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  • Tags: cat
No mirrors in my nana's house
By looking in her nana's eyes, this little girl sees beauty in ways that others may not see. When her grandmother reflects love back to the little girl, she discovers the beauty in herself and doesn't learn hate. The little girl finds beauty in everything.

What's alive
Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner
Understand the simple distinctions between living and nonliving things. Experience the living things through plants and animals. Experience the nonliving things through objects such as a rock. The cycles of life and materials for living are explained as well.

The cow buzzed
Zimmerman, Andrea G.
Something is amiss on this farm. All the farm animals have a cold and sound quite differently when they cough and sneeze!

Mean murgatroyd and the ten cats
Zimelman, Nathan
Arabella takes her ten cats for a walk every day, but Mean Murgatroyd, the dog next door, scares them away. Arabella comes up with a great idea for dealing with Murgatroyd.

I swapped my dog
Ziefert, Harriet
In an effort to find the perfect pet which he believes he should be able to ride, a countryman exchanges his dog for a mare. However he soon finds that the mare is not what he expected which begins a long series of unsuccessful pet exchanges, including a goat, a sheep, a cow, and a rooster among others. In the end, however, the countryman makes a successful exchange, in which he acquires his dog who is always by his side.

The maid and the mouse and the odd-shaped house
Zelinsky, P.
A maid and her mouse make changes to their odd-shaped house. The shape eventually looks like a cat.

Rip Squeak and his friends
Yost-Filgate, Susan
When the family living in the cottage pack up their bags one morning and leave, the excitement begins. Rip Squeak and his sister, Jesse, make two unlikely new friends and discover a whole world that's been right under their noses!

Dove isabeau
Yolen, Jane
Dove Isabeau is a young beauty whose stepmother is a jealous witch. One day, the witch turns Isabeau into a dragon. A young man saves her by risking his own life. In the end, Dove Isabeau saves her lover's life and they live happily ever after.

Island-style alphabet
Yee, Tammy
Learn the alphabet from a diverse perspective through the Hawaiian, Japanese and Chinese cultures. Learn more about these different cultures through the ethnic words and colorful illustrations.

Mice, morels & monkey business: Likely lessons from Aesop's Fables
Wormell, Christopher
Character building lessons are presented in a condensed version of Aesop's Fables. Bright illustrations and simple explanations of these famed lessons present self development messages that range from Be prepared to Be careful what you wish for.

Coming on home soon
Woodson, Jacqueline
A girl says goodbye to her mother who is heading to find work in the city. The girl waits everyday for her mother's letter that says she will be coming home. All the while, the girl remembers her mother loves her more than snow or rain.

Sweet dream pie
Wood, Audrey//Teague, Mark
Mouths on Willobee Street start to water when the aroma of the Brindle's Sweet Dream Pie fills the air. But does Sweet Dream Pie really create sweet dreams?

The napping house
Wood, Audrey
Grandma, child, dog, cat, and flea are all sleeping on top of each other in the Napping House. The flea bites the cat and a chain reaction begins. The whole house is awakened to see a beautiful day.

Tallulah in the Kitchen
Wolff, Nancy
Tallulah the cat loves to make pancakes for her friends. She describes the process of cooking pancakes from buying the ingredients to eating them! And the step by step she goes through her recipe.

Only the cat saw
Wolff, Ashley
While everyone else is busy, the cat sees beautiful sights. When the cat falls asleep, Amy sees the beautiful sights, too.

Three days on a river in a red canoe
Williams, Vera B
A boy and his brother Sam take a canoe trip with their mother and aunt and engage in a variety of adventurous activities along the way.

I went walking
Williams, Sue
A young child goes out for a walk. By the end of the story he is being followed by a cat, a horse, a cow, a duck, a pig, and a dog.

Timid timothy: The kitten who learned to be brave
Williams, G.
Timothy is a cat who is afraid of everyting. His mom teaches him how to be mighty. Eventually, Timothy scares a dog which builds his self-esteem.

Toot, toot
Wildsmith, Brian
Let's count up to five and watch the animals on each page increase by one. Do you know what noises the animals make?

Cat on the mat
Wildsmith, Brian
Let's look how animals invade a cat's mat while the cat is still on it!

The trunk
Wildsmith, Brian
It looks like animals are climbing up a tree trunk. Surprise!The trunk turns into a huge elephant.

The very best of friends
Wild, Margaret
James and his cat, William, are the very best of friends. When James dies suddenly, Jessie, a friend, has trouble coping with his death. Jessie treats William poorly at first, but later she befriends him.

Wilbur, Richard
Poor Loudmouse has trouble being quiet. Everyone does not like his noise until he saves the house from a robbery.

The witness
Westall, Robert
Did you know that a cat might have been involved in the story of Christmas?Through a cat's eye, we see the events that took place around the birth of Jesus.

Wells, Rosemary
When Yoko brings sushi for lunch at school, everyone makes fun of her and calls her weird. However, her teacher comes through with a plan to involve the students in learning about international foods. Will anyone try the sushi?

What does it look like?
Webber, I.E.
Three mice live on different sides of a barn. They explain what the animals look like from their point of view. Then they all see a cat and discover the concept of perspective.

