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The ASCPA completes guide to pet care
Carroll, David
The ASCPA Complete Guide to Pet Care is a great book that tells you everything you need to know about taking care of your pet to ensure a healthy life! It's a favorite among pet lovers everywhere.

Mice, morels & monkey business: Likely lessons from Aesop's Fables
Wormell, Christopher
Character building lessons are presented in a condensed version of Aesop's Fables. Bright illustrations and simple explanations of these famed lessons present self development messages that range from Be prepared to Be careful what you wish for.

Gordon, Gaelyn
Mabel makes friends with a very odd duck who thinks he is a cat.

Tom and tabby
Peterson, Hans
Tom and Tabby are two cats that are best friends.

Have you seen my cat?
Carle, Eric
A little boy looks everywhere for his cat, and in the meantime finds cats from many different countries.

Joey's cat
Burch, Robert
Joey's cat has kittens in the garage, but why won't Joey's parents let him go near them?He finally does get near them when Mama Cat's kittens are in danger from a opossum in the garage. Mama Cat then allows Joey to see the kittens.

The house that jack built
Galdone, Paul
Jack's house is a lot more than just his house. Many animals and people have a connection to this seemingly simple house.

Who's whose?
Ormerod, Jan
Three families come together every day of the week to do activities help each other out. Some observe activities, do chores with others, or run errands with their friends. With so many people doing things together it is hard to keep track of who's whose!

The cats of mrs. calamari
Stadler, John
Mrs. Calamari moves into a new apartment and the landlord tells her No cats allowed! Mrs. Calamari is not about to put her cats out on the street, she'll have to think of something. Mrs. Calamari and her cats become friends to the landlord and he accepts them.

Keeping up with cheetah
Camp, Lindsay
Hippopotomus and Cheetahare best friends and Hippo always laughed at Cheetah's jokes. Cheetah decides to find new friends who can run and keep up with him because Hippo cannot. In the end, however, Cheetah realizes what a good friend he has in Hippo.

Mr. mcmouse
Lionni, Leo
Mr. Timothy McMouse, a city mouse, runs away to the country. He meets a group of field mice who live in a castle and tries to fit in. Timothy cannot pass the test of the country mice. When Timothy saves himself and another mouse from the cat, he is given an honorary Field Mouse License.

Good-bye, house
Ballard, Robin
A little girl copes with moving to a new house with mama and papa. Before they leave for the new house, the girl says good-bye to the old house and all the rooms in it. When they arrive at the new house, she decides the change is not as bad as she thought.

Mrs. brice's mice
Hoff, Syd
Mrs. Brice has twenty-five mice. The mice do everything that Mrs. Brice does. There is one very small mouse that will not work. However he saves all the mice from a vicious cat.

Newberry, Clare Turlay
A cat is used to being the center of attention. He must learn to share his home with a rabbit. The two learn they have a lot in common and become great friends.

The cat barked?
Monks, Lydia
A cat thinks that it would be more fun to live a dog's life. She thinks it would be nice to go on walks in the park, bark, and guard the house from thieves. The cat's owner reminds her about seeing in the dark, climbing trees, and taking naps.

The tenth good thing about barney
Viorst, Judith
A young boy copes with the death of his cat by remembering what he loved about it.

In enzo's splendid gardens
Polacco, Patricia
A young boy eating at a restaruant notices a bee on a tree and drops his book on the ground which causes the waiter to trip and tip his tray. One event leads to another as the mess gets worse and worse. Drinks are spilled, a man falls onto the dessert tray and a pot full of spaghetti falls onto a cat. All of this chaos occurs because a bee landed on a tree!

The house I'll build for the wrens
Neitzel, Shirley
A young boy plans to build a house for the wrens in the yard. He starts with a diagram showing what the house will look like. He gets out a toolbox which holds wooden boards, a ruler, hammer, sandpaper, nails, a level, paintbrush, paint, and a scredriver. While he is constructing the birdhouse, his mother comes home. The boy and his mother hang the birdhouse from a tree in the backyard and admire his accomplishment.

