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  • Tags: cat
No mirrors in my nana's house
By looking in her nana's eyes, this little girl sees beauty in ways that others may not see. When her grandmother reflects love back to the little girl, she discovers the beauty in herself and doesn't learn hate. The little girl finds beauty in everything.

You can't be too careful
Mello, Roger
The white rose starts a series of continuous storylines with deeper and deeper meanings and more and more people and animals contributing to the creative adventure of white rose escaping from her pen.

"L" is for library
Terry, Sonya
Children with a friendly tabby cat, a dog, and ducklings move through the library stacks from A-Z as they discover many things to do and see in a library. You can learn about the Caldecott award, the Dewey Decimal System, and URL Web address.

Vischer, Frans
Fuddles is not an ordinary house cat. His family pampers and spoils him but he lacks adventure. Even though he is not allowed to go outside, he finds a way to get laughed at, chased, and put in my difficult situations before he realizes that he really misses his family. In the deep darkness of the night, he hears his family calling him. What a relief!

No one else like you
Goeminne, Siska
There are seven billion people living in this world. Each person is different and uniquely original. See all the ways that people can move, act, do and be. People come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they wear a variety of clothing and feel a variety of emotions. People believe in different things. Not one of them is just like you.

Big dreams, small fish
Cohen, Paula
In this New York neighborhood, a store sells gefilte fish but no one wants to buy it. Shirley's family thinks she is too young to help market the gefilte fish. In a timely moment, Shirley gives a surprise to each customer who buys something from the store. The customers come back eager for gefilte fish - much to her parents' surprise.

The everything book
Fleming, Denise
From ABCs to 123s, children learn about the world around them. They are introduced to food and animals, along with colors and shapes, so that they can understand their environment.

A home in the barn
Brown, Margaret Wise
In the winter, it is too cold for the animals to be outside but the barn is warm. All the horses, cattle, mice, birds, and cats stay there together to keep away from the cold. Even though there are a lot of animals in the barn, they all get along and help to keep each other warm.

Sher, Emil
Even though they do not get to spend a lot of time together, a mom and her daughter write to communicate with each other using sticky notes left around their house. Right now, the girl does not want to go to sleepaway camp and she is trying to find every reason not to go. Whether it’s her cat, Lester, needing her too much or her short haircut, she really does not want to go camping. In the end, she finally does, and she loves it!

Saturday Sancocho
Torres, Leyla
Chicken Sancocho is a traditional family meal for Maria Lili and her grandmother. When there is a shortage of ingredients, Maria Lili is determined to complete the meal.

Waldherr, Kris
A young girl anxiously awaits the harvest. She prepares for the harvest by painting and gardening. She stores the food in a variety of ways. She and her mom cook, bake, and preserve the food. A harvest moon completes the day.

Sophie's squash
Miller, Pat, Zietlow
Sophie buys a squash at the farmer's market. The squash's name is Bernice, and she is Sophie's best friend. Bernice starts look unhealthy, so Sophie plants her in the ground. The next year, Bernice makes two new squash for Sophie to befriend.

Octo Annie: Home-help super star
Ullrich, Nai D.
Octo Annie, an octopus, lives in a great big glass tank at Underwater World until one day she becomes part of a real family. The Martin family of two parents, two sons, and two pets are all surprised by their new addition, Octo-Annie. With Octo-Annie's eight arms, the Martin family's move to a new house is accomplished. But something and someone is left behind...

Busy little mouse
Fernandes, Eugenie
A playful little mouse races out of the house to play on the farm. He comes across many different animals out on the farm. The animals talk in their animal sounds. At the end of a busy day of play, he returns home to go to sleep.

Rotten ralph feels rotten
Gantos, Jack
When Ralph the cat eats rotten food from the garbage, he learns his lesson the hard way! He has bad dreams, a swollen belly, and feels ill. After being his typical mischievious self, the vet gives him medicine and he is encouraged to stay overnight. Ralph sneaks out of the vet's office to come home to Sarah with a new appreciation of her healhty food choices.

