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Decide to Get Up and Get Moving
McIntyre, Shanyn
Don't Get Beat. . . Use Your Feet!
Banyas, Julie; Reese, Callen
Emphasize the Exercise
Brown, Jarrell; Heinlen, Kyle
Every Morning I. . .
Kokmendat, Tiffany; Ackerman, Brooke
Everyday I Make Decisions
Robison, Kate; McQuitty, Tasha
Exercise Decisions Improve My Health
Johnson, Jalen
Futbol! Soccer!
Smith, Chelsea; Mazgaj, Elizabeth
Gaining and Maintaining Independence Through Exercise
Eustaquio, Erika; Siedlecki, Michael
Getting a Hand on Wellness
DeWitt, Jessica; Fusco, Bryan
Habit of Mind: Making Daily Healthy Decisions
Madrigrano, Aimee