Barn cat: A counting book
Saul, Carol P.
Barn Cat is looking for something out of the red barn door. She is noticing all the beautiful animals surrounding the barn. The nature activities of butterflies, leaping pups, and buzzing bees give Barn Cat quite an eventful day.

Spring: An alphabet acrostic
Schnur, Steven
Each page brings a purple word and colorful picture of springtime. When read vertically, the first letters of the word form an alphabetic acrostic, from kites to eggs, hopscotch to parade, springtime is worth enjoying.

Mama cat has three kittens
Fleming, Denise
Mama cat's daily routine includes washing her paws, chasing leaves, sharpening her claws, and taking naps. Two of her kittens, Fluffy and Skinny, follow this same routine with her. Meanwhile, Boris is napping. When Mama cat and the other two kittens nap, Boris washes his paws, sharpens his claws, chases leaves, pounces on Mama cat while Fluffy and Skinny fall back to sleep.

What we like
Rockwell, Anne
Children really like snowmen, fish, bubble bath, goodnight kisses, lullabies, and many other things that excite the five senses. Each page is filled with the things children like to do, wear, feel, eat, and play.

If you take a pencil
Testa, Fulvio
When you take a pencil and begin to draw, your imagination will soar. You may go from drawing cats, to birds, to fish, to sailors, and to treasure chests, where the biggest treasure is the pencil in your hand.

A drop of honey
Bider, Djemma
Anayida falls asleep and dreams of baking baklava. When she buys the honey, she drops some of it on the sidewalk. A bee lands on the honey and a cat chases the bee. A dog chases the cat and they all run through the town. The whole town is turned upside down because of one drop of honey.

The cat at night
Ipcar, Dahlov
A cat on a farm starts exploring at night after everyone goes to bed. We see all of his adventure in the night. We experience what the cat does.

It's spring
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Pit and Pat are very excited because it is spring. These cats use all their energy to jump over various things.

Across the blue mountains
Clark, Emma Chichester
Miss Milberry lives happily at the base of the blue mountains with her beautiful garden and her animals, but she is curious about what it is like on the other side of the mountains. Miss Milberry takes a long trip trying to get to the other side, but she ends up at a place that looks very familiar.

The patchwork cat
Bayley, Nicole//Mayne, William
The cat sets out to retrieve her patchwork quilt that has been thrown away.

Dracula's cat
Wahl, Jan
Dracula and his companion go on an adventure to scare Agatha. To their dismay, they are too late and confront a bat. Together they work to save the bat. They learn that pets can be our best friends.

The three legged cat
Mahy, Margaret
Mrs. Gimble's cat is dreaming of seeing the world while she only wants him to sleep and not eat. Her brother stops to visit and upon leaving, he mistakes his hat for the cat. The cat gets to see the world and she doesn't have to feed the cat.

I like your buttons!
Lamstein, Sarah
Random acts of kindness are demonstrated by Cassandra as she tells her teacher that she likes her buttons. Cassandra's positive attitude spreads throughout her school and around the neighborhood bringing joy and surprise to all.

A helpful alphabet of friendly objects
Updike, John
Poems are provided with various pictures of objects which begin with each letter of the alphabet such as apple, bird, jam, egg, nickel, oatmeal, toy and zero.

A million fish...more or less
McKissack, Patricia C.
Hugh Thomas lives in a place where weird things happen and people spin tales. Elder Abbajon and Papa-Daddy tell Hugh Thomas a tale about Bayou Clapateaux. On the way home from fishing, Hugh Thomas makes up his own spin tale.

Billy, the condominium cat
Slobodkina, Esphyr
Billy, an old cat, retires with his owner to a condo in Florida. When they visit their former hometown, they reminise about when they were younger. In the end, they appreciate their present place in life.

Millions of cats
Gag, Wanda
An old man and woman live in a very nice, clean house, but they are very lonely until the day the old man brings hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats home.

