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  • Tags: happiness
Walk together children: Black American spirituals volume one
Bryan, Ashley
Black American Spirituals are a representation of the resilience and bravery of enslaved Blacks. Although these songs represent suffering and sadness, they also demonstrate creativity, heritage, and expression. Ultimately, Spirituals connect people to each other, their culture, and their goals.

Voices in the park
Browne, Anthony
A typical day's walk through the park is seen through the eyes of a grouchy woman, an unhappy man, a lonely boy, and a happy young girl. An intriguing look at how friendships are made and torn apart.

A child's good morning book
Brown, Margaret Wise
As they awake in the morning, animals and plants go through a series of interesting activities.

Wet dog!
Broach, Elise
An old dog, hot from the noon day sun, wanders down the road in search of a way to cool off. He discovers different sources of cool water, but is always chased away until he meets a too-hot baby. When the baby's family sees her and the wet dog enjoying the cool water, they join in the splashing having a wonderful time.

Tap-dance fever
Brisson, Pat
Annabelle Applegate had Tap-dance fever. Her feet are constantly on the move, tapping everywhere she goes. The townsfolk are very aggrevated by her dancing. However, once tourists come to hear and see her tao-dance with the rattlesnakes, the townsfolk believe she was an asset to the community.

Anna's goodbye apron
Brillhart, Julie
Anna is a teacher who moves away to a new house. Her students are sad that she is leaving so they make an apron for her. Anna writes to her students to keep in touch.

George to the rescue
Bright, Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker decide to take a visit to the city. George, the ghost, Herman, the cat, and Miss Oliver, the owl, decide to go along. They have many great adventures in the city, but are happy when it is time to return home.

Which is willy?
Bright, Robert
Willy the penguin wants to be different. He goes to the city, but he is too different than the people there. So he goes back to the South Pole and discovers he is different because of what he is inside.

Ruby's wish
Bridges, Shirin Yim
Ruby is known for wearing red and being an exceptionally bright student. Even during a time in China when ...most girls were never taught to read and write. However, Ruby's grandfather hires a teacher to come to the house, making it possible for any grandchild living in the house to learn. This initiates a desire in Ruby to attend university, a place that women in China were not encouraged to go.\r\n*Based on a true story of the author's grandmother.

Daisy comes home
Brett, Jan
Daisy is one of six hens and is the outcast. After being pushed out of the henhouse, she takes a ride along the river. She meets various animals and instinctively uses her coping skills to survive. She returns home and uses those newly found skills and is no longer bullied by the rest of the hens.

The legend of rosepetal
Bretano, Clemens
Prince Evermore asks Princess Rosalina to marry him. She says no and that it would be as impossible as a rose marrying a pumpkin. When he makes a rose marry a pumpkin, Rosalina feeels guilty about her selfishness.

Kangaroo & kangaroo
Braun, Kathy
Two kangaroos collect and keep everything just in case. Finally, when they have collected so much stuff that they are stuck in the house, they decide to give everything away for free. They make many people happy. When their house is empty, they begin to save again - after all, they have the room.

Wilby's fitness book
Branner, Toni Tickel
Learn to exercise, stretch, eat well, and feel good about yourself with Wilby. He instructs you on how to be healthy through rhymes.

More than anything else
Bradby, Marie
Booker and all the other African Americans have been set free. Money is tight and food is scarce, but the one thing that Booker cares most about is learning to read. His mother gives him an alphabet book, so he seeks the help of a man who knows how to read.

The good tiger
Bowen, Elizabeth
Sara and Bob want to invite their tiger friend over for tea. When Sara fails to tell her mother that she invited a tiger, chaos occurs. The tiger leaves, but Sara and Bob find him in the forest where they have the best party ever.

Franklin has a sleepover
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin and Bear are excited for their first sleepover at Franklin's house. It's fun to play games, have a campfire, and campout in the livingroom with your friend. However, when it's time to go to bed, Bear and Franklin realize how scary sleepovers can be.

My gran
Boon, Debbie
A little girl has a very special grandmother. When Gran visits, they make things, eat different foods, and spend fun time together.

