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  • Tags: verbal communication
The biggest house in the world
Lionni, Leo
A snail tells his father that he wants to have the biggest house in the world. His father tells him a story about a snail who said the same thing and his house got so big he could not move. The little snail realizes he is happy the way he is.

All aboard!
Stevenson, James
Hubie and his family board a train to go to New York to see the World's Fair. At one of the train stops, Hubie gets off and mistakenly gets on another train going to California. During Hubie's attempt to get back on the train to New York, he meets some very helpful and interesting people. With their help, Hubie lands safely at the World's Fair.

Eppie m. says...
Dunrea, Olivier
Ben Salem worships his older sister, Eppie M., and will do anything she proposes. Since Eppie M. knows the effect she has on her brother, the things she proposes are off-the-wall. Ben ends up in some ludicrous situations.

No kiss for mother
Ungerer, Tomi
Piper, a young cat, acts out at home and at school because he is sick of being treated like a baby. He and his mother get into a big fight because Piper's mom kisses him too much.

Cresswell, Helen
Curious and energetic Emma is constantly being scolded by her mother who forgets what it is like to be a child. Her grandma comes and tells stories about how bad Emma's mom used to be. Emma feels better.

New shoes for silvia
Hurwitz, Johanna
One day Silvia's family receives a package of gifts from Tia Rosita. Silvia's gift is beautiful -- new red shoes!Unfortunately they are too big. Silvia uses her new shoes for many other purposes until one day they fit.

We are best friends
Two young boys must deal with the idea of one best friend moving away. Luckily, each meets a new friend. They are able to keep their friendship through letters.

Walsh, J. P.
Three children walk along an old viaduct and leaving their slum neighborhoods by using their imaginations. Dulcie is sad because she's always lived in England and can't share memories with the other two.

Bogart, Jo Ellen
Whenever Grandma goes on a trip, she brings back a present. Sometimes it's something tangible and other times it's just a memory. No matter what Grandma brings, it's always special and can be shared.

Truffles is sick
Anbolt, Catherine
Truffles wakes up sick and is covered with spots. He has to stay in and take awful medicine. By the end of the day, Truffles realizes that being sick and resting is not so bad after all.

The rabbits' wedding
Williams, G.
A little black rabbit and the little white rabbit always play together. The little black rabbit wants to stay with the white rabbit forever. Finally his wish of living with the white rabbit comes true when they get married.

The story of edward
Dumas, Philippe
Once in the real world, a donkey tried to pretend he is not a donkey. When he is discovered, he dances the waltz to capture his bride.

Tops and bottoms
Stevens, Janet
Hare and Bear decide to become business partners. Due to Bear's laziness, Hare tricks him three times. This is a great book because it shows children proper eating habits (with vegetables), and it provides a moral.

Pigs aplenty, pigs galore!
McPhail, David
The narrator is innocently reading when a pack of pigs invades his house. They create quite a ruckus eating, dancing, and ordering pizza. The narrator convinces the pigs to clean up and go to bed.

Heckedy peg
Wood, Audrey
A mother goes to market. While she is gone, a witch persuades her children to let her in the house. The witch turns the children into her supper, but the mother arrives home in time to save her children and chase the witch away.

Hamilton, Virginia
Jahdu uses creativity to outwit his shadow in order to recover his magic dust.

The magic school bus at the waterworks
Cole, Joanna
A class takes a field trip to the waterworks. The trip is magical because the children actually become the size of raindrops. They go through the water purification cycles and learn all about water.

Treed by a pride of irate lions
Zimelman, Nathan
An animal likes his Mother but not his Father -- so off he goes to Africa where he hopes to find some loving animals. In the end, the Dad returns home, telling his family that no animal will ever be like him. Dad is happy that his family still loves him.

More more more
Williams, Vera B.
Three different families give their babies love. First a father, then a grandmother, then a mother shower their baby with attention and affection.

Finding the green stone
Walker, Alice
Johnny loses his green stone because of his mean behavior. The entire community helps him look for it, but he finally realizes that he, alone, can find it.

Have you seen my duckling?
Tafuri, Nancy
A mother duck swims around the pond with her ducklings looking for one duckling who is lost.

An invitation to the butterfly ball
Yolen, Jane
Different creatures are invited to the butterfly ball. Each creature is missing something, which you will find at the end of the journey.

My grandson lew
Zolotow, C.
Lew misses his grandfather who died when he was two. Although Lew was young, he can still remember his grandfather's beard and eyes. Together, Lew and his mother reminisce about someone they both loved very much.

After charlotte's mom died
Spelman, Cornelia
Charlotte lost her mother only six months ago, so she and her father still grieve a lot over the death. Charlotte gets into a fight at school and has to see a therapist, Anna. Anna helps Charlotte to bring out her emotions which establishes a better bond between her and her father.

The lonely doll
Wright, Dare
A little doll, Edith, is lonely when two bears come to visit her. Mr. Bear watches Edith and Little Bear for awhile, but Mr. Bear has to leave for an errand. Edith and her new friend disobey, get into trouble and are punished. Edith is afraid that Mr. Bear and Little Bear will leave which will bring back feelings of loneliness again. However, they stayed.

Amelia bedelia goes camping
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedielia follows exact instructions given to her on a camping trip, including rowing boats and pitching the tent.

Fierce john
Fenton, Edward
After John goes to the zoo, he wants to be a lion. He dresses up like a lion and pretends to be one around his family. They believe that he is the lion from the zoo and that he ate John. He must prove to them that he is not a lion, but John.