Brown bear, brown bear: What do you see?
Martin, Bill
Through a repeating phrase what do you see?, animals of different colors fulfill the intellectual and social dimensions of health. In the end, a mother looks at a variety of children.

McFarland, Lyn
A stray dog names Widget tries to find a home which happens to have six cats. To stay in the house, Widgey acts like a cat until he saves his owner and his true self is revealed.

How Willy got his wheels
Mohler, Diana & Turner, Deborah
As a homeless and handicapped dog, Willy never finds true happiness until he is rescued from the animal hospital and given a home and family. However, Willy lacks the ability to walk on his own and his owner Deborah tries several attempts to help Willy. Finally, Willy is given a wheel chair which enables him to finally be free and live his life to its fullest.

Three days on a river in a red canoe
Williams, Vera B
A boy and his brother Sam take a canoe trip with their mother and aunt and engage in a variety of adventurous activities along the way.

Best best colors
Hoffman, Eric
Nate finds it difficult to decide which color is his favorite. Every time he sees a new color, he likes it better than the other. He learns that he can have more than one favorite color.

Rip Squeak and his friends
Yost-Filgate, Susan
When the family living in the cottage pack up their bags one morning and leave, the excitement begins. Rip Squeak and his sister, Jesse, make two unlikely new friends and discover a whole world that's been right under their noses!

Coming on home soon
Woodson, Jacqueline
A girl says goodbye to her mother who is heading to find work in the city. The girl waits everyday for her mother's letter that says she will be coming home. All the while, the girl remembers her mother loves her more than snow or rain.

Park, Linda Sue
Animal sounds in different languages such as Turkish, Chinese and Hindu are shared. Open the flap to find out what animal it is.

Let's find it!
Arnold, Katya
An assortment of environmental themes, such as a park, a street scene, a garden, a pond, a beach and a forest are used as background to identify plants and animals. Words are used to label and identify different plants and aniamls in our environment.

Lady monster has a plan
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy have too many pets. They try to build a house for all of them, but they need help. Lady monster and the little girl come to help and they all cooperate to build the animal house.

Jack and the missing piece
Schories, Pat
Jack is a dog that loves to play but he cannot help getting into trouble. He is not the only troublemaker in the house. Someone else loves to plack tricks.

The best cat in the world
Newman, Leslea
Victor's favorite cat Charlie dies. Victor is very sad that his cat died. He ends up getting a new kitten named Shelly. Victor doesn't understand why Shelly doesn't do the same things that Charlie did. Victor soon discovers that even though Shelly is a different cat and is not like Charlie, she is unique and his new favorite pet.

Q is for duck
Elting, Mary // Folsom, Michael
A zoo filled with a wide variety of animals, their behaviors, and the noises that they make creates a fun-filled atmosphere for an exciting riddle using all twenty-six letters of the alphabet. This alphabet guessing game keeps children anticipating what is on the next page as they are learning they connections between animals and letters.

Grandpa's soup
Kadono, Eiko
Grandpa is lonely after Grandma dies. He wants to make meatball soup just like his wife use to make. Each day after Grandpa makes the soup, friends come and eat it with him. Grandpa finds that eating the soup with friends helps to ease his loneliness.

What's inside? The alphabet book
Kitamura, Satoshi
Playful pictures prompt each letter's picture and word. The guessing game aspect of this format sets it apart from typical alphabet book (A wordless book).

Nora's ark
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
As the rain keeps coming, the flood gros larger. Everyone in town goes to Grandma's house because it sits high on a hill. Along with many animals, everyone, except Grandpa, is there. Grandma and Wren are worried about Grandpa so they head out to try and save him from the flood.

The good luck cat
Harjo, Joy
Woogie, the cat, is thought to have good luck. But when she goes missing, will her good luck run out or will it bring her back home before her nine lives run out?

Tallulah in the Kitchen
Wolff, Nancy
Tallulah the cat loves to make pancakes for her friends. She describes the process of cooking pancakes from buying the ingredients to eating them! And the step by step she goes through her recipe.

