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  • Tags: cat
Heart of a tiger
Arnold, Marsha D.
One week before Naming Day, the character does on a search for Bengal. The parrots and monkeys were not kind to him in the forest and even teased him. Even in the face of danger and violence, this character shows how to have the heart of a tiger.

Let's find it!
Arnold, Katya
An assortment of environmental themes, such as a park, a street scene, a garden, a pond, a beach and a forest are used as background to identify plants and animals. Words are used to label and identify different plants and aniamls in our environment.

Chin yu min and the ginger cat
Armstrong, Jennifer
Chin Yu Min is married to a wealthy man. She takes advantage of their wealth and is very mean to people. Her husbands dies, and she is now poor. She finds a cat that catches fish, so she gets him to stay with her. She is attached to the cat now, but she accidentally gives him away. She later finds him and has now learned to appreciate her good fortunes.

Anno's animals
Anno, Mitsumasa
Look carefully at every page because animals, birds, and people are hidden in the pictures.

How the witch got alf
Annett, Cora
Alf is a donkey that feels unappreciated, so he hides on the roof and pretends to run away. His two owners miss him very much. Alf learns how appreciated he really is.

All about you
Anholt, Catherine//Anholt, Laurence
Everyone is different, no one is quite the same. Discover all about you!How do you feel today?Are you hungry?Each time it's a new story.

It's so nice to have a wolf around
Allard, Harry//Marshall, James
An old man and his three old pets needed someone to look after them. The wolf came and helped them get their spirits up. The man and his cats did not know that the wolf was wanted for bank robbery. The wolf was set free because he was so nice to the old man and they all lived happily ever after.

My five senses
How do you taste your favorite food or see an airplane in the sky?Your five senses let you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. You may use one sense or several at one time. Wherever you go and whatever you do, your senses are always working for you.

The house gobbaleen
Alexander, Lloyd
After a stroke of bad luck, Tooley calls up on the Friendly Folk to help him improve his luck. When Hooks comes to the door, Tooley invites him in the house despite warnings from his cat. Hooks takes advantage of Tooley and makes his luck even worse than before-until the house gobbaleen scares Hooks away.

The oreo cookie counting book
Albee, Sarah
From 10 to 1, it's Oreo counting fun. Practice counting down from 10 to 1 with the help of Oreo cookies. Oh, some friends have come along to help. Turn the page and find out how many Oreos are left.

What comes in 2's, 3's, and 4's?
Aker, Suzanne
What comes in two's?Some of the things are two pieces of bread for a sandwich, two body parts, and two wings on a bird. What comes in three's?Three wheels on a tricycle, three meals each day, and three primary colors. Can you come up with thing that comes in four's?

The snail house
Ahlberg, Allan
Grandma calls in her three grandchildren to tell a story. A boy, a girl, and their baby brother all shrink until they can sneak out of the house unnoticed. They move into a snail house for a day where they have adventures with an earthquake, a disappearing baby, and a scary bird. After the adventures, they thank the snail and return home to become their normal size.

Charlie anderson
Abercrombre, Barbara
A cat has two homes. He sleeps at two little girls' houses, but he goes to his real house during the day. He discovers it is nice to have two places to call home.