Birdie's lighthouse
Hopkinson, Deborah
Ten year-old Bertha, daughter of a lighthouse keeper, receives a diary for her birthday. She records significant family events such as their relocation to rugged Turtle Island and the time when her brother went to sea for a long time.

James, Betsy
Marie is afraid of the dark while she is sleeping over at her grandparent's house. Her grandpa gives her a flashlight to become familiar with her surroundings and to overcome her fear.

Harry in trouble
Porte, Barbara Ann
Harry tells his own story about how he misplaces his library cards. He feels ashamed about not being responsible, but then learns that he is not the only one.

Mrs. merriwether's musical cat
Purdy, Carol
Mrs. Merriwether gives piano lessons to neighborhood children. Their ordinary lives are transformed when a cat joins the piano lessons and helps keep the beat of the music. The cat even brings her three kittens to the lessons.

The jacket i wear in the snow
Neitzel, Shirley
A girl is playing in the snow. Her zipper gets wet and becomes stuck so she goes home so her mother can help her.

All kinds of time
Behn, Harry
A five year old tells about how she learned to tell time. She compares clocks to people's faces. She also compares time to bugs, children, people, Sunday School, Santa Claus, and George Washington.

Meeting trees
Sanders, Scott Russel
A father takes his son on an educational walk through the woods stopping to look at all of nature's details. They identify different trees and leaves and see several animals along the way.

The princess in the kitchen garden (Prinses van de moestuin)
Heymans, Annemie//Heymans, Margriet
Because her mother died, Hannah takes care of her father and brother. Hannah decides to run away because she feels unappreciated. She goes to Mama's old kitchen garden. Her family reunites in an amazing way!

Aunt elaine does the dance from spain
Komaiko, Leah
Katy's family is of Yiddish decent, born in Mexico. However; Katy's Aunt Elaine enjoys spanich dancing and speaking spanish phrases. Katy attends one of Aunt Elaine's dance shows and realizes why her aunt grealty enjoys spanish dancing.

A very important day
Herold, Maggie Rugg
A snowstorm adds to the wonder and excitement of this very important day during which 219 people become U.S. citizens.

Dear juno
Pak, Soyung
A little boy name Juno receives a letter from his grandmother in Seoul, Korea. He's unable to read the letter since it is written in her native language, but he's able to gain an understanding of it from the photograph and dried flower that accompanies it. Juno decides to send a letter of his own in a very inventive way.

A carp for kimiko
Kroll, Virginia
Kimiko is a young Japanese girl who desperately wants a carp kite to fly on Children's Day. But only boys are allowed to have these kites, and Kimiko questions this rule.

Norma jean, jumping bean
Cole, Joanna
Norma Jean is a kangaroo who always jumps. She did so even at inappropriate times. Her friends got mad at her, so she decided to no longer jump. Then her friends noticed her change and missed the old Norma Jean. Finally, Norma Jean learns there is a time and place for jumping.

Chanukah in chelm
Adler, David A.
Mendal, the caretaker of the Chelm synagogue must find a table to set the menorah on. He searches the synagogue and cannot find one. Rabbi Nachman sends him to a carpenter to get one. Preparation for Hanukkah in this town of Chelm is remarkably eventful and fun.

The little brass band
Brown, Margaret Wise
A band gathers on a trail, then go into a town to play for people. When they are finished, they slowly go their separate ways.

The beetle bush
Keller, Beverly
Arabelle thinks she is a failure at everything she tries. In a last effort to succeed at something, she plants a garden with many seeds, but it is taken over by bugs. When the landlord comes, she decides she is a success at making a beetle bus and a snail trail. The landlord finds it wonderful.

The spider who created the world
MacDonald, Amy
Nobb, the spider, needs a place to set her egg but the sun, moon, and cloud don't want her around. Her only friend, Air, offers her a place but Air can't hold an egg so Nobb uses her net to catch the sun, moon, and cloud and uses pieces of them to create a home for her egg. When she had created the world the egg hatched and from it came all the creatures of the world.

Amy belligera and the fireflies
Buckley, Paul
A witch casts a spell causing every bug not to be able to speak except for one. That one bug visits the witch and tells her that no other bug except for him can speak. So the witch makes the bugs' tails light up so they do not have to speak to communicate.

The giant jam sandwich
Lord, John Vernon//Burroway, Janet
When 4 million wasps suddenly descend upon the town of Itching Down, the villagers decide something must be done. They set out to make a mountain sized loaf of bread for a jam sandwich that will hopefully capture the buzzing insects.

Shy charles (Charles le timide)
Wells, Rosemary
Charles is a very shy mouse who does not like to talk to anyone. He likes to play alone, and he hates talking on the phone. One day, his babysitter gets hurt and Charles becomes her hero.

Thy friend, obadian
Turkle, Brinton
A seagull takes a liking to a young boy and follows him around. The boy finds the seagull annoying and tries to scare it away. However, when the bird is missing, the boy goes to find it. He finds it with a fishhook in it's beak. Obidian takes the fishhook out and gains a new friend.

Maggie and the emergency room
Davison, Martine
On a bike ride with her friends, Rita hits a tree root and flips over her handelbars. Maggie's mother takes Maggie and Binky (her favorite stuffed animal) to the hospital. Maggie learns all about x-rays, stitches, and other emergency techniques.

Island baby
Keller, Holly
Simon works for Pops at the bird hospital. Simon finds a flamingo with a broken leg and helps nurse it back to health. In the end, he has to let it go.