Island-style alphabet
Yee, Tammy
Learn the alphabet from a diverse perspective through the Hawaiian, Japanese and Chinese cultures. Learn more about these different cultures through the ethnic words and colorful illustrations.

Bauer, Marion
A boy spends his day outside with his cat exploring different types of clouds and the different things that clouds do. He also explains in a colorful and easy way, what clouds are made of and how we interact with clouds on an everyday basis, using weather terminology.

Funny walks
Hindley, Judy
Everyone does things a little differently, even when walking. Some people walk slowly and others walk quickly. As long as we move along, it doesn't matter how we walk.

Peter's long walk
Kingman, Lee
Peter lives in a house far away from the village. He desperately wants to find a friend to play with so he goes on a long search for one. When he can't find a friend, he goes home and finds that he has all kinds of friends.

All butterflies
Brown, Marcia
Let's use every letter of the alphabet to tell a story about different animals, Valentine's Day, Christmas, and the zoo.

Across town
A man journeys across town and makes friends with a cat (A Wordless Book).

Names for snow
Beach, Judi K.
A rabbit asks his mother what is snow? and she responds with several different descriptions of snow and the many names there are for it.

Count down to fall
Hawell, Fran
Count backwards from ten to one during one of the most colorful times of the year. Learn about bright, colorful leaves and the trees from which they fall. Watch the animals frolicking in the crisp, autumn air as they get ready for the approaching cold winter.

By the light of the halloween moon
Stutson, Caroline
A little girls toe is the basis of this cummulative tale, or a story that repeats and adds on with each new character that is introduced. There are many pictures of witches, ghosts, and ghouls.

Saturn for my birthday
McGranaghan, John
Jeffrey wants Saturn for his birthday, and he wants the moons too- all 47 of them! But he's not selfish: he'll share the rings with some of his friends at school and with his teacher, Mrs. Cassini. Facts about Saturn are woven seamlessly throughout this funny story as Jeffrey explains just what he'll do with his present and how he'll take care of it.

The magician and McTree
Coombs, Patricia
An old magician accidentally creates a potion that makes his cat, McTree, talk. Although he is supposed to keep his new talent a secret, McTree ends up a famous attraction at the palace. But when McTree loses his appeal, the King and Queen order the old magician to be kidnapped so he can make all of the castle pets to talk. McTree must use his sense to outwit the royal party and save his old companion.

The Umbrella
Brett, Jan
Carlos embarks on an adventure to the cloud forest where he leaves his umbrella at the base of a fig tree so he can climb it in search of rainforest animals. While he is up in the tree, through all of the animals he is searching for climb into the umbrella until it sinks in the water and they all run away...just before Carlos returns.

Dooby dooby moo
Cronin, Doreen
Duck and his friends decide to participate in the county fair, behind Farmer Brown's back. Farmer Brown knows his animals are up to something, but doesn't know what. To keep them out of trouble, he takes them to the fair with him. Little does he knnow, that's exactly where they wanted to be!

What Eddie can do
Gebhard, Wilfried
Eddie goes on many adventures but ignores his momメs advice on shoe tying lessons. After discovering his friend Clara, who needs to be rescued by a double tailed monster, Eddie takes time out and learns to tie knots, and succeeds in saving his friend.

The lighthouse cat
Stainton, Sue
In an old lighthouse, the keeper strives to keep the twenty-four candles burning, by tending to them every half hour. He was lonely until the day he was nose to nose with a cat. They both tended to the lighthouse together. On a dark and stormy night, the rapid wind blew the candles out. The cat called for other cats to help light the lighthouse with their yellow bright eyes.

Not norman:  A goldfish story
Bennett, Kelly
When a boy gets Norman, a goldfish, for his birthday he is disappointed. He wants an energetic pet with which to run and play. He makes a plan to take Norman back to the pet store and get another pet. After show and tell at school, he decides to keep him. Norman likes his music and makes him laugh; besides any other pet just wouldnメt be the same, they would not be Norman.