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  • Tags: friendship
Gracias, the thanksgiving turkey
Cowley, Joy
Miguel's dad, a truck driver, sends Miguel a turkey to fatten up for Thanksgiving. Miguel and his family care for and love the turkey, and they name her Gracias. When Thanksgiving arrives no one can eat Gracias the turkey, instead they eat chicken for Thanksgiving dinner!

The man
Briggs, Raymond
After Johnny meets a tiny man, he takes the man in and cares for him. There are many explosive encounters between Johnny and the man, including arguments over food and money.

Voices in the park
Browne, Anthony
A typical day's walk through the park is seen through the eyes of a grouchy woman, an unhappy man, a lonely boy, and a happy young girl. An intriguing look at how friendships are made and torn apart.

Great aunt martha
Jones, Rebecca C.
A young girl wonders what is so great about Great Aunt Martha when she comes to visit. Since Great Aunt Martha is visiting, the girl has to be very quiet. She decides nothing is great about her great aunt until Great Aunt Martha wants to have fun and make noise.

Dunbar, Joyce
Sophie, a young girl, takes her toy rabbit into the woods - disobeying her mother. She accidentally leaves him in the woods where he is hurt. Then some other rabbits try to fix him up. When Sophie gets back, she tells him never to go to the woods again.

Turtle spring
Zagwyn, Deborah Turney
One summer, as young Clee finds herself lost in the shuffle with the arrival of a new baby brother, Uncle Fishtank Hal comes to the rescue when he asks her to care for his special southern-breed turtle. For Clee, caring for the turtle is like therapy to cope with the new changes in her life. That is until the turtle dies due to the harsh cold winter and Clee is forced to bury him out in the yard. Without the turtle, Clee spends time with her new brother and learns to enjoys his company. In spring however, the turtle springs back to like in the compost pile and Clee gains a new outlook on the changes in her life.

Nice new neighbors
Brandenberg, Franz
The Fieldmouse children struggle to gain friends and acceptance when they move into their new home. Father encourages them to go play with each new family, but they are rejected each time.

Little gorilla
Bornstein, Ruth
A little gorilla's family and friends try to help him overcome his special growing pains.

Little cliff's first day of school
Taulbert, Clifton
Little Cliff is dreading the first day of school. He has heard that school is all work and no fun. With the continued encouragement of his great-grandmother, Cliff finally heads to school. Upon arrival, he sees all of his friends and discovers that school can be fun too.

Trick-or-treat for diabetes: A halloween story for kids living with diabetes
Gosselin, Kim
Halloween is quickly approaching. Sarah is feeling sad because she knows that she cannot eat as many sweets as her friends. This is because Sarah has diabetes. Sarah and her mother eventually learn that Halloween is not all about candy; it's about having fun.

The secret box mystery
Nixon, Joan Lowery
Michael John brings in a secret science project that makes wierd noises. It gets loose and a new classmate helps him catch the mystery animal. The new boy gains acceptance by the students.

The truffle pig
Bishop, Clair Huchet//Wiese, Kurt
Pierre and his family are very poor. They work together and save their money to buy a piglet, Marcel. Pierre and Marcel become good friends and when it comes time to kill Marcel, they run away together. Marcel discovers truffles, an expensive food, and becomes The Truffle Pig. No longer is the family poor or hungry.

Three-star billy
Hutchins, Pat
Billy is a little monster who does not want to go to school. At school, he receives stars. At the end of the day, he does not want to go home.

Hughes, Shirley
A young girl likes to talk. She chats with everyone. She even describes her experiences watching other people chatting.

Amelia bedelia helps out
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedelia and her niece go to help Miss Emma get ready for a lunch party. Miss Emma asks them to weed the garden, give the chickens scraps, stake her bean plants and various other things. Amelia misunderstands her wishes by taking them literally and mixes everything up.

The great pumpkin switch
McDonald, Megan
A grandpa tells his grandchildren a story about his childhood when he and a friend mistakenly cut the vine on his sister's pumpkin. Grandpa's sister grew the pumpkin in order to earn a patch for her quilt. The boys find a way to save the pumpkin so that her hard work is not lost.

A day with Wilbur Robinson
Joyce, William
Wilburs best friend spends the day at his house looking for his grandfather's false teeth. In the process, they meet one crazy relative after another.

Rita goes to the hospital
Davison, Martine
Rita gets very scared when a letter from the hospital arrives announcing that her tonsils will be taken out. Eventually, the hospital workers help Rita overcome her fears of surgery. She is happy when she wakes up afterwards and is given her favorite ice cream for dinner -- strawberry!

When mommy is sick
Sherkin-Langer, Ferne
When a little girl's mom is sick and has to stay in the hospital she becomes sad and doesn't want to sing or play with her friends. She visits her mom, but she is nervous that her hugs might hurt her. When her mom finally comes home, the little girl is happy to have her back but worries that she won't be there when she wakes up.

Otto shares a tear
Morey, Kathleen
In a rhyming text, Kathleen describes the many different ways in which people cry. She notes how her friends and parents show emotion.

Charley's clan
Sellers, Naomi
Charley has permission from his mother to move to Texas with his best friend, if he cannot find another friend after he leaves.

Bus ride
Jewell, Nancy
Jamie, a young girl is going on a bus ride alone to visit her grandpa. She meets Mrs. Rivers who sits with her and takes care of her. She becomes very fond of Mrs. Rivers and then must get off to meet her grandfather. She tells him all about her new friend.

Guys from space
Pinkwater, Daniel
A little boy meets the guys from space. He goes with them in their spaceship to explore new planets. The space guys are so nice that they bring him home in time for dinner. His mother does not believe him about his trip.