The runaway flying horse
Bonzon, Paul Jacques
A merry-go-round horse wants to be free. He runs away only to find he neither fits in with the big, smelly stable horses, nor with the shiny, new toy store horses.

Tumble bumble
Bond, Felicia
One little bug goes for a walk and meets all kinds of new friends. They all stumble into a yellow house and find some food to eat. They all get tired and settle down in a little boy's bed. When the boy comes home, he celebrates with his nine new friends.

Little bunny's cool tool set
Boelts, Maribeth
Little Bunny saves up all of his money to buy a tool kit, then decides to take it to school for show-and-tell the next day. Although he is usually good at sharing, Little Bunny finds it difficult to share his new tool kit while at school, even with his best friend.

Tale of a tail
Bodnar, Judit Z.
A fox catches fish for his dinner. WHen his friend, the bear, finds out he wants to know where the fox got all his fish. The bear takes his friend's advice and spends all night trying to catch fish. At dawn, he does not think he has caught any, but then he realizes he has caught a lot of fish on the way home.

Lady monster helps out
Blance, Ellen & Cook, Ann
Monster gets a bike for his birthday. Monster doesn't know how to ride a bike. He is discouraged. The little boy and his friends try to help him, but he is too big. Lady monster comes to help and encourages him. Monster learns how to ride his bike just like all the others in the park.

Monster goes around the town
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster goes for a trip around the town with a little boy. The little boy brings his camera and takes pictures at all the places they visit together.

Monster and the magic umbrella
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster enjoys a day of play with his friends and his magical umbrella. Monster and the little boy play games in the afternoon sun and make sure to follow good hygiene practices and sun safety by wearing hats and carrying a giant magical umbrella that provides protection from the sun. The monster's umbrella eventually, magically opens into a much larger umbrella filling with rain so all of the neighborhood children can play and cool off.

Monster at school
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster goes to school with a little boy one day. Once he arrives, he is a great help and loves to play with all of the children. One child, however, feels sad because Monster is not playing with him. What will Monster do to cheer up his sad friend?

Monster meets lady monster
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy are cleaning the house when the little boy sees a lady monster outside. Monster is happy and freshens up before asking the lady monster if he can play with her. The two monsters play together and fall in love.

Monster goes to the beach
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
On a nice sunny day, Monster and the little boy and little girl go to the beach. While relaxing near the water, all the children came over to ask Monster to play hide and seek. Monster hides, but the children always find him. They tell Monster to hide where he cannot be found, so he covers himself with sand. When the children canï¾’t find him, they play on a sand hill. Soon, a boy begins to dig in the sand and found Monster.

Monster and the toy sale
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy see an ad in the newspaper that reads モTOY SALE TODAY!ヤ Together, they bicycle to the store. On their journey, they are very helpful to others. Monster and the little boy serve as policemen to direct traffic, and as mangers at the toy store. They are so busy that they run out of time to shop for their own toys. Everyone is grateful for their unselfish behavior.

Monster and the mural
Blance, E. & Cook, A.
Monster has a new-found hobby; painting! His inspired friends crowd into his house to try painting too. In order to avoid a mess, Monster invites his friends to go outside and paint an old brown wall in the city. Together, they create a beautiful mural of a park. It is eye-catching and makes everyone in the community happy!

Blake, Quentin
Clown and his friends are thrown into a garbage can in the city by a woman who no longer wants them around. Clown, however, hops out of the garbage and wanders the city to look for someone to love them. By accident, Clown finds a family and he and his buddies live happily ever after. (A Wordless Book)

The frog who wanted to see the sea
Billout, Gary
One day, a little frog named Alice asks a passing seagull about life beyond her pond. The seagull tells Alice about everything there is to see between her pond and the great sea. Feeling courageous, Alice take up her lilly pad and embarks on a wondrous adventure to the sea and back.

We are moving
Biale, Rachel
Make a scrapbook on how do you feel before we move. Draw several pictures of how you feel. What does your house look like now?What will our new house look like?What is special to you before we move?

The goodbye painting
Berman, Linda
Nick's babysitter, Sara, is the best ever. She paints with him, bakes cookies with him, and even teaches him to paint. But one day, Sara has bad news for Nick -- soon she will be moving to California. Nick must learn to let go of not only a babysitter, but a good friend.