Captain whiz-bang
Stanley, Diane
Annie and her cat Whiz-bang do everything together. Whiz-bang is lonely when Annie goes away, but he is happy to find a new friend.

The old ladies who liked cats
Greene, Carol
The order of the community is safe and secure until one night the mayor makes a law banning cats outside at night. Due to this, the community order is lost, and the town is invaded. The old ladies who liked cats point out the problem to the mayor who then lets the cats out at night so order can return.

Leo cockroach...toy tester
O'Malley, Kevin
Leo the cockroach is a toy tester for Mildred Splatt's toy company. He tests toys at night and puts the best toys in her office without her realizing it is him doing all the work. Whenever Mildred sees Leo she tries to squash him because she thinks he is only a pest. One day, Leo decides to fly over to the toy company across the street to see if he can help their business and earn more respect. When he is treated poorly, by the president who does not like his ideas, Leo escapes to work for Mildred again. He writes a letter explaining that he is the one that helps her and he is named Employee of the Year.

A is for salad
Lester, Mike
A is for salad?N is for lunch?R is for bowling?Look at the alphabet in a whole different light with colorful and humorous animals. A isn't for salad, but for the alligator that munches on a big bowl of greens. Find out for yourself if K is for doctor or if M is for cowboy boots.

Alice and aldo
Lester, Alison
During their day, Alice and Aldo work their way through the alphabet. They do all kinds of fun things like quacking with the ducks, making milkshakes, and swinging over the flowers. By the end of the day Alice and Aldo are ready for bed.

Fish for breakfast: A little animal book
Gunthorp, Karen
Tom the cat wants fish for breakfast. When he is unsuccessful in catching a fish, his friends save the day and they have breakfast together.

Clever cat
Collington, Peter
Tibs, the cat, is tired of waiting for his family to feed him every morning, so he decides to start doing it himself!This encourages Tibs to embark on different adventures around town. Everyone thinks that Tibs is such a clever cat, but a turn of events makes Tibs he really that clever?

Hip cat
London, Jonathan
Hip Cat is cool and is idolized by others in town. Rhythm and music rock this cat's world.

A moose is not a mouse
Berson, Harold
A mouse lives in fear of the cat. It is not until he sees a picture of a moose that he thinks that when he grows up he will be bigger than the cat. As it happens, the mouse's mother tells him that a mouse is not a moose.

Rooster's off to see the world
Carle, Eric
Rooster wants to take a trip around the world. Two cats, three frogs, four turtles and five fish join him along the way. It gets dark, and everyone begins to worry about where they will sleep and what they will eat. Rooster decides he did not plan his trip very well. Everyone decides to go home. Rooster goes home also. He falls asleep and dreams about his trip around the world.

Room for a stepdaddy
Cook, Jean Thor
Joey wishes Daddy still lived at home and has a great deal of trouble accepting Bill, his new stepfather. After many experiences with Bill, like playing ball and swimming, Joey decides there is plenty of room in his life for Daddy and Bill. He loves both of them.

One, two, three jump!
Lively, Penelope
Frog wants to find a new home where he can jump. While exploring the garden the frog encounters some dangers. Thanks to the dragonfly, the frog makes it to the pond- the perfect place for any frog to live!

Cat heaven
Rylant, Cynthia
Past the stars, the moon, and the sun is where cat heaven is, and every cat knows the way there. With trees to climb, toys to play with, angel laps to purr in, and food to eat, all cats love going to cat heaven and God loves having them there too!

River friendly river wild
Kurtz, Jane
A little girl remembers how her family survived a flood. The once friendly river that she loved turned wild and drove the community to evacuation. The little girl thought she would only be gone a couple of days. Days turned into weeks. When she returns, her family starts over, but where is the cat, Kiwi, that she left behind?

We're growing together
Ransom, Candice F.
Candice's mother marries Howard and they move to a new house. When Candice asks how long they will live there, Howard replies forever and she wonders how long that is. One day Candice realizes how long forever is.