends set out for a change of scenery. Through their adventures, they decide that they would all be better off at home.

Gemma and the baby chick
Barber, Antonia
Gemma is a very caring young child. She saves one of the hen's babies from dying. This child, with the help of her mother, understands that she can't keep it but must put it back into the hen's nest.

Going home, coming home
Tran, Truong
Ami Chi is going on a trip to Vietnam with her parents. Not very happy, Ami Chi sees her grandmother and her uncle. Along the way she meets a girl named Thao at the market. Thao shows Ami Chi all around the market. Ami Chi finally goes back to her grandmother's house, where her parents are worried. Now with an appreciation for her other home, Vietnam, she goes back home to America.

Good times on grandfather mountain
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
Old Washburn is an old man who always looks on the bright side of life and is a terrific whittler. He uses this talent to make instruments. His music draws the attention of runaway animals.