Berger, Melvin
Do you wonder how your body quits bleeding when you have a cut or why the new skin under a scab is pink?A group of students finds answers to these questions when they complete their science fair project. This is a great resource for information on cuts, bleeding, and how wounds heal.

Halmoni's day
Bercaw, Edna Coe
Jennifer's Korean grandmother arrives just in time for Grandparents Day at school. But Jennifer is afraid that her grandmother will embarrass her because she doesn't speak English. However, after her grandmother tells Jennifer's class the story of her childhood, Jennifer is not embarrassed at all.

I like myself!
Beaumont, Karen
An African American girl tells about the characteristics she likes about herself and the different circumstances in which she likes herself. She is proud of herself no matter where she is or what silly things she is doing. She knows what really counts is inside her and shares this knowledge in an energetic story with imaginative illustrations.

Beard, Darleen Bailey
Lucille and her younger brother, Natt, play together and use their imagination. They run around and exercise in their yard. While they are playing, a bad storm hits. Their mother puts them in the cellar as she goes to help an elderly neighbor. The storm is a tornado. When the storm is over, the two children find the two adults, and life is back to the way it was: imaginary.

Home now
Beake, Lesley
How can Sieta feel happy with so many sad pictures inside her head? She remembers her real home far away over the mountains, her parents getting sick, and Aunty taking her to live in a new place she calls Home Now. There Sieta meets another orphan with memories like her own.

The wee little woman
Barton, Byron
A wee little woman milks her wee little cow and leaves the wee little bowl of milk on her wee little table. Later, her wee little cat sneaks in and drinks all the milk. The wee little woman is sad when the cat runs away after she yells at it.

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs
Barrett, Judi
Grandpa tells a bedtime story about a town where all the food came from the sky in rain, snow, hurricane, and tornado forms. It becomes a disaster, and people flee to a new town.

Summer story
Barklem, Jill
Dusty and Poppy get married. They move to a cottage and live happily ever after.

Saturday at the new you
Barber, Barbara E.
A daughter and her mother have a nice relationship. The daughter spends every Saturday helping out in her mother's beauty parlor. Saturday is the daughter's favorite day of the week.

A winter walk
Barash, Lynne
A mother explains to her daughter that winter is more than just cold and gray. In fact, winter has the colors of blue, orange, green, and red. You can be happy in the wintertime too.

The cat who walked across France
Banks, Kate
After the death of his owner, a cat is moved to another city. He has fond memories of the old woman and wishes to find his home again. The cat begins a journey across the country to find his way back to the stone house. When he arrives, he finds the door open, walks in, and finds a spot to fall asleep. He is awoken by two children who reminds him of the old woman with whom he finds home again.

Kumak's fish: A tall tale from the far north
Bania, Michael
One morning, Kumak and his family pack their fishing gear for an antarctic ice fishing adventure. With patience, the family fishes until Kumak finally catches a strong fish. The whole Alaskan community comes running to help Kumak and his family pull the fish out of the water. The community celebrates their new food supply when they see each fish holding on to the fist infront of it.

Bang, Molly
One day, a goose egg falls into the home of woodchucks and hatches open. A goose is raised by the woodchucks and becomes part of their family. Eventually, the goose feels very sad and doesn't know why. When she ventures out to find happiness, she accidentally learns to fly.

Felix's hat
Bamcroft, Catherine//Coale, Hannah
Felix loves that orange hat and takes it everywhere he goes. He dreams that a turtle brings him his hat. However, it was really his brother, Fred, who brings him the hat.

Morning beach
Baker, Leslie
At the beach, a mother sees the same characteristics of herself in her daughter. Her day is complete just by watching her daughter have fun.

The dove's letter
Baker, Keith
A dove finds a letter lying in the woods and decides to find its owner. Each person to whom she brings the letter finds a different meaning in it, then leaves the letter behind. One day, she brings it to a soldier who knows the true meaning of the letter.

Baker, Jeannie
From the day of her birth until the times of her adulthood, Tracy moves outside and inside her house experiencing important milestones. Through the same window scene, her neighborhood develops and matures with plants and animals. (A wordless book).