Won ton: A cat tale told in Haiku
Wardlaw, Lee
A cat tells his story through a collection of Haiku poems. Starting from when he lived in a lonely cage at the shelter, the cat shares his adventures of traveling to a new place and finding a new home.

Hi, pizza man!
Walter, Virginia
A young girl waits anxiously for the pizza man to arrive. While she waits, her mother asks her how she would greet the delivery boy if he were a woman, cat, dog, duck, cow, snake, or dinosaur.

Mouse paint
Walsh, Ellen Stoll
Three mice discover the fun of painting and mixing colors. While playing with the paint, they leave a space to hide from a cat who was chasing them.

Goodbye, Mitch
Wallace-Brodeur, Ruth
Mitch has been Michael's pet for 15 years. He is an important part of the family, and Michael loves him very much. When Mitch becomes ill, Michael has a difficult time dealing with the fact that Mitch is dying.

John pig's halloween
Waldron, Jan L.
John Pig was afraid of Halloween and did not go trick-or-treating with his friends. But then, just when he was feeling scared and alone, a witch and a cat bring Halloween to him. They have a party and make lots of treats. John learns that Halloween is a fun holiday.

Waldherr, Kris
A young girl anxiously awaits the harvest. She prepares for the harvest by painting and gardening. She stores the food in a variety of ways. She and her mom cook, bake, and preserve the food. A harvest moon completes the day.

My cat ginger
Wahl, Jan
A young boy and his cat, Ginger, do things together. Ginger starts running away and disappearing for whole days and nights. The boy imagines where Ginger could be, and then finds out that Ginger has seven kittens.

Dracula's cat
Wahl, Jan
Dracula and his companion go on an adventure to scare Agatha. To their dismay, they are too late and confront a bat. Together they work to save the bat. They learn that pets can be our best friends.

Lyle at christmas
Waber, Bernard
Lyle the Crocodile is ready for Christmas, but his neighbor Mr. Grumps is having the blahs - enough blahs to make his cat Loretta run away. Lyle and the rest of his neighbors set out on a searching adventure where much excitement follows.

Voake, Charlotte
Ginger the cat lives a happy, comfortable life until the little girl who owns him gets a new kitten. The kitten is in Ginger's way at first, but eventually they learn to be friends.

Tom's cat
Voake, Charlotte
Tom's cat is hiding in the house. Tom follows a trail of clues from room to room until his cat finally gives his own clue.

Vischer, Frans
Fuddles is not an ordinary house cat. His family pampers and spoils him but he lacks adventure. Even though he is not allowed to go outside, he finds a way to get laughed at, chased, and put in my difficult situations before he realizes that he really misses his family. In the deep darkness of the night, he hears his family calling him. What a relief!

The tenth good thing about barney
Viorst, Judith
A young boy copes with the death of his cat by remembering what he loved about it.

An apple pie for dinner
VanHecke, Susan
Wishing to bake an apple pie, Old Granny Smith sets out with a full basket, trading its contents for a series of objects until she get the apples she needs.

Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

A helpful alphabet of friendly objects
Updike, John
Poems are provided with various pictures of objects which begin with each letter of the alphabet such as apple, bird, jam, egg, nickel, oatmeal, toy and zero.

No kiss for mother
Ungerer, Tomi
Piper, a young cat, acts out at home and at school because he is sick of being treated like a baby. He and his mother get into a big fight because Piper's mom kisses him too much.

Octo Annie: Home-help super star
Ullrich, Nai D.
Octo Annie, an octopus, lives in a great big glass tank at Underwater World until one day she becomes part of a real family. The Martin family of two parents, two sons, and two pets are all surprised by their new addition, Octo-Annie. With Octo-Annie's eight arms, the Martin family's move to a new house is accomplished. But something and someone is left behind...

Silent night
Turner, Sandy
It is Christmas Eve and Santa is delivering presents. When he arrives at a house, he finds a very noisy, active dog. Santa is still able to drop off the presents without waking the children and they all enjoy their presents the next morning. They also have a red surprise to touch -- thanks to the dog!

Do not open
Turkle, Brinton
Miss Moody lives by the sea with her cat, Captain Kidd. She loves to collect objects left on the beach after a storm. One day she finds a bottle that says do not open. She opens it up and finds a terrible monster. She defeats the monster through quick thinking.

Wake up farm!
Tresselt, Alvin
Many different farm animals begin to wake each other up and start their days. Finally, the little boy who lives on the farm wakes and begins his day. This farm is full of many sights and sounds.

Saturday Sancocho
Torres, Leyla
Chicken Sancocho is a traditional family meal for Maria Lili and her grandmother. When there is a shortage of ingredients, Maria Lili is determined to complete the meal.

Anatole and the cat
Titus, Eve
While working as the Cheese Taster at M'sieu Duval's factory, Anatole the Mouse is forced to face his biggest fear: a cat. When the cat threatens Anatole's job, Anatole puts his brain to work and comes up with a plan that saves his job and makes him the most respected mouse in all France.

Cinnamon, mint, & mothballs
Tiller, Ruth
For this young girl, a trip to grandmother's house is an adventure. There are all kinds of things for her to explore--a kitchen, bedrooms, parlors, and a dark cellar. It is the perfect place for a child's imagination to grow.