Otto learns about his medicine: A story about medication for children with ADHD
Galvin, Matthew
Otto has trouble paying attention in school. He is a young car who honks his horn during class, races away from the gas pumps causing a spill, and several other hyperactive behaviors. His parents take Otto to visit a special mechanic in order to get medicine to help control his behavior.

I'll be you and you be me
Krauss, Ruth
Would you and your friends like to read the poems, plays, fairy tales, and songs in this book?Which parts will you pantomime?

Once in a wood: Ten tales from aesop
Rice, Eve
Follow the Fox, the Lion, and other animals through the various lessons of life. Aesop's Fables teach many lessons about being clever and playing the fool.

Regards to the man in the moon
Keats, Ezra Jack
Louie and his dad decide to use some old junk and their imagination to get out of this world. Louie's friends make fun of him but he has a great fantasy. He invites his friends to try it the next day.

It's school time
Oechsli, Kelly
A boy runs to school, participates in the day, and then walks home (A Wordless book).

Mirette on the highwire
McCully, Emily Arnold
Mirette learns to walk a tightrope from Bellini, the world famous tightrope walker, who has quit because of fear. Mirette encourages Bellini and they walk the high wire together.

Pepito's story
Fern, Eugene
Pepito is the only boy in the village who likes to dance, and so he is made fun of because of his dancing. Only his grandmother understands until a girl in the village gets very sick, and only Pepito's singing makes her well.

Ben's trumpet
Isadora, Rachel
Ben is a young boy who loves to go into the jazz club and listen to all of the different instruments. He especially likes the trumpet. He often pretends he is playing the trumpet until one day he actually receives one.

Angelina on stage
Holabird, Katharine
Angeline and Henry are asked to do a play and both are excited. Angelina gets jealous when Henry gets to speak. During the performance, Henry gets nervous and Angelina saves him and the play.

The great snake escape
Coxe, Molly
Mirabel, a goose, and Maxie, a frog, worry when they find out a snake has escaped from the zoo. The snake actually shows up in time to help Mirabel and Maxie and another friendship is formed.

Little penguin
Benson, Patrick
Pip is a three-year old penguin. She is much smaller than some of the other penguins that are three years old, and this worries her. Eventually,she realizes that size does not matter because friendship goes beyond appearance.

Fighting words
Merriam, Eve
Dale and Leda are each jealous of what they do not have. They decide to fight and hurl a number of creative words at each other.

Gilberto and the wind
Ets, Marie Hall
Gilberto is a friend with the wind. The wind and Gilberto do things for each other.

Hi tom
Ward, Nanda
Tom lives far away from school and wishes he had a friend with whom to walk from school. He feels he has friends calling out to him when he echoes his names from on top of Hermit Mountain. Little did he know that a Hermit lived on the mountain and was disturbed by his echoes. Tom's echoes eventually lead to a friendship between the two.

Chicken sunday
Polacco, Patricia
Three children want to thank Miss Eula for her chicken dinners she makes each Sunday. They decide to sell Easter eggs. They make enough money to buy her an Easter hat.

Spier, Peter
Throughout a day, two children gaze up at the clouds and see many things that the clouds are forming.

If the dinosaurs came back
Most, Bernard
A little boy dreams that dinosaurs come back and thinks of all the neat thing that could happen with modern day dinosaurs.

The tightrope walker
Gervais, Benadette//Pittau, Francisco
Phil dreams of walking on a tightrope. He practices on the edge of his bed and on the clothesline. Phil walks a tightrope that takes him over fields, past Louises's house, past the city, out to the sea, into the mountains, and back home just in time for bed.

Sarah and the dragon
Coville, Bruce
After an argument with her friend Oakhorn the unicorn, Sarah is kidnapped by a lonely dragon. In his castle, he is human and they become friends. The only way he can break the spell is to do something good while he is a dragon.

Wildsmith, Brian
Rosie becomes seriously ill after the fair leaves town. Everyone is worried until she dreams a beautiful dream about the fair and the carousel. This dream gives her the hope she needs to get well.

The dragon wore pink
Hope, Christopher
Tarquin is a dinosaur and his fellow dragon disowned him. After settling a quarrel between the dragons and people. Tarquin is criticized again. He and Ellio fly away.

Me and my captain
Goffstein, M.B.
Stuck on a shelf, a doll copes with her loneliness by dreaming that she will meet the toy captain from the shelf below. Through her vivid imagination, she makes the captain come alive and imagines the kind of life they will have together.

Miss flora mcflimsey's easter bonnet
A little girl dresses up her dolls to go to an Easter party but did not have anything for Miss Flora. A sweet rabbit notices she is crying and finds a solution. He has his aunt make Miss Flora a new bonnet. She wins a prize for the most original costume.

Dr. duck
Ehrlich, H.M.
Different animals are under the care of an old-fashioned country doctor named Dr. Duck. A crow has a broken toe, a baby mouse has a fever, and a beaver has a cough. Everyone comes to help Dr. Duck when he gets sick.

Camper of the week
Schwartz, Amy
Rosie is the camper of the week and refuses to be a part of a prank. The other campers are caught and disciplined, and even though she did not do it, she admits to it to help her friends from being more severely punished.

The hokey-pokey man
Kroll, Steven
Ben and Sarah, two children in New York City in the early 20th century, are friends with Joe, the ice cream man. With the help of his cousin, Joe surprises the city with a new concept of ice cream cones. The children almost ruin his surprise.

Lemonade serenade or the thing in the garden
Madden, Don
Woodrow and Miss Twig have cookies and lemonade every afternoon in Miss Twig's wild garden. One day, they hear a frightening noise. They discover a musical elf and soon invite him and his music to their